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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. For me , it is like some really great people who were deciding , taking risks , were making money and bonuses because of more subscriptions , viewership and so on , some really great technocrat professionals that were in the RLC business and management have abandoned the company and decisions are taken by a bunch of amateurs who have no idea of their customers , who to target and with what available content . RLC is a business , it needs a longer run business plan , fresh ideas of people who will to risk and dare and be flexible and fast with occurring problems . I agree that they were hit hard but now we are almost at the end of the Covid tunnel and instead RLC is still in a crazy and unsolved maze trying to find ways to be on the right path again ..
  2. Without want to play it “ doctor “ or expert here , has it ever been mentioned that Smith might be suffering from premature ejaculation ? Can it be that it is an always existing problem and that’s why Kitty for example - yes , despite seeing unhappy at times - never actually got crazy or mad with his performances ? Just something that many times I have personally thought that might be his problem since it is an 1 out of 5 men below the age of 60 that get this problem ..
  3. We can’t go back to the so called “ golden years “ because and as simply as that , Russia isn’t an available market for RLC anymore . Whatever happened there it has finished , the reason that RLC doesn’t want to risk and play it legal in comparison to VH.TV that still plays with fire has also been posted recently . Therefore , what made the so called “ golden years “ become a “ point of reference “ to nowadays content , personally I don’t see it happening . Now , as anything in life evolves with the aim to become better , I would expect from a 10 years old business company like RLC that is the “ innovator “ of similar sites to be more flexible and be able to find ideas , suggest to the subscribers ways to make the content worth watching . You are bringing such ideas here to be discussed , a very interesting one but here is my counter argument . Let me make clear first that of course people like this exist and they would run to participate . But .. In which working environment ? Under what insurance ? What rules in general ? What’s the business plan here ? Who guarantees for the anonymity of people when it’s Europe that we are speaking now that everyone has access to the cities apartments in comparison to Russia for example that no one could log in from there and learn about the people there , identify them and so on . This is Europe ,the tenants can be easily be recognizable , i mean come on , I can even make a cheap low cost airline trip of 30-40€ from where I live , pay a 10€ per day Airbnb and just spend my days everyday at La Rambla in Barcelona and with my unlimited data roaming on my mobile have access to RLC and simply wait for my favorite tenants to pass by and just see them face to face . Could this ever happen in Russia ? No way . That’s why the anonymity of these people was secured and they could find endless sources of future candidates to inhabit the apartments there . Therefore , yes , they can find easily people but these people also need to be of a standard level in order to occupy the apartments in Europe . In Russia you could find everyday people with a class let’s say , Sam and Eva for example , Sam always looking great with his tie before going to work in the morning , the beautiful music duo that were simply amazing , Chloe and Tyler , the list goes on and on of daily life class people with normal jobs , hobbies that you would just tune in to spend an evening with them and see them doing things because they were educated , skilled , it wasn’t just to see them fucking like the majority now is pleading . RLC was for them a super extra income , they had rent free apartments , therefore they could make some serious money plus their normal daily jobs . What I am trying to say is that it is very difficult for RLC to find such people in Europe . This is because of the salary situation in Europe , Europeans get paid 4-6 times more of what the Russian people get paid . How can you find real class daily life people and persuade them to do such a job ? There’s no point . You can find people that “ literally “ are sinking financially due to whatever wrong life decisions and be lucky that the experiment will work . But who will do this ? They can’t find just nice local looking girls to feel apartments in Prague for example and you ask for such interesting and amazing personalities like the ones you are excellent referring to and we had the chance to watch in the past . I believe that unless the RLC business dares for a major lifting and invest in locals for example , even without the skills of the Russian people , I can’t see how they won’t keep losing subscribers in