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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Nah… it is a ceremony , a holy epiphany routine 🤭
  2. The coin has always two options , someone could wonder since VH-TV has so many apartments , why don’t they expand abroad like RLC if they are such successful business ? 😆😏
  3. I believe the majority finds the / her shows another big fake thing , especially when she whispers 😂😂 She should move in H&F apartment and do with Anthony or with visitors whatever she has in mind and abandon the villa that without Anthony simply gives her a place to sleep.
  4. As good friend Noldus says , it seems that there’s a happening outside , it remains to be seen if they come back later with B5 as guests or outsiders also to continue …A great evening to all of them 😇
  5. Of course , who would be missed from the top cams opportunity ? 😂😂😂
  6. Ok . Sorry that I have an opinion 😂😂😂 even if it is bullshit and I share it , do you have one or you just appear to confirm what others post after a period is gone and what do you actually think about Leora’s life and behavior ? Oh , I forgot you think that people who post negative about Leora here , they are all BS 😂😂😂 Have a good night .
  7. Preparations for a late night throwing party …
  8. Observation 1 Dina = ratings 😇👏🏻👏🏻 Observation 2 Getting the rare appearances of Dina , it is an amazing imaginations excitement , the absolute joy of the voyeur wanting to watch / have more and more Observation 3 Is anyone thinking that observing Dina from camera 2-7 doesn’t find similarities to Malia ? 😎😉😉
  9. Not even the tenants know what has happened except that RLC protected them . But conclusions can easily be made when some details are known of how both sites work , as we have said , the forum is hosting also VH-TV topics , there are Russian speaking people who watch VH-TV and post / comment and know things and facts , anyway , I am not going into details of what , who , which and when , it is a matter of law , this is the constant .
  10. “ The two sites don't work the same, it's hard to compare vhtv only puts apartments online on their site, it is the managers who are in the front line judicially speaking because they are the owners of the cameras in general RLC does not work like this VHTV, like RLC, needed to close apartments in Ukraine and Russia from two different managers following police raids with seizure of equipment, however we don't know if there are any legal problems after that, we suppose so I do not know if you recall LifeUnderCam, a site that looked a bit more like RLC than VHTV based in Russia, they also had a police raid with seizure of material in one of their apartment, but on the other hand the site managers did arrest and accuse of procuring and illegal porn Strangely, shortly after RLC took the decision to stop the distribution of apartments in Russia, it is surely there is a logical reason, to prevent legal proceedings and especially the closure of the site. We still do not know exactly the reason, the cause and the consequence of having done this …” The person who has made this post he can appear and comment about it as he has quite some knowledge for the subject , that’s what it is known with just a fast search .
  11. Greed is one of the seven sins .Therefore , a normal job , a normal boyfriend , a normal life …And there comes the decision to simply leave all behind once and for all …A ( normal ) job that one of the owners doesn’t believe that will be enough to provide ( a legitimate one , just bringing a normal income for a fair and not luxury life .. ) in the long run , a normal boyfriend that just like that is left behind , obviously totally bored and unsatisfied after many years together .. And all of that for what we are saying since many years..Leora cares about no one else but herself ( and the money 😂😂 ) .
  12. The answer has been given in the forum , I need to dig the archives and will try to post the answer . RLC plays completely with the law that the Russian government has made and no tricks , VH-TV is risking everyday with their tenants , there are people that they know but they don’t post in this topic , even if they do , who will believe them ? 😂😂 I will try and search for the posts made of what has occurred .
  13. VH-TV runs the business with high risks with the law , taking advantage of “ law openings “ , RLC could do the same but they want to be perfectly legal and risk nothing . It is a subject that has been analyzed deeply with posts during the course of these 2,5 years that the apartments have been closed , let’s say that VH-TV risks a lot and RLC preferred to protect also its tenants .
