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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. They are ugly for you .. not for me . And yes , of course she gets paid , she’s working .. but the more she does , the more she gets ( bonus .. )
  2. Let’s say there’s something called “ savoir vivre “ .. amongst a personal talk with my friends and face to face , I can express what I have in mind .. at an open forum , there are the forum rules towards tenants and members and in my own personal behavior and what I have been educated since a child , I can’t characterize as you do . It isn’t being an hypocrite or i don’t know what else but it is simply the fact that such a characterization is always subjective , what you say can be completely different for someone else .. a comment kind of “ I don’t find him attractive or suitable for fiora “ might be more appropriate for the site here .
  3. I don’t know how I could be excited by watching a woman washing her pussy at a sink .. but that’s something you personally like and that’s completely fine by me , each on their own taste 😁
  4. I never ever will judge someone as ugly .. there’s no such thing in my vocabulary of how I see people both outside looks and inside their soul . I can always say that I don’t like someone but not judging someone as ugly ☺️ That’s all .
  5. Because the one completes the other .. much bating resulting in lots of bonuses 😉 Sorry to say , but if she didn’t bate , with all the honesty of the world , what is it to watch in this apartment ? And before you say ass , tits , pussy , definitely i understand your taste and explanation and i respect it , but I watch ( and pay ) RLC for more and not to see a woman that i have seen her naked endless times and doesn’t impress me anymore .
  6. This I have expressed it many times actually 😁 I am on a race with pulo maybe , each from their side of how we see Leora 😇
  7. I hate no girl of RLC , I pay so as to enjoy what I am observing .. the problem is that this apartment is a complete loop and it offers very few , the most it does is a woman masturbating mostly not because she feels but because she has to in order to justify her salary . I hate to be played as a fool and cheated in front of my eyes when things are extreme obvious . This I can’t stand in my real life , how could I stand it by something I have chosen to pay ( luckily there are other apartments that they compensate my subscription ) . I don’t hate Leora but I criticize her in a really strict way because the way she’s praised is also ridiculous . So , since many have abandoned this thread because they were bullied by expressing same thoughts over the years , I try not to be shut up and when ,in my opinion , I see things that aren’t nice for my personal taste , will post it , exactly like the praising comments from people who according to their taste , whatever Leora does is fantastic. I don’t hate Leora but like my football team ( Olympiacos FC ) , even if they are nearly every year the Champions in the Greek league , I will be frustrated , I will post and comment and share my opinion and whenever I can be in the stadium boo or applause according to what I see. In my eyes and knowledge , this is called being a fan . And a fan always wants the best from his team and won’t hesitate to boo the players if they are not offering the value for ticket that he pays . I am a Leora fan as I have said multiple times but I am not here to “ cuddle “ with my comments something that I find repeated and isn’t offering anything new , on the contrary , i hope with my strict criticism and complaining posts to add even a small stone so as this apartment can finally change for the majority of the paying members and not being nice only for the hardcore fans , no matter what ( knowing of course that Leora will do whatever she wants , whenever she wants ) . I know she isn’t a fan of negativity , well , let’s see how she reacts if there’s someone who’s expressing in open public his displeasure in comparison to the people here who express their admiration even when the apartment is empty because Leora had the lights on and they can see the apartment and be tuned in always .
  8. How do you know that she was crying because of him ? How was any better her ( relationship ) life in Russia with Paul ?What was he doing nice and better for Leora in Russia ? Movies ? Restaurants ? Attention ? Sex ? 😂🤣😂😂 Bullshit .. ok .. why 1,5 years together with someone who makes her sad/happy/sad/happy ? Addiction ? Good sex ? Games ? Tactic ? Maybe he is the good guy and Leora ( as she was also in Russia for Paul by her side ) a terrible girlfriend that she didn’t give a shit for her partner because she believes that the world spins around her and the praising by her loyal subjects , ehh , excuse me , peasants .. ? How did you call it , wait to make the copy / paste .. “ this relationship only stands because they are not together“ .. With who is she together ? With Paul ? With any friends that the audience ignores their presence ? For what relationships you are telling me from a woman who even when she masturbates checks herself on the mirror to know how her legs are spread in order to have the perfect camera angles ? The woman that if she was living at another era she would daily wonder , “ mirror mirror on the wall whose the best masturbator in the world ? “ For which relationships then you also say ? The one with Malia that she couldn’t stand anymore and she was looking forward to leave her apartment so as to be herself ? She leaves the house because she has “ no balls” to face the criticism that she will suffer because the guy - without anyone having ever seen him - has been named/characterized as a jerk , stupid , asshole , loser , boy toy and I don’t know what else ? Because Leora is cheating her BF and no one here hasn’t even the decency to judge her as she deserves , that is a complete disrespectful attitude towards her all time lover .. why is he the one making her crying when she’s playing with him and not being a real man and simply demanding and requesting the obvious , that is finally to be together as a couple ? Ahh , wait wait wait , this is Santa Leora we are talking about , the woman with all the plus and no minus , the perfection of a human being on this planet personified … please , give me a break with all of this .. She is simply afraid of exposing herself in criticism , she was never able to stand it and she will never be able . She only wants to read “ my lovely Leora “ , “ my Queen “‘, “ my love “ , “ best tits and ass in RLC , in the world “ , give her these and she will always love you .. she is hiding because she is feeling guilty of the way she has fucked up her life resulting in being isolated and imprisoned in a life that the only thing that gives her is money and the possibility to have a luxury life . She lost her ex boyfriend , she has no real friends , she trusts no one .. Life is fair , you always get what you give . I can’t think of a better example than her for this , a life full of luxuries but empty .. and prove me wrong in the things i said observing her life since august 2019 .
