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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. As long as the “ mama Dana “ is there , Zara can’t unleash herself .. I also -personally - don’t believe that she will do more than the ( nice for sure but repeated ) camera attraction masturbation shows but for sure we need to give credit as she’s an incredible pleasant character , a tenant that we will for sure tune in to watch her dancing , singing , making her fitness and FOR THE FIRST TIME ever today , her most daring thing in front of a man , despite the MASTER of all shows Anthony who seems to go anywhere he is called and enjoying a much interesting colleagues RLC life participation .. he doesn’t do outside things but only and exclusively RLC colleagues and fellow tenants things , he has been also rewarded sexually with two of them , if he was a good lover , I would have liked to see how it could be an ONS with Zara ( who we also don’t know how she can be , so many times I get the impression she hasn’t done many sexual things … ) … Zara is wonderful to watch , this is what matters , just a bit more freedom for both her and Dana , otherwise it will always be like no possible at all for more privacy ..
  2. As was easily predicted 😂🤣 … Whoever ( female guest ) lays down on Masha’s bed , we already know that it is a matter of time before having sex .. And again , ONLY AT MASHA’S 😎😇
  3. I purposely didn’t mention anything about the rest “ long time “ participants , i wanted to see if anyone else was having the same thoughts and I am glad you mention the obvious .. Linda and Tibor belong for sure to this category , it is now for them a life that they should continue off cameras , you can clearly see the difference since one year , it is also not fun watching a rather depressing apartment no matter how many times Linda takes showers , this isn’t a good life to observe . For Leora and Paul , what more should I add that what all “ sane “ subscribers see ? A couple that is forcing their stay for whatever reasons they have and whatever they need to achieve , everything seems precalculated and scheduled , I think it is just the really hardcore fans that are now watching ( who obviously are a big database for RLC numbers judging the replays ) , but really , this couple and their life , isolated , no social circles , no friends , just laying down and repeating their daily ( and at times forced ) routine , what should I say ? Martina and Alberto have also reached a point that they seem to have moved personally with their lives . Alberto finally has a decent job , Martina is building slowly , steadily and carefully her future , their interactions and whatever is shared , I don’t think it has the same “ thrilling “ or excitement like in the past . Yes . Martina , Leora , Linda , they still remain nice women to watch but it is time to press the “ ff” button and move on .. we need more Ellis , more Veneras , more Gyanas , RLC needs to move on , find new blood and refresh .. RLC is a business and often risks should be taken . Endless times the viewers have suggested things , they simply don’t listen which in a way could be considered customers request .. They are insisting on participants that mostly belong to the 2010s and not anymore to the 2020s , the more they delay the discovery and adapting of new potential “ mega camera stars “ , the more difficult will becoming for them to replace their current existing “ super successful “ tenants .. but like this , they will also be delayed changing the numbers of their customers database .. brave decisions are needed , all life and society is back to normal , RLC needs to update as well . Let’s see .
  4. I totally agree my good friend . It fixed their financially but this nice life they had in Russia and they were both proud presenting it to is , their friends , sports in the apartment , Nelly and her violin , so many things lost just to make money .. it isn’t paranoia that many say that money doesn’t bring happiness .
  5. Another serious chat and crying between Bogdan and Nelly … As said , life is fair , it always gives back the way you behave to it ..For sure it is issues between them judging of way of talking , I admire them that as a mature couple they discuss and try to find a common ground , but ( AND I NEED TO SAY THIS ) , i simply feel that this couple is a victim of the world they are still have chosen to live .. the cameras world . Their time in this job as tenants is long way gone , they could keep on as outsiders , but the more they are exposing themselves , the worse it becomes . I think nobody actually talks about them anymore or cares while doing things together , the only mentioning is when they are seen doing different things with others . Yes , they have made money , yes they managed to build a life in Barcelona but they obviously seem not ready to make it away from the facilities that the “ free life “ offers .. and this price they pay , they are keeping exposing themselves when a whole crowd , us , the subscribers , are tired and it is enough of their presence . The more they continue and they stay , the more this life will put them down .. I wish them the best but they need to understand they need to move forward , this life is a tragedy of how these two are ( from deleting videos and cutting off the power to tears , misunderstandings and problems ) .
