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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Since day 1 , you could tell that she had no problem with the cameras , she’s one of the newcomers that seems to be totally fine with being in front of them . She still has been part of a major show with Fiora ( very nice 😊) but in my humble opinion , I don’t think the guy she has is anything serious despite coming out on cameras like this and her disappearances or behavior in general . I think if she was getting an apartment like COV she would soon become boring like all couples , this concept for her works perfectly fine , it is just the wrong apartment as I have repeatedly said . She’s well experienced with sex , she knows what she does but for me , when you change the year ( both her and Fiora ) without the guys next to them , it is just fun mostly and then anything serious .As always , a personal opinion and interpretation of what’s seen on cameras 😇
  2. That’s why I have good comments because not being tenants , they provide whatever kind of entertainment , of course imagine the hot forum if it was Dina or the cleaning lady providing the same entertainment 🤩
  3. Hairdresser is different , sometimes it is nice to have alternatives than the model type girls … The “ crew “ , I totally agree .
  4. Ready to be the next RLC Queen and take the crown from Gina with most staying days in total .. Something that has been predicted already from last summer and the way that RLC seems to have planned Radislava’s RLC presence .An excellent statistic to say the least 😇👏🏻👏🏻
  5. When nothing happens in the RLC world , there are people who at least want to watch shows . While in B2 , Fiora , Ulyana and Olivia plus Mimi at that time were responsible for some really crazy and kinky things . I agree that the “ production “ is funny to say the least . The problem is bigger than it looks , it happens almost nothing , almost anywhere . It is just masturbations and whenever the “ duty “ calls girls gathering together to produce laughable , unrealistic shows ( it was just a great one between Daniela & Olivia recently and the best I think after the sauna incident between Harley and Fiora ) .I enjoy watching B2 and whatever reality they make with the photograph sessions and the sexuality that both Lola and Anna have than all this “ no direction “ things .. I have said why this is happening ( it is a problem that has extended in whole RLC world due to the attitude of the top tenant in my humble opinion .. ) , the girls aren’t stupid , they seem not to get enough and they make as much as to justify their presence . Nevertheless , whatever the shows and the stupidity , it is again only these 4 girls who produce shows and NOONE else ( Mila and Radislava and Daniela just minor exceptions ) , except what we recently saw with Lola and Kylie / Rus which was a lot due to heavy drinking and unpredictable “ horny feelings “ that were created with Rus being completely on fire and wanting to be satisfied . The product is stable , there aren’t people as surprises , it might be that due to the extreme omicron variant they are also a bit more careful( which I doubt ) but the whole feeling is that this current model isn’t bringing any positive results , at least here at the forum and any of us who comment , imagine for whoever is watching worldwide without posting here plus of course the numbers that show the truth and soon good friend Noldus will present i believe for December .
  6. I never believed that Pam and Amalia have been just on holidays or just appearing on screen ..It is so much in the background of what is happening , both girls never seemed like interesting going out in bars , getting dressed for fun or whatever .. I dare to say that it is RLC people monitoring viewership movement , perhaps another apartment that delays to open and these girls were testing possible new subscriptions or renewals or similar things ..The whole RLC approach in general is the least to stay “ confusing “ , like they are trying ways to increase their numbers , they just don’t know the way .
  7. They just need to bring somehow , someway all these 4 girls together once again , this was a fantastic move , it is a pity that due to a small stupidity it had to change and get unfortunately the current B1 situation . I could think the villa running from all 4 of them and make the right +- with girls …If Nelly and Bogdan stayed there for over a year , why not reunite the girls and put them in the villa indefinitely as it was the original plan ? They can provide entertainment , real life situations , friends , boyfriends , the whole package is there ..Let’s see.
  8. The hairdresser was too quiet during that absence , she still provided some entertainment and hopefully during the new year’s party , the “ recreational “ supplies have been emptied from the private bathroom in Masha’s room … time to see when Elvis is revisiting 😁
  9. That’s why I NEVER understand the people that find not the best what happens between Martina and Alberto , the longest couple ( at least that we know ) being together and they still go fantastic with their sexual interactions .
