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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. The problem - as with many others tenants - is that she gets affected either negative from the bad or positive from the good . The solution has been suggested , why enter here and read if you are bothered ? You simply eliminate this site from your bookmarks , you stick with your own life and choices ( right or wrong ) , you raise the middle finger and you say to anyone “ fuck you all , it s my life and I do as pleased “ ..but when you are an exhibitionist and you care even for the slightest of details , you simply get addicted by wanting to know the gossip .. therefore , the solution for the tenants exist , avoid CC with all its goods and bads .. you don’t do , your own responsibility .. and imagine and also don’t forget , the site requires that we are polite to the tenants when we refer to them .. when we are treated in a peasants way 😂🤣😂🤣
  2. A photo isn’t revealing the whole truth .. but why not ? This is how it should be . A really pretty woman with a handsome guy , it is as it should be ☺️
  3. The way I see it , with whatever has been happening , Leora reveled him to the public yesterday in full exposure to gather opinions .. one and a half year and still managing being together either their sex life is insanely fantastic and addicted to sex being together or ( as it is my theory ) ,they make steps back because being together and having eachother in their lives seems to be much more important that any differences which are still there or appear at times .. By the way , it isn’t the best in my humble opinion believing it is better to see a woman stick three vibrators in her ass than trying to live a normal life . And the last , for every “ turned down “ because she was actually working to have her income and as we know , when we work , it is also a part of our lives that we can’t skip to go for a date 😂 , I can recall many many many times that she would simply stand up from the couch or the bed , walk down the lobby half or barely naked only to reappear again after an hour or so ..
  4. Then her problem with herself and her life is much bigger than what she thinks if she makes life choices according to what people will post or say here 😂🤣😂🤣
  5. To be quite honest with you , we saw him yesterday but not live .. she even zoomed in a photo with him so the cameras capture the second she did it .. for me , it can be a slow process of appearing finally in this place .. but as jimbo said …. 😂🤣😂🤣
  6. And again I repeat .the Barcelona girls have a similar life and they explain them the situation . In the end it is like “ that’s what I do , like it or hate it , this is me and who I am “ .. if you consider that she’s hiding all , then Leora has a huge existence problem because she is c-o-m-p-l-e-t-e-l-y ashamed of what she does and she considers her job unethical .
  7. All is a speculation , all thoughts and opinions posted here are based in common sense and logic ( if there’s one concerning Leora that is 😂🤣.. but she is a human being like the rest of us and not a robot despite behaving like this )
  8. Do you think that Leora cares for anyone but herself ? Do you think she gives a shit for people ? Look how and what she was saying behind Malia’s back , look how she treats Paul by obviously ( although it has never been clearly revealed or posted here ) having another guy and pretends that he is still her boyfriend . Except if Paul is the biggest cuckold in RLC history and swallows without chewing all of Leora’s endless bla bla bla through her talks ..I think Paul is much more clever than what everyone thinks here but the dislike on him has been created due to not being a great lover to her and kind of ignoring her when everyone here who worships her believe that they will be puppies and slaves to her according to her wishes just to have one more blowjob , one more penetration .. few people here understand and know that it is completely different watching from distance and safety a woman you like and you have personalize as a Queen and it is completely different living with this person .. we as viewers have other perspectives than what Paul had with Leora since we watch and it would be another story if we were living with Leora . Most of us I think we would have endless quarrels ( or endless sex , but for how long 😂🤣 ) .. There’s nothing fake when it lasts 1,5 years despite the ups and downs . The way I see it , the ups and downs show “ health “ , they show that two people no matter what , they try to work their differences and always make a new beginning or continue with the good and eliminating some of the bad .. I honestly believe if the guy was able to pass time in her place , if she was also more at his , it would have developed more and with less problems . In my opinion, it is Leora’s professional choices and how she handles her inside the apartment life that has caused this problematic relationship . Of course , she might be a masochist and enjoying all this . We have tried to analyze all of Leora’s moves since she went to Prague and as calculated her masturbations and shows / camera teasings are when she is working , it is as equal unpredictable and insanely difficult to figure out her outside things .. and on this , I congratulate her being two persons who live two different lives … the Leora inside the apartment with her activities and work and the Leora outside with her activities , life , friends , smiles and emotions . BUT … NOONE and I repeat NOONE should forget that what you do and behave in these young times and age affect your future and her 45-50 years old life the maximum , both mentally and physically .. but of course Leora believes she will always be young and attractive and that the time won’t touch her ..
