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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. And that’s what it happens when you haven’t seen your sex partner for a week and you like / are satisfied with the providing sex services 😂🤣
  2. RLC life slowly going back to a more entertaining mood , after K&R trying to forget the sad times at home , Harley proviso some excellent entertainment … this girl still has a couch to sleep and enjoy herself , unbelievable …😡🤬😡🤬
  3. They missed one another plus the last days have been strange , as was said , make love not war 😬
  4. It seems that Harley is on for another sex marathon 😁🥳
  5. It took only 32 days for Leora to trust a “ douche “ type to be alone in the apartment .. and don’t forget , this girl isn’t getting paid anything for even showing whatever nudity .. brave friend , 6 days in a row , showers , her own room , let’s hope Leora won’t be bored fast with her new “ ratings acquaintance “ ..
  6. Time to check if the new apartment opens this weekend or there’s gonna be more delay due to the unfortunate events ..
  7. The great translators are always here despite not participating in the chats , I hope it proves that when there’s something of major importance , they always provide … As far as for people that I don’t want to say names now 😏 , YES , this is a real picture and NOT photoshop 😂 and YES , they also have a life outside the apartment and they don’t fuck or taking drugs when off cameras and hiding or I don’t know what , like people who “ guarantee “ and they want you to “ trust me “ - i don’t want to say names now - 😂🤣
  8. Her “transformation “ is simply amazing since she first appeared on cameras .. this is her 5th consecutive day sleeping in the guest room , everyday she is surprising the audience a bit ( exactly as needed ) more .. perfect voyeur’s imagination high alert 😁Unless the unfortunate event was happening in Ukraine , it would have been a more relaxed time between the two and establishing an even better connection in front of cameras .. say whatever , I see a girl that she started adjusting , accepting and feeling fine in front of cameras .. Leora and whatever brainwash she has made to her is working perfectly .. Leora needed an in apartment change , the bet seems to have been won as this girl lives up to the expectations … now , if it remains in this nice level and we ( UPS , sorry , THE MAJORITY 😂🤣😂🤣😜 ) don’t see any stupid fake things , this genuine and natural presence of Zena it is exactly the way it should be .. she gets the top cams only by showering everyday now , let’s hope that peace is established very soon and Leora relaxes her occupied by many thoughts currently mind and the girl feels even more comfortable in this new environment .
  9. I think the best answer we can get in B1 where girls from both countries live together , it is all normal , people have nothing to divide .. they are of the same religion , same language mostly with some little differences , it is just politics ..
  10. Most probably heading to a protest all 5 of them , it can’t be more real life than the current events , wishing them the best .
  11. First of all , I am European obviously and there hasn’t been any more troubled territory in the history of humanity with so many wars like this one . The truth of how things have been played in the political scene it is always the one that hurts to know , it has always been an eternal war between the West and the East , the funny thing is that India or China who are nearly the half population of the world have never been named as enemies but Russia has been , why ? Food for thought .. Before saying the obvious , that any act of war is heavily condemned , what the fuck ,we are in 2022 when in some seconds you can know what happened in any part of the world with a video or a photo by normal people and not being surrendered to propaganda by fake news or whatsoever , here is some bitter truth things that show the zero impact of the western world and the crocodile tears as I say it … EUROPE - USA = Pharisees HYPOCRITES "NATO's eastward expansion has been going on since 1997, even though Western leaders had promised Mikhail Gorbachev that this would not happen. In 1999, when NATO was celebrating its 50th anniversary with drumbeats, it made its first eastward enlargement (Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic) and announced that the process would continue to the Russian border ... the Atlantic Alliance started at the same time war against Yugoslavia, turning the organization from a defensive bloc into an aggressive alliance, in violation of international law ... The war against Belgrade was waged without the approval of the UN, preventing Moscow from using one of its last remaining means of power: its veto power in the Security Council ... In 2003, the intervention in Iraq by the US military without UN approval is another violation of international law. In the years that followed, the United States announced if their intention to deploy parts of their missile shield in Eastern Europe, in violation of the Russia-NATO agreement (signed in 1997), which guaranteed Moscow that the West would not install new permanent military infrastructure ... In April In 2008, Washington pressured its European allies to ratify Georgia and Ukraine's invitation to join NATO, even though the vast majority of Ukrainians opposed it. At the same time, the United States was pushing for the recognition of Kosovo's independence, which was a further violation of international law, as it is legally a Serbian province ... "................. .................................................. .................................................. .. LET'S NOT FORGET THE PharISES The problem is that some ( few ) people want to have the power in the world because they don’t know with what else to occupy their boring days and the billions of people are paying decisions like for example the one currently in Ukraine , it is always the simple people , us , that we suffer from the decisions made .Who of any normal human being wants to see images like the ones we currently watch ? But it is always simple history and if anyone reads facts objectively can understand lots of things and the reality ..
