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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. I think and with the way that Tani collapsed , she was the “ stoned “ one 😂 . At least we saw Britney a bit , maybe in two months again 🤔
  2. You are right with Elettra and Taylor , I think being two good friends in real life also , didn’t make me think that much when I was thinking about a same “ stereo “ incident 😁 .
  3. I think Karol and Venera are by far the most sensual and erotical to watch women currently ( followed by Teresa quite a lot of times ) . The moves , the way they touch their bodies when they use creams ( for example ) , their looks , pff , all incredible sensual , the best part is that it all seems to be happening natural and they aren’t forcing anything , they might be liking a lot themselves ☺️ and their bodies . But Karol , since she moved and after all of her previous stays with girls , she is finally showing us her full potential and we get to know her better and better . Her real daily routines , her habits , what she loves and what she least likes . Her body is at an incredible shape and she takes care of it really much but without exaggerating , I find it extremely fantastic that being a foreigner she managed to adapt and be a pleasure to watch even more than when she was a tenant , she’s constantly and regularly gathering views no matter what , this couple is a gift for whatever we have in the Barcelona hub . We can compare them to Bogdan and Nelly and Carla and Yanai and understand the majority of the above . Karol is simply full pleasure guarantee watching her , no matter when she takes her shower or watching TV or wondering around in the apartment . A woman ( a couple in general ) that personally I believe they could be easily successful outside of cameras in the real life and demanding world , so , for as long they remain , let’s enjoy the stunning beauty of this woman .
  4. As I said , maybe Elli has fear from RLC that if she’s caught doing “ on full exposure and not hiding “ something , RLC will ask them to dismiss of their contract . For some reasons , Elli is hiding when everyone knows what’s going on 😂 … I don’t know if it has been penetration ( I WILL NOT DEBATE WITH ANYONE ON THAT , MY OPINION IS THAT IT WASN’T ) but for sure the guy is touching her undercover ( you can see her face expression when she closes them of pleasure and enjoying ) and for sure he has been jerking off or she did to him because Elli brought him paper to clean and then he was taking a shower . To tell you the truth , I am very excited watching this because I have no idea what can happen , if Vencel knows or not , what and who Peater actually is , whenever he comes there , Elli will have a day that she will manage to have Vencel on bed and she will spend the night next to the “ mystery guy “ . Whoever wants to follow and see the results and maybe make more conclusions , we just need to wait , RLC always gives answers even after long times or when we least expect . For sure it isn’t a game for the cameras and viewership , it is weird and when I can’t explain personally something with a most possible explanation , I enjoy watching and maybe find an answer .
  5. I am ALWAYS calling things the way I see them … and always after my judgement and opinion which obviously and normally differs from others . I have no problem in one day , within hours to praise a tenant and some hours later to joke with her / him if - as i say in my opinion and judgement - I consider whatever I am watching stupid or violation of common sense 😂🤣 … Only people who watch on surface can say that this couple has a normal life anymore when it is only nearly 3 years that they are married and they act like they are 33 … no fun for sex , Linda hardly ever smiles , but … I still believe she loves her husband .. something incredible major has happened , the most popular theory has to do with a miscarriage but lately - personally - I am start thinking that Tibor might have cheated and Linda knows but for the sake of the RLC money , she has been patient staying on cameras . Most probably I am wrong but so many times crying , on the bed , in the bathtub , what can anyone think ? I will tell you one last time about your theory that has me “ pushing for a couple to leave “ ( which I disagree but whatever I say this is your opinion and I must respect it ) … We have some legendary tenants that in 10 years from now , we the younger ones 😂🤣😛 , will mention occasionally as they have been / are examples of future tenants who will enter this business . I want to remember Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo for all the glory they have given watching my favorite sport , football , and getting excitement with their accomplishments . All of the species have mechanisms that can win anything ( apart from terminal diseases ) but NO SPECIES can win one thing , T-I-M-E . I want to remember my favorite football stars , two guys that elevated for nearly 20 years the most popular sport and reached it in incredible high standards through competition but they need to understand ( especially Cristiano ) that they will be hurting their image and whatever example they are if they keep on exposing themselves , what can we do ? They can’t be like in the past , they need to slowly step aside so as for new blood to come in the center of attention .. For our example , this is how I feel for Linda and Tibor , this couple has given us some of the most glorious moments , on the sofa in the living room , in the bedroom , dressed as Santa Claus at Christmas , we the fans enjoying them every Christmas when they got emotional and in tears opening gifts from early afternoon till the evening . I want to remember them and mention them for all the amazing tiles the gave us and not this disappointment we are watching for over a year now . I don’t want to remember Linda depressed , sad , without appetite for life , a woman who is 32 years old .. And this can only happen if they understand that their time with this job is up , that they need to pack and go out there , regroup and try to have a better life than “ the thing “ they have the last more than a year or so . This couple is responsible for the popularity of this site alongside some other legendary tenants , it seems that they are the really first ones understanding that this cameras world isn’t doing them any good anymore apart from money . I would like to find out in a couple of years that their life away from RLC benefited them , they made a new beginning and they are the happiest people in Prague .. Linda and Tibor will be making 6,5 years soon living on cameras , we thank them , we praise them and we hope that new couples can have maybe the 60-70% of success of this couple , then we would be happy subscribers again . Life goes always in front and we need to protect the people that gave us pleasure and encourage them for a change and not temporarily fix their mood and then soon after to be 100 times worse . We need to be strong and honest to the people who entertained and not feeding them with words that cover the problems.
