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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. And if you don’t mention anything about it , you are either an idiot or the tenant is a fucking idiot and needs to go … Go figure out .
  2. I think Aziza was having the most pleasure since we saw her joining .. For Dylan , he got the famous men morning erections that we all men have 😂 , he tried slowly and the rest is history .. I think the notice should be that it was the first time he used condom , I can’t remember one in the past.
  3. There are two conclusions after last night’s incidents ( and a bonus one 😆 ) .. 1) Wendy had her best performance so far , the first one with Anthony was a “ disaster “, however , this one was the most open session despite Anthony having some difficulties occasionally .. 2) Aziza also had her best performance as it was FINALLY the time for both her and Dylan to explode and enjoy as they wanted , it was but hesitant Aziza when she first fucked with Dylan but this one , oh my , Aziza is horny as hell when she starts , we saw it with the guy who slept over and when she started the sex with him she wanted more and more but he couldn’t provide the best , Dylan will always have Aziza as the girl that wishes the most since Ashley is his standard sex partner whenever and wherever and we need to wait to see who the next one is ( Azura will always be around and as it seems Ari is departing , Gloria is complicated due to Anthony ) The bonus is Sambuka , not only being a gorgeous girl but she also belongs ( since it was easily spotted the moment she entered B1 ) to the same category of Ashley , can’t imagine what’s gonna be if this girl goes away from Team Ulyana / Harley and joins the Ashley and Dylan Team .. In general a great RLC period for adult entertainment and still the drama will be happening as jealousy will arise ,most probably any of the girls who will be staying long might start feeling for either Anthony or Dylan .. let’s see .
  4. The only “ soon to be “ and “ unseen “ problem so far , it seems being that Sambuka - both times - kind of used the apartment like she’s the only one “ living “ there and not being a shared apartment . She took over the main bathroom ( imagine when the others want to pee for example - yes for sure they can go to the off cameras one downstairs ) , she, in a way , had the place when the male friends and the friends she brought today occupied the apartment . So far it hasn’t been any issues and maybe they won’t , but she’s a girl who obviously has many people she knows outside and she can sleep over ( maybe she has even the apartment before joining RLC ) and Megan perhaps wont like this and might tell her . But so far , it is a good “collaboration “of the girls and let’s see what’s more to come.
  5. It didn’t take much time to get a new Marlene / Lavika 😎😎 And she’s just getting started ( strangely Harley keeps on choosing “ weird “ looking guys for her level while Sambuka - and especially this one - are really ok ) .
  6. Both guys on fire .. can’t wait to read the “ doubters “ now that he has Aziza sober 😂🤣😛
  7. Let’s see what happens .. if Dylan departs , this will be a major loss for RLC for the upcoming summer ..
  8. But .. she has Megan nearby and always a place ( Ulyana’s couch 😆😆😏😏 ) to rest and sleep in case B2 is / will prove a “ virgin’s house “ .. let’s wait and see what RLC has in store for us .
  9. I have been satisfied from Ari’s presence , especially if it proves that she was a “ short term deal “ , i really don’t know what much she could do than what she has offered us . In my humble opinion , the girl was “ doomed “ since Day 1 of arrival needing to share with Lara and Liza , if it was Karina and even more incredible Lavika , there would have been some amazing times in B2 than the already satisfactory seen .. Ari is a villa girl tenant ( judging of the complete transformation of the villas the last month ) , I personally believe that she won’t be the last time we see her in case she departs .. Sambuka is a “ local “ girl experiment , in less than a week we have been witnessing things that Serafima ( being local as well ) couldn’t even provide for stay after stay .. and let’s not forget one of the worst ever appearances , Zhanna . I have good feelings for what’s gonna be in Barcelona this summer , this so far after relaunching RLC 2.0 , I consider it as a great warm up 😋😋
  10. The mystery of Yana’s presence continues as she completely behaves being a tenant ( usually ex tenants and current guests they just provide nudity ) , legs wide spread open , selfies and more or less a behavior we were watching during her last recent stay. It all looks like she’s waiting for a bed to empty to be rehired or ( most probably ) she has a deal with RLC already and she simply waits her time rather than staying short term somewhere and needing to pay ( it is well known in Europe that Barcelona is one of the FEW cities that AirBnb isn’t allowed and booking.com is a choice like any other online apartments /rooms provider . I will keep on with my belief that perhaps a new apartment might be coming online ( we even saw Fiora masturbating when she’s not getting paid doing so - she was also in a show mood and not for her normal female needs .. ) .. or .. we are soon to have departures , possibly Ari or Lara or even Tani ?? Let’s see.
