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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Pam was great , Zabava also provided also a great last month … the problem is that this place was renovated and I think it was meant to be given for a LOOONG time to Harley , Ulyana and Olivia but one stupid incident caused them the apartment ( which judging nowadays , RLC was too fast acting .. ) , these 3 girls would have elevated the place as they were one of the really last ones who did appreciate and respect any chance given by RLC ..
  2. We could expect that with Yana and Kimberly going out , some new “ connections “ could be made and perhaps see some new people on cameras .. Because from the two divas , we can’t expect anything at all , Kimberly having no relations at all in the villas apart from Alsu and the two guys , maybe RLC should reconsider to relocate her in B1 and have at least Zhanna out who is really disrespecting the job she has been given by showing no interest at all ..
  3. I think the most I am looking forward to ( managing also listening to the Ultra Music in Miami at the same time 😎🥳 ) is what’s gonna happen with Elli and her friend during the night … let’s see .
  4. Most of the people here pay to watch and that’s why opinions usually from us the paying members are easier debatable , it doesn’t mean we need to agree , we all have eyes and judging what we watch .. that’s why I have stopped ( as much as possible ) giving answers to people who simply pop up here to express their negativity of something they don’t watch and therefore have no idea and also to people who ask / request and at times demand when they don’t pay a single cent but still the site works for them with free cameras and they make the assumptions of the little exposure they can get .. I can’t see a site wanting to get better if more and more people want to be freeloaders , if the ones who are “ requesting “ were paying or at least be “fair “ towards the tenants since they judge mostly of what commenting happens here , then , maybe , maybe we could see a better product .. but here we have a certain amount of people that not only they aren’t watching but they are criticizing ALWAYS negative because they hate the site for unknown reasons .. but look , they hate it , they don’t like it but they LIVE to appear occasionally and express their negativity of something they have no idea because they can’t see it to judge it .. go figure out ..
  5. She achieved for almost 48 hours being around 60-70% occupying the top camera replays last week by being completely unpredictable and not caring for her personal image like the woman in Prague does with all calculated actions and on cameras presence so as her image remain intact … and that’s why she has a life without friends and a continuous boredom .. at least Kimberly’s life is an interesting one and the most important , SHE LIVES her life being real and not pretending or hiding or not wanting things not to be shared on cameras ..
  6. If Leora found a way to have easy views , why another one can’t make it ? Plus , Kimberly’s social life and exposure it is WAY much more interesting than watching a 10 years old RLC tenant that nothing more is expected from her .. at least Kimberly still has many many “ options “ to provide ..
  7. At the moment , they are lacking good chemistry in the villas , I will say it again and maybe I am completely wrong , but I believe the Nelly and Bogdan’s presence as a couple in the villa is causing many many issues .. Nelly doesn’t belong anymore in a project where single girls are wondering between the two villas , her husband for the girls ( despite being really great and isn’t causing any issues to them ) is “ working “ as a big “ block , the guys aren’t the issue but I have the opinion that if anyone were single ( boys and girls ) it would be more freedom ..The girls also know that Bogdan is also part of RLC “ management “ in a way in Barcelona and I think it prevents them from being completely free for their actions .. but that’s again how I see it .
  8. Pff , if Serafima and Zhanna stay for the summer , this apartment can be for sure renamed as a “ do nothing “ place , you can imagine with the beach times and the beach bars how incredibly more empty it will be ( except if the other girls they use it as “ storage “ and sleeping place so as not to go back when they come in the centre from the villas ) .
  9. Imagine who was occupying this bed ( and she was called a do nothing 😂🤣 ) for 3/4 of the year last year … and now we have “ this “ ..
  10. Lavika is / was hungry and she “ used “ her pet for pleasure .. always a fan of women enjoying / acting / taking whatever they want whenever they want 🤠
  11. It might be that Zhanna “ takes “ the reward of the worst tenant in the history of this site ..
  12. This topic is a really disappointment to follow …
  13. Lets hope that at least one mimics Angel Marlene …
  14. 😂🤣😂🤣 bla bla … LIKE ALWAYS ..
