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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Ulyana has another big advantage but many “ grew “ with RLC and Leora because Leora has always “ been alone “ .. there has never been any Paul so as people not watching her because of him and being one more bored couple after a certain period . Leora was the company at nights and days because she has always been alone and I think these are the people who are her “ bigger “ followers . Mostly older people , tired of married life or divorced or widowed and Leora was in a way “‘their company “ as Leora was always seemed and felt alone . Ulyana joined RLC nearly being 18-19 years old , she would fuck as A CHAMPION , she would do anal sex , her masturbations were an incredible combination of passion , show off and pure pleasure , she has always been social , we saw her being around others , different sex partners or ONS through the years , whatever girl/girl shows , variety , exclusivity .. Leora has been monotonous , repetitious but her fan base is incredible due to the fact that in my humble opinion the RLC viewers are the people that I mentioned in my first paragraph . Even the posts and comments regarding these two girls can show the target group they are addressing their fans. Ulyana has just been unlucky with her RLC choices and management towards her because despite being an RLC soldier ( like Leora is ) , she wanted also to live her life and experience / learn the world while Leora has absolutely no idea what it is traveling , having friends , socializing , participating in evenings with friends , SHARING .. a tour at her social media can show what she has experienced in life while Leora apart from one period that i believed she tried to change her life ( without though sharing it with the viewers ) , she has no idea what the real world looks like . She had a chance to become more European and adjust to a different life than the monotonous and boring life she has but this was the difficult thing to do and she quit , choosing to continue the easy , money making and no strict obligations life with Paul . Leora is RLC’s past despite still gathering and having her audience but Ulyana represents the future and the pure real life in all of the fields .
  2. Tani was the ONLY one who was providing anything when ( both ) the villas were at its worst .. She hasn’t anything to prove but I agree , if she’s missing her outside life and she doesn’t want to share it ( which is very strange as she’s really open for anything ) , it is better to become a Lilith , a Britney and whoever is outside and enjoy her life . But , personally , I don’t think her time is up yet , I would like to see how she makes her life during the summer , I think if she’s “ teased “ in a good and nice way , she can still provide in the villa .
  3. There must be a mirror and/or a window that they can see their reflection , they most probably open it to smoke , but as you say , many times they get advantage of this corner off cameras .
  4. Anthony seems to be bored his life being in this party and let’s see if Fior will manage to get someone after “ hunting “ since Fiora 😆 AND … Zara looks amazing .
  5. menouscope2015 Posted 1 minute ago We can say anything on Ashley and Gloria, but they brought back life in the Villas !! Exactly .. and that what was needed in these two places , it can’t be that the company has such places and the tenants are mostly sleeping and being at their mobiles occasionally rather than occasionally having such events .. Subscribers simply want to enjoy their evenings after whatever days in their daily routine and the addition of these two girls mostly and for sure a guy like Dylan has brought back explosive happenings and obviously the necessary controversy needed 😁
  6. After a week launching RLC 2.0 , there’s just a very obvious conclusion that anyone I think has observed .. RLC must have hit a really deep “ rock bottom “ regarding viewership and subscriptions , there was absolutely nothing happening apart from tenants being away and off cameras for days , a zero to none chemistry and an absolute no will for any tenant to interact and develop a friendship or a permanent on cameras relationship with someone so as to make their stay a bit more pleasant . It might be that this was seen because a ) RLC had hired the previous majority of tenants with an intact release after Easter as we saw and that’s why they weren’t willing to do anything or b ) RLC had already planned this since a long long time and they were simply patient to let the time pass by and launch RLC 2.0 I think that RLC have seen and heard the reactions , I can’t remember for months and months so many negative posts , comments and reactions concerning their flagship ( B4 ) and also the very long and organized addition of B7 . I think that RLC heard the viewers and is rewarding the majority of them . FINALLY , there’s good mixture of tenants , there are events happening , FINALLY the villas are a reason to watch again , the place like we got to know it ( B4 ) where the impossible could be possible , the glory days that we saw so many tenants rising and appearing on screen , only to become some of the most favorite ever ( Megan , Holly , Loraine to name a few ) . RLC is full throttle back , there’s content for everyone , from quiet apartments , to party ones , to complicated and extreme real life on cameras places , to tenants who satisfy every wish and the ones who are still shy and the majority awaits to become the next “ stars “ . The best is yet to come , another party event tonight and it LOOKS GREAT with all the teasing 😋😋😈😈😈😈
  7. Soon to be , “ insert Wendy “ 😉 who also wants to have fun and enjoy her stay with pleasure and doing things and not just sleep , go to the pool to swim / tan , eat , repeat .. And let’s see how Antony will be managing his - as it seems - “ lost on what to do “ presence in the villa since this place became ALIVE ..
