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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Even Don bringing and dancing sensually with other girls isn’t attracting chats or discussions here .. somehow this extreme plastic change of Carla has made me personally not willing to tune in ..
  2. Body language for has always been an “ indicator “ and this is how I made the conclusion here .. let’s see , hopefully she’s not 😊
  3. She would be nervous , lots of talks with Olivia , toilet visits , many hours away of the apartment and possible doctor schedule things , she’s also young and I think even more nervous than an older woman … we will see for sure but I really don’t think that Ulyana is pregnant ( I don’t even think that this guy is really what Marat has been for her for example in order to be the mother of his child ) … but the Russian and Ukrainian girls do many times things that have other purposes , let’s see .. still I doubt for any pregnancy of Ulyana .
  4. Montenegro has beach clubs , very nice beach places , great center to walk around and enjoy the locals .. it is a balcan country , completely different of where all these people have grown up , even Barcelona, Prague and Rome and wherever Elli and Vencel are in Poland , this is a completely different mentality city .. let’s see how the months will be developing and if this couple will try and make friendships so as to see new faces on cameras .
  5. If we have understood one thing with RLC tenants , it is simply this .. We should NEVER EVER doubt the ones who have done it all and have been more than generous and in a way lived a normal life in front of cameras . As I said , according to what we have seen from Tasha , Sam and Masha , we shouldn’t be expecting anything of major incidents like we have seen in the past .. But Eva knows this world of cameras and if the chance appears , I think she will be once again generous . It might be a one time thing like we saw Masha / Dasha , it might be that this incredibly sexual and sensual woman simply goes out and she seduces someone who will accept the presence on cameras and then , well , Eva will be “ teaching “ again 😆 I am also happy even that she’s around and it’s nice to watch and fantasize this woman , at the moment personally I am a lucky bastard having Ulyana and Eva at the same time , Sambuka I have my obsessions due to her full of incredible lust face and normal nice body and the only pity is that the full amazing of skills Tani prefers to enjoy her “ female hunger “ outside .. it is a good RLC period 😇
  6. You would have seen a complete change of attitude of Ulyana if she was pregnant or so .. Nothing of this is happening , let’s now move on and enjoy her moments .
  7. If you watch carefully Linda and Tibor , their apartment is almost empty as they have moved all of their things , the speculation is that they will be moving very soon ( leaving the project ) .
  8. I forgot Carla 🤦 , thanks for the correction and of course the details in numbers .
  9. A different kind of show , it happens at times in the villas also but when Ulyana does it , ahh well , it is different 😋😋
  10. I think England is but let’s not start this debate ( nobody should underestimate the QUEEN Real Madrid of Champions League and the PRINCESS Sevilla of Europa league as title holders of these tournaments with the most wins )
  11. She’s a public person and a star 😆 .. she has the benefits then as she makes this business famous ( I still don’t know how she does it being away nearly half of the day 😂🤣 )
  12. Leora and Paul mark their 10th year anniversary with RLC ( on and off cameras ) this year .. I think then the longest is Dasha as a tenant and then Bogdan / Nelly the second longest couple ( in terms of when they first appeared on cameras ) and then Masha and Sasha the other longest tenants ( again in order of appearance ) , but Masha is the second longest with a continuous run after Leora and Paul , still , the longest couples after Leora and Paul are currently Linda and Tibor and then followed by Martina and Alberto . Good friend Noldus ( or/ and stncld ) who keep/ update the archives provide the best answers with the dates of appearance and off cameras next to the tenants , a very very helpful statistic which can actually explain so many things we are watching at certain times .
  13. Whoever wants to “ translate “ the FWB abbreviation or meaning , they can have a look on what Dylan and Ashley have . And whoever says that wouldn’t like what Ashley and Dylan have , i honestly can’t say what we could want in that age and in that place that these two people live .