  10. I always believe that the best is from Linda 🤩 And the natural perfection from Lola 😋😋 Natalia’s excellent too but since I don’t watch her often , it comes as third in my choice 😇
  11. I wonder how EVERYONE ( even the newest couple in Prague Natalia / Viktor ) manage to get visitors in the apartment , aren’t all of them living under the same circumstances ? 2,5 years .. and why is just one particular guy allowed ? What is it explained to him about the cameras that can’t be explained to anyone else that Leora has met the last 2,5 years ? What makes different for the eyes of hundreds of viewers who don’t know this site CC and what’s being written in more details here having watched only a certain individual ( apart Paul / Malia ) visiting the apartment and they can watch other people visiting apartments ? Especially a woman that lives alone and isn’t under the couples category .
  12. It is known that they both check the site before performing 😇 I am sorry I can’t prove what I am saying but if you watch / observe carefully - I am not doing this much but I know people who watch really much such details - , you will see that my theory is also a fact . Of course they have a lot of followers but they also choose when to satisfy all these followers and they hardly ever do it spontaneously , especially Leora who is the top all precalculated camera show girl . They have both learned how to keep the cameras busy with the lights or some other minor tricks , of course being the two only ones being most of the day naked or showing ass / pussy / tits . In any case , there are people who like to watch this and that’s perfectly fine by me . I simply want to watch more life incident situations than watching two isolated women , it is a matter of preference . And when - in my opinion -someone feels lonely , the camera games and viewers attention can actually keep the mind busy of both these girls .
  13. There have been some posts on how someone could “bypass “ the problem and enter EU . For short holidays , it might be that travel agencies organize the paperwork to enter EU . The general rule says that EU isn’t allowing the Sputnik V vaccine , therefore , there would be some major difficulties concerning the green pass and traveling . For sure then , there must be some details which make it possible for the girls to either have travelled or not facing issues living in Spain . RLC might be dealing with all these details and actually helping the girls , but that’s what I know . We had / have no problems in Greece to welcome Russian people as long as they have the PCR tests but then it is again visa issues and holidays rather than long stays . Perhaps there’s a way through Hungary and Slovakia which both these countries accept the Sputnik vaccine .
  14. Yes , you make / made also good points , but this also staying together and watching TV , well , it is always what makes me think that it is just many years together and as 70-80% of most Central European couples , this routine is what in the end prevails . Maybe my thinking of how enjoying a relationship is different and that’s why I might be not fair , but that’s how I see it 😇 Not everyone can be cameras comfortable and easy , Kitty has the model aura , Leora is nearly 9 years , Radislava has learned fast . I think Natalia’s body is fantastic , if she knew that people would love watching more of her , perhaps she could start teasing and playing with the cameras . Kitty is reading the forum so who knows ? She might have some advice for her as long as of course she’s no camera shy .
  15. Sorry for the OT to the rest , the difference is that the Ukrainians want to do nothing with the Russian mentality and / or feel any connection to Russia and want to adapt to EU ways of politics and how the system works . Russia wants to play always the role of the Big Mama and in a way control “ off radar “ the politics of east Europe and especially the Russian speaking countries . The problem actually is the Ukrainian people since there are many that still like the Russian traditions but as the years pass by and the new generation emerges , they see all the positive opportunities being part of EU . In the end , the geographical location of Ukraine is also keeping the people confused , most part of Ukraine has borders with EU countries which can be incredibly beneficial for the economy but the borders with Russia are always actually the ones that bring the profit .. what we want to watch is just nice girls enjoying their holidays while stay in Barcelona but the last 9-10 months it hasn’t been the best for the RLC project ..
  16. Radi has a big fan club , I was also a big supporter in the beginning when she was spontaneous , fun , she was interacting with the fans in a very nice way , she was for sure fun to watch . But then , as the time passed by and she understood how the business works for more money , her endless competition to Leora , her only concern for top cameras and personally for me the “ nothing of really importance showing “ ( especially after the Stella incident ) has made me being totally indifferent . A Harley or Fiora in her bed would be 100 times more exciting , fun and definitely unpredictable to watch . We can’t have a second Leora , one is way too much and we are tired , imagine a second kind of ..