  8. Haven’t you still realized it how this part of the forum works ? In order for Leora to be successful and continues being whoever she is , there’s only one way to continue successful , that is for all of the negative , different , challenging , questioning forum members who see this apartment completely different and make opinions , suggestions , they speak themselves and not praising the nothingness and repeated things happening for nearly a year since Paul arrived ( truly , have you ever seen a couple not going out dressed nice , in a restaurant , a club to dance , have friends that they can be invited in their apartment , a woman who isn’t sexually satisfied and she’s banging herself masturbating in order to feel pleasure ) , the silence that you and others have chosen , not criticizing and in this way Leora and Paul stay away from criticism , this is exactly what the people who still believe in one of the most repeated boring apartments at whole of RLC want. The worshippers have even stated if you make a thoroughly search at the forum archives , they appear because leora can’t have a voice and they will silence you so as for her to be always and forever on top . There are NO OPINIONS HERE , NO ANALYSIS , THERE ARE NO CONTROVERSIES , Leora and Paul stay uncriticized and nobody questions them . Then they will tell you that are a happy couple and this is the reality obviously … if this couple is the definition of the word “ happiness “ i wonder what Karol and Kos are , what Venera and Lion represent , what Gyana and Dantez are .. the silence , your silence has been in favor of this apartment as there has been no questioning and no negative criticizing .. and Leora’s legend ( who ONCE UPON A TIME she was INDEED the best to watch ) continues without problems . Speak about being clever .. To prove you of my point , look exactly the people who will throw all of the “ EMOJIS “ 😂😂😂🤣😂🤣 They are exactly the ones who will react who have been the happiest people that you and others stayed away from posting here .. 3,2,1 check the emojis and see who the happy people of how this apartment works are 🤪
  9. The replay she will need to be careful as it might be deleted …
  10. That’s why it is good that now there are MANY MANY CHOICES and OPTIONS for everyone . Since you don’t like as you say , tune in another apartment and watch 😇 I like whenever I get the chance to see these 3 interfering and I simply come here and express my liking to them. Things are too simple and we as viewers we can somehow feel like winners because FINALLY we have the chance to chose what we wish watching from variety rather than nothingness, boredom repeating people and incidents or fake / sad isolated tenants and apartments .. I am enjoying finally a villa that offers action , fun , easy going , smiley and good vines people which can take all whatever stress away that many people carry here from their private lives and just sit back and enjoy the adventures and happenings of these 3 so far . And of people don’t like it , there are 50 other tenants that it can’t be , can attract someone’s interest .
  11. Thanks for the compliment 🙏🙏 At least I have the balls to come here and say what I like and support it and not hate something , be in a forum , talk about it and pretend that I don’t watch 😂😂😂🤣😂🤣 Your Harley Fatboy self comes more and more on surface , you will manage to arise , don’t worry
  12. The girl seems to be a good friend of Carlos and Claire and most probably she’s been told EVERYTHING as C&C did everything . I have no doubts that we will be seeing almost everything by her as well . As it might be possible with Azura and Wendy from B4 .
  13. I agree … It is kind of surreal the “ Master “ of shows who was driven by his ex to make “ trio shows “ , he has now to be watching and be retired in his room , “ suffering “ the REAL action happening , no matter being a show ( i don’t think so ) or just 3 people enjoying sexual encounters and fun ( that’s my opinion what these 3 have ) … Anthony , RLC 1.0 and the whispering shows and RLC 2.0 without fakes and just people enjoying anything they do , either being morning , afternoon , evening or after midnight hours ..just for the ones wondering if it is also during prime time , these 3 they will perform anytime , anyplace , according to their sexual hungers as we have already seen ..
  14. I think if Samson was part of this “ trio “ , it would be some really pure madness things happening , things that could reflect back to the famous “ swingers “ incidents at Masha’s apartment .. Still , lots and lots and lots more to come by this sexually acceptable active people ..
  15. And the question slowly should be arising … who would be the one to be inserted in this group ? Let’s see who the ladies will try to seduce … Wendy , Aziza , Ari ?
  16. Full excitement , fun , enjoying life from these 3 … Well done 😊😎
  17. The Master might be showing Anthony what he’s missing being part of this trio… chance lost ..
  18. It is too easy when you watch carefully and observe , I think it was delayed due to the “ friend “ who left only today … I am expecting - like it had been so far - even more improvement of the “ happenings “ between Elli and the visitor .. It is time for the forum to be settled full of questions once again … RLC is on fire as there’ are so many things to follow and see what’s happening .. it is interesting and fun , unpredictable and wondering of things to discover once again .. it’s been a REALLY long time that it was enjoyable and it is good times again .
