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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Another fantasy for many voyers is fulfilled , that is sex in the balcony and the sun soon to rise , full light then , no words for this incredible whole nighter / dawn 👏👏👏👏
  2. Sambuka and partner in some of the most wild things we have seen , not so often a girl makes a rim job to a guy … pff , fantastic … 🤩🤩
  3. The things that Sambuka does by taking advantage of all of the apartment are simply fantastic .. these are things made out of the wildest voyeur’s thoughts .. no words for Sambuka ..
  4. I was week after week waiting for you to appear and post this , here you are then .. and of course , we need to pay you the respects needed , you have been saying this indeed since a very very long time .. but also - as you might be noticing - this Martina’s off cameras situation which it looks that it “ colds “ gradually and more even on cameras her on cameras relationship with Alberto , it is just this past week that was mentioned and even more , it started - as we are learning - nearly 9 months ago . I think Alberto’s lifestyle led Martina to make such a choice , Martina is a girl who simply loves her life and wants to live unique , endless experiences and Alberto is a more conservative guy and in a way “ closed “ to himself . We can say that it was inevitable for this to happen , the surprise is that this has stayed away off cameras , i don’t think Martina and Alberto would have a problem sharing this third person on cameras , I guess it is a choice of this person not wanting being on cameras or -as I have said - maybe Martina doesn’t want to expose this person live . So many things can be told but kudos and respect given when deserved , you could see a lot , others could see also other valid things , in the end , we now all see a rather “ cold “ relationship and let’s see what’s more about to come .. Always great for this topic when your opinion is posted and presented , as we have said , whenever there are many reactions , it means you are doing something right 😇 Even if you have been “ trashed “ then , it seems you have been calling many things right 😇
  5. It’s been a reaaaaaaaaaaaly long time that - for my own preferences - has been on cameras such an extreme “ diversity “ girl .. Sambuka hasn’t got the expected reactions when she’s being touched , kissed , licked , having sex , she’s kind of cold if I can say so , like she enjoys sex mechanically … BUT , at the same time , I can’t remember a girl having a face like hers which only looking at her , the woman can melt even the coldest iceberg in the history of humanity in seconds 😆 . An incredibly beautiful face , full of lust and expressive , silently calling you to pass the gates of hell and start becoming the world’s biggest sinner , committing a sin after sin after sin .. it is like her face asks to satisfy all of the wild needs that she might have , also what a man can fantasize , but when the action begins , I can’t say she has the expected reactions . I might be exaggerating or being unfair or strict or whatever , but the thoughts in the mind for this woman are so much varied that any appearance of her and the things being expected , they are really a unique “ momentum “ and a “ must see “ for whoever has the time and the patience to discover and explore this incredible woman . Maybe a team Sambuka should be created 😂🤣😂🤣 , since the girl is inevitable to gather fans and haters due to the fact that even if being the beginning , she makes lots of her private time also outside quite often , perhaps she’s more out than in the B1 ( at least for now she is )
  6. It might be as so 😛 … but since we never saw , we need to categorize it as “ speculation “ 😆 .. Let’s see what’s gonna be , one of the biggest advantages for “ shy “ or “ not willing to be exposed completely “ tenants , it is always the girls that have done it all and perhaps they can talk these ones and make them relax for exposure .. Especially Megan being a veteran and has done it all ..
  7. Let’s hope that Sambuka can slowly make the other two “ horny “ and active .. Megan is definitely a veteran but it can’t be that these girls , at such an age , they prefer loneliness than having fun and getting technical satisfaction … Let’s see if Sambuka will become the revolution of the apartment for Shantal and Megan .
  8. I think with the news spreading out gradually that Martina has a “ girlfriend “ relationship and hiding it , we can officially declare that Martina and Alberto are now two great Friends With Benefits . Yes , the love , emotions and feelings are there , but both have accepted that it is a partnership for a reason and this is what we are watching . Martina hiding her relationship is fine as long as the “ sharing person “ doesn’t want to appear on cameras or Martina doesn’t want to be exposed for whatever reasons . All the rest , it is simply what applies to the rest of the apartments and tenants , that is , if people can’t balance their private on and off cameras life and they are hiding it but at the same time benefiting from it , I am sorry to say , but these tenants should be going . To make it more exact , the current examples of such behavior is Cheryl and Nikolas , Tani , Lara and Nadia . All the rest , one way or the other , they try to live real lives in front of cameras . And if anyone says something about Sambuka , the girl is trying to balance an on and off cameras life as we have seen , she brings people in the apartment she shared and she recently attended a party with fellow colleagues . I think when tenants reach the point that they can’t or having difficulties to maintain a life on cameras , it is time to quit and go outside to the real world and see how much more difficult it will all be .