  14. As was mentioned , never ever underestimate Ulyana , she has total and complete knowledge that if it wasn’t for her fans / viewers / subscribers , she might have still been in Russia and not traveling in Europe or her ( sister ? ) Olivia wouldn’t be succeeding in trying her skills in singing … Ulyana will always provide whatever content , even today wearing nearly the whole day the maid’s uniform , she was preparing of the evening night to follow . I just think that you should be a bit “ gentle “ with her , she’s not committing any crime having a private life and to her big appreciation towards her personality , she’s not hiding it and shares this part of her private life and experience / story with us the viewers . She could be a Leora or the B2 girls who simply use their apartments as a rent free / place to sleep and completely ignore . We need to accept that these people are like any of us , Ulyana is having a completely normal life , liking or not the boyfriend is another thing but SHE NEVER EVER has been hiding anything from us . On the contrary , she’s one of the greatest ever appearing for this site , as has been said , the only one and true successor of Leora ( if she had the luck needed when she joined B1 a couple of years ago , she would have now been the absolute Nr.1 tenant )
  15. I guess we learn that Sambuka has 2 “official” sex partners ( both Spanish speaking ) and Anthony was / is going to be her bonus .. let’s see how it goes and her in apartment actions 😎🥸 … Megan and Shantal can at least get horny hopefully “ smelling/feeling “ the sex aura when she’s around 🤩😆
  16. Nice to see you posting and reappearing , despite our differences , you always have thoughts and you presented them with arguments , very few do so … I will just comment on your post that the Leora you describe before Paul , for my personal taste , has been a normal human being , with change of emotions , wondering , questioning , thinking , trying to accept or reject things , SHE WAS A HUMAN BEING trying to understand , adjust , behave and act / react in her daily life things .. One more proof that she was making - like now - a tremendous mistake trying to balance her off cameras life with the on cameras one when the one WAS IN A COMPLETE connection with the other , causing the things your mention happening and we were witnessing . It is a robot life then nowadays , this calm and peace that you refer , looks the way things should be , but it is exactly this life that ABSOLUTELY NO FEELINGS , NO EMOTIONS , NO ACTIONS / REACTIONS are shown ( at least on cameras as away from them , it might indeed be that Leora and Paul are living an incredible being in love couples life - whoever shares / believes this opinion will really catch me speechless ) . It then as a conclusion comes the thought of which Leora subscribers wish to watch .. the human being and full of emotions one or the one that lives a repeated , isolated , boring and lonely life .. and before you get me wrong saying “ how can she be lonely when she has the man she loves next to her “ , as I said , this is a couple that makes sex out of obligation 1-2 times per week ( and what kind of sex …. 😱 ) and the girl that she “ ISN’T LONELY “ and enjoys her boyfriend , inserts butt plugs , uses toys , closes the doors , she sleeps nearly 12 hours per day and she just goes out of her place 2-3 hours per day only to be back to fulfill her on cameras obligations ( and nearly every second day provide for two as her guy has completely other interests than seeing life in Europe as an opportunity to expand , explore , search , challenge himself for opportunities which lead him and his girl to a more stable life the moment both of them will go out of the cameras world ) . Many people appeared today , agreeing or disagreeing , always at least you have your opinion and you share it explaining , a nice return you made .
  17. In any case , I think we can all agree that the time is almost up .. 1st may didn’t happen , if not 1st June , it is just inevitable .
  18. Rome is preparing for an endless party if the football result remains … 😉😉 An endless night of car / bike horns in case Roma keeps the score .. Masha’s apartment nearby a main street is always a vehicles parade , the cats will be worried 😄
  19. Very nice and honest thoughts 😊👏👏👏
  20. Greetings from the “ get a life place “ 😂🤣 the 9043 image is just taken ( 5 minutes ago ) 😂🤣😂🤣 the rest is the last 48 hours .. I think your “ get a life wish “ should be addressed to these two people of this apartment .
  21. I don’t BOTHER how she lives her life , I CRITICIZE how she lives her life .. I think I have the right to do this . I am asking again very straight and with all the kindness of the world .. IS ANYONE HERE knowing any other person living such a life ? If anyone tells me “ yes I do “ but how can you believe me , I will really need to question my theories and opinion of how the world currently works and spins around . I strongly disagree that she is happy , but again , it is my interpretation of on cameras life . Happiness is a “ heavy “ word , it depends if we divide the Leora the RLC employee happiness ( 100% happy ) and Leora ( real name not allowed to be shared ) the real life person ( more than 50% unhappy in my opinion ) .. I always speak of the majority , small things can give millions of pleasure , big things can be the beginning of sadness and disappointment .. if I stay silent and not expressing my thoughts , I would be making a favor to many people here .. and this I don’t want ( being silent and not commenting has been a choice but there are the times like today and every now and then that certain people also take me out of the hole to appear , I can’t understand why for example Pulo can make 25 posts per day and get 25 reactions and people like we appear every now and then can make 5 posts and interpret things a bit deeper ) . Conclusion , as you know my residence , I wish Leora had the chance to experience even 10% of the life that the place I live offers , then maybe it could all make a better sense .
  22. At least she could appear with her equipment for whatever .. the bad thing is that she isn’t willing to have any connection with her colleagues ..
  23. This is because we have seen ABSOLUTELY everything from these two .. Also , the times that this apartment got really “ talkable “ it was when Sasha was completely drunk … let’s see how and what Evan brings , many people have insane expectations 😉
  24. She’s is really fine with her music direction … I am a fan of her music style and I can tell that she knows what she does … but even this , is kept away and not being the “ resident “ dj at parties in the villa 😏😏😗
  25. Their RLC purpose has been served I think , time to move on with their real life , they are still young and the future awaits . Linda and Tibor managed to escape , Leora and Paul are struggling , Masha faces ups and downs , Dasha and Sasha came back to make some money and as a good/ trustful investment for RLC to open in a new market / country .. the more they continue staying , the more they will hurt an incredible on cameras presence and the legacy they will leave behind , an amazing example of how cameras life should be ..
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