  11. We can’t deny or be the ones to choose the way that any of the tenants wish / want / desire their happiness . Ulyana seems to have a made a choice , being on cameras and sharing it , oh man , she will be criticized , commented and “ judged” endlessly .. We all know that Ulyana loves her fans and she’s grateful for giving her the chance again and again , if it wasn’t for us , she wouldn’t be doing this “ job “ and she would be one more Russian girl trying to make her life in Barcelona .. so , let’s watch and observe and we will be here to make all of the comments needed concerning her life . I said it again , I say it now , I don’t consider this guy major importance for sweet little Ulyana apart from keeping herself busy sexually and enjoy her times in Barcelona , of course having holidays for one week together in a major beach summer European destination is a big thing to share , but I think he is just a simple guy for her and not someone of high importance ( Marat was HIGH importance for her so as to make the comparison ) . Let’s see how the story unfolds .
  12. Well … no need to watch more but the guy DOESN’T have a chance being with Ulyana , he confirms easily with this 3rd time we see that he is a “ Smith “ , no need to analyze what or who Smith was / is 😂😂😅😂.. It remains to be seen if this guy is someone who lives in Barcelona and he is the “ normal “ boyfriend or the one that simply visited her and had holidays together and will visit sooner or later again - conclusion has been made as Ulyana didn’t have him in the apartment more than once since she joined again RLC 1 month ago . In the end , it makes all of us men wonder how women and under which criteria choose guys , Ulyana and picking / choosing guys is for sure a disaster 😂 . I am an epic Ulyana fan and will always wish not only the best for her but the HEAVEN , seeing her not being able to have people DESERVED for her INSANE presence as a woman , pff , it is a pity . Still , as long as this guy and if he makes her happy is ok for her , we will be here seeing it and watching and of course judging and commenting .. LAST BUT NOT LEAST , the stares and the camera looks simply show that Ulyana wants and DEMANDS more for her pleasure , i wish we could enjoy her as SINGLE and somehow , someway , to have Dylan get to know her and show her what means to please a woman is 😇 Patience and let’s see what THE GENERAL will provide 😉😉
  13. you are absolutely right , many women like it .. Watching Ulyana from her original days , we might consider that she wants this , Marat also was many times into this “ mode “ with her , the one time session with Bruno had elements of that , the guy we saw her in B4 was definitely in this approach and now this one who we are just about to learn .. BUT … In a way - and personally speaking - need to see a lot from sweet little Ulyana to be convinced that this guy is someone who has feelings for . Time will give the answers , let’s see where this guy stands for her .
  14. Hmm … another guy after the one we saw when she was in B4 that wants to be “ dominant “ , with slapping and so on … AND .. you know who likes to be dominant .. THE MASTER … But this looks now like an official boyfriend so let’s see .. It seems that the holidays and the 24/7 time spending has worked out well for Ulyana’s guy to accept the cameras .. one step more today after the blowjob that she got us introduced to him , next will be hopefully lights on… Have no doubt , this apartment will always and ever deliver 😊
  15. I just didn’t want to repeat myself - it makes people annoyed - 🤣🤣😂 ……BUT …… NEVER EVER UNDERESTIMATE ULYANA .. 😇😇
  16. It was a reasonable move after “‘The Purge “ of the Russian apartments , RLC tried to keep the popular tenants ( Leora / Ulyana ) by moving them as fast as possible so as not to lose subscribers .. They moved Nelly and Bogdan and look where they have reached now .. Now that i write this , i come to realize how difficult it has been to all of these people to “ throw away “ the lives they had in order to move to Europe , imagine the money that must have been offered to them to abandon their lives .. of course it has been their choice but there’s no comment to be made watching Leora and Paul and what this decision has done to them , the same goes for Nelly and Bogdan and the only one I think that actually has benefited ( she has traveled so much and experienced life the most ) is sweet little Ulyana . Let’s see what’s more gonna be .