  9. I get the feeling that Gloria might have scared with her collapse that occurred some days ago and then soon after being totally off with alcohol and she’s really quiet the last 2-3 days … let’s see how it goes ..
  10. Two girls having a normal real life , obviously it is difficult for many people to accept it . On the other hand , when they are staying home and they are on their mobiles and do nothing , they then complain that it is a boring apartment . It will never be easy in Barcelona for any tenant to be appreciated for the life they have chosen to do . Yes , we can complain for Lara and slowly for Nadia , but the rest , they try ( and they do pretty ok in my opinion ) to reward the viewers . Still , there will always be the ones saying that RLC is dead no matter the many different ways that the apartments operate ..
  11. Masha is more than the cameras has shown us , despite being open and having done almost all and never hidden anything , nobody can be sure how her inside emotional world might be . But - there are other forum members who have been watching her even more detailed than I have through the years and for sure have a better thinking , I believe they observe the posts but don’t contribute in posting themselves - for me she’s just on a state that she simply enjoys the good times with Elvis ( that is sex ) . Other than that , as we have seen , they don’t do anything else together . They don’t go out ( at least regularly ) to bars or clubs or for afternoon / evening Rome walking around , they don’t go on holidays together , Masha never goes to his place . Everything happens in Masha’s place . Maybe , maybe , maybe , if we see or ( ( since we can’t ) assume that Masha and Elvis share nearly everything , we can talk for this relationship perhaps getting serious from Masha’s side . But I don’t think this is the option for Masha here , the open relationship that as was mentioned said to him , might be a solution but obviously it isn’t a decision that can be taken just like this .
  12. You are right with this .. but fresh made relationships like this one which is now nearly getting one year’s old , eventually one of the two starts getting jealous emotions .. I think Elvis has shown his jealousy according to Masha’s words , it will be interesting to see how this will be handled on cameras but as I said , I don’t think there are any emotions / feelings for Masha … but , life is strange and things happen when we least expect .. let’s see .
  13. Masha a whore because she has an active sexual life and lives her life … ok .. So , we men that we fuck a lot , we are , hmm what ? Gigolos ? Or sexy motherfuckers ? I don’t understand why we should characterize tenants who simply have a normal life like millions of other women as “ whores “ when the only thing that they do is to simply live their lives . But since you are a Leora fan and you like watching a woman inserting dildos and trying to find satisfaction because her eternal boyfriend / male partner can’t give it to her , I guess Leora isn’t a whore because instead of having a variety of real dicks , she has chosen to insert dozens of plastic ones … whatever . I simply laugh with the characterizations because PEOPLE DECIDE LIVING THEIR LIVES . I have you as a more open minded , Masha NEVER EVER CHEATED while in a relationship , in comparison to Monastery Girl Leora who had for 1,5 years a boyfriend when for her ( as is proved ) Paul was always her boyfriend …
  14. It is just a bit of more than a month that Masha returned from Montenegro and she was complaining / blaming Elvis on how he was acting like a child , sending her dozens of messages per day , phoning her and generally not letting her be “ free “ and enjoy the company and friendship of her two ex lovers while on holidays . She was saying that she doesn’t want anymore and that they will break up for the 9th time if i remember correctly 😂 .. Obviously - and with less than 24 hours she was back - she tasted good , quality sex the way she wants and “ forgot “ it all 😂😆 . I think she has a golden chance to get the legal papers as long as the possibility of the marriage happens , Elvis will be used for Masha’s purposes and that’s it ( I don’t say that they won’t be staying together and all this , most probably it will be like now ) . It isn’t nice that Masha plays this game but she also isn’t faking things with him , she does really enjoy him around but as far as love is concerned , well , let’s discuss something more serious 😇
  15. NOT MYSELF Posted 3 hours ago if Tani continual bates, wide open to her bedroom camera ...she doesn't need to go to these stupid parties ... she socializes fine with all B4 tenants and others , and so much nudity , funky lingerie , hot showers , patio nude tanning ... she does more than any of them frankly ,,, she can stay and more than half of the others can go well before they would touch this little star !!! I have said again and again that I am a big big big fan of Tani , I consider her a fantastic woman , I think she’s much more than what we have been witnessing and she hasn’t fully unfolded her personality for a variety of reasons that isn’t of the present to analyze . Let’s not forget also that she’s one of the best sexual skills performers ever appeared , the things this woman can do - personally for me - can only be compared of the things that sweet little Ulyana can do , but Tani was in a way teaching Tim so many things , he was even managing to keep him active when he had performance issues . But that’s not the point , Tani - AGAIN - she HAS been a great tenant back in the days and before this new guy in her life appeared and she seems to be happy with him the few times we have seen him on cameras as well . But , good friend Timber has made the BEST COMMENT regarding her and the interest she has with RLC , for me it is also sad to consider her in the same level of interest at the moment like Lara in B2 . Yes , I put her in this level , the masturbations and whatever else don’t bring anything for me on the table when this woman has shown that she can be social , she can interact , she can enjoy and have fun . Her interest is clearly out of the villa , it is sad to say , but with all the extreme action happening in both villas , she and the two monastery girls seem not being part of the atmosphere . Careful , I am not saying that she should be an Ashley type or Gloria - when she drinks she’s losing it - , definitely we need slower pace girls , girls who aren’t the same craziness . For example , Aziza and Wendy and Azura have really a great and decent presence since they joined and Aziza has been a really good tenant since the appearance of the new girls . So , a Tani of that style would make for me a great girl to watch , of course , whoever likes the RLC standard obligations that the girls NEED to do so as to justify their presence in the villa , enjoy the show .. But Tani could always be more than this .
