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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. The answer came soon after the question 😬😬😬
  2. In the end … For years the complains ( or the guessing / speculation ) were that ( SOME ) girls were doing this outside and the subscribers were complaining for it .. let’s see what complains there will be now ( for sure we can talk about “ black “ money which is illegal 😂🤣 )
  3. And the most important , IT IS NOTHING against the rules , it is honestly REAL LIFE 😎
  4. By the way , he gets private dance in a house for kind of 150€ ( ? ) , if he was in a strip clinic he would pay the same and not privacy since he would have drinks and so on ..
  5. Can anyone answer / saw if he has noticed the cameras ?
  6. It’s a new thing we are watching , something we have never witnessed before .. RLC doesn’t seem to have a problem , viewership is achieved , we are discussing it here at the forum , call me mad but it is just a different thing and because of the unique things , we want to see what happens 😂🤣😂 … and we can see also how stupid us men can be when the “ down head “ decided for the up head 😂🤣😂🤣
  7. If it wasn’t for Anthony and Ari that they were flirting very openly last time in B2 , it could be chances that Samson fucks Ari .. and that would be great 😉
  8. Anthony would do ANYTHING to stay as much as possible as a tenant , the man is a COMPLETE PRO having learned from one of the best ever , his ex .. The funny thing for me is to see who plays more and better the game .. is it Gloria who can easily have whatever pleasure in the villa ? ( she can fuck Ashley anytime , so , it is already a cheating 🤣😆 ) Or Anthony that can easily have a quickie by walking in B4 and fuck Wendy or as I heavily assume , his biggest and ultimate goal remains to fuck “ don’t go to her , she’s mine “ ( quote to Dylan ) Zara .. And i believe in a way he might be wanting to make her jealous … let’s see how the summer will be , but I believe that both are a “ light version “ of Dylan and Ashley .
  9. What do they offer in the villa ? What do they offer as a couple in a place and RLC concept that it is “ built “ for parties , booze and unpredictability ? Place them in B5 if so many people still want to watch them .. or send away Carla and Yanai .. this couple has nothing to offer anymore , that’s what I think .. for me it is rather sad that these two enjoy the privileges of living in the villa while at the same time are BOTH RLC employees for also other things apart from tenants … I would rather see one or two girls of the type of Ashley and Gloria or a guy like their or Samson rather than this couple … as always , it is my point of view for them .
  10. Why can it be that Ashley has asked Gloria to have him only for herself ? 🤔😏 For me , it will be interesting to see if Ashley takes another one with her for a threesome with Dylan ..
  11. And with Ari there , we get the clear image of who - at least for me - deserves being in the project .. it is more than obvious that Liza , Lara , Severina and Mariam have no wish to interact which personally annoys me very very much ( especially when the girls don’t want to do things for the RLC adult content ) .
  12. A conclusion we can make is that the coexistence of T&T and W&W isn’t successful , the couples seem to have different interests and for sure not the same chemistry Ike we used to see with Holly and Thor . It isn’t a coincidence that it’s really a long time that they did something all together and that’s why it was of a MAJOR surprise that night when Teresa and Wednesday were topless in front of the guys .. We see again Tani with this guy who now seems that it is a decision not appearing in B4 when he seems not having an issue being on cameras in B5 , Samson back , for me it could be fantastic as the guy can provide content and with the two on fire guys , all and more can be possible ..And last but DEFINITELY NOT LEAST , once again we get glances that Shantal is a good tenant , wants to socialize and show things but a ) B1 for her and the two girls isn’t working and b ) she’s at the moment limited on what she wants to show on cameras as per adult content . But she wants to enjoy and develop relationships with other tenants which for me is a very good asset already . Nice to see again after a long time a gathering in B5 and see what’s really happening .
  13. I think it is safe to say that Eliska and Pepik are for sure making a really good return as tenants for this second run , more calm and relaxed and with the problems of Eliska belonging to the long past , it is a pleasant and fun couple to watch and well done to both of them who really fought for what they have .
  14. The money is always the biggest motivation to continue , all of those 3 couples , their time is up ( who wouldn’t do it knowing that good life is guaranteed , no expenses and just the bank account increasing so as to secure a good future and make the transition to real life easier and without problems ) . In my humble opinion , the problem comes first from the RLC management , I don’t even think that they have asked Linda and Tibor for example to quit but Linda and Tibor seem to have understood that they need to move on and that’s why as it seems they will be soon “ nice and wonderful memories of one the best couples ever “ . Leora needs to stay for at least one year more to have the famous 5 years in European Union so I don’t think she will be out for sure before August 2024 . As for Martina and Alberto , they are best friends and this anyone can see it , that they also share whatever relationship in front of cameras involving sex and private moments , it is a win / win situation for both them and the viewers . As a conclusion , it is firstly an RLC mistake that it keeps couples that there’s nothing more that they can offer ( apart from keeping some hardcore fans subscribed and usually these fans have annual subscriptions so it is really good money for RLC ) and secondly the tenants that they are blind from money and they have lost the connection with what the real world looks like and being afraid to face it.
  15. This could be a really interesting apartment as both girls are nice to watch , we have seen visitors but then there are periods like the current one that NOTHING occurs . It is also quite strange that for nearly 10 months that the girls are on screen , their sexual interactions are really really few . It took also 2 weeks since there was another post from another forum member (joebloggs3 ) , also an indication that much of interest has been lost here .