  17. I don’t remember who post it but actually is a very interesting observation and to be honest , one which can be way very much debatable , even if it is for the completely wrong reasons . The post was about the party being only Russians and the Ukrainians weren’t part of it . Daniel is from Poland . Now , I don’t know about L&A , but everywhere we have Ukrainians or Russian speaking let’s say except the people who made the party on New Year’s Eve . If the politics have started affecting common symbiosis , that would be perhaps the biggest challenge that RLC might face . Let’s see what’s going to happen and that soon the Russians will be able to enter EU countries and somehow RLC’s restrictive bringing girls from there issue is partially solved .
  18. This is a couple that clearly entered RLC after Kitty’s and Smith’s connections , let’s be honest , we live in difficult times , a very + monthly income is very important nowadays . For me , this is a couple that ( exactly like K&S ) seem to have a long time relationship , might have met in school and be together since then . The time has “ consumed “ their feelings , they are more together because of “ being used to “ and rather than actually sharing passion or whatever feelings . Especially , after the day that I saw the girl crying and the guy just playing it “ macho “ without trying to either solve the issue or sit down and talk about it ( he only came after a short time - while he was laying down in the bedroom - in the LR and asked Natalia to go in the bedroom also ) , made me lose even more interest watching them . It is one of the few ever couples that I haven’t watched them having sex simply because I get a depressive and uninteresting feeling that they both give me . I could say that Natalia is a girl who could easily have a more “ closer “ to her body type guy , Viktor seems not to care about his physique so much , it is also for me another indication that both of them consider one another “ certain “ as partners , I would like to see how Natalia would react if someone was flirting her in super wow manners and making her feel special or anything that you can make a woman feel being “ That Very Girl “ 😇 My conclusion is that this is again an unwatchable apartment , I like that they have both normal lives , jobs , but it is so clear that they are with RLC for the money and they don’t enjoy the opportunity . And as I have been saying recently , if you don’t like the contract you have signed , if you are struggling , if this is too much , then it is better to give the opportunity to couples that no matter what , can enjoy it . Compare this relationship with the Martina and Alberto for example which is nearly 10 years old and still people aren’t satisfied of what they see when this is a really great couple loving being on cameras and respecting their income . I know that I might be criticizing them strict when they aren’t even 1,5 months part of the project , therefore I hope ( as most of the times 😂🤣😜🤪 ) my verdict is wrong but people who hardly ever smile or show positive feelings , passion and enjoying their time , I can’t watch . I hope it changes , even Miru & Dantez with their problematic timetable jobs and more absent times of Miru from the apartment than being inside , they were giving you a happier feeling and were trying to be entertaining . At the end of the day , this apartment indeed seems to be cursed 😂🤣
  19. Well , nothing exciting tonight , perhaps they do something for the Russian church Christmas celebration .
  20. I never chose the life she has chosen..it all comes with a price …All porn actors in the end make lots and lots and lots of money …That’s why they know when to stop …Ahh , I am sorry , what did I say again ? Did I speak about greed ?? 😂😂😂😂 I wonder about the right word definition …
  21. 😂😂😂😂😂 I comment about it , the answers come as ridiculous of my posts , you comment about it , it sounds MAGIC to all of the peasants / dreamers … I wonder if my English needs improvement , if I make grammar mistakes or I can’t write well …Ah , I am still young , I need to learn more 😀😀😀🤩🥳🤡
  22. It’s funny 😂😂😂😂😂 You stick on the details when you EXACTLY get my point .. no surprise that you and your minions surface when the truth ( or at least a try interpreting things no matter being right or wrong since you personally want it to be addressed that way ) is spoken … AHHHH…What the “sex “ I say ??🙈🙈😱😱😱 Apologies Sir Scutus for my BS once again and failing you 😓😓😓😓 It shall not happen again 😞😞
  23. As long as the money comes , he will always be present .. let’s see when the cash flow stops …
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