  6. The girls going out in “ waves “ 😂 .. the “ big boss “ is absent , the gambling today is if Alsu and Zhanna return or they will decide to sleep at the Zhanna’s apartment in Barcelona ..
  7. Aziza with a guy , it is the period of all incidents happening so as to forget the disaster decision made by RLC … let’s see what more we will be watching .. Aziza sleeping everyday early and the “ famous night “ she was awaken the whole night .. Aziza with no actual social interaction and suddenly a guy in the villa ( which of course is very positive .. ) … let’s not continue with the weird things and let’s see the results ..
  8. One of the girls is wearing a “ Scarface “ t-shirt , she has already won the quality appreciation 🤩🥳🤗👏
  9. It is Thursday , club evening in Barcelona for the girls .. except if next week there will be villa gatherings celebrating the catholic easter and won’t be time for them to party outside and they arrange most fun this week .. let’s hope that Alsu manages to convince the others to become more daring and share more on cameras ( ok for Zhanna there’s no hope 😂🤣😂🤣😜 but for Kimberly , the girl is horny for sex but she manages to control it so far … )
  10. I am glad they very very fast i am proved COMPLETELY WRONG of my thoughts and visitors 😂🤣 as the apartment keeper chosen by Elvis ( obviously with Masha’s approval ) proves already a wonderful and exceptional choice by already bringing some of her friends on cameras 😇😊 … very nice and kudos for that 👏👏 ( ONCE AGAIN A PROOF THAT VERY VERY FEW PEOPLE WOULD MIND TO APPEAR ON CAMERAS , seeing your friends , behaving exactly as in real life and obviously being explained the cameras world briefly , it is already an exciting procedure 😉 ) . @ed2 , i had the message ready to answer but the previous topic was locked and the message was lost 😔 . I wanted to say that obviously you were right with Alessandro and I missed the last visit , it has just been my general feeling that during Elvis and Sam era that it is now close to a year ( I believe Elvis appeared this period last year more or less ) , we have seen less visitors than the times that Masha was “ pure single “ .. But it is just an incident like now to prove me completely wrong and I can troll myself 😂🤣😆 of the fast words written . It is also nice to see that no matter what , this apartment will always have its own dedicated audience , when some of us don’t manage to watch all the time , there are for sure others who check details and date events . Let’s see what’s more and next from the best apartment in RLC history .
  11. It is most probably as you say , the last time personally I remember Alessandro on cameras was for sure on Masha’s birthday and maybe he appeared again just some days later after her birthday , other dates than these two i haven’t seen or remember . But there’s no need from your side to give false information , I take then your facts for real 😊
  12. Totally agree … But with the summer coming , if the circumstances in the villa allow , I don’t think she will have problems .. to me , many of these girls ( she’s also new and not like Elettra let’s say ) , it might be that they want to respect the others in the villa , so , despite wanting to be fun , free spirited and wild , they “ step back “ so as to have good “ relationships “ with the rest of their colleagues .. let’s see and hope that Alsu will continue with this great approach that she has , showing that she’s there to really have fun and make some new friends .
  13. This is a subject with so many “ thin lines “ and parameters . As you know , I have and will always complain about Leora’s hidden life outside of the apartment , especially when she was living alone or with Malia .. can this be categorized as a “ customer wanting for a tenant to become less hidden of private life incidents ? “ . Why this for example is perhaps less important “ asking / requesting “ from a tenant to be “ less hiding her private life by performing more adult entertainment sessions ? “ .. People here say that we just need to pay to watch an apartment , I say that it is always much more than that .. but for every paying subscriber , I think it is a whole different reason and motivation of why we are watching RLC .
