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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Peasant 44813 reporting … the Queen struggles as she’s delaying to leave her prison , plans not as were supposed to be . Can’t personally wait to see if she’s back in human or robot mode , will her outside activities lead to return and grab one for her number 1 addicted fan ( who through his recent posts gets all the strength to keep on providing this masterpiece of entertainment ) in robo mode ? Or the pleasuring of last days and enjoying life outside as a human being with love and affection continue ( by the way , did she phone Paul to give her analytical report of todays what , when and where 🧐🤔 ? ) and the Queen will be back to just change to her sexy night gown , put her iPad on and watch till the late morning hours since she will have to stay awake so as she can phone big love Paul ( or await his phonecall ) to give the report of what a fantastic Thursday in Prague it was and that she can’t wait to have him back and enjoy the life , the moments , the incidents , the beauty of the western lifestyle together … The world is waiting in agony , peasant 44813 is looking forward to the next few hours so as to check of what that was recently described will happen.Stay all tuned to a soon to be empty apartment , the entertainment is about to begin and Leora is inviting you all ( sorry , the majority 😬 ) to her escaping the prison journey adventures ( emm , sorry bubble prison , aka Queen’s Kingdom ) , what an amazing and fun to watch experience . Peace out ✌️
  2. I have to agree with you , other than being a nice girl she has adjusted the twins syndrome , that is wandering around in an apartment full of restrictions of things that are allowed to be done and that’s it . And we also have Holly now in this place , she can be steps away to become indifferent too , this will be a massive massive disappointment .. luckily, she still tries to enjoy by visiting the villa and escape this “ limited lifestyle mood “ of B1.
  3. No sex for L&A .. maybe there’s still hope then 😨😏🙏
  4. RLC needs Top Knot back ( and why not Jane ) … and then let all possibilities , speculations , fantasies , requests even to be claimed .. and then , it will be one more “ free to give “ reward from Masha to RLC to have these two back .. let’s see .
  5. The hairdresser is fine .. her hairstyle ideas are weird 😱 I always miss the orange she had or the blue .. but that’s always a personal taste 🥳
  6. Please guys , don’t destroy the fairy tale which now has the title “ Robobates “ , it has to end with the epic post from the addicted guy , people are waiting in despair to read his comment , it has been missed 😢😢😢😢 Please Leora , grab one , it’s getting late in Europe , please 🙏 and don’t read here your haters , please keep on nice girl .
  7. Masha .. the only one that tries to keep RLC watchable by providing different , unexpected content week in , week out , 6 years in the making and continuing strong .. the only one that tries to live real for herself and never hiding , always respecting and compensating .. Masha was , is and will always be value for money for this “decline of interest “ company . Well done Masha 👏 , a true RLC tenant from start till now .
  8. If L&A have sex , then the chances are more than 80-90% that they are back with RLC , usually couples/ tenants without contract don’t participate in any action ( obviously H&A were a difference case and the exception of the rule 😆 )
  9. That’s why maybe Fior didn’t go to sleep at the empty guest room as it was already prepared for L&A today .
  10. There are women who get very wet , it has happened that I have been with women and it is always a bit “ strange “ when it happens , especially when you are a “ new “ couple or just sex partners . I don’t know how else to explain apart from being a normal thing amongst many couples .
  11. I am waiting for the BS GIF for you , the confused and ironical smiley emojis .. but wait , you are the administrator here and you are getting the others to be afraid of you .. well, East do they know of wresting when the employee can hit the boss …😏
  12. It’s a bubble prison 😂🤣😂🤣 show begins in 1-2 hours .. are you enough rested of not having masturbated the last days seeing your addiction roboperforming ? 😂🤣😂🤣 Please ask her next time which toy you want to see her with .. Mr..Black ? Mr. Orange ? Mr.Pink ? Mr.White ? 😂🤣Then you will know that you are her big and eternal love and that she reads anything of you here . Leora to piss me off ? 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 Why ? She is pissed off with herself being the first ever person in history who was prisoned herself in a bubble that she has created and she can’t escape it 😂🤣😂🤣You are so naive that you can’t understand that each and everyday the sadness , disappointment and isolation of this woman grows .Look at her health problems , look at her sleeping disorders , look that she decorated a Christmas tree so she feels a bit enthusiastic and different . People like you are “ killing “ her .. instead of thinking of her as a human being , your only agony is when and if she masturbates to give you the pleasure to use your masterchef addicted dick 😂🤣😂 Me pissed of with Leora because she has a life that doesn’t know what she wants at the age of 30 😂🤣😂🤣your jokes are one category by themselves . Psss , bet with me , Mr . Pink for tonight .. if not , she got so much fucked in all of her holes on Sunday by her boyfriend that she got so much real pleasure and she apologizes to you for not having the energy to perform … ahh , she also said “ I am sorry my dear masterchef that you didn’t see me getting fucked , but don’t worry , Paul is coming to give him some of my fantastic blowjobs for you to masturbate “ 😂🤣😂🤣
  13. You aren’t the only speaking Russian in this forum . Good night .
  14. 90 days to around 18 months that she stayed .. nothing more to add on that .
  15. The ladies will be back , patience is the key 😉 You are becoming an RLC veteran slowly by recognizing then past tenants too and knowing their habits .. welcome to the RLC and CC experienced society 😁
  16. A very respected and with a great argument opinion , everyone has its own preferences I guess 😇
  17. Then she was illegally staying if visa was over . Tourist visa is valid for 90 days by the way in the Czech Republic , Malia was there for nearly 1,5 year or so .
  18. The police got her , she was asked that she needed to abandon the city . An RLC lawyer was involved for her case . That’s what can be said at this time .
  19. These aren’t farts , it is just a normal reaction of the hole when it is totally wet and you come in and out , it causes this sound . I don’t know how to explain in English but it happens a lot when a woman gets too wet during sex.
  20. It’s like RLC is “getting “ opinions by monitoring the threads . Holly suddenly appeared while Masha revisited , a storm of positive commentsand then , voila , Holly is back . We are seeing now Polya very often , the opinions are divided , some would like her back , others not .. so they might be checking for more reactions . And now we get Loraine for third consecutive day . It has been said that Loraine has been living in Spain with Anthony before joining at their last stay .. maybe they are monitoring reactions .. let’s see.
  21. There have been speculations and theories that she asked from RLC management to be in B1 because of the possible boyfriend story we saw while Masha visited . If L&A are indeed rehired , it would be a tombstone if they bring them in the villa . If they move them in B5 , it would be the same shit different year , at least C&C wanted the shows for the money and Anthony is a fun guy to watch but this couple is the most passionless I have ever seen . We need to say that there are no indications that T&T are going anytime soon , of course it can change any moment . The best would be to put them in the master bedroom of B2 and get rid either of Lola / Anna / Mila or any two of them ( however Anna/ Lola are a duo therefore no chance ) or the twins innN1 and get the master bedroom ( which seems impossible since they asked RLC to save the day for them by going in B1 to reopen it with Karol ) . The biggest and unfortunate event when things seemed to finally get in a better order was when they lost the 4 musketeers who indeed brought back the fun , the good vibes , the great smiley mood and positivity that we like to watch - when we do - of RLC .. and of course the nuclear weapon of sweet little Ulyana . You can clearly tell that it is like someone has cursed them and when they try to stand on their feet , a major incident happens . From summer 2019 and the loss of the Russian apartments , then while managing to find a rhythm Covid hit and then when normality started slowly coming back and they brought 4 permanent ladies to occupy a Barcelona apartment indefinitely , they lost them within one month . But they are stubborn and I believe they are working for the next step ( which of course it can’t be with L&A … )
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