  9. But I think you are not paying attention to the rest of the apartments , especially the Barcelona ones . Aren’t the girls that go there bring their boyfriends ultimately ? Maybe they are a bit camera shy in the beginning , but with the right guidance and lots of bla bla , they slowly think less and less about them .. why is Leora different ? She brought Dennis , she brought Malia , what experience did they have or not being camera shy before becoming “ friends “ with them ? Nobody says that Leora will bring the guy ( or anyone ) at home to have sex or whatever , but a slow introduction , how the apartment looks , the facilities , the rooms and so on . ( of course it can be that she shows him an empty place by presenting it with the cameras - then the whole theory that he isn’t watching RLC or knows what she does collapses 😂🤣 - ) . As I have said , if anyone here believes that Leora will stay 5 years till she gets the citizenship in a similar behavior and routine apartment like she does / behaves now , then I am sorry , we are more weird or perverts than what we already are .. are you honestly telling me that this “ movie “ will be played for the next 3 years in this apartment ? Just again using common sense for my thoughts ( if there’s any common sense with Leora who manages to break all logic so far )
  10. Why do we think that Paul watches and cares ? Is it because Leora is showing us that because she cares for him he should care back ? Why ? And don’t you think he has more important things to do than watching an empty apartment like the rest of us only that his ex is back when it is early morning hours in Russia ? Why should we think he cares for her and not having his own life after 2 years and he also then using her so as to have his financial boost by the money she sends him ? If he wanted , he could have visited Leora since many months .. if she wanted , she could have visited him since many months .. nothing is happening .. as I have said , being a true and passionate love , you move the sky and the sea , the whole world to spend not much , but even a day or two only with the person you love .. do you honestly get that this feeling exists between these two ? Sorry to tell you , I never ever saw any passion , any craziness , any “ must do now “ , any difficult try , any obstacles removing so they are reunited .. if you have seen it or felt it even through their phonecalls , please share if you want since you watch much more time during the day this apartment . And about the new boyfriend ( I can call him now like this since he was revealed officially even here at the forum ) , do you honestly believe that for - how long it is , 1,5 years - there hasn’t been any slight , any little , any hints , nothing discussed at all of what Leora is doing ? Do you actually and honestly think that the guy who has so much influence on her , the guy who always comes back again and again and again , Leora is lying completely to him the last 1,5 years ? Let’s be logical here and use our common sense .. If he was so naive , he wouldn’t be able having her submitted at all of his requests ( despite slipper believes is the other way around ) . I don’t know what he knows but I don’t accept by any way possible that he knows nothing and he is completely “ blind “ by Leora’s role and purpose in Prague .. it is impossible in my humble opinion.
  11. I don’t think Paul plays any significant role erotically , he is serving his purpose being her soul mate , the guy who she will turn when she feels bad , sad , angry , he is her soul mate and she believes that no matter what , he is always there for her listening to her anytime of any day .. ( even though he might not be paying attention so much by recently reading that he fell asleep 😂🤣 ) .. we do not know if there’s any agreement between Paul and her concerning financial things , apart from what has been written here that she helps his business .. other than that , it is 22 months I think since he came to visit , the love story is over , nothing works like that , this is why now slowly as it seems we might get more glances and info of the guy she is currently sharing moments .. the guy in Prague , no matter the complications and problems , he is there , around ( even whenever she wants as she plays him as anyone insists ) .. but he is there , she can see him , touch him , feel him , see his eyes and face from centimeters .. Paul she only hears during the phonecalls , she can’t have him live .. you know I think what they say .. an image worths 1000 words , should I add anything more ? Leora knows that the heat here increases but basically she is having a complete disorientated life in my opinion .. she thinks she controls things but her actions suggest that it is the other way around .. tell me if you remember when you genuinely saw her smiling , laughing , enjoying spontaneously and not calculated for the audience and the views / clicks herself being alone .. and then I will tell you , yes , I forgot or I didn’t notice . Leora is having fun and incredibly amazing life outside her prison , inside it is the place to work and make her money so as to enjoy this life . I don’t like it , I criticize it , I hope it becomes better for the fans who like me aren’t hardcore but they love seeing her having an as much normal life as possible like the rest of the tenants .