  16. Nice summary for Ashley and Gloria , for me the best thing is that slowly both these girls - who FRESHENED UP finally B7 and made it a place to watch - get the appreciation they deserve after the first days been characterized as wannabe porn stars or whatever stupidities have been written about them when THE REALITY AND FACT is that both girls entered B7 and I believe they simply loved the new environment , got fascinated with whatever they were offered and also they met a guy, Dylan , who is a funny and cool guy to hang around , the girls simply appreciated the job they were given . FINALLY , B7 is a good place to watch , it took them really long time but it seems they found the right tenants ( all 4 of them are fine ) and if there was a way to add either one more or two instead of Nelly and Bogdan I would personally be extremely delighted . Imagine for example if Shantal and Ari could be in B7 , they would be saved from the bad chemistry they currently face in their respective apartments . All in all , no complains currently for B7 .
  17. I had to stare for over a minute while the blonde guest girl was in the bathroom to realize that this WAS NOT Zabava 😱
  18. Jealousy or ignorance once again of people who don’t know what they want to watch ..
  19. Totally free spirited and cool girl , I still laugh on the negative comments she has received because she simply loves her life without boundaries and tries to experience as much as possible ( both about life and herself ) .. for people this isn’t the ideal , go figure out .. Ashley is top tenant as of the Barcelona apartments concept ( Ulyana - and Harley - we can have in another category ) .
  20. An obsession is when YOU ARE here everyday posting when you aren’t watching 😂🤣😂🤣 … let the people who watch and can see things express their opinion , but you are having opinions without even knowing what’s going on but you simply monitor the forum trying to find out what’s happening 😂🤣😂🤣 That’s called obsession .. and by the way , why do you bother ? What intrigues you to know what’s going on since you hate it ? AND .. Anthony fucks pretty much whenever he wishes , saying that he is doing whatever off cameras is the least to say “ Harry Potter and the Crystal Ball “ 😂🤣😂😂 because you seem to have one and knowing exactly what’s happenjng 😂🤣 Of course …TYPICAL HARLEY FATBOY 😂🤣😂🤣😂
  21. If whatever it is , it is wrong , we consider them all adults and they have a mouth to speak . To be honest , I didn’t observe in details , but it makes it even more complicated that you say this ( Vencel being the only one interacting ) when it was for sure Elli who wanted to have whatever happened with him ( she could always ignore him and have the same like she’s with the female friend for example ) . In any case , this is for me a really interesting apartment to watch as - I HATE IT 😂🤣😆 - I can’t figure out what really goes on and what’s the issues behind all those long term and shirt term stays in the apartment occasionally from friends .
  22. That’s why repeatedly 🙂 . I think if the female friend wasn’t there also the last time , we would have seen ( unseen 😂 ) something again .. but let’s wait till the weekend of May 6-7 when I believe he reappears .
  23. I don’t need to see to observe on details when a) I NEVER see Elli smiling the same way with Vencel when her short hair female friend is by her on the couch or anywhere in the apartment b ) her short hair male friend is around and she “ tries “ to find ways to spend time with him , put perfume on before knowing that she will be sitting next to him on the couch and of course , ultimately , before she will be touching him and jerking him off REPEATEDLY under the covers on the couch while Vencel is asleep ( ? ) . I consider they have a relationship which ( heavy heavy speculation 😂 ) started as a result of an incident ( maybe Vencel being an elementary schoolmate or grew up together / maybe Vencel has supported her for something that Elli faced in her life ) or it is an agreement when they discovered / offered this job . I DON’T SAY that they don’t like one another , actually there’s an incredible trust , respect and adoration towards both sides but love , I am sorry , I don’t think it exists ( love speaking for the erotic side and not like two people that indeed love each other but as two kind of best friends , don’t know how to explain differently ) .
  24. Free lessons from Ulyana for any future to be popular / permanent / wanna be RLC tenant on how to achieve appreciation and acceptance from the audience , how to build a fans / tenant relationship , how to “ grow “ in the eyes of current subscribers and how could possible attract new ones .. Ulyana could have easily taken the “ DAY OFF “ today and nobody would complain .. on the contrary , she wanted to please both her loyal fans and herself by presenting another one of her sessions , despite not being easy , she is in a way “ trying ? “ to say “ THANK YOU “ to anyone keep on supporting her through the years and having made her the most returning tenant ever and I believe the ONLY one ( if I am wrong I am waiting for the correction 😆 ) who has worked for RLC in 3 different cities .. Had Ulyana stayed continuously with RLC since the very first day she appeared on cameras , she would have been the NEXT BIG THING for this site .. A tenant who is simply the PURE and AMAZING adult entertainment but at the same time a girl who won’t hesitate to socialize , do the unthinkable ( girl / girl shows ) , try One Night Stand sessions ( who can forget her interaction with Cesar aka Bruno in B2 ) and go mad on cameras destroying a whole living room ( her first apartment after finding out that her boyfriend was cheating on her ) … This is Ulyana and I personally hope she stays for as long as she wishes and FINALLY RLC realize that this woman with the right “ caring “ and “ protection “ can lead RLC in the next years .
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