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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. You are right , but there are others who have done absolutely nothing even for longer periods ( Nana for example ) .
  2. She’s vaccinated , even if she gets it , nothing to worry apart from isolating for 5 days , she’s responsible with all of her actions that she shares all on camera 😉
  3. Nana is playing a guy who has openly expressed that he likes her . She sees him as a good friend obviously and that’s what they have and share at this moment . The guy repeatedly tried in the villa , he kissed her , played with her nipples but Nana had always limits . The worse is that she forbid the others bring guys in the apartment ( villa ) while she was bringing again and again this guy there so as to gain viewership since he had no problems to be naked or make whatever shows . I think he knows she’s using him , at least on cameras , but I also believe he genuinely likes her . In the end , when Nana leaves , I hope he is around for any other option ( girl/s ) available as his English knowledge is great and it would be nice watching him interacting with one or more of the others girls , especially as I said having no problem being on cameras .
  4. I am just realistic my good friend by what I see and judge with my own eyes 😇 Whether I am wrong or right , time will definitely tell … I just don’t like that my feeling is that RLC is kind of “ hostage “ from the participation of this woman in the RLC project and taking advantage of each and everyone here who contribute with their own way …Luckily , I am not a solo observer of this apartment as many others here do ( repeatedly saying that they pay only to watch this apartment and this tenant only and not caring about any of her social life , just watching her and if she ever leaves , they will cancel their membership ) , therefore , I have at least the option to watch other places and luckily my subscription contributes other tenants who really entertain me the way I wish . For me , it is a scandal that Leora is a part of RLC , many others share the same opinion but they aren’t commenting on this topic , there’s no use anymore .I don’t find fascinating anymore watching a woman exhibitioning herself , masturbating herself , contributing absolutely nothing in the RLC project as “ the private life of other people 24/7 “ , whatever she does now it is absolutely to justify her in apartment presence and the salary she makes - it isn’t any more spontaneous and fun enjoying herself and being happy and inevitably this feeling is passed to the viewers - which is much more than the average of many people at this forum . I am strict and negative because I don’t appreciate this kind of life which is all hidden , every small detail m every phone call , every important thing being kept secret like being a government thing , especially knowing that it is her choice sharing her life . I feel cheated and this comes out loud with my comments , I could stay also silent and not comment , I have accepted being humiliated and being bullied here , but I keep on repeating things that many people that I know have in their mind but they don’t post here . I remain a fan of Leora as a woman , but I am totally an anti Leora person for her character , her actions and her behavior , I find it disrespectful to the rest of the RLC subscribers and not the hardcore / worshiping fans who only care to watch tits, ass, pussy .I want to watch more , I want to watch the life of this woman , this is what I am paying for . I don’t see it in my opinion and this is how my negativity emerges . I don’t also like that I bother with my comments a lot of people ( for sure e majority 😬 ) , but there are two options , either remain silent and bury my thoughts to the general favoring comments and posts which are daily published here or keep my mouth always open and comment what I see . I prefer to be a laughable person but still have the power of expressing my thoughts rather than the constant bullying which so many dozens others have suffered and have decided to abandon this topic . It is up to Leora to prove my thoughts and opinion wrong , for others this is the right attitude and it is expressed also publicly here , it is embraced with loving comments and posts and it is perfectly fine . If for 5 years we are going to be witness of a woman who sleeps 12 hours , leaves her apartment for 3-4 hours per day and only to come back to share her time amongst her portable devices , her TV , her bathroom , her cleaning duties and her 15-20 minutes contribution of adult entertainment when she’s in the mood , sorry , but this doesn’t excite me and I also apologize that I don’t hide it 😇
  5. You are right 😇 But as i am saying now since some weeks , I can’t watch anymore people who simply don’t enjoy the opportunity they have and their presence . Watching people just being in an apartment , walking naked , without interests , hobbies , friends , visitors , it makes no sense to me why they should be tenants and for me contributing for their salaries .
  6. If Mila hadn’t been that generous with us during the second male visitor that the girls had , all her rest of stay is the least to stay disappointing for me . If now people want to watch her with Radislava and the fake shows , then this is another story .
  7. This apartment with its currents tenants and concept , it is the worse that RLC has . All girls inside they are just there to fill the beds . Nana , as per the majority of the posts , is a tenant that should be going . One of the twins has her private life outside of the apartment , the other one is filling for her 2-3 times per week with a show . Poor Karol , she has chosen to be locked in the apartment to make money and not being with her boyfriend outside and live a normal life . I dare to say that the most authentic people , the ones that never changed since they appeared and they at least did things have been Anna and Lola , they never changed and even for 2 weeks they gave us something and Anna now is fantastic with her morning naked routine and posing . I was very strict against Lola and Anna and Mila , but at least these two are who they are . Mila , Nana , the twins , Karol with her current status , Loraine , Radislava , I think they don’t serve anything in the project anymore .
  8. So , according to posts , Paul knows about him since day 1 ( of course we don’t know what he knows exactly , does he know that the male friend fucks Leora or they have a platonic / friendly relationship , not even anyone here knows if the relationship is sexual or a bit of everything ) , why then he should be the one bothering the woman who plays with him ? Leora is playing two men , she has both doors open and the master plan continues … A possible appearance of the dog , it is for me Phase 3 to keep the interest in the apartment alive and for her to continue whatever she does outside … Phase 1 , Prague discovery , Phase 2 , the life with Malia , Phase 3 the dog reappears , posts for some months concerning the dog and whatever …As you see , even hardcore fans are quitting sooner or later , how far more watching a lonely , depressing woman that will just masturbate for the audience 2-3 times per week and be an exhibitionist will keep the interest ? Of course the people who want to see “ their lonely Leora “ , they will just tune in to watch her as long as her name appears at the main page list . The people who watch her obsessively don’t care about anything else expect for her to be on the screen , that’s what I believe .. and this is why of course very few people comment deeper about her here and they avoid commenting about her life choices and her general behavior . Once again , RLC needs Leora for the long time subscriptions ( despite not bringing new anymore as the numbers that are monthly published prove ) and Leora needs RLC as she can’t afford a life ( the way she currently has it , in luxury and comforts ) in Prague without the financial contribution of RLC .