  16. Let’s repeat .. whoever believes that Masha has any love interest to Elvis , it is better to watch another more “ innocent “ apartment .. Masha simply loves the sex with him , nothing more nothing less . Elvis is just nice company so as not to be alone at times on the apartment .. It isn’t a coincidence that since Elvis started appearing daily , Masha has gone really much away of being the place that we can see people , things happening , new people being introduced .. I think she’s just slowing down a bit , perhaps thinking a lot of the future and this citizenship - which as it has been mentioned requires a marriage to be legit - which can finally make her a European citizen and she won’t need to worry anymore for any social rules within EU in the future . For sure it has cost of interest as Masha’s place has always been popular due to the unpredictability , but , I have always had trust and faith and confidence to the BEST ever RLC tenant in history of this site and I am more than sure she won’t disappoint again . Masha is way too much experienced to know ALL about her commitment to RLC , therefore , let’s see how it all goes with her stay .
  17. Yes , I think Zara also might have awaken because of the music …
  18. After what we have been witnessing the last days , I think many here expect to see what can happen later - and if there’s energy for more and not going to sleep - when we have again the surreal thing , Dylan being around all the ladies he has fucked ( apart from Gloria laying in bed and Ari who sadly departed ) 😂🤣 and random guys who might expect anything ( especially being much older than the girls - and Dylan - )
  19. I don’t think that they would be going so extreme with being that loud before 08:00 Spanish time .. I think with the speaker next to the camera , it makes it sounding much much more loud than it actually is .
  20. Azura “ active “ and looking like she has enjoyed , I think it is a good question for many here I believe of why staying away from both the two parties .. She is maybe the only one who can be “ both sides “ , attached to her roommates but also having her own agenda at times … Dana , Zara and Tani obviously are like filling the beds and not interacting with the majority , still , many will say that since they provide the “ usual RLC obligations “ ( nudity / masturbations ) they don’t have to worry for their participation .. unfortunately , especially Tani , they show not interest in whatever happens in the villas and their presence is of really minor importance in my opinion ( but then Anthony’s dream to fuck Zara remains 😂 ) .
  21. Dylan said that the music can’t be heard “ downstairs “ , I guess Anthony won’t be having issues with sleeping … By the way , again a bit “ off rules “ while mama Nelly and papa Bogdan are not around with the music loud at this time and so many people 😂🤣😂🤣 Apparently , it is again a coincidence 😂🤣😂
  22. It might be that this is an “ Elettra’s gesture “ let’s say , however the guys seem to be Spanish ( and Russian speaking as well ) … We can say that this one of the rare times that toys are more than women 😂 .. let’s see if they have been the drivers and company during the off cameras party , i don’t think the girls look interested in the guys ( of course with Ashley and Elettra - again with her techno music preference - never say never ) , but the guys might “ push “ for their luck 😆
  23. Lots of guys , one questioning the cameras and if they are because of “ porno “ 😂🤣😂🤣
  24. When she’s out at nights , most probably is when another “ shooting “ is happening , she might be then staying in a hotel offered by the production company . Since she joined , her movies are also increasing , it will be a year she will be making quite some money due to her professional career and saving really much by having no actual costs since she won’t be paying also for rental .. I think if it wasn’t for the forum and there wasn’t any mention that this girl is a porn actress , this apartment would be suffering the rightful extreme negative posting of being a useless RLC place . But , the girl now is in a way known to the majority of what she does off cameras and I think this is what RLC Prague administrators take advantage of and keep her ( the guy is just a roommate obviously ) in the project . RLC has apartments and can’t find people in Prague to inhabit them , when Linda and Tibor , as it seems , will be quitting also , it will be then -2 uninhabited apartments in Prague … Not good for business .
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