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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. A friendly suggestion to the good people in this topic , never ever underestimate Ulyana 😉😁 …at the moment , she’s like a “sleeping giant “ , without worries this time and finally a permanent apartment , the time to shine once again will come sooner or later .. And when she starts , they will then be the complains of staged masturbations and fake whatever … 😂🤣😂🤣 Ulyana always knows what she does , as I said , she’s the tenant that has been brought back more than anyone else , this already says the most of her popularity .
  2. Since we are talking about Anthony , I WOULD love seeing somehow someway a possible getting along with Harley 😉
  3. Alsu is a difficult character , for me she’s a girl making fun of guys , you could see that when she was presenting her outside meeting guys who were English speaking revealing to Kimberly and Grisha what was happening .. my theory is that she was dimly spending outside time with guys to have a good life , cars , clubs , money and so on and that’s why she got fast with serafima and Zhanna . I think she’s a woman playing the men but for me , she was fun to watch when she was around , i considered her one of the interesting to watch .
  4. You better not find out what he did to his long time ex girlfriend Loraine because you will lose all the respect you might be having for him now ..
  5. It might be as you say , I will stick with my theory that Anthony was for Lavika “ one more guy “ of the around 10 she had .
  6. I haven’t observed what’s posted here for Wendy and Anthony but since it is confirmed by many forum members , we can predict then that a Dylan / Wendy incident might be happening soon 😉
  7. As it was said , most probably not Anthony because she wasn’t satisfied .. I don’t say she was satisfied with Grisha ( the guy has on their interests as has been hinted .. ) but he could serve better the fake moments than Anthony who it might have get perhaps serious ..
  8. I think she played him a fool , that’s my theory . I think he liked her but she soon for her was one more trophy .. after the incident that she fucked him in B2 , they never did anything again , Lavika started preparing for her exit , then Zara came and he has found another interest as Kimberly also rejected him .
  9. Come on , i think it is now pretty clear that with Grisha was an arrangement for the cameras for both him and her so as their in apartment’s presence could be justified , both of them they had interests ( and a life ) outside the villas .
  10. As was mentioned , I even made a post on the times they were fucking , Anthony had the best performance with Lavika , he really fucked her good and it was a surprise .. It might be that he was kind of interested in her till Lavika showed him the red card ( before one revival when he was left to sleep in the LR and she went and asked him to fuck her 😂🤣 ) .
  11. She is the one who taught Nelly this style 😉
  12. It is 05:47 here , enjoy all , as a man this is a disaster and big disappointment to watch .
  13. She even put music for atmosphere , what else she should do this woman ..
  14. I can’t believe that a guy in his thirties sucks so much having been around such nice women .. now I understand when the women ( as also us men ) say that not all men can give satisfaction .. I mostly think that it is the women that have issues but Anthony is a good example of their theory .
  15. Let’s see if this second try is successful or will end up Anthony becoming ddhm 😂🤣😂😂😂😜🤪 , that is endless speaking 😂🤣😂🤣😜😜
  16. I agree .. but Wayne also fucks her well , he knows what she likes and gives it to her . And she’s really attached to him .. but the 3some event with the red hair is always a parameter that we shouldn’t forget and we need to be open for any incidents ..
  17. I don’t think he came but will have a look of course .. as we know , inside the water isn’t the easiest but she even went down on him and gave him a blowjob to get harder , she even comes in his room to be fucked , she tries again with a blowjob and he now preaches her when she has been drinking and simply wants to relax and sleep nice .. Loraine , so lucky she escaped and hopefully she can find pleasure at her 28 like she was finally satisfied by Samson ..
  18. Zara is a teasing child and mama Dana is there to protect her when she exaggerates .. As some members have said , I seriously doubt also about her sexual experience .. the only chance that we might see her and understand is if Dylan approaches her with his own style ..
  19. Anthony can’t get an erection , WTF ? I start thinking that his goal is to play it romantic and end up emotionally with someone rather than being a “ playboy “ ( the guy obviously can’t enjoy pure sex and has to be well prepared to get the situation as he wants / erection ) .. Gloria simply wants to fuck and enjoy and his preaching her like she’s in a state to care or pay attention .. Obviously she shows paying attention to him so as not to disappoint him but I will be surprised if we see again another chance given to him by her .. Sometimes we men are completely stupid to understand the signals and I don’t know what Anthony thinks he achieves with this disastrous at this time behavior .. THE WOMAN CRAVES TO BE FUCKED , give it to her anyway you can and in the morning , wake up , make her a breakfast and win her if this is the case … PFFF .. That’s why Dylan might fuck the whole roster 😂🤣
  20. All of their “ time is up “ questioning is easily now forgotten as it will be even more less people caring about them as the attention is elsewhere and they will continue living the King and Queen life with all cost free life and milking RLC by simply helping in “ sideline “ missions ( Martina , Aziza ) … if you want to see how smart people are nowadays , B&N are more than the perfect examples …
  21. So .. the score will soon be Dylan 3 - Anthony 3 .. the difference is that Anthony scores in more or less 48 days and Dylan in 48 hours .. interesting observation , Gloria will be the absolute judge 😂 .. Can we see a Gloria /Antony /Dylan issue ? Let’s see how the next days will be , RLC 2.0 will give the answers 😆
  22. Of course , maybe it is FINALLY our chance as viewers to start watching the rarely and almost never happening 3somes between 2 boys and 1 girl .. That can be another major turning point ..
  23. Gloria is horny and sex hungry and with the alcohol consumption , Anthony can score more than easily .. But the Master is just next door 🙃😛
  24. The master is awaken.. and he is rested 😂😂… that will be fun now if he doesn’t go to sleep as Anthony was surrendering from his idea to prove to Zara that he has eyes only for her … let’s see what will be happening .. then nights of interest at the villas continue for a 3rd day in a row , well done .
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