  6. Hmm… let’s hope that the villas are waking up , at least their top place , B4 .
  7. One step at a time , it’s better to keep the stupidity of fake “ lesbian “ things aside and concentrate on more “ genuine “ things , the women ( especially Britney ) must be in a hell hunger of sex and I think that even the way they masturbate confess this .. Tani is fantastic 🤩🤩🥳😋😋😋
  8. And Britney … now , she makes her “ reappearance “ with adult entertainment showing after that incredible show in the LR when she was first “ transferred “ in B4 … Obviously all women simply want to piss off corvette and that they do nothing .. let’s see if he comes up with the famous “ it seems that I piss them off and that’s why they perform “ 🤣🤣😂🤣… ok corvette now , are you satisfied or what’s your complain now ? You stop with Tani , let’s see if you relax with Britney after today ..
  9. And here we have it .. a blast from the past , a stereo bate , I don’t even remember when it happened the last time , I think it was when Ginger was still in the villa … Tani seems to waking up everyone from their “ hibernation “ , for anyone who watched carefully , it was the really first time that all girls gathered today in the kitchen and showed that they are together in this .. and being a super Tani fan , very very pleased of what’s happening .. and this woman showing her skills even riding the dildo , pfff , can’t think what we gonna see if the real deal is brought on cameras 😋😋😋😏😉
  10. This applies to quite a lot of other tenants actually .. it’s time for BRAVE changes ..
  11. Ahh , ok , this is different .. I thought you meant that they want a family .. still , Elli is much much more than what we see and I hope we see her unfolding her full potential .. or at least call it a “ I quit “ when she believes that then isn’t more for her .
  12. Come on thinga my good friend … Elli is doing whatever under the covers when the Peater comes and you are telling me about future plans and family ? These are two children and they simply have the sparkle of youth and the money coming inside their pockets with doing just the obvious , that is feeding the cameras by sharing their lives .. I could say that there was maybe a downfall in their relationship like we are witnessing between Linda and Tibor , like we saw in the past Masha and Sasha , but come on , these are two inexperienced of life young children that they need to learn A LOOOOOOOT to be able and make future plans and speaking on values , family and so on … Elli - as soon as she realizes - how much of a potential she has to be the next face of RLC , then , we can see miracles .. I don’t know if it is RLC that might promise her more and relocate her in a place that RLC has more dynamic like Barcelona or Prague and tell her to simply live her life ( even with Vencel as a distraction 😂 ) , but as long as i am watching a woman who wants to cheat her “ boyfriend “ but for unknown reasons she hides what she wishes ( most probably she fears that RLC will kick her out ) , I am sorry , but I believe nothing of fake promises and things that if they happen , they will bring so many problems in the future . These two need to grow up , live and experience the life as much as possible and then maybe , maybe they can see where they stand as partners .. Till that time , me as a voyeur fan , will try and watch live when the Peater visit and see what more we can watch 😏 .. last time it was the most we had … and let’s not forget that he reads the forum and we don’t know ( which I hope ) if he tells her what’s written here .
