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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Night snack from Macdonalds or a bit of alcohol refuel ( beers )
  2. Pff .. Tata instantly retreats in her room after Kylie’s interference ..
  3. One of the moments hating not speaking the language , Kylie angry seeing Tata next to Rus ?? 🧐
  4. Friends or whatever , Tata puts on her t-shirt and goes in the LR to keep Rus company .. it all indicates that Tata adores and admires , likes Rus but it’s a “ red hot zone “ as Kylie makes the rules .. in case anything happens between these two anytime , anyplace , it will be amazingly exciting .
  5. Tata making her way to the bathroom topless and covering her tits in front of a laying down and reading his book and enjoying his alcohol Rus 👏 when not even a week ago they ( K/R & T ) we’re having a shower all naked 😂🤣😂🤣🤡
  6. Pff .. the girls get the bedrooms and Rus the couch .. Loraine was generous in the past with Anthony visiting and other girls 😁 , is Kylie in the mood to offer the same like the good old days with Viola ?
  7. Zabava safe in B5 … MIA then for Marlene and Karol 🤔🤷‍♂️
  8. Another one of B1 then overnights at another apartment while going out , the same like Marlene yesterday .. Strange ..
  9. Doorbell and Kylie saying “ finally bliat”… zabava has been found ?
  10. On the same bed , the volcano woman Kylie and the passionless Loraine .. Poor Rus has to suffer Kylie’s temper ( or drinks 🥴 ) as it seems
  11. Show time with the master orchestrator going back to her roots of B5 ? Poor Rus with all the women around and only watching ? Tata horny as was mentioned and left aside ? So many women with lack of sex , it is incredible … sorry for any Japanese forum members , not the sex life of 80% of the tenants is exactly like the people of this country 😱😱
  12. Karol going out of the apartment at that time , something serious might have happened .. you have a good point .. got to enjoy these two girls , Z&M , completely unpredictable , as it should be 😁
  13. I think the problem comes that she stopped her yoga thing and she has surrendered to a more “ whatever “ life than the strict discipline and program she used to have . It can be part of getting older and not having the same “ appetite “ , it might be a fact that she simply wants to let loose of rules .. usually , when people are single , they take care more of themselves because they want to be seen , get the attention .. when there’s a person in someone’s life , we get distracted , there’s someone next to us so actually it isn’t such of importance .. in any case , Masha is also getting older now , the body changes normally as the time is making itself present on her .. About the cats , I can’t have an opinion as it is always difficult with them , they aren’t dogs and they are tricky .. let’s see how it goes .
  14. 24 February .. today marks one month since Zena visited Leora for the first time , 24 January … it is always funny to go back and see what was posted … enjoy 😂😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 Because people do know everything here , especially Zena belonging to the “ douche “ category 😂😂🤣😂🤣😂
  15. I don’t know also how the rules are but for what I know is that there are many ways ( illegal obviously ) to trick the authorities and many girls have the connections to extend their stays ..Now , if Olivia and Ulyana have managed to obtain a type of visa allowing them to stay in Barcelona indefinitely ( student’s one speculating ) , Karol might be doing the same .. in any case , the rumors are that the boyfriend is joining her soon permanently in Spain , some more weeks or months with RLC ( except if they become a COV for obvious reasons 😂🤣 ) isn’t a big deal when she has done this now for quite some months . I only wish the best for the tenants and thinking of them that they choose the RLC cameras exposure over their real life reality , it doesn’t satisfy me as a viewer . These girls can do any kind of job without the need when having a guy sharing their lives with the audience , especially when the boyfriend isn’t a participant ..But that’s how I see it and if she didn’t do it , we wouldn’t be able to enjoy her greatness 😇
  16. Leora has achieved what she was struggling to do since Malia left and after her first 1-2 months of being alone in the apartment and getting bored / feeling lonely and trying to avoid the criticism , that is to make her apartment “ alive “ and interesting to watch once again .For more than a year , it was talks that Leora had no visitors , then she gets one and the interest skyrockets .Even more ? The visitor with the right and professional Leora’s approach , she’s soon to be ( in my humble opinion ) her roomate . Leora found a person that she can control , she could never have next to her a strong and demanding let’s say personality , she likes to be , she wants to be , she feels the need to be the “ boss “ ..Alas if Zena becomes popular and all the spotlight goes on her 😜😂.. CC shows with the participation of more members here and the talks , that the current sharing period of Leora with another person on cameras is what was needed to be done , people have been asking for it , this is what she provides .Not even a month ago , she would sit at this time on her tablet , checking her phone , speaking to Paul and the routine would go on and on and on and the topic here was dead , except Pulo who was providing the live coverage ..Of course , she was teasing the cameras more , she was naked more , she masturbated 3 maximum 4 times per week and now it has gone to 2 maximum 3 ..we ( UPS , THE MAJORITY 😂🤣 ) can’t have all , I think people are more satisfied that there’s this new girl unfolding .. Sadly , Masterchef’s obsession won’t be satisfied with the less masturbation sessions but Leora can’t keep everyone happy 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
  17. I think the “ news “ is that Ulyana interacts with Radislava … there’s absolutely no connection between Ulyana and Radislava , in general Ulyana and Olivia try really hard to live in this place and they try to act on cameras as “ everything “ is fine .. Compared to any of their previous appearances and even the recent in B1 , this is a result of showing how not take advantage of two of the girls that can draw subscriptions and potential new customers by “ burying “ them in a place that aren’t happy …
  18. Most probably is the disinfected cover that she was sleeping and the mouse was walking , it’s washed and drying I believe .
  19. I am glad that you are still interested when I use the word that intrigues you the most , “ masturbation “… I might be writing books but you might have painted in white many houses …
  20. It is better there in the winter and it is better here in the summer , that’s all .
  21. I think Karol is simply using RLC to pay her online Spanish courses while at the same time preparing herself for a permanent Spain ( Barcelona ? ) staying with her boyfriend . I think she has no interest in partying , socializing in party mood with the others and she simply visits as part of a normal life action . All I want to say is that she’s not representing the GOV term , she’s just a girl who takes the opportunity to have a free stay , she does 1-2 masturbations per week so as to justify her presence and she uses her experience by walking around naked and at times teasing the cameras . Her mind is elsewhere compared to the majority of the girls , it is the same attitude that i personally see from Kristy and Alana and Leora in Prague .. their priority is to achieve their life goals through RLC and then to provide for the audience that pays them . I don’t know how else to make it more clear , it might be from my point of view how I see the GOV / COV project … the girls can have a normal daily life job , they can be waitresses , work in Russian speaking places and have a normal job .. they have decided to be in front of cameras , seeing them that RLC isn’t their priority and respect the people who pay makes me have these negative thoughts … Don’t get me wrong , Karol is generous with nudity , she had sex on cameras while her guy visited but thinking that she has chosen the money over her guy , the idea that instead of making any kind of job and be with her guy , she chose to be once again away from her man and doing an RLC job , it doesn’t simply allows me to enjoy the way I wish . I think that this job is for single girls or for girls that at least they join and perhaps with the way they enjoy Barcelona , they find a guy and make a relationship or simply have an “ interesting “ flirting stay 😁 The example I use is Pam ..
  22. Russ and Tata home alone ..Maybe the apartment should go UM 😂🤣😂🤣
  23. Marlene’s night out must have been a success judging of her smiles 😉😉 Let’s see the outcome , hopefully later tonight .. and the reason that maybe she didn’t join B5 ..
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