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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Couldn’t say it better .. BUT , this teasing , I don’t think anyone could do it better than her , Serafima could be the next in line but she didn’t do nearly once something “ adult “ on cameras that’s why she can’t be in the list .. Irma gave some really cool masturbations and I agree with the “ undisputed champion “ term 😁
  2. Crazy , wild and beautiful .. great package , fantastic character to follow , great addition.
  3. Ahh … finally somebody spoke the damn truth , well done my friend ( you could also add that they are even called “ do nothings “ having not even a week in this new job and life ) .. By the way , it is funny here that nobody has mentioned the absolute zero interaction between Shantal and the 2 friends , something which if isn’t going to be fixed let’s say , it will be the biggest problem of this apartment as nobody will be able to have outsiders as there’s no communication on how this can work out .. RLC seems to have finally succeeded in recruiting more than 60-65% of good tenants and especially where they suffered heavily ( the villas ) that might have in a way distracted themselves a bit to at least find a 50% better tenants in B1 and B2 ( Ari is an interesting character and Shantal is opening despite being shy in her own place ) .. let’s hope that 1-2 more tenants can shine from both B1 and B2 to make it even more interesting .
  4. Never even have done a cigarette in my life , not sick since 1997 .. Inner peace and loud mouth talking due to high confidence of my thoughts and saying … extremely much much traveling and seeing places and done things that you maybe haven’t dreamt of .. it has all happened because of no drugs and no alcohol in winters 😂🤣 ( in the summer alcohol can flow but always easy to control ) … enjoy your masturbation archives now that you are getting older and as I said allow us the bit younger ones to enjoy sex performances of people who know what real pleasure is than trying to substitute it with masturbations ( of course it is wise and nice to do when no boyfriend / girlfriend around , examples of Ulyana , Zara , Dana thinking very fast ) .
  5. Ashley and Dylan liking more one another day by day , their sex is becoming gradually better as their get the chemistry needed .. Dylan will be going for anal but Ashley doesn’t seem willing to try .. a really cool sex partnership to watch and Ashley , pff , a hell of a nice woman .
  6. Let the people who like sex enjoy whatever they do and you enjoy the masturbations … Wannabe porn stars because they have an active sex life like ALL OF THE PEOPLE of their age ? I wish the majority of the RLC tenants knew how to enjoy their lives like these last additions rather than lonely and ( I need also to say out of their choice obviously ) people/girls who prefer to masturbate and offer entertainment than have the actual pleasure that their age requires … let’s be honest here , quantity and experience happens during the ages of the majority of these people and quality and more careful selections of lovers happens after 30 when they also decide to slowly settle down .. so enjoy the archives data addition of what you like to watch and let also others enjoy the REAL PLEASURE that sex offers .
  7. Both these girls like sex and fun , Anthony is a “good “ relaxing alternative for Gloria to relax a bit her wild things amongst Ashley and Daryl . Don’t get me wrong , I am enjoying all this “ chaotic “ situation because as I have said , all this will create drama in the future so I want to see how to it will evolve .. these two girls are tough but Anthony a really experienced to handle this , let’s see .
  8. You are defending or believing too much in Anthony … you need to study perhaps ajd look at the archives who Anthony really is and what he has actually he and his ex have done for money and viewership and maybe one day also be revealed in public what and how he did / treated Loraine . He is there for one more cash withdrawal , i am hardly ever against guys but he isn’t whatever angel you see he is , no matter how nice he “ protects “ his image .. And yesterday , he fucked a completely alcohol wasted woman when he could have waited to see if he could have her sober .
  9. Let’s see if the jacuzzi will be activated tonight when I believed it would be yesterday after the party .. let’s see 😉
  10. It’s a pity that this couple can be really sweet at times , argue at others , Esenia being shy mostly with lights on ( but at times she doesn’t give a shit ) but when is night vision she can really “ transform “ very wild ( also a sperma in the mouth lover ) , therefore true real life attitude on cameras , but the lack of other things happening in this shithole which is making it difficult to watch the worst looking apartment in the history of RLC , it makes you wonder about the potential of this mysterious couple .
  11. Aziza did a masturbation and nobody paid real attention too after the party ended .. Masturbations that don’t help with night vision and in general with the lights , passionless by only inserting toys and similar things , I think it is only you that find them interesting .. there are really few who a) will do it because they are really horny and the hormones hit code red and b ) will make a show but at least will share with a nice position and good lighting .
