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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. One of the most amazing and fantastic moments we could witness at RLC.. massive kudos and respect to everyone who got involved to organize and improvise such a natural , realistic and as much closer to a pure romantic evening for Harley and BF , the welcome and the showing with the robe where the romantic evening / diner was organized , to the glasses of wine and the talks , to the balcony and the slow built up before ending in the bedroom with Harley revealing her fantastic sexy pink lingerie and my personal fetish , having sex with her high heels … well done again , these are realistic moments we want to see more , this is what it means to watch this site , well done again to Harley and BF and of course the rest of B1 girls who helped for this nice Saturday night to occur .
  2. US viewership and European morning waking up subscribers exploded the top cams , it is like Masha was brought and B5 is in the center of interest .. one more proof of what this woman can achieve , of how much value and money is for RLC and that’s why when it was the choice when she visited in B5 last spring , despite of the original no from Nelly to be a guest in the villa , she contacted directly RLC herself only to take her rightful position as a B5 guest .. I think she deserves to rest as the next days will be as even more teased as they have been during this past night 😇
  3. The “ need “ to do something for the viewers it is kind of “ forcing “ .. there’s something she “ needs “ to do in order to justify her RLC presence .. except if everyone here is watching something else , can please someone tell what is her presence offering inside this apartment ? It is watching after watching TV / IPAD and masturbating after masturbating .. where’s the life ? where’s the fun ? where are any hobbies ? where are the friends ? It is monotony after monotony , sometimes she has to stay in her prison and compensate the people who pay her luxury life otherwise the complains are rising fast .. But I guess nobody is forcing her directly but if you think better , she is forced mentally to do whatever she does since she has to justify her salary and as they say , her job .
  4. As Leora is a robot programmed to make a certain thing the last 26 months in this apartment as there aren’t any other functions while the button is pressed / triggered .. But there are robots that make people happy ( Leora ) and others that they don’t create the best of feelings ( Dennis )
  5. I based my comment on a post that Rado ( if I remember correctly ) has also made concerning this thought about a trio . She had even confessed that she had found a duo of candidates ( the black guy and the tattooed girlfriend ) but the idea didn’t work out . I think that Masha desperately searches for a suitable roommate , this is how she has learned to spend her life in the apartment in Rome , but she isn’t so easy to get it the way she wants and that’s why all these repeated actions . I think Masha has things concerning the surroundings of her life ( how and where to live after RLC , friends to trust , short and long future in general ) under control but she has a really big problem concerning her love life as she’s confused on how and with who she could share . I think it was good friend moos who said that Masha , in the long term and future , she can think of herself having a relationship with someone but at the moment , this doesn’t seem to be her issue as having the priority to search her wildest sexual desires and fantasies and be single is what she prefers . Being single is different of course than co-living , preferably with a couple as I said and sharing all in their daily routine and lives . For example , I think she was in dreamland and she simply loved it earlier today and during the night sharing talks , opinions and ideas with a couple that seemed completely forming a bond very fast , this is what exactly she would like to have now . No commitments , but freedom of sharing all , very difficult task of course to achieve . As most people know about me here at the forum , I admire and adore Masha as there isn’t any other tenant in my opinion that gives such an incredible insight of her private life both on and off cameras and I enjoy watching and observing her life like no one else . Let’s see what her adventures are going to bring , I can’t think that there is even one that can complain that she is boring or repeated for the last 6 years . The woman is the perfect example of what RLC wants to represent in my opinion .
  6. If I can sum up her actions the last two years , I believe she wants / tries to find a couple and sharing in a trio way . That’s what she wanted I think with the black guy and the heavy tattooed girlfriend , then with Tanya and her ex guy .. anyway , she is Masha , I only know she went in B5 and the apartment has brought in nearly 48 hours the biggest controversial talks since a very long time here .
  7. It must he 30-45 minutes long according to the first posts regarding this ..
  8. I can’t trust anyone when he’s comment isn’t dependent on his own actions 😁 As I said , Masha , if she wants .. it’s always up to her if you don’t stop her games fast enough .. and the game now is under Masha’s control , she decides ..
  9. Not mood for masturbations , tired since quite some time .. who knows ? She might be getting pleased by her guy outside and therefore not the ultimate mood for her addiction 😉
  10. Wrong couple .. it should have been Carlos / Claire .. but she will “ exhaust “ all her chances with T&T
  11. Tereza is forgetting her single RLC stays and Barcelona days ..
  12. Well … as it has been said .. “ Masha can be very persuasive “ 😁 … “ If Masha wants , she nearly 9 out of 10 times gets what she wants “ .. “ If you fell into Masha’s spider web , you will not be able to escape “ … And before anyone says more , it might be that nothing happens ( most probably ) , but … For many months Hanna was trying and it took Masha only a day or so to be at the same bed almost naked with Timur / Tereza .. As miscvoyeur said , it was the same with Gina / Bruno but Gina escaped .. let’s see .