  9. A relationship that is lasting for nearly 1,5 years now it is the least I can say serious .. perhaps Leora doesn’t want to allow herself to believe it , she can’t accept that the past is gone and the present is here with this new guy , maybe because she’s afraid to move on , maybe because she has guilts of her behavior ( cheating ) to Paul and she maybe waits for him to clarify it face to face and finally be free and escape this long long long BF/GF commitment she has with Paul.. Yes, it is in my eyes evolved, after such a long time and continuing , it is deeper and serious .. and that’s perhaps why she’s hiding it .. because she can’t show to the world her dilemma that what she’s doing is unethical.. she isn’t comfortable with herself for this , she gets full affected with all of her actions .. if and when she accepts mentally that she’s having something serious , maybe then she can enjoy her complicated life .
  10. Nice to know that the relationship evolves ☺️ It’s the only way that this apartment becomes interesting to watch and not a constant loop like it is .. and if she doesn’t , the heat will simply develop with more comments and so on … both for her and the guy .. and actually , except the hardcore fans , there aren’t many who care if she shows not only one but even her two middle fingers ..
  11. It’s been a long long time like this ☺️ but Malia’s presence was kind of hiding this issue because when she was absent , Malia was “ covering “ for her with copy / paste duties .. I think Leora has abandoned her dedication to the project in a way that most people remember her since Prague became for her the absolute priority to discover .. add the love story , the new friendships , I can’t understand why she should be bothered to show any interest when she knows that whatever she does ( or not )!whenever she does ( or not ) there are no consequences .. the money is coming, the popularity remains , why should she bother ?
  12. She read the post encouraging her that it is Saturday night and it is really depressing being at home alone while most of her friends run a much normal and regular life than her “ Greek salad 🥗 style life “ and she followed the advise to go at least and even for a short period out 😆 . The small escapes disappearing though away from the cameras and with a bathrobe or braless are the things that make it laughable while hiding 😶‍🌫️ 🙈 😂
  13. I like Fiora , great sense of sexuality . I don’t have any sexual fantasy while Fiora and her guy just enjoy a normal sexual interaction like billions of people everyday . They are a normal couple , enjoying a normal relationship with the difference being sharing it with us . There’s no need to watch this apartment since you don’t like this guy when he’s there 😇
  14. There are no ugly people , it is our brain that translates nice/ugly according to what we have learned as we grew up in society rules and environment .☺️ Someone you consider ugly , I can consider nice and the opposite ☺️ . My sexual fantasy( one of the many ) was partially “covered” tonight when I was watching Harley …
  15. At least Fiora and the guy behave as normal as possible when they are together , they enjoy and have a life and they aren’t acting / behaving like robots to gain their income .. 😬🙄
  16. Even in this way , very nice she decided even at that time to have a bit of “ sharing time “ with whoever on a Saturday night rather than being locked up with this emptiness she lives inside ..
  17. If Masha manages to “ resurrect “ Mila also , well … that will be something .. by the way , Timur , as soon as he got up after the few hours of ( actually not ) sleeping , he served himself a big glass of beer starting his day .. he can manage more than well with alcohol , however not the best indications seeing someone beginning the day with alcohol ( alcoholism behaviors according to experts but we haven’t seen any signs to be honest )
  18. Sorry not being able to prove you that this is one of the most , if not the most , wrong opinions you have ever posted .. my actual opinion , what are you saying ? Obviously by not being a paying member you also don’t spend much time here to see that I criticize very strict other tenants and apartments that in my humble opinion offer nothing to me personally as a customer .. how can I speak so negative then against the ones that pay me ? Please focus and think before posting .
  19. Fiora in the house and they haven’t noticed 😆 funny ..
  20. Some camera staring ( I believe spontaneously ) by Harley adding more to another great sex session by the two , this guy is the total opposite of Smith ..😂🤣😂🙂👏👏👏👏🙏
  21. If you haven’t done it , that’s not my problem .. that’s why there’s variety and fantasies that if you feel comfortable with your girlfriend/wife , you can request .. it is like you ask her to get dressed as a nurse , police woman , small things and details when you have a great relationship and sexual life with your other half .. Being paid from RLC .. ok , I heard that as well 😱😱😂🤣
  22. It has been mentioned , but let’s repeat it , Harley is one of the best blowjob givers currently , amazing skills and technique , fantastic .
  23. It is more likely that finally we are revealed to Leora’s boyfriend in the next 3 years before Leora decides that there’s life on Fridays and weekends that she can spend with her friends in Prague rather than being alone and doing nothing in the prison she has created .
  24. Nobody better than her currently .. expecting a fantastic stay as the winter proceeds and especially if a boyfriend enters her life 😉
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