  14. This is the second time ( the first was last week while she was in Barcelona ) , that she didn’t ask ( of course maybe she couldn’t make it .. ) the hairdresser to take care of the apartment while being absent and we also see now in this long holidays that she permitted Elvis to have a friend of him to be in the apartment and take care of the daily duties . Alessandro was last seen on her birthday if i remember correctly , there’s no the same “flow” of guests like in the past when it was on a quite regular basis , in a way Masha was “ feeding “ from the visitors .. We will see how it goes , Masha is 32 now and she has been through many things in this apartment , i have personally no doubt that her place and her life will always have many many reasons for any of us to come here and discuss / comment about them 😊
  15. Masha is getting older and more mature , she will always have the wild side but as long as she’s satisfied sexually , there’s no need for her looking .. this doesn’t mean that she won’t do anything if the chance appears , personally only if they get really “ high “ and drunk , something might happen in Montenegro .. My speculation is that Masha’s journeys combine job and holidays , it might be that Masha is also in a recruiting / apartments checking procedure for RLC , Montenegro could be extremely beneficial for RLC ( cheapest rents even from Poland ) so maybe she’s also there for these reasons . Nobody should forget how many tenants she has brought on cameras , either as “ beginners “ or first presented as “ friends “ and then appearing as tenants .. And judging by the really big success she had with her choices , I see it very possible . Let’s see what happens , time will give the answers.
  16. It’s exactly what RLC wants from this apartment .. to be quiet and with women that want to be naked on free cameras so potential new customers fall in the trap 😁Kimberly and Co were there for two days and gave this apartment kind of life and unpredictability but the main B1 tenant , despite every second night she’s most probably in noisy places , she asked that they “ chill “ because they broke the apartment’s rules , which is the following one … BE BORING 😂🤣😂🤣
  17. BUT .. you need also to observe that since he entered Masha’s life , many many many guests , friends , visitors stop appearing .. Since Masha and Sasha broke up , this is the period that we have seen the least people visiting Masha’s house .. I don’t say it is because of him as it can also be Masha’s decision to be less social at this period of her life for her own reasons .. We will see how it goes , I still believe that this boy ( he is still not a man 😆 ) is good company for Masha and not something serious , she’s still though much closer to him than the first months .. Wr should never forget the “ threesome “ event which showed clearly that it is mostly sex and company and less all the rest to be characterized as a normal relationship ..
  18. As mentioned , Elli and Vencel could be categorized as friends with benefits for the RLC cameras.. But it is also a fact that they genuinely like one another as people .. Theor sex is just happening so in a way justify the sexual side of the job they have chosen .. Elli likes and feels nice next to Peater but she clearly doesn’t want more than it is happening .. but this guy makes her for sure more smiley and pleasant , I have said that all these 3 people seem to have things on common from the past , maybe the time will reveal things through discussions and of course if translators provide ..😊
  19. Before the balcony , after the balcony photos .. YOU SIMPLY SAY IT … DURING BALCONY WHAT ?? Just whatever because Efim was drunk and because he was seen crying .. I am even making a mistake continuing this debate with you .. as per Bogdan and Aziza , are you serious or are you trolling us all ? It was good friend Timber I think that gave you exact date and time stamp , forum members described in details what happened .. I am not good on this and don’t know how to provide the link that if you have a subscription you can see when the deleted footage is happening but to end this nonsense we are debating here , Bogdan and Aziza , deleted footage on the 26th March 2-0-2-3 just a bit after midnight , changing the day from the 25th to 26th.. if you have a subscription . Don’t insist on keeping on with this , to you , even if Bogdan and Annabelle appear in a magical way and tell you “ we swear to you , we were just having some joints and laughing / goofing around “ you will not believe as you need to have your own story confirmed , it is your obsession and aim of life for you that this story is real .