  15. Zhanna is in her bedroom I see , this is “ miracles happen “ …
  16. So … let me review .. whenever you are meeting with friends , everytime , anytime , your initial thought is to end up in a bedroom or in a living room or in the bathroom in a super maxi threesome / foursome / orgy , no matter of wives , girlfriends , best friends involved … Another drunk fest … when you visit friends or they visit you , you give them bottles of water and juices and soft drinks and there you have the funny nights or the initiation to orgies .. If this is the life that people should have , that these people would be meeting in order to satisfy your fantasies , why don’t you tune in to chaturbate or whatever live show page to watch ? Oh well , what am I searching here ? Life for you is an endless sex performance and we are deep in fucking anyone , anywhere .. No friendships , no relationships , no gatherings .. just sex and sex and sex ..
  17. Excellent and wonderful atmosphere in B5 .. everyone smiling , good mood , NO MOBILES ON THE HANDS by anyone , how often we see this ? A really nice gathering with the “necessary “ 😏😉 adult interactions quite late ( so as to be criticized as clickbait since it is too late in europe .. )
  18. Will just say it again .. Masha in the house and a bit out of ordinary things 😂 … Ahh .. Tani maybe finally escaping the brainwash of Tim and we could enjoy her once again ( however she already started lately more personal exposure 😉 )
  19. It is clear now that she simply went away from B1 to be away from Serafima… and maybe felt guilty with that one marvelous show .. other than that , very nice and endless potential girl but she’s not ready for the exposure needed at RLC …
  20. And I always get the feeling that Wednesday really loves this “ cameras exposure “ , she has raised the bar so much , I still remember the first 1-2 days that thus couple needed their time and the “ usual suspects “ were going mad on them .. and now Wednesday is an amazing woman to watch and of course , for sure we can wait so much more from her .. when the time comes that they move in the main bedroom of this apartment , we might get the chance for even more ..
  21. Can’t wait to see Tani with another mister , then we can see her incredible skills with a much better guy than Tim ( on bed ) .
  22. As said , it is like she’s with him out of obligation , maybe he has helped her in early days , maybe she feels like she “ needs “ to be with him .. so many speculations we can make but seeing her pleasing herself so many times , well , i don’t know what more needs to be seen so as to know that she’s completely unsatisfied sexually …. AND … never ever forget the “ strange “ connection to the guy who she either has been jerking off under the blankets or he was jerking next to her .. and before doing this she was seen putting deodorant and making herself smell nice before laying next to him .. if these aren’t weird things , then I don’t know … but at least it is an interesting place with so many questions around this really beautiful girl ( not a woman yet 😏 ) .
  23. I don’t believe the relationship of this couple , it is other reasons beyond in my opinion .. I would say it is like their first serious thing but now they are together more as a habit , just two really great friends … Vencel’s mind is only playing and being on cameras to make money .. Elli - I agree that also for the money , so obvious - but will hardly ever smile , face react , looks to me like imprisoned but she does what needs to be done for the money .. I think she could easily have an apartment for herself , we could see friends of her , a more interestingn and adventurous life .. I have nothing with the guy and I respect him for sharing his privacy but a more lazy person than him , I am really trying to remember .. I was also playing the same amount at his age but I would ago out , meet friends , come late from clubs , socialize in many aspects and not just have friends at home to play games ( we did this of course but we would also make other things in our daily routine life and of course work - and hes work for him is being on cameras ) .. as I have said , I hope RLC starts concentrating and establishing new tenants for the “ new era “ , Elli could be one of these girls ..
  24. Just a gathering amongst friends , like any of us does in our normal lives ( the ones who have friends and they aren’t abandoned and isolated miserable people like some people who post here because they see all as a show 😂🤣 )
  25. Tereza and Masha seem like they have really developed a good bond , I will always believe that Tereza sees Masha as a big example and I think she influences her a lot . They have common interests like drawing , both enjoy to have good life and being social and around people .. and both with a “ good explained “ ego 😊 Let’s see if this friendship remains on screens when T&T will be gone ( a feeling today that it might be one of the last days of the Ts’ on cameras and maybe Masha flew just for this “ ending “ party ? )
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