  12. Being a Greek , one of the first things you NEED to learn is history as the only way to explain the present and foresee / predict the future is knowing the past…Here it is then about what’s happening at the moment briefly , obviously explained by a professor which you can find his name at the end of the session and definitely since anyone can have his/her own opinion , this is some of the most reasonable explanations ( a personal opinion of course presented in a Q&A session making it easier for reading .) - Did Russia surprise its European allies? Only those who wanted to be surprised. - What is Putin looking for? What are its main goals? "To put Ukraine in a state of exclusion, as was the case in 1955 with Austria, which was forced to become a new state after World War II, to be strictly outside NATO and subject to specific obligations in terms of armaments , to adopt the support of a new government that will keep Ukraine as a neutral armament zone that would threaten the existence and security of the Russian Federation. And of course it will, because the West is limited to verbal threats. These measures he imposed are ridiculous, Borel's statements are on the verge of provocation. Who is the loser in this case? The unfortunate Ukrainians who were the useful idiots. Putin has won, the Americans have won and their shale gas with which they intend to flood the markets of Europe. The Europeans are lost, because they will pay dearly, financially, for this tension in Ukraine. The reality is that the West made a huge mistake that overturned Kissinger's policy of 72, which was to drive China away from Russia, and adopted another policy that threw the Russian Federation into China's arms. Given this, I'm particularly afraid that the next "dish" on the Chinese table this time will be Taiwan. To this huge Eurasian alliance, Iran was added and North Korea, which has recently increased its missile tests, also found a very comfortable reception. "How much naivety did it take to get here?" - Referring to "funny measures". What does it mean ? "Because exactly these measures can not hurt the Russian economy. Conversely, if you think that oil has reached a historic high since 2014 at $ 102, 103, 104, you realize that Moscow's treasuries are filling up because of the new prices. That is, we idiots are financing Putin's war. That's what we're doing." - Do you territorially believe that Russia will be limited to Donetsk? Because it also hits areas outside this zone. Is there a risk that the conflict will go beyond the prescribed limits? "But it is already out of bounds, the conflict is already widespread. At the moment, troops have arrived near Kiev, they are actually besieging Kiev - they are Russian troops that started from Belarus. On the one hand, Russian troops are coming down from the north to the capital - it is a two-hour drive. And on the other hand, from the Crimea, they enter towards the shores of the Sea of Azov. The Russian troops on the side of Little Donbass - I say Little Donbass because Lugansk and Donetsk on their current borders do not cover all the provinces to which they belong - from there begins a new wave to the shores of the Azov. So what is left of Ukraine? And where is NATO? Biden said he would not send troops to Ukraine and told us with "equally great courage" that he would defend the last inch of NATO territory. "Only NATO territories are not threatened by Putin." What is the next day for Ukraine? It is best to neutralize. - Enter a government controlled by Putin and essentially talk about a satellite state? This is the equivalent of the American Monroe Doctrine. I will remind you that the Americans demand that the Monroe doctrine be observed and the Russians demand that the "Near Abroad" doctrine be observed. The doctrine was named after President James Monroe, who first articulated it , he said further efforts by European nations to colonize or interfere in the political affairs of North or South American states could be seen as an offensive that would require US intervention. Putin's last sentence in the second sermon is a nightmare. Pay attention to what he said: if anyone dares to obstruct our efforts, it will have such consequences that he will not forget them, they will be unprecedented in history. It is a threat to World War III. "Stop doing my job" that is. "To ensure my existential security as I mean it" and added at the end "We are ready for all the results". What is the biggest immediate consequence for Europe? "Europe must first be taken seriously. Here, too, a phrase and a mood seem to emerge very seriously. The phrase of President Macron who said that NATO is "brain dead" and proved it convincingly. And the intention to create a Euromilitary - but a real Euromilitary that can stand on its own two feet. The immediate consequence is that "the Polar Bear will hit our backs". Economically, in terms of energy we will "cool down". And we will pay extra for everything because energy is the source of the financial chain, the beginning. "Europe will pay for its innocence, its nonsense." - Is Ukraine alone in this war, or can it hope militarily for some allies? "Do you see anyone supporting her? The poor ambassador shouted in Turkey "close the Dardanelles". I would not like to be in the position of Turkey either. He has to decide who to go with and who to leave. "And it has open fronts in Libya, in Syria, in Iraq." - Does Ukraine have any hope at all, not to win but to save something? As the Russian army is powerful compared to the military forces of Ukraine. "I do not sincerely believe that Putin is in the mood to create a military occupation in Ukraine. All he wants is to neutralize the country. This is a political decision that must be reinforced by the creation of political structures that support Ukraine's neutrality. "I do not