  12. Let’s hope that Ashley will somehow , someway can seduce Zara for more things than masturbations , however Zara’s dancing skills are incredible to watch , whoever can watch the fitness room session earlier today , won’t be disappointed . Let’s hope for even more from this really really nice girl .
  13. The difference is that SHE ALSO HAS A LIFE TO SHOW and share and she’s not hiding .. while Leora HAD a life and she kept it away , no friends , no people visiting like her apartment is a sort of going to a monastery and nobody is allowed except the monk and the nun … Ulyana masturbates now since she seems not having a BF currently , she will FUCK AS A CHAMP if there’s a guy around , she won’t hesitate for any girl / girl combination if the mood and opportunity arises … All I want to say is that Ulyana will GIVE YOU 10 different things while Leora has given just masturbations , some terrible sex with her boyfriend and some of the FAKEST shows in the history of RLC . The one is a business woman ( Leora ) while the other is a clever after so many years on cameras girl but she’s respecting the people who , due to her popularity , bring her again and again back by sharing her life with us … and as I learned recently ( thanks to certain someone ) she started her first steps in adult modeling , so , let’s enjoy her for as long as we can . The woman is a moving volcano of pleasure and desire .
  14. And there’s still one coming before sleeping for the good friends at the other side of the Atlantic 😂 ( I know you are one but it was mostly for the US people here 😉 ) .. and now let’s watch Bayern - City with a smile 😉☺️
  15. For anyone questioned her , for anyone thought anything about her , the warm up has finished and she’s BACK to establish her reign 😊😊 The future is here , THE GENERAL has established her territory … Please everyone enjoy one of the creatures that God was in a super excellent mood when she was creating her … even me getting bored with masturbations , each and every showing of this girl is MUST SEE … Ulyana , SHE’S BACK .
  16. 😛🥳😁 It might be .. I just can’t leave unanswered things written for me , with brokk we often argue and disagree but at least he says also what he thinks in a civilized way so it is deserved to answer back .. plus , I am not anymore participating very much in this part of the forum as it is uninterested for me but the last couple of days and due to the reappearance of the guys which triggered some discussions , it just happened 😆 . This topic will return to peace as far as I am concerned but will always catch up and say anything under certain circumstances like the ones that I happen to face the last two days .
  17. Then don’t watch it , but if you mention details , it means that in a way you are watching . I never said I don’t watch Leora , there are times I will tune in to see what’s going on but it’s very long the times that I remember when I would check this apartment for the adult entertainment side . This apartment ( Leora and Paul ) is interested for me whenever anything not of daily routine might happen . I will log in to see what Leora maybe is watching on her laptop so as to see what’s the interest on it , this might take seconds .. or when she has a position that she might have dragged herself and see what’s on her mobile ( checking the RLC site perhaps or whatever ) … all the rest , I am not interested as it’s not something exciting me .. I always speak for others according to my personal opinion , isn’t this forum built for that ? To speak about others ? If you mean that I speak about other forum members , simply quote posts that I do this . If I am smart or not , I am just an extreme social life person due to the nature of my job and I am indeed a “ judge “ of characters because I am dealing daily in my job routine life with more than 20-30 people of a variety of ages , political beliefs , social status ( wealthy , struggling , refugee style , divorced , single , married , many children , no children and older ones ) and I HAVE A VERY GOOD KNOWLEDGE of how people think . This experience that in a way I have , I try to use it here . Whoever doesn’t agree or find my thoughts stupid , extreme , whatever , I have asked repeatedly to put me in their ignore list to “ save “ themselves for someone like me .. but they keep answering me back .. I will of course state how people should live ( but they SHOULD NEVER EVER DO AS OF MY OPINION BUT SIMPLY DO WHATEVER IT IS RIGHT ACCORDING TO THEIR BELIEFS ) in my opinion because i am watching these people and I care that they are happy , successful in their lives , smiley , healthy and prospering . Why someone can say “ Leora put a pair of glasses to watch better than struggling to watch “ and I can’t say “ Leora needs to go out in the nature , walk and be more active than wake up at 13:00 , be out of the apartment for 2-3 hours and then the whole day back in her prison “ .. am I doing it for me or just to express IN MY OPINION THAT THIS is much better than laying down the whole day on her bed and in front of her portal devices ? I AM A “ LOVER “ of the human race and I only want to see happy , smiley , healthy people and live in a world that the good will of everyone triumphs and comes out strong , sincere and honest than fake , laziness and ignorance towards others . I might be romantic and have no idea how the world we are all living is but I am not changing my principles and the things I believe for life and people for anyone or anything who happens to disagree with me , considering me an idiot or whatever . And for my opinions and beliefs , I will use this part of the web to communicate my thoughts because they mostly have to do with all of those people that I admire and respect for the job they have chosen to do .