  13. I don’t need to watch two people when it has been so clear to me that Elli is genuinely smiling and enjoying equally or even more when her “ lesbian “ friend is around or the guy that she has the “ undercover “ moments 😂🤣 … I don’t say that she doesn’t like Vencel , she likes him and respects him as a guy that they are sharing this on cameras lives which brings them money , but i honestly see nothing more than a really wonderful “ friends with benefits “ relationship and both of them having fun with other things , Elli sharing and watching movies with her two friends and Vencel his games .. every now and then sex occurs so as to justify the adult part of their partnership .. if anyone here believes that there’s couple “ love “ , “ flame “ , “ passion “ and two people who are really “ into “ each other ( Karol and Kos , Venera and Lion for two very fast examples ) , then i honestly don’t know what loving relationships are 😛
  14. A woman that her guy can’t satisfy her .. it’s not about how many times you make sex , it is always how many times you can have an orgasm and enjoy it … and not only this , Elli uses her toy and Vencel simply withdraws from the room .. I will keep on saying that this looks like two friends in an agreement to make some money and enjoy some things together but DEFINITELY not real pleasure .. a strange relationship in my eyes - and let’s not forget the Peater - …. 😏
  15. Anymore or anyone having questions what Tani can do ??? 😏😏😏😏😋😋
  16. I know that this is a b/g routine sex and they have their own style and they like it , but I can’t stay silent 😅😂 and not comment that it looks always that Karina could submit and fuck in any possible way ( anal , on top , she would do anything if the guy had a bit of different routine and imagination ) , I mean , there’s a woman who always wears sexy outfit , she prepares herself and she’s committed to the guy only to just give a fuck x2 and “ see you soon and next time “ .. obviously they like it and it works for both of them nice in this way , I am just not staying silent when Karina could even give way much much more of adult entertainment than she already gives and we thank her for sharing her private life , unlike the girl next girl to her who is even more parody than Serafima and Zhanna ..
  17. I also hope not ( and to be honest I don’t think so .. ) , it was just food for thought of what we will be seeing in the present and very near future .
  18. Fior is in the house , I really thought he would be “punished” after Bogdan’s / Aziza’s incident and wouldn’t be for some time present , but there he is . Let’s see also where we end with this strange and sudden partnership of Anthony and the protective Dana and stunning Zara .. the numbers must have made the girls happy , Anthony doesn’t seem to care so much for viewership as I believe he already considers it a standard , I am very curious if his “ Loraine’s manipulation side is talking inside him “ and maybe there are talks on how to start producing shows … the guy is an expert , let’s see .
  19. It looks like Karina’s lover / sex partner will be appearing later judging of some early lingerie trying by Karina . This girl is really underrated , of course speaking about the forum comments . She provides excellent adult content either solo or with the guy , maybe the only thing she could do more is being slightly more social with the rest but we should not forget that she’s local and has already her social circle and life in Barcelona ( she could of course present some of her friends but honestly no complains ) , we should feel lucky that as a repeater and with her first presence that was seen , she’s such a great participant during this stay . I do hope she accompany us during the summer , it’s becoming more and more obvious daily which girls shouldn’t be anymore in the project or slowly getting replaced .. Karina and Lavika from B2 are two great examples of how we would wish from newcomers and repeaters to be .
  20. Very possible that slowly we are getting introduced to possible new tenants , May is coming , whoever appears now on cameras might be a possible new tenant , especially being a “ friend “ of a current participant .. let’s see what’s gonna be .
  21. Money ( and especially when it is really good .. ) makes miracles …
  22. Sorry that my English isn’t my main language like yours so as to know how you differentiate between women and men .. but you proved once again your point , YOU ARE THE ARCHWISEMAN SCUTARI 😂😂😂🤣😂😂
  23. As was said , Tani has no boundaries , she’s generous with the viewers since day 1 …since she stop having sex , she took some time for herself and when her “ Tim excitement “ was gone , she started self satisfying sexually , sometimes she smiled after finishing , i guess having enjoyed the session and “ experiment “ as i don’t believe she’s an “enthusiast “ masturbator but the cameras and her personal needs ( AS ANY OF THOSE GIRLS FULL OF TESTOSTERONE AND SEXUAL APPETITE FOR THEIR AGE SHOULD BE ) . As a conclusion , considering her as i said one of the most “ talented “ ( TOP 3 current tenants alongside Masha and Dasha ) in sexual acts , I am also looking forward to the the moment she will be showing to all of us her incredible skills and HOPEFULLY , any new guy who accompanies her proves more than skillful also to satisfy this fantastic woman . However , she’s a person who she’s pleased to give , so , let’s see if this time she will DEMAND also being taken care of 😁😋
  24. It is so funny for me whenever Serafima makes it English and trying to speak sanity , honesty and feelings to any of the guys she’s pursuing out of the apartment .. who ? Serafima , one of the biggest ever opportunists and manipulators who ever appeared in this site ..a girl who simply seems that has no consciousness of what’s going on in the real world and she has this unique ability to present all of her mistakes appearing that it is from the other and the others should feel responsible of the shit in her life ( 31 years old , single , no direction on life apart to manipulate and make money ) .. please , give us a break all and Serafima playing it the victim here and poor girl everyone is taking advantage of her .. please , bring out the handkerchiefs to cry for this woman 😭😭😭😭😢😢😢😢😓😓😓😥😥 REALLY ? 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
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