think he wants to conquer it." - Yes, but he wants to control it "It simply came to our notice then. The "near abroad" was this. When James Baker (the US Secretary of State under Reagan and Bush) promised Gorbachev that they would not move an inch east and that the Warsaw Pact countries would remain neutral, this was not kept. We do not yet understand the concept of power on this planet. We are left only to incense international law, which international law, as Grotius (Danish lawyer) used to say, is what will help us turn the jungle into a zoo. But he never said he would castrate carnivores to stop being carnivores. We need a team of guards, who will have the tools and the power to separate the carnivores from the herbivores and the carnivores. Good international governance is an alloy of power and law. What did we do in the West? We let Turkey invade Cyprus, we let Turkey declare an independent state in Cyprus, to transfer an army to the independent state that it recognizes. It also entered Famagusta, and all this against at least five UN Security Council resolutions, which the West viewed and "whistled stealthily", with its selective sensitivities towards some and not others. Ideally, would Putin want a "second Belarus" in Ukraine? That is, a leader who is effectively controlled by him? Clearly. And because Putin has another 15-16 years, he could create such puppets for Ukraine and support them accordingly. - Does Putin have reason to fear any sanctions from the West, or is the profit he has already made from the invasion greater anyway? "But it already has agreements with a huge country. With the Chinese market. And how many others we do not know, and how many others will be done. China is not just any market. It is 1.2 billion people. An economy that grows by 6.5%. " - If Russia turns to its new economic ally, China, is there a chance - even if the situation normalizes - that Europe will not have a priority in terms of gas supply, and we will find ourselves with long-term shortages? "There, our American friends will take care to flood us with shale gas. To sell their own, because gas prices are so high that theirs can be competitive. There is also nuclear energy - let's say France has no problem. Fusion will come soon, but it will take a decade. And of course the jokes about green energy and green horses - you realize 10% to 12% will cover. " - Germany, of course, on the other hand, had decided that this year it would put an end to nuclear power plants. He had decided after the accident in Fukushima. "As he had decided to stop lignite, and took it until 2048." And there you have some explanations and what maybe actually is happening .The Q&A is done with Professor Ioannis Mazis, President of the Department of Turkish Studies & Contemporary Asian Studies at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, specializing in Economic Geography and Geopolitical Theory, outlines the current situation and the most likely, immediate future of Ukraine, Europe and international energy.
  13. 70% of Ukraine is Russian friendly population and only 30% are the ones that have adjusted to what the country has been trying to do , that is enter the EU and join the NATO . Obviously , the last 2 western world puppeteer presidents brought the country in this result today by believing that when this day comes , the western world will be helping them , it is just an unlucky country which is in the middle of western interests and the historical Russian ground . Russians don’t want further NATO extension eastern through Ukraine ,in the end , as always the ones paying the blood toll is the people , collateral damage as the Americans would say … Nothing will change in the world , Russia will put their own puppet to control the country and that’s the easiest explanation of what’s happening . It was/is a complete power show off from Russia as in 24 hours they will have Ukraine under control .
  14. Check from 03:07 more or less … Tata covering her tits went in the LR where Rus was laying on the couch reading his book for a really short time and then in the bathroom , she then went to her room , put on a t-shirt and joined Rus and started chatting with him … soon after Kylie interfered and Tata quickly retreated .
  15. I think she showed being calm and even a bit nervous , body language suggested “ oh well , what the fuck , what to do it about it “ and she accepted it . We most probably now know where the first salary goes 😏 However , on a day like this , losing a phone it is the least she should be concerned about .
  16. Night walking with good company perhaps , there are bars , she might also been stolen and not lost it , my bad not mentioning the fact right .
  17. It is obvious across the apartments for the ones who seem to being affected from the crisis .
  18. Marlene lost her phone , she came in the apartment and asked Karol for help trying to find it , she was most probably at the beach . The phone was never found , Karol has borrowed her an older device .
  19. Emotional Leora over the today’s developments , it will be a sad day watching the apartments today , even Linda and Tibor watching the TV about it .
  20. I think Zabava is Ukrainian too as she’s a friend of Holly .. Let’s hope it is a “ power showing off “ and it won’t escalate .. It was the same more or less with Georgia some years ago .. It will be a difficult day for sure , the idea of military actions happening in these people home cities is insane only to think about .
  21. Fiora is Russian but still of course 😔 ..Let’s see how Holly and Tweety react..
  22. It is already stress amongst K&R and Tata , most probably phonecalls back home ..First time i see Rus in this condition .
  23. I think Tata is the first reacting emotionally to the bad news ..😔
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