  18. I don’t preach or whatever , simply and always saying what I have in mind , I am a southern guy and I have passion and flame in my writing and I don’t use diplomacy when things that I have in mind need to be written . Everything I write , i always justify , whoever believes different , here’s the forum to discuss it nice and peacefully . I don’t have the dick in my hand as real life still offers me fun , whenever I have time , I am a very active forum member like now , when not , I simply observe more than writing . I love socializing and communication , doing it with people all over the world with different mentality and whatever growing up / living life attitude , is a gift to have and trying to engage in that . Pure and simple . It is always polite when you respect an opinion despite disagreeing .
  19. Leora needs to learn a lot on making sex , her knowledge is below average on what good sex is - on the contrary to her ( past ) masturbations where she really knew what to do and how to get pleasure - .. unfortunately for her and being 32 years old , the life is passing like a train and she seems missing all stops , no experience in life , it will be not so easy when the off cameras time comes .. The biggest problem is that not having people around will for sure affect her whatever relationship she will still have with Paul .. the problem that people in this topic don’t seem to understand , it isn’t about making negative comments or degrading a really nice woman but in a way open her eyes and brain through such posts for this to FINALLY WAKE THE FUCK UP and live a FUCKING NORMAL life . But people here say “ who are you to judge what it is right for Leora and what isn’t “ and “ who are you judging that Leora isn’t happy and not enjoying her life or not having what she wants when she has the LOVE OF HER LIFE next to her “ … and then the answer is simply one … show me or name me JUST ONE - ANYONE who would do / copy / perform/ live the life of Leora ( i don’t mean the adult entertainment life due to the cameras world ) , a life consisting of no real friends , total lack of knowledge how the world spins around , a life that doesn’t allow you to visit relatives , to have people that love you around and talk whatever bullshit and share just for a change apart from your daily routine life with the boyfriend .. If Leora’s life is the way that people should live their lives in the year 2023 , then , I raise my hands up and i let science give the explanation that I AM COMPLETELY WRONG and bow down and praise who have found the meaning , pleasure , fun and enjoyment of life exactly the way that Leora lives her’s .
  20. The guy with who she has “ undercover business “ is in town , that’s why the post .
  21. Even if you have sex with a girl in this condition , it is not pleasure , just inserting a dick in a dead hole .. the best is to sleep and rest and in the morning let the instincts prevail and have something great and special .. personally , I can’t say if Anthony likes her to be honest , but a ( sober ) fuck with a woman is always a fuck 😆
  22. Let’s hope that the sex games currently will trigger also some of the other girls , Wendy has no problem as we saw , Azura knows Harley and Ulyana so no problem of on cameras explanation and Aziza justifies slowly the penthouse inhabitance ( when nobody could understand in the beginning how in the hell she was assigned the best room in B4 - till we understood why by having the Bogdan incident - ) , I would say that RLC has hit gold with the current tenants selection , it seems to be good chemistry and the girls are more open for things .. who knows , maybe the bonuses are back ?? 😏 But for sure , worth watching is back , time to introduce slowly outsiders , either friends made or perhaps people they already know in Barcelona .
  23. The one person who was DEFINITELY missing tonight was Ari, this is a girl belonging to this current group of the villa tenants .. it is also great that shantal seems to be there to enjoy and have a great stay , let’s see how the two jew B1 girls will react to any future villa happenings and if Liza proves to be the weakest link of all of the newcomers .
  24. I don’t like Dana , Zara I am fine with her role , variety is needed .. if she does more I will appreciate , if not , many many people enjoy her for what she does , for me she’s a great tenant because of her character and it is all fine .
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