  20. It was detailed posted here again and again by forum members what happened … EVERYTHING THAT LED TO FOOTAGE DELETING HAPPENED ON CAMERAS … as some good friends here tell you at times again and again , PLEASE , move on with your life and the incident at the balcony .. YOU ARE MAKING A STORY BECAUSE YOU SPECULATE WHAT HAPPENED .. CAREFUL , nobody says that you might be wrong but also NOBODY KNOWS because there were no cameras … and common sense says that “ what you don’t see = speculation “ … it is exactly the same speculation that Bogdan and Aziza had sex in the garage …. I read this and I laugh 😂😂🤣 , NOBODY KNOWS WHAT WAS HAPPENING IN THE GARAGE apart from Bogdan and Aziza … BUT …. IT ISN’T A SPECULATION OR IMAGINATION OR WHATEVER THE DELETED FOOTAGE , because this happened on live cameras . Bogdan was seen cuddling Aziza on top of her and slightly kissing her around her neck ( perhaps lips but I only saw the replay once as I wanted to see it during the day as it was late and wanted to sleep but never imagined what would finally happen with the deletion ) and spanking in a friendly ( but kind of lovers way and nit like relatives let’s say ) way her ass before leaving her bedroom .. all this happened between 00:09 and 00:12/00:13 … I ( and people who provided you details ) speak with live on cameras events when you are referring on an incident that happened at a balcony without cameras coverage … AM I RIGHT OR WRONG ? And don’t start laughing indicating “ so , what do you think they were doing “ because the answer is exactly the same like Bogdan and Aziza in the garage ….I DON’T KNOW , NOBODY DOES .. still , I repeat , nobody also should say that what you suggest it didn’t happen … I personally believe that nothing happened between Bogdan and Annabelle and Bogdan and Aziza .. that’s my opinion .. BUT .. I believe that something is going on between Bogdan and Aziza , the incident itself with the power cut and Bogdan’s actions with his body on Aziza indicate that this isn’t just two people who know each other and hung around as friends . You need to wonder about yourself why SO MANY PEOPLE here in the forum characterize you as a person that fantasizes and makes stories from his mind .
  21. Let’s say that I see these people as normal human beings that have or trying to have normal daily routine lives like yours and mine and the majority who have chosen to express their opinions in this very forum .. I don’t see them as pornstars or sex tools like - the way i interpret your post - you want to see and enjoy these people because for whatever reason they chose some years ago to sign a contact with a business that advertised itself as “ the private lives of other people “ .. a voyeur is also a person who waits endlessly to see a friend , a relative , a person that in general is familiar with any of these daily in our screen people and get excited to see some of these people speak English , laugh , play a game , get drunk , flirt , take a shower with underwear waiting for this special moment for a nip slip.. this is also called voyeurism and jot only blowjobs and dildo insertions .. If you consider all these written by a bot , then we are officially in the CHAT GPT version 5 era 😂🤣😂🤣
  22. Very good observation , Masha also admitted to him when they were arguing a couple of weeks ago and she was crying , that she is proud of him and how he has changed , he is a complete different person and Masha slowly and gradually enjoys more and more his presence apart from good quality sex that gives to her … AGAIN … MASHA proving her personality and how of a strong person she is , managing a boy to transform slowly to a man .. but what am I doing now ? Questioning the most sincere and genuine tenant ever who ALWAYS shared her life on cameras ? This is Masha , the best always .
  23. What is that you don’t understand ? That Linda should remain the girl we got to know all these years or submit to requests here that don’t represent her ( spread her legs , masturbate , whatever cameras attention and not sincere .. ) ? I hope Linda remains the girl we got to like and admire and not a cameras girl .
  24. Leora can find ways for herself not to be boring and repetitious but she doesn’t want .. she wants the same ole , the same ola.. We have discussed what could happen but as long as the money comes , why should she care ? She makes her loyal fans happy and that’s what matters 🤣 … And please now say to all of her fans that she’s a porn star and let’s see how they will react with this “ accusation “ … Linda exposes herself but she got married on cameras , she doesn’t open her legs facing the cameras to attract viewers and increase her money account .. She’s genuine as we got to know her , she says “ watch me for who I am and not for who you want me to become and be “ 😇
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