  13. I can “ love “ Holly more and more ☺️😇 For whoever is interested in this kind of music , she’s just having on the TV one of the best ever live sets played on a hill in Rio de Janeiro , absolutely incredibly mix , enjoy what she enjoys as it is this one ..HOLLY , RESPECT
  14. Masha in B5 for clickbait 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣… Masha for clickbaits 😂🤣😂🤣 funny …
  15. Let’s hope that finally Leora takes the big decision and fix this relationship with her new boyfriend and start a new chapter in her life by making it official , keep the excellent relationship she has with Paul and simply go on with her life , calmer , relaxed and focused for the future .. otherwise , same ole same ola and the bad period for her and loop ( plus the two way exhausting life and her ridiculous games ) will continue indefinite hurting her life in the further future .
  16. Busy boy today .. And Masha , in comparison to Leora , she gets often dick 😎😈 so lots of testosterone is released .. Masha isn’t an exhibitionist to stand naked and ultimately masturbate for the audience ( she does mostly for pleasure ) , in general Masha controls in an excellent way her testosterone as also her life in comparison to Leora . Notice .. this was the biggest research ever that has been made and it is a scientific one , so , not what I said but what the scientists concluded and i posted it as I found it very interesting .
  17. Priorities have changed , like always when she’s soon bored of something…
  18. Poor Bogdan again.. try to clean up his wife’s chaotic decisions and actions .. 😡🤬😡🤬
  19. Leora is the ultimate exhibitionist ( followed by Radi ) , Leora has nothing else to do and all her life is concentrated on such behavior ( at least since she moved in Prague ) .. Karol ( and the GOV in general ) she / they also trying to live a life except performances , shows and in general only sexual content . I don’t think they pay attention on such details as for them , they are just “ passengers “ while Leora is a permanent attraction . In any case , the difference is a really big one .. Leora acts in a robotized way while Karol and the majority of the others try to have also more human reactions and behaviors . I think Karol is having a normal evening for herself ( and teasing with her fantastic ass 😋😋 )
  20. This coexisting and sharing between two of the strongest personalities in RLC ever , Masha / Tereza , add one of the top 5 fan favorites ever , Holly , only by whatever is happening inside this apartment is exciting in advance .. The length of stays of all these 3 women , their past and current behavior it is already enough to make B5 the place to watch ( whenever they will be in ) for the next week … or more 😏
  21. Since we talk about Leora’s happiness then and how subjective opinions are concerning this , this is what I know about happiness and without of course forgetting that each and every one of us is an individual realizing happiness with his own terms . Happiness without analyzing as it isn’t the right place ; A general conclusion is that happiness means sharing, but sometimes the happiest people are too busy to experience their happiness to tell the rest of the world how they got there. Talking about how beautiful life is and how happy they are, they can go from humility to pride very quickly, especially when they are surrounded by other people who are not in the best phase of their lives. Happiness can often seem to depend on luck. But no matter how it seems or feels to those who have it - through satisfaction and positive emotions - there are more specific ways to find happiness, even if one does not learn it from already happy people. Make the thoughts individually and that’s my comment about this subject here today without going deeper with thoughts . Just compare .. Happiness … 1. In gratitude for what we have 2. In the enjoyment of ourselves 3. In honesty 4. In fun 5. Adequate sleep 6. In the power of forgiveness 7. Helping others 8. In the enjoyment of work 9. In healthy relationships 10. In the faith for something bigger than everyday life This is what life has taught me about happiness in 44,5 years of age . Each for their own I guess 😁😇
  22. Leora is alone .. she has no one else to care or love but herself and how her pussy and tits and ass appear on camera .. or how her body has zero black spots or any “ anomalies “ or things that don’t “ write / persuade / attract “ the cameras attention . LB or Paul , Malia or Dennis , salon friends or outsiders she knows in Prague , Leora has only one love and that is herself .. and that’s why she is alone , single , emotionless , unhappy of what you see inside . A woman trapped in her own life choices . And before I get the laughing and confused emojis by the usual suspects , think really deeply if you believe that Leora is expressing any honest happiness emotion except reading about her eternal praising of having performed ( one more ) an awesome masturbation . People exist in Leora’s life but they are all “ invisible “ , “ unimportant “ .. if she would think of them as important or of great significance and was trusting them completely , she wouldn’t hide her job and what she does for a living , she would have told them as much as of her “ streaming “ job and she would never hesitate or dare to bring them in a place that for her she feels proud working . You always show yourself and present things that you feel proud . She feels proud of what she does on cameras and to the fans and that’s why she’s an exhibitionist .. but it is insane that she feels ashamed to share her job to her circle in Prague .
  23. Everyone is a different personality .. Masha is definitely a stronger one , with many more life and sexual experiences , she might not be getting affected by comments or reading CC but she isn’t also an exhibitionist like Leora caring for her camera image or behavior . The main difference is that Masha has obviously and repeatedly as seen thought about “ the life after the cameras “ while Leora believes that she will always manage to do what she does ( whoever I need to admit that if she’s learning the hairdressing art is a positive step )
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