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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. The deception of the audience of me , you and everyone here who pays to watch a person/ an apartment confines .. but I know .. Leora does always what she wants , whenever she wants … and of course the cash flow continued ( which by the way might be one of the reasons of her sadness , RLC cutting her bonuses to more than half like they have done to the Barcelona girls .. )
  2. So .. now we are sure that she was sad because of him ? Under what evidence this time ? What did he do wrong this time ? He didn’t come home to comfort her ? He didn’t give her space ? He got frustrated learning that her ex is coming and he decided not to speak to her for two days which made her sad and after some privacy talks today that lasted for more than an hour , she decided to go and spend the night there for cuddles , hugs and whatever so as she feels important and escape her prison ? Except I am living in a dream world that whenever we are sad and we are seeking for a comforting shoulder to speak and let the thoughts out of our head so as to feel better , it is more important standing in front of the mirror , asking “ mirror mirror on the board , tell me what to wear to look the most beautiful of them all “ .. I know that the sympathies for Leora are back and the frustration of the audience is gone ( for a short period ) thanks to the drama witnessed 😭😪
  3. There are other ways to express the gratitude ..
  4. Lazarus resurrection .. ehh , sorry , Leora’s 😬😬🙄 And none to comfort her .. except the toilet phonecalls of course that are as much as much as private needed and as it seems , the best medicine for a slowly recovering mood 😆 let the “ hunger games “ begin … 😇😇😎🥳 Question … any idea of what do we the subscribers serve here ? What’s our connection to all of this? Yes , the answers in a future episode of Leora’s ups and downs since she stepped feet in Prague .. to provide for big love Paul because she couldn’t find a chance for any other job , emm , sorry , stay away from the cameras ..
  5. Nelly messed the relationship .. If only Martina knew… posts were made while M&N were experiencing their thing and at that time , there weren’t effects on their relationship .. but since that day of N&M in the bedroom and Alberto being there as the invisible man , that changed the game a lot .. they still love eachother deeply .. but Martina is in thoughts… Alberto knows ..
  6. I made a list of reasons yesterday …
  7. This actually didn’t happen like this.. (Holly 2 days in the apartment waiting .. )
  8. We don’t .. we all know how to behave and I believe we do or the majority does .. but commenting on what we see , it is something else .
  9. Only one thing … examples like them they are millions in the world we are living .. I have personally seen nothing of extreme exaggeration on cameras .. and to be honest , if they weren’t on cameras and live feed , who would actually care rather than our opinions here who are based in logic when RLC is “ selling “ product that isn’t logic ?
  10. I have been reading a lot of what might be the problem , for me it can’t be any easier than if it is Eva ,she can instantly book a ticket and fly to Russia and get her time there .. if she has problems in Prague , take some days off and go to a hotel and be by herself . Everyone here carries his/ her own life problems and me personally i am watching RLC to be entertained and not get depressed by a woman that if it is life choices that led her to face whatever she is facing , I can’t help her and she has to do it by herself or with with whoever she feels as a “ real “ friend . This misery and sadness , the depression and melancholy , nobody here created for her . It is real life , jimbo says it is real life under cameras , but I say that this down and sad feeling mood , please , she can go to one of her friends in Prague and spend time there and feel better with talks . If she believes that fighting whatever it is alone , then the only thing that happens is simply cheating her mood . Nothing against Leora , but this isn’t a couple’s apartment to face and experience daily life perhaps problems , this is a single apartment and of course I accept that she is also facing real life problems and this is a human being we are all talking about , but , I will personally can’t feel or absorb Leora’s unhappy period and sadness when there are dozens of real lie things in our real life world that need our attention and concentration . If Leora isn’t feeling well , there are endless solutions for her to make things fine again and feel better .
  11. But that’s the thing , being young you always have the benefit of the age doing mistakes and not “ behaving “ accordingly . Bruno is 4 years younger , he just wants to live a fun life , fuck as many as possible and repeat . Gina knows all these , she’s still insisting being with him , she’s addicted . Obviously he is a jerk and bla bla bla whatever , but he just does whatever any guy of his age would do when he lives this kind of life . I once said that Gina’s biggest bet would be to “ grow him up “ and put him in a short of a path .. but I was too naive when Gina is also a female Bruno as far as life is concerned , she just loves this guy like she has with no one in the past it seems .. Don’t be surprised if by the age of 30 , he surrenders and he is “ defeated “‘ if a woman appears and takes his mind like no one else and change him . For the time being , this is what we get here , unless it wasn’t this drama also , there are dozens of reasons to watch this apartment ( Cleopatra & Brutus the obvious ones 😉😋 ) but this is a real life situation and we watch it from our screens and we can judge it . The truth is that there are millions of such relationships in the real world as well .