  19. We can at least express our opinions and present them , analyze them and justify them with arguments , agreeing or disagreeing , it is another story … there’s no bigger pleasure for me watching people ( in the past I was extremely pissed off ) giving the confused and sad emojis because they HAVE NO ABILITY , NO BALLS , NO CHARISMA , NO IQ to counter answer an opinion shared in a forum … and i am MORE happy than whenever we are saying anything that makes sense in this forum , there are dozens of people who would contribute and share also an opinion and when Harley Fatboy aka Frank Zabba is presenting his negativity , there are the 5-6 usual suspect who would back up his posts and simply makes his thinking more laughable since they can’t even S-P-E-L-L a letter so as to write / post /express anything here … cowards hiding behind emojis because they lack freedom of speech and intelligence 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
  20. now that's some funny reading! 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂😂🤣
  21. Watch better my posts and then you can figure it out . There’s the tenant above all tenants … Masha There’s the future of this site which has been unlucky without her will …. Ulyana There’s THE WOMAN of this site … Karol ( very close is Tereza ) There’s the girl who nobody knows what might be and anything is possible … Harley There are the two sex lovers like TONS OF TIME we haven’t seen ….. Gloria and Ashley There are two women who are a “ MUST SEE “ due to their endless potential of what can be seen by them in an incredible variety of things …. Wednesday and Venera Last but certainly not least , there’s THE HIDDEN GEM , the most underestimated of them all because she’s a “ CHILD “ , the second one since Ulyana’s return that RLC should invest ….. Elli Very close and nice to watch are Martina ( always a top tenant ) and Gyana … I am only trying to put your thoughts in an order so you don’t try to mix what I am writing wit your own conservative and back to the 60s way of thinking . If you keep on challenging me , I HAVE AN ANSWER FOR ANY QUESTION/CHALLENGE .
  22. Thank you for taking the time reading and now YOU HAVE NO REASON to present your theories about of what drives me writing and posting . Thank you very much 😸
  23. @NotHarley , don’t want to send you a PM and will speak here publicly , I don’t know if you are a new member or someone who has been hiding for a looooong time , but , you my friend ( allow me to call you like this ) have touched the “ pulse “ of this site and what drives the majority of us here watching .. You have my respect as of your posts , which reflects in most of the meaning the way i think as well . It is a public kudos to me with your very straight and to the bone comments and I am glad that finally there’s a pure English speaker here who can transmit much of the thoughts of the majority ( we are so many foreigners here and so many messages we can’t transmit the right way but out of respect to the rest of the forum members , we try to do in English - obviously much is lost because the vocabulary can’t be the same like our native language ) … keep up with the reasonable posts mister 😇😊🙌👏👏👏
  24. I have stated my opinion REPEATEDLY what I like , let me do it for you once again so you don’t need to bother me again with such posts . I watch RLC for the characters and the personalities , I watch RLC to try and understand and analyze these people , what’s driving them to their actions , what’s their stories behind their smiles , their tears , their ups and downs , I watch RLC because I AM A FAN OF PEOPLE and I am improving personally as I can judge with my own point of view anything that I consider right or wrong the way I JUDGE IT .. The sex is simply the CHERRY AT THE TOP OF THE PIE and any nice moment shared of these beautiful ladies , i will praise it and whatever disturbs and violates my IQ will be demolishing it with the worse of my judgment . For any Ashley and Gloria , for any Harley and Ulyana , for any Karol and Masha , girls that very easily share , show and provide the above things ( think simply why of my previous paragraph ) we have the likes of Serafima , Zhanna and Lara ( so as to name the recent ones ) who don’t do as I HAVE CHOSEN TO WATCH RLC , I can’t understand serafima and Zhanna and Lara when they are hiding , when they aren’t sharing , when they fool and VIOLATE MY IQ having a life outside of cameras and not doing anything to justify the RLC presence ( at least Serafima she was naked most of the times so as people watch ass/tits/pussy ) . Are we ok now ? Are you satisfied and why I watch RLC ? You like it or not , SEX IS AN OBLIGATORY ISSUE for the life of these girls , girls between 20-30 years old when their blood for adventures and experiences is hotter than the core of mount Aetna . So , please , let me see , watch , judge , criticize these people for what they give me as of my choice to watch RLC and then come and make conclusions about me when YOU AREN’T ME and you know nothing about me .
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