  12. Look .. there’s one simple thing that I see from my point of view and I examine it as a human being because I have done it numerous time while living abroad in the winters by myself for 4-5 months .. Leora lives in a really big apartment for European standards ( renting one i mean ) , it is impossible for her - even if she has the cold Russian blood - to continue being by herself .. after such a long time in Prague , she has made her social circle but as you see since Malia left , her times outside of the apartment and her more fixed routine when she goes out , when she comes back are becoming a standard . This shows that she can’t stand being alone and she needs company , which she obvious has outside ( and it must be great since she does so much time outside , otherwise she would return fast in her prison to watch Tv/ IPAd ) . I am just saying that with Malia there was even someone to spend an evening even if it was boring also , but now there’s no one .. and no matter how much she will play with her phone , watch whatever or masturbate , it is against all human behavior and logic not to develop mentally loneliness emotions .. that’s why I think we reach the scenario I mentioned , that’s why when Dennis arrives , he stays for more or less 48 hours now ..it is even a change for her having someone there .. that’s how I see it , just judging and thinking as a normal human being .. i had to go out and socialize when alone at home , but there were times that I loved my apartment and would stay inside for a day or two because it felt nice .. Leora will always go out everyday , I can’t recall her spending 24-48 hours in a row inside by herself ( being healthy i mean ) .. otherwise , may the universe helps her mentally and emotionally .
  13. Maybe finally she’s planing slowly to present him in the audience .. I checked jimbo’s post with the timeline , she clearly wanted to show him to us.. first reactions perhaps ? Maybe RLC pressure to change her in apartment behavior ? Leora knows each inch of each angle of each camera .. really , was she so tired to make this amateur mistake ? The time for unveiling might be approaching .. maybe she got tired with all this and she finally took the decision ..
  14. He seemed to know Anna the most and she was the first that she kissed .. he kept hunting her , but she rejected a couple of times.. then the massage came and Lola was the most generous to him. In the end he was kissing both Lola and Anna .. Mila went to sleep after the first massage moments .
  15. The fun is gone .. difficult for going back to pleasuring ..
  16. Then it is good for you , you saved time by doing something else obviously … but why criticizing my enthusiasm ? Shouldn’t be better focusing on what you were expecting or not expecting to see and post about if you felt like rather than judging my own personal view of what I wanted to see? I consider Lola an amazing woman , I was satisfied watching her relaxed and enjoying want the guy was providing , Lola is master class woman for my taste of women .. I think you were enjoying that nothing was happening so as to post and prove yourself that B2 isn’t making anything .. you won 😂🤣 Happy ?
  17. Radi happy that the guy left 😂🤣
  18. You are still insisting being negative on something you watched .. why did you watch it ?
  19. Guy won the impressions ..blue balls but girls also for sure horny , Lola in particular ..mission accomplished by him as well .
  20. He did in one night what the majority here dreams on doing..why then watching and judging about it since you aren’t pleased?
  21. I still expect him to fuck one in the future or two or more ..that’s what makes me expecting the next time , because we don’t know what it happens .. maybe nothing ( most probably ) , maybe more .. but it was fun for my taste .. not for you , sorry , what can we do ?
  22. Everyone has its preferences of what to watch , do I judge your watching preferences ?
  23. The guy will be back with a vengeance 😂🤣 no massage ..it was an enjoyable evening to watch.. much better than the complete nothingless fir such a long time .. there’s still Leora and Co. for whoever isn’t applauding a new guest appearing ..
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