  14. The Sputnik V Russian vaccine isn’t allowed in the European Union , therefore the Russian people , can’t enter the respective countries . It is much money and politics behind this and it isn’t for the current topic to be discussed , this is why RLC can’t bring Russian girls and they are either locals ( Barcelona living or generally in Spain ) or Ukrainians . Most probably , by March , perhaps earlier , an agreement will be made between Russia and EU for the vaccine to be accepted and then it can be much easier to see either new girls or long time favorites from the times we had the Russian apartments ☺️
  15. As long as you don’t see the 😏 emoji , it is how things are 😇
  16. It can be a good forum at times when opinions and thoughts are well analyzed , presented in written form and discussed , like today 😇 I will only say that whatever is discussed is based on phonecalls and messages , visible with Paul , invisible with the male friend in Prague . The truth is then the facts . And the facts say , a ) The dog is in the talks and of what’s going to happen , the fact is that it is always by Paul . When and if arrives in Prague , the opinion expressed of giving up the dog can be commented again . b) The feelings for Paul are always and can easily remain peaceful and the way they are presented by Leora while she talks to Paul , I don’t understand why it should be anger , boredom , in general negative . Paul is Leora’s best friend currently since she hasn’t made any real friends in Prague as it is visually proved , she has no one to trust , not any person to feel close sharing her secrets , her life , what she does . Paul knows everything , any phonecall to him is made in open public because Leora has nothing to hide , the way they talk is normal then . c) A guy who is 1,5 years together , well , he is judged and commented by Leora’s face expressions , the way she writes her messages and whatever in any case without any public feelings . The real feelings then are outside , she doesn’t have to show anything as the visual contact and sharing time whenever it happens , it is too strong . Whatever occurs , it is as it seems very tensed and it is nice , satisfying Leora , otherwise , it would have stopped happening since a very long time . Therefore , the fact is that from one side is Paul virtually and the male friend physically , any reactions and the way they are happening are totally normal then . d) in my opinion , the most important and the fact that we should all not forget . It is all clearly happening for the money , both people seem to be so much depended on it . Leora’s life in Prague by the money , Paul’s life in Russia by the money that Leora contributes obviously . How could Paul make Leora unhappy if whatever life has there is depended on Leora’s money ? How could he make her angry or oppose her when he knows that not accepting Leora’s whatever needs and demands will automatically end the financial contribution ? For both of them , money is commanding their lives , that’s why Leora has no personal life in Prague , apart the male friend and this one very carefully ( the money is too much risking anything losing it ) , that’s why Paul is always smiley , quiet , peaceful , without explosions . It is 90% the money that suggests the way of living of these two people , that’s the fact .
  17. Or they can be like Ulyana who simply wants to feel it inside and play with her fingers at the same time .. Unfortunately , she hasn’t found any spot that can help with her great masturbations …The couch back in B1 was the best .
  18. And again my admiration for top class Lola , best nipples of anyone currently , fantastic .
  19. Nana in my opinion she shares for viewership and she’s fake , she just comes out being an angel girl but I highly doubt . Mila , even if she has been hiding and making fake /stupid shows , she has at least participated in one of the biggest surprises of 2021 and it was quite enjoyable 😇 . The perfect would be for both to go , I simply don’t think they enjoy their job and participation with RLC and lately this has started becoming a major reason for me thinking for the long term tenants filling the beds for no reason . Let’s see what the birthday party brings , Lola’s was fun to watch last summer 😎
  20. Happy birthday Anna.. let’s see if this time the tense between Kylie & Rus will step aside and everyone will have fun and Anna won’t go at sleep early 😇
  21. Still , since moving to the villa , Ulyana doesn’t seem to enjoy her stay , she’s the least active of all of her previous appearances . Perhaps the villa relationships are too complicated and there’s not good coordination and chemistry. 4 of the tenants choosing to make New year away from the villa ,I don’t know if they showed ( especially Daniela and Loraine) their disagreement with the 50€ participation and decided to change the year off cameras . On the other hand , only yesterday Daniela and Olivia had a nice show .. confusing 🤨🤔
  22. She’s always like this with him , I wonder what better guy she can expect to have . He has a job , polite , decent guy and always respecting her. The only thing that Nana has stepped back and didn’t involve emotionally might be that since she’s going back home , she never wanted to go for a permanent guy . On the other hand , she also never seemed to have any guy . I don’t think there’s more for her and RLC .
  23. I am impressed of Gonzalo’s stamina , he has proven himself already in the past with massage but this today , should be a 50€ treatment done anywhere in Barcelona ..Big respect to the guy who has accepted being played but he still never abandoned any trying with Nana ( except if things happen outside .. 😎 )
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