the long run . Look at Leora , look at the B2 apartment , look at the rest of the couple apartments in Prague which are a small Russian clone thing .. As a conclusion , I just believe that money and the difficulty to organize , search , scout , make the interviews and finally and most importantly have apartments to provide for the tenants , I can’t see it happening. The facts are the ones that we have now , they need to find ways to improve the content they offer . But how can that be when the major talk of today was and if and when Loraine and Antony come back in the villa ? Please , what a joke ..by the way , i never ever saw any of the couples in Russia whispering , hiding or not willing to share in public .. Loraine just keeps whispering like we will know the secrets of the Catalan revolution ..😂🤣😂🤣
  4. Almost forgot , give Daniela some serious bonus , fake or whatever , too much or extreme staged , at least a woman who tries to create moments , enjoy her stay , make fun , provoke the others , tease them , us , at least she wants to have a good stay and respect the audience . So , well done Daniela 😇👏👏
  5. And since today is the “ pissed off “ day for many in the forum with the recent incidents happening , here it is , TO RLC MANAGEMENT monitoring PART II . Difficult times call for difficult measures , here you go with some extreme suggestions 1) Give Brutus and Cleopatra the current apartment of Gina and Bruno and have them inhabit the master bedroom in the villa . And let the drama and things create viewership , talks , chaos . Extreme , but this is what’s needed currently 2)Notify your top and beloved tenant to change the rules of her game and instead keeping an audience of I don’t how many worshipers , risk for a chance of more subscriptions , attendance , do something for this staged boring place and make your top tenant get some of her former glory by behaving as she should under RLC rules . 3) Send home the 3 indifferent women of B2 and have back at their own “ glory “ place the 4 musketeers . And let them take things into their own hands . 3 extreme suggestions but stop playing defense and waiting waiting and again waiting till the sun rises without Covid in our lives . Dare , risk , take desperate measures at desperate times . Prove that you take all comments under consideration .. otherwise , you are in deeper shit than what you actually believe with what’s coming as reactions .
  6. This can’t happen for reasons that have been analysed .. but they did a couple of things this year that the forum went deep red hot , they know what the majority wants to see … on the other hand , tell them differently when day after day their top cam is a woman who just has her legs spread open and naked .
  7. I have an optimist competitor or ?? 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😛😝
  8. The problem is that he isn’t the problem and he wants other women but he is the puppy of Loraine that any command is “Anthony SIT “ , “ Anthony STAND “ ..
  9. And now we will get the massage most probably 🥸🤪 “ spashiba “ 😂🤣
  11. Loraine with her stupid whispering again like she targets an audience that we give a rats ass of what she wants to say in the jacuzzi 😂🤣😂🤣 Loraine 😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬
  12. We have Holly back which is a gift .. not all returns are bad 😇
  13. I can only compare Dick to Bruno but he had an open relationship with Jane and I believe this was fascinating the viewers . Anyway , for as long as RLC is on air , we can keep on hoping 😉 After all , Masha still remains fun and impressive to watch with always “ expect the unexpected “ that it is so massively missed across all apartments in this period .
  14. Very “dangerous “ development with L&A more “ daring “ today . Radi “smelled” ( checked ) immediately the top cams activity and she joined ( as we said , I can’t believe she missed the Holly / Daniela incident a couple of days ago .. ) .. Let’s hope that it is just RLC monitoring / checking reactions of a possible return which , if it happens , I can’t see a bigger tombstone for any villa unexpected things happening .
  15. Poor Paul , you are allowing this woman to treat you like a boy toy . She’s even thinking to bring you in Prague for what , 1-2 weeks , 10 days time just to secure you for her back up plan and then pack you back in Russia so she can continue bringing the money for you , support your business and allow you to have a decent life and at the same time she can continue her luxury life believing that money brings happiness while becoming more and more isolated , lonely and mentally emotional by leading a life without even knowing what she wants . Yes , move in Europe and by keeping the legs open and masturbating , she can secure the future even when the wrinkles , the cellulite and the extra kilos won’t be able to be hidden from all the Botox , creams and anything that needs to be done against the calling of nature like any human being .