  9. But how ? Paul is aware of Leora’s male friend and has no problem .
  10. Unfortunately , the dog seems to be preparing for a long “ on road “ journey if I have decoded the posts correctly .
  11. There’s absolutely no point for Loraine to be in the villa when she has a boyfriend that has been a participant before and for unknown reasons ( budget ? ) didn’t stay with her as everyone was sure that they were both entering again as tenants . Another possibility might be that they didn’t want to have a couple again in the villa after the epic failure with N&B and the “ restrictions “ the girls had to suffer ( not being able to walk naked or more in lingerie for the cameras and so on ) , this is a couple’s apartment and it could be that finally they reunite all 4 girls ( O/U/F/H ) as it is so obvious that these 4 girls team up greatly together .. if now the villa becomes the COT ( Centre Of Operations 😂 ) for Olivia and Co. , we will see … But it is totally wrong that they have these two girls ( F/H ) in this dysfunctional for them apartment .L&A is a reasonable solution , however personally I wouldn’t like that they are part as a COV , maybe now people can understand that despite their relationship , G&B with the local friends , with fantastic Bruno’s brother girlfriend ( Cleopatra ) and the so many happenings that were drawing attention , it was the best . With L&A , unless there would be any new visitors , it will be just one more COV and just some Loraine’s friends will be visiting occasionally . But Loraine seems to have a lot of fans , not because of her activities but mostly being one of the most beautiful current tenants and men like to watch her .
  12. L&A might be checking their new apartment 😏….
  13. Nothing new or exciting of whatever we have seen thousand times , better than nothing for sure and I agree.
  14. Just to make a note about the parties organized and about the guests , I think that we should never forget that these people are away from their countries and their original , loyal and long time friendships , something that we were seeing easily while the Russian apartments were “ on air “ .They have no chance here either inviting people that they don’t know for a long time or as we more and more see , invite no one and simply change apartments . This is always the problem of being a GOV or a COV and especially not locals , living in Barcelona for example . Even if they have now people who are long term living in Barcelona , Radislava for example , Loraine who have been mentions that she’s living in Spain , these people prefer to keep all of their real private lives away ( even though Radislava has brought her mama and her boyfriend I think on cameras ) ..In any case , even if they do whatever they do , they are characterized with words that it keeps them hesitant on doing as some people here suggest , for me , the efforts of socializing and trying to live as normal as possible it is what matters the most .The quality of the characters is irrelevant , they can’t know really much anyone that becomes noticeable on cameras ( Daniel was Olivia’s boyfriend or lover or whatever he was , therefore the invitation in the villa came with all knowledge of his character and his actions ).. Plus , all these people are young , imagine what we were doing and how we were at their age ( I also don’t forget that people here are of older ages and perhaps a bit more conservative with their thoughts or stereotypes ) .
  15. You are right and I agree but even if she’s doing it , she does it because she wants to and not because she’s feeling forced doing so , I just really think she likes the opportunity of being on cameras and for as long as she’s going to have this opportunity , she will respect it her own way and not be a tenant sitting on her bed with her phone waiting for the days to go by , sleep and that’s it for example .She has a salary that maybe lots of people here don’t get the amount of money she does and even exaggerating , it’s her own thinking of compensating for it 😇
  16. If you get prefixed characters and not spontaneous personalities , what difference this makes than watching an already scripted tv series ? And you are blaming the girls all the time for being useless , you then mean it is useless guys needed ? What level you mean that the girls have ?
  17. Fiora might be the tenant in all of RLC apartments that has fully knowledge of her job , she loves it , she respects it and she is not fooling anyone . Few tenants have her passion and she’s a great example on how to combine real life on cameras by pleasing at the same time the people who are watching . Harley is also fantastic therefore we are talking about two wonderful tenants that both deserve our subscription .
  18. Mediterranean person here and full “ on fire “ if we want to “ obscure the object of desire “ as we say here , we don’t give up till succeeding ( of course you need to know when to stop ) but also the women want to have the feeling that men hunt them , so , trying always a bit more isn’t bad ..sometimes you fail , sometimes you succeed .. I don’t think it has to do being a nice guy or not and it isn’t about forcing , but it is always instant decisions that you need to take and many times you don’t want to feel like “ what if had I tried more and not quitting fast “ …Many women would say no , but if it was in all “ No’s’ “ stepping back , we wouldn’t maybe getting sometimes women that in the end were interested but not at the initial approach …Anyway , i think the thoughts are more or less the same , we might have overanalyzed as external observers a situation that only these two people really know how it has been in their minds .
  19. Highly speculating that Harley might be trying for a solution with her guy by being MIA still .. Fiora on the other hand ? 🤨 Are we going to see her in the same flirting mood and testing / bringing / getting to know guys in person / inviting like she did while in B2 ? Unfortunately the totally wrong apartment doing so while having a roommate 😒
  20. Time for Dina ( FINALLY 😂 ) to feel like a tourist , be on holidays and see Barcelona 😉
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