  12. I can’t understand why he is judged in such “ nihilistic way “ , for what I am concerned , he is just a young guy living his life .. it’s not his problem if the girls can’t see more than the obvious .. he is young and if he gets the chance , he enjoys it . It’s not his problem that Gina is addicted to him ( and the majority knows that I consider Gina the GOV Queen , being the tenant with the most participation days ) .
  13. The 5,000€ debt of Bruno to Gina has been covered I think , he can move on and we can see him as he should be , a single guy taking care of the ladies .. the boyfriend role isn’t for him … And despite being hard for Gina , well , she can only get wiser and “ grow up “ way so much faster . Time to move on both of them .
  14. This is the same packing that Bruno was doing when Gina threw his clothes from the window when Gina was living in the villa. It looked like Gina was in command at that time , now seems that Bruno is . A simple free real life incident happening in front of our screens , for whoever insists that this is all scripted and fake . By the way , a simple example also of what it means when in a relationship , one of the two has a “ crazy “ addiction to the partner .
  15. The kitchen evening with the cooks 😋😋Talking about entertaining the audience in an extreme teasing way , things that have been missed watching and 4 girls that really appreciate , respect and gratitude the fact being tenants and honoring their contracts and the job offered by their employer . Well done Harley , Olivia , Fiora , Ulyana 👏👏👏
  16. Kitty and Smith in upgraded / extended version and with better sex ( also amazing friends and visitors ) .. just the typical quarrels / arguments between the two .
  17. Please choose .. - Her boyfriend is angry and told her that they can’t be together anymore . - Paul told her that he isn’t willing to visit - She learned news about Malia’s mother - RLC told her that her presence isn’t the best and they will have to cut much of the payment . - One or more of the friends in Czech Republic found out of her job , communicated it to her and she got sad . - She’s just tired of everyone and everything , she’s hurt of the posts here and that people disrespect her RLC presence by not appreciating her contribution over the years . Sorry to say , the worst thing is that this is a woman at the moment completely alone and with no one to talk , trust , have a shoulder to comfort herself . Ok , no one is allowed in this place , where are the so called friends outside that she overnights and why she isn’t going there ? And second apology but for me these are results of being and living in such a luxury apartment all by herself , it can’t be , it would be inhuman not to get affected . And yes , we can feel sympathy and whatever but excuse me , whose choices , decisions or ideas all these have been ? And out of respect to jimbo who has been a follower since the beginning and knows way much more than anyone here , I will also stop because actually , there isn’t much to talk or think when a woman is distracting herself outside in the cold than the comfort of the warmth of her living room , then something is completely wrong . And also to slipper , please , if this is sadness shared on cameras with the viewers so as sympathy returns , you have been in the biggest sadness of anyone here recently and you would deserve that we are silent when that period for you occurred .
  18. Sorry guys .. with all due respect also .. if she’s bothered of what’s written here and affects her psychology , she can simply stop logging in and reading .
  19. She can always go out and share thoughts at one of her friends of the salon or at a nearby Starbucks cafe or restaurant or even anywhere that she can’t be seen ( even at the lobby of her place ) , nothing or no one keeps her inside .
  20. That was a nice / fair post .. for what I believe ( not that it matters ) , Alberto is thinking of a way out of RLC while Martina enjoys being part of it the maximum way possible .. and this a conflict ..
  21. Alberto lost much of my support allowing his “ own bedroom “ and apartment become the place of pleasure for his GF and her lover .. a man with principles and understanding as we all have agreed that he is towards Martina , should have , in my opinion , put a big barrier kind of “ I allow you all but this is our place “ … since that day , Alberto is in my eyes a guy that fulfills Martina’s fantasies the way she wishes .. and when a woman knows that she can have all without “ problems “ , it isn’t long time before misunderstandings occur .. let’s see ( also this not doing things together during Friday -Sunday free of school obligations Martina and preferring spending time on the chair playing rather than also being creative with either a job or hobby , it hurts his image in front of my eyes - personally speaking and judging - )
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