  16. I consider Lola / Anna / Mila the worst coexisted tenants ever for the GOV concept of RLC . I can’t remember any more apathetic , uninterested , indifferent , worthless participants . Yes , we have seen worse but they were individually indifferent and uninterested , we are having now the unfortunate rare occasion for any of us that still pay of witnessing 3 women who have obviously been called urgently by RLC to fill in this apartment under incredibly low financial benefits . I can’t prove anything but it is more and more my feeling that the deal is kind of “ you will get free rent , a standard amount of monthly salary adjusted to the Covid era period and whatever extra we can discuss about “ . “ No high paid bonuses , not extreme money but we please ask you to join and we can discuss in the process how it can work better for both you and us as a company “ . It is really a pity watching an apartment that in the past the girls that would have liked to enter and participate could reach a queue like the morning queues of a popular Barcelona metro station waiting to catch the wagon . An unbelievable turn of events , the even worse is that RLC doesn’t seem to bother , their only priority is to have the beds filled as possible as they can and for the rest , let the sucker ( us ) pay . The same goes for Leora’s apartment , Mirukawa’s and Dantez’s and Kitty and Smith’s . The comment comes also as a proof that many people here keep on challenging me that I am an RLC supporter of anything that is happening , so , before anyone comes back to me with anything similar , put this post in your archives .
  17. Look at Gina then and her transformation 😁( not so shy but in a different level ).. of current tenants , who would have thought Tereza and Leia 😉
  18. So .. people ask for information , one of the two great translators we have appears and gives a valuable info and still there are doubts . Please then , don’t wonder that they aren’t willing to provide more . This isn’t a comment addressing personally to you 😇 but a general approach of what’s happening in the forum in a wider thinking . The more the doubts , the more these two guys will keep on getting distanced from here . And as of experience , a forum that goes from a 70-30 speculations / facts approach due to language barriers to a 90-10 when translators disappear , it gets more difficult to keep the members interested . Look what has happened to Leora’s when they managed to eliminate all the language contributors and now it is a thread that it’s so bad to go and even post there . I only want to say that we should have some faith to these translators that repeatedly dedicate many hours daily by paying attention to things that neither me nor you wouldn’t be able to know if it wasn’t for them .
  19. Nora , the Alpha Female 😉 I think in life you should only look forwards and never backwards ..😇
  20. I don’t know if I would like to see Piper as a roomate of Masha . No matter how Piper belongs to a category more or less like Holly , I think , judging by her looks currently and whatever behavior we have seen the few times she has been in the apartment , it is better without RLC in her life . But Piper as a roommate and with Masha in her most sexual for experiences to learn year , it could make it really entertaining to watch .
  21. No , they are free to do as they are pleased . But they are the ones that “ volunteered “ to go to B1 and for things that will be understood in the near future ( as per my estimation ) , either Karol or Nana had to do the “ change “ as well . The only “rule” must have come from RLC and I think it was a loud and clear “ do whatever you want but no extreme noise parties or incidents that will piss the neighbors , we can’t afford to lose this apartment “ ( therefore you will lose your contracts too 😉 ) . I believe that after many years , RLC has some “ soldiers “ tenants , the ones that feel “ obliged “ of the opportunities they got through the years , through RLC they managed to gain financially , they had the chance to live some luxury moments in a dream city for people from their country , many also had the chance to escape the cold and boring Russian life , these tenants I call them “ soldiers “ because they will always be there in case RLC needs them . I consider such Lola and Anna , Holly , the twins , Monica , Gina , Irma , Bogdan and Nelly , Leora above everyone and these are to name a few that come in mind as of recent people that we have seen .
  22. If you were in prison , wouldn’t you ?
  23. They could make it a bit more worth watching , there’s no point to feel like watching a “ curfew “ or “ restrictions “ place when we are just some months that we escaped physically this life in our daily routine ..
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