  17. I wasn’t a subscriber back then during the first year that Zoya and Lev were part of RLC so I can’t have a good opinion and the few months that I started watching at that time and were tenants , I wasn’t watching the same time like I do now so I don’t have a good opinion . So , many thanks for mentioning it and obviously , I take your words more than valid being a very respectful member here 😊 I guess we can judge him overall then when he makes a full two years circle like Zoya and Lev did 😉
  18. There are 3 basic plays in backgammon , they are pretty good at it as I have observed at times and they are too peaceful as it can be “ frustrating “ at times due to the dices luck 😆
  19. Don’t forget that she actually “ built “ her reputation when she first appeared with Marat .. let’s see how it goes and we will be here to comment 😊
  20. I am really sorry to say , but I think it has never been on cameras a more lazy person than Vencel . As fellow forum members know , I always try to support the guys as they have the difficult job to provide so as to be “ accepted “ by the majority of the subscribers who are obviously men and will always have the most preference to the girls . Guys like Lion , Dantez , Kos have really earned the respect here by being really good boyfriends and keeping / having great relationships with their women . I have recently said that i might be prejudiced with Vencel as he is having one of the girls that RLC could invest for the future of their business and we are watching a guy who simply acts like a less than an 18 years old person becoming an adult let’s say , his only passion is to enjoy the benefits of endless hours of good gaming and watching movies / series and without passion fulfilling the on cameras adult entertainment deal with RLC . We can then understand why the female friend and Peater who visits every 2 or 3 weeks bring a change of daily routine life to amazing Elli . In case this continues , I am afraid we are on to watch a Leora / Paul part 2 kind of partnership / relationship and I think the majority knows where Leora stands in terms of “ normal “ human beings watching and not “worshipers “ . The potențial of this girl is “ insane “ and let’s see how RLC will be treating her ( imaging if RLC was telling her that she could visit Barcelona and spend a week or more in the villas ) 😈😈😈😈😋😋😋
  21. Time to find out during the summer if this is more than a “ partner “ for sweet little Ulyana and how this is going to affect her stay .. If this guy continues avoiding the cameras for whatever reason , this will cost a lot to Ulyana’s presence and stay .. Let’s hope that the week in one of the Canary Islands that they spent together might have been lots of talks about this “ job “ that Ulyana has decided to do again and if her fans who have always supported her are equal or even of more importance than this male friend . On a side note , Fiora didn’t even wait for Ulyana to reappear and she left the apartment , will be checking if their relationship is under good terms or might be a slight problem . In the end , this apartment is one that RLC has in a way “ invested “ a lot in terms of subscriptions judging of the popularity that , no matter what’s happening , both The General and the X-Factor gather but with the rest of the Barcelona apartments ( apart perhaps B2 with the possible departure of Ari ) on fire , the girls will need for sure to create moments so as they continue enjoying viewership since the competition is / will be pretty intense .
  22. Let’s say in one more time , Masha spends and shares time / her bed with Elvis just for the sex , she even mentioned it as soon as she returned from Montenegro . She can’t think of him as a boyfriend but the guy gives her what she loves so much , that is fantastic sex . And since this for Masha is very important , she is with him and enjoys it . Make no mistake , if somehow a man ( or a girl ) appears that combines so many things that Masha has seen enjoying and loving through the years as a person , she will start spending time with this new person , still , they should be really “ champions “ while fucking as Masha needs good sex in her life . Elvis is a habit and company for her and that’s it , nothing more , nothing else . It is I think up to him when he feels that he serves nothing more apart from being a sex partner to question Masha about it and then most probably this will end . But this will take some time i believe .
  23. That was a morning horny - under the covers - release of stress 😂🤣
  24. Let’s say that she’s a HUGE upgrade than watching - for example - Zhanna and Serafima 😁 .. I think with the “ teachers “ Ulyana and Harley around , she will understand even more the project .. Being a local ( she seems to live in Barcelona as she knows Spanish for what we saw ) for me , is a big bonus since she isn’t shy and we can get introduced to many new characters , to be honest , the Russian speaking outside friends are ok but the ones with the original and local culture can bring another type of entertainment on the table .
  25. Restless and sleepless night for Elli..
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