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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. I can’t reveal this information , I apologize .. but it was shared on cameras and that’s why it is known 😇 No problem if you have your doubts , I might be like you if I was in your position . But i can for sure tell that for at least one person , money was more than satisfied ( she deserved to be honest 😇 )
  2. If Vivian wasn’t getting pregnant , which when she joined i believe she had no idea , I think she could become a fantastic tenant . The pregnancy affected her for obvious reasons , since then , the MAJOR move of presenting Ulyana , Olivia , Fiora and incredible Harley was the “ checkmate “ move of RLC and sky rocketed a faded interest since B2 was with girls doing nothing and B4 was trying to find a mixture again . Time can only tell if total new girls will bring a fading once again interest ( despite having a nice cast , the beds allocation isn’t helping , look how much they torture Fiora and Harley in this ridiculous for GOV apartment ) or a mixture of repeaters and new girls that will be , let’s say Cecilia or Tweety approach and excite the viewers .
  3. Tesla and Elian could have made the villa an incredible place to watch last summer , as soon as they started showing their “ talents “ 😂😉😁😋 , the limitations occurred .. for whatever reason ( Bogdan and Nelly , neighbors , RLC policy , whatever other we can’t know ) it affected them , Elian stopped fast to do things , Tesla fucked a Brazilian guy and then she was just teasing and Nana , well , from an ongoing and slow showing of more and more , very slow but nicely , she also put a “‘Halt “‘😂 We have now Daniela and Ulyana and Holly that have repeatedly shown that they won’t hesitate at anything but there’s a strange - in my humble opinion - atmosphere that prevents from things to happen . The sisters don’t like to be tenants in the villa , Loraine faces personal issues , Radislava enjoys her permanent contract with RLC and I think she has found peace there , Holly has long term plans for her life and I believe she’s using her current stay to achieve a lot ( at the same time I enjoy her stay despite being very quiet , she’s always lovely Holly 🤩 ) and unless we have all beds filled in all of the apartments , we can’t make safe bets of what’s going to be . Experience watching shows that when people underestimate RLC , they always come up with a secret ace in their sleeve .. let’s be patient and see what’s going to be .
  4. The shows are amazingly reduced , what we see nowadays aren’t even 1/5 of what used to happen and even more , they are far of not comparable of what was happening till let’s say Precovid - era .. my assumption about Leora and Radislava come easily with the people who now watch RLC , for 24 hours nearly , two girls on a couch and with a blanket watching TV and discussing are top replays .. to make fun then , even if anything was happening ( show or reality ) , people would just tune in to watch two girls that maybe something happens .. the facts speak and not me , even a closer look of the posts of Leora’s topic the last 24 hours , can be a strong indication of what people are getting excited with 😉
  5. Holly stayed during autumn/ winter in the past , she’s now a veteran in all of Barcelona activities . I am in a position to know that RLC was quite generous to a recent payment to one of the tenants , I think then that the problem might be currently administrative reasons but let’s see how it evolves .. one month or so with empty beds can make RLC not hurting this much but if it remains also in February like this , it is REALLY bad news for the business .
  6. I think the cleaning lady can then get some nice curves back so as to welcome her the way we got to know her 😁 Very interesting where this situation with Elvis goes , if it remains sexual and we are soon going to introduced in even more “ variety “ or Masha has indeed decided to slow the pace a bit and enjoy a relaxed period with someone .
  7. As long as you see both Leora and Radislava on cameras and with indications that “ they go nowhere “ , RLC will be able to easily survive 😆 . Empty beds for sure hurt the image but they also can save for a month or so 15-20,000€ of payments . Let’s hope that their plan(s) for 2022 is for the long run ( spring /summer arrivals ) and that’s why it takes time for arrangements .
  8. If I remember correctly , it was posted that there were some issues with his job after his one and only visit that prevented him from visiting again . After some months , while Megan was still with RLC , there were rumors that they broke up , I think Megan hardly ever showed her sadness .. Rocco was one of the best guests and for sure a visitor that could even become with Megan a “ COV “ , let’s see what’s going to be with Karol’s guy and if her ongoing language courses are an indication of her to become a permanent Spanish resident .
  9. We can only hope that we get to introduced to a “ kind of life “ slowly , 20 days of isolation isn’t helping both RLC and of course the tenants with whatever motivation ( except money ) they have being in Barcelona .
  10. Well , Karol definitely deserves this room , in case her boyfriend is visiting again , it can only be better . Let’s see how long another bed is going to remain empty .. from the overcrowded period during Christmas to a period that they can’t find or have difficulties with girls ..
  11. I totally agree with your comment ,I can’t recall if she met with Martina, she visited the villa if my memory serves me well when she and Zac had sex on the couch in the LR but I don’t remember if Martina was there also . Apart from that day , I think they were never met elsewhere .
  12. Even Gina’s thoughts for her are like we got to know her .There are the ones we wish when back and the ones that simply don’t . There’s no “ why not “ 😂 Exactly as she is , a girl of the edges .
  13. And who wouldn’t love to see her ? That makes it two then out of 4 empty beds 😉😉🥳 . I am just a person that likes to get nice feelings watching RLC , fun , entertainment, real life then mixes naturally if a person acts realistic and as she would do also off cameras . I think Gina is at this level , Luna left when we just started learning of her , but , the way I saw that girl , I would prefer she stays away from this world , she can do a hell of much better in her life by avoiding any influence this world can cause to her . Of course, this doesn’t mean that I won’t be welcoming with the biggest of joy a possible return .. especially if she could convince some students like her to make guest appearances 😁
  14. I am sorry you don’t agree , this mean I can’t “ spew the same old shit “ and others can “ spew the same things “ daily ? Come on , try to be fair with your judgements and not focus on one and only post I made . The last days people speak and speak and speak and suddenly when I appear to make a comment your concentrate your fire on mine , oh well , as you wish .
