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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. This is a more fair post if I may say so 😇 .. unless it is proven by 1000% guaranteed sources , nothing is to be believed , it will always be a speculation .. but as I said , it is very very very rare that something stays hidden within the RLC world , THERE IS ALWAYS someone making a “mistake” and things are revealed .. it might take months or even years but the truth of certain incidents is always coming on surface ..
  2. It seems Alsu is ready for her outside the villa life …
  3. Zhanna woke up for some minutes , still recharging as it seems to be ready and leave early morning 😂🤣
  4. Come on .. we are talking about a cameras master , what you say it is the least amateur mistakes . As I said , there are MANY people here that if they want they can say ( AND I ASSURE YOU IT WON’T BE A DOUBT ABOUT IT ) if Bogdan and Aziza are fucking .. personally I doubt but well , like in so many things in life , you get speechless when you find out things that could never imagine ..
  5. And as always , Zara with her bodyguard ready for distance and isolation ..
  6. Why risk it when there are DOOOOOZENS options for him to do anything ? Don’t you think he is a master experienced guy and on cameras expert for such a fatal mistake that can even affect his participation ?
  7. Anything off cam is not only disrespectful to us but a reason for RLC to go bankrupt .. but look , Leora for 1,5 years off cam , did anything happen ? Go nowadays , Serafima , Zhanna ( of course not the same “ weight “ like the top face of RLC ever .. ) but considering that Bogdan is after Leora and Masha the longest participant with Nelly , well , totally disrespectful ..
  8. Speculations my good friend .. there are many people here that ( IF THEY WANT ) they can say if Bogdan and Aziza are fucking , nothing stays hidden as people ( tenants ) always speak amongst them … as I have said , the way this woman has behaved him , he could equalize for once .. of course , due to his role and risking the permanent job he has , it is too difficult on sharing on cameras .. as good friend Timber says though , if by any chance he is sabotaging the cameras being in a way the landlord , it is the most disrespectful action in the history of this site and can’t be compared with anything …
  9. Poor Nelly ? Stalking Martina for years till she finally got her , almost ruined her marriage , destroy a friendship between Martina and Alberto , life is fair the way you do things .. I would really love an equalizer from Bogdan for all that he has done for this woman ( the man loves his wife incredibly much , so many examples .. ) but he is so superior in so many things that he always manages to keep his decency and a great level of character … being around dozens of women and ABSOLUTELY ALL OF THEM have always been respecting him and showing their admiration .. and he could take advantage so many times ( who can forget the Elian /Tesla pool times .. ) but he was always at his decent level of a person he is … compare now Nelly and how she has been since she arrived in Barcelona .. she even destroyed and fucked up a childhood friendship with Masha …
  10. Bogdan has NEVER EVER showed that he betrayed Nelly .. on the contrary , he has sacrificed even his personal image to take his wife out of the shit she got herself into by being addicted to substances and who knows what more .. the last months and since last summer I believe , she looks much better .. as long as we don’t have any visual proof , IT IS ALL SPECULATION .. But on the other hand , I think 9/10 people here would have liked to watch Bogdan finally doing something ( even an ONS ) just to equalize with his “ lost her brain “ wife and being so patient with her when she was collapsing ( which also shows how great he was during this big problem their marriage faced .. ) .
  11. It’s so obvious that Zara wants to have fun , share with the viewers and make a great stay, her dancing skills are great , she wants to socialize and have so much fun , interact with the others but it is like Dana is always besides her in a way protecting or keeping an eye not to go off limits .. I will agree with many others that are of the opinion that a “ single “ Zara would be even so more great to watch as she’s now limited ..
  12. And now Aziza and Bogdan nowhere to be found …
  13. Maybe now we know why she has the master bedroom which is a tragic decision as it has been proved …( pff man i always remember poor Harley sleeping next to a mouse and on a couch and look the luxury this girl has and she’s doing not even a millinun of what this wonderful woman did for us and respecting her RLC contract despite how RLC was treating her .. )
  14. Always great seeing the two sisters ( ?😁 ) together ..
  15. Tani has the best balance presence in B4 and she can be either by herself or with others , for me she’s one of the most interesting tenants , she knows exactly what she’s doing and I believe everyday she gets away from the “ magic brainwash “ that Tim did to her and makes a good living there .. if she can have fun outside she will do it ( like it looks tonight ) , if they will have a night like today , she would join , be social and enjoy ( we saw it recently in B5 ) and like we have seen other times happening ( today being absent she’s skipping the gathering but I have no doubt she would be having fun ) .. she cares for the viewers and shares the normal privacy cameras moments after having offered us some great moments in the beginning of her stay with “ mister sweet words Tim “ , the way I see it she’s the most dynamic person after Lavika , Karina and Kimberly and way FAAAAAAAR away from the likes in the place she lives Aziza and Britney ..
  16. Alsu ( as was noticed earlier in B7 with one more phonecall in English ) has her fun outside ( I don’t mean sex , it can be anything and of course sex included ) and she just has a good friendship with this guy which it looks to me like an agreement so as to gain viewership benefits as this might be a serious extra income for a tenant apart from the natural stay in the villa.
  17. I don’t think his gorgeous ex agrees with you concerning being a nice man ..
  18. Really ? This is how you were thinking when you were doing it with your coworkers ? A boring employee function ? But of course , what do you know about life when for you watching( you watching ? how 😂🤣😂 ) people gathering and trying to enjoy on a Saturday night makes you wonder “ why don’t I have this and I need to read what’s going on and comment so as to fill my Saturday night by doing something and break my loneliness “ …
  19. Zhanna exhausted from her all nighters and fell asleep on the couch 😂🤣..
  20. Nobody cares what you did , what you are doing and what you will do 😂🤣😂😂
  21. You are of the “ nobody cares “ but still , here you are to comment 😂😂🤣 Why commenting since “ nobody cares “ ? 🤣😂😂
  22. Karma is a bitch 😂🤣 … you always get shit if you treat the people they pay you ( us the subscribers ) like shit 😂🤣
  23. I have my opinion of what I am watching , I respect you don’t agree and if you believe that it is different for you , you can post it here and maybe other members can have an opinion in your opinion … but for you , it seems when a woman is jerking off a guy laying next to her and her “ boyfriend “ is sleeping in “ their bedroom “ , they are a real couple because this is the image that it comes on your screen .. whatever ..
  24. This apartment is a TREASURE for RLC and both Lion and Venera are more that generous and wonderful . I think people love to watch whatever is provided , there’s ABSOLUTELY nothing that these two are hiding , they just live a complete normal life like two normal people who are around any of us in our daily life routine ..I think this couple it is the biggest discovery that RLC made since many many years and they only deserve the best praising but even if nothing is mentioned here , they know they are great … this is the definition of RLC and it is so simply and nicely being provided / given by this couple .
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