  15. I am sorry to the people referring to it , but if you think that there was any excitement at the 95% of times that Leora and Malia did things together , what can I say ? It was some of the most fake entertainment things we have seen , there was absolutely no touching , kissing , licking or whatever , just two girls that would choose the direct camera angle and take the toy to ( boringly and looking forward for the other one to finish in a way “ come on , when are you cumming ? ) play with the other so as to keep on with the ongoing imagination of the majority “ maybe tonight they will do something more “ of the viewers . Obviously , as it proved , it helped for both of them to manage and have an outside life , the viewers were kept busy 3-4 times per week ( getting the right dose of “ waiting “ is always the key , fair enough so as people to miss it , don’t give all and often so as people gets bored of it ) and both of the girls could take it in turns and be absent for usually 2 days per week ( later became once and towards Malia’s end ) . There are others to judge better what Leora is seeking with this sudden appearing girl , a roomate option could be in the long run a very fair explanation , after all , even the dog can have an alternative to be walked out if leora returns to her once per week overnight habits 😂😆 As I wasn’t pleased to see anything between Leora and Malia ( apparently in the beginning I was definitely watching but as soon as I saw no will for more it became boring and unwatchable ) after a certain point , I would prefer for both of the girls to keep on doing what they know to do better ( Leora her masturbations , of course the look alike Malia we don’t know and she’s the mystery but I simply believe is just a friend and that’s it ) and no fake or laughable shows that “ insult “ the common sense . With that being said , I am interested of course to watch the girl taking a shower , a visitor revealing herself on cameras is always one of the biggest voyeur’s desires 😇
  16. Finally … Fiora gets to meet Kylie and Rus , a bit tour of the apartment , let’s see if it also means something ( highly unlikely but with RLC how can anyone know … ) . Strangely , Harley remains the only one keeping on being distant and of course the biggest disappointment of absolutely zero interaction and like having two complete strangers that haven’t got any invitation ( ? not sure of course ) or the their own wish to meet anyone else , Kristy and Alana . In any case , great to see O&U&F interacting with Kylie and Rus ( definitely one of the most social and lovable couples as we get to see once again )
  17. Gina will give all the energy and activities boost needed , the girls like her and very important , she simply likes and enjoys being a GOV , as we have said , there’s no point being on cameras or doing in general a job you don’t like , Gina likes it . With her love story quite some months now away from her head in comparison to the first weeks , the appearance she had in B5 and the interaction with nearly everyone and with girls being awaited to fill the empty beds , I think she’s a great candidate to have her back . Gina still manages to create discussions , either negative or positive , debatable thoughts and opinions amongst members , I guess she’s someone who has a personality and that’s why we care either for her plus or the minus she has like any of us in the end😇
  18. Everyone on their seat waiting for look alike Malia to take a shower 😁😉
  19. This guy might be anything but from a relative ( except of course a 3rd grade cousin 😆 ) , kissing titles and in the mouth and fingering and pussy slightly eating .. As with Mila who was absent for days and now with Loraine , it is completely unacceptable that they don’t inform whether the tenants not passing the information so RLC put the airplane sign or RLC “ forgetting “ ..On the other hand , when you have so many empty beds , it might be wise not wanting to show “ lack of personnel “ 😆
  20. Well , no matter what happens with this girl , since Malia’s adventure hasn’t been developing well ( which was really easy to be predicted when she decided major life changes ) and there’s always the possibility that she rejoins at a certain point , it would be fun then to have Leora , Malia and Malia alike , all three of them sharing a coffee or smoking shisha in the balcony …Back to the future it is 😎
  21. Well , off they go .. a really promising start with that guy , degrading as the months were passing by to a point that I think nobody cared . I think their RLC circle is done , we can thank them on being amazing eye candies , great bodies , superb asses .. but that was all .. watching this once , twice it is fine .. but a repeated situation becomes boring and that’s what occured . Had the fiancé stayed online , it could have been interesting at times . They are RLC “ soldiers “ ( girls that will do as asked anytime by their employer ), I won’t be surprised if they appear again .. but this would be , as has been very correctly said , devastating and panicking move by RLC . All the best to the nice twins 😇 By the way , whose next ? Mila ? 🤔🤔 4 empty beds currently if we add also B5 .. B2 x2 , B1 x1 , B5 x1
  22. Dennis was used , Malia was used , any doubts that she isn’t using her ? Which is something that should concern her moral instincts , as a viewer and subscriber , in one week , 3 visits , a new person in the apartment , lots and lots of things she revealed on cameras , can’t be more excited for this development than watching her lonely , without motivation just letting her evenings gone by with only company her portable devices .
  23. Maybe she ( Leora ) “ forgot “ to tell her about the NV , she had the lights off 😉
  24. As jimbo says , Leora’s mind at the moment is way ahead of what’s next , it’s an establishment of things to be seen in the future months currently 😉
  25. Still the girl hasn’t been given a name for forum easier chats . I will continue with Ksenia or Xenia ( stranger ) till anyone keeps on repeating/ suggesting another possible christening ☺️😇
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