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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. This is a very good question and as I always say , the time will give the answers .. even if it seemed kind of Masha wanting to escape Rome once again , the reappearance of Holly , the exchange with Hanna and Aaron , she not visiting neither Gina nor B1 girls who are at really short distance , well , she for sure knows the reasons and let’s see what we will be watching the winter months ..
  2. You are sick and tired but instead of judging yourself commenting on other peoples opinions ( no matter right or wrong ) , making posts , theories and assumptions that you are even “ pleading “ for people to trust you that this is how RLC works adj you even promising them , you appear every now and then to judge others because you have zero balls to look yourself in the mirror and see the reflection of a miserable , old narrow minded guy who has stuck his whatever brain that has remained to principles existing 60-65 years ago , an old guy that he seeks for attention and tries it all ( with trolling being his biggest asset ) so as he doesn’t feel alone , isolated and abandoned with the way that life is behaving to him . Continue insulting , continue degrading people( members here ) and tenants and at least we can have peace and a great forum when the administrators do their job and ban you every now and then .. keep coming back only to feed your desperation for attention by speaking and seeing things negative for everyone and everything to the incredible administrators knowledge that most probably you have enchanted them with a “ recycling “ spell ( if you know from computer games 😂🤣 ) since they always bring you back again and again only to poison this nice and small society that we have all created here from across the globe and we manage to share opinions , thoughts and ideas of something we love to watch .. It is our life , our choices , our money to decide what and when we want to watch , we don’t need you so as to instruct us of how we gonna spend our free and personal time .. Guess what , no matter how much you troll and you gain the desperate attention needed , each time you become more and more miserable .. Good night Fatboy and stay calm with your posts , you know what happens from time to time .
  3. And you are even smarter that you come here to comment about a porn site as you say 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 What , again ? Ahh , sorry , LMAO 🤣 😂🤣😜🤪
  4. I thought Martina was with Bogdan and fucking while off cameras ..you even said that you promised it and to trust you … ahh , sorry , I forgot , as you always say … LMAO 😂🤣😂🤣😂😂😜🤪😜🤪
  5. Excellent gathering in the villa , all the girls trying to create and develop relationships , winter is coming and some good friendships could be very helpful for whoever isn’t in the mood for boys or parties and so on . Olivia slowly rises as the girl ( like in Russia ) that everyone likes , they seem to listen to her and it is obvious that they enjoy the things she tries to organize . Her talking skills also and friendly behavior to everyone , another big asset as well . It was / is Olivia’s evening , all girls seemed excited for their participation , the organizing of the previous days was revealed today and I can only say well done again for B1 girls taking their time to organize it and share the experience . I think they managed pretty nicely to “ marry “ a birthday themed party with the subscribers viewership , lots of events , pleasant atmosphere , a simple entertainment Friday evening for anyone who wanted to watch around 10 Eastern European beauties .. As for the personal preference , Radislava , Ulyana and Harley looked amazing , Radi for sure knows how to dress , Ulyana can captivate the audience with her moves and seductive stares and Harley knows how to expose her body and her assets , the high heels on her are fantastic . In general , a friends evening , for whoever is complaining , moaning and i don’t know what else when they don’t even know what they want to watch 😂🤣😂🤣 ( especially the non paying members ) , good friend thinga69 made the best comment some pages earlier and I can’t but I agree 🤓🤓🤓
  6. Hmm .. very interesting , whatever we didn’t see from Aaron and Hanna so many months in the apartment with T&T , this guy Maksim got immediately into it .. there was even the “ open minded “ words spoken from Anna about him , once again Anna wasn’t ( completely ) shy to Timur when she was the one that allowed him to watch her naked while coming out of the shower and offering the towel , in comparison to Mila for example .. another dynamic for this apartment , a fun and pleasant change even for one night 😁
  7. B1 girls the most active of anyone else and definitely trying to create moments and experiences , in a mission of boost RLC’s viewership when no one else cares as it seems , well done B1 , next B2 and perhaps B5 ..
  8. You are right .. again 👏👏 Learn to answer what you read by others if you want to comment about it and not distract with your post referring to different subjects . Please continue with your “ indirect “ blaming of what I say here , I don’t know what do you expect that you will achieve. Jimbo gave you an answer , i don’t see you so sensitive with others . Perhaps it is only your A side of the record that plays the negative posts that you are offended reading and not the B side with the positive posts and comments that satisfy your needs and isn’t essential to be mentioned either . Keep on , I will answer to you only if I consider that you said something worth of analyzing any actions of the participant or criticizing her of any of her contribution apart from masturbating , she’s as you say the “ beautiful tenant known as Leora “ .
  9. To be honest , if you live alone in an apartment , it makes it even more “ tempting “ to be occupied with the mobile since it is also a way to not feel so alone . If there were more activities inside , a more normal life let’s say , I think we would definitely see the mobile in use ( as she loves it obviously ) but maybe a bit less than what’s happening now .
  10. You can say this to all the tenants of the rest of the apartments or you should better wonder if you would have been an active subscriber if all the tenants at the other apartments were living their “ lives “ inside the apartments the way Leora does ..answer me honestly please , would you pay for RLC had the rest of the apartments being Leora style ? And if this apartment ( Leora’s is the one you prefer to watch ) , why you keep on posting on other ones also according to the way the others live and whether they have beautiful or ugly partners ? I will not stop posting my complete disappointment of the way RLC is handling Leora’s current presence and I will not stop praising posting when I see this apartment and its tenant offering content according to my standards . Till that time , as you like to pay honors to the sink , I also like to express my displeasure with the daily happenings of nothingness . To me it is like Leora’s is thinking that everyone’s is a fool and one more open legs camera angle, one more ass laying down camera angle and one more tits rubbing masturbation preparation could make me tune in and watch 😂🤣 I don’t , but there are still thousand others that they do and well done and kudos to them that they see this woman only for this and her sexual contribution to the people who pay , but i also think of Leora( like any other tenant ) as a human being like you and me and everyone else here and I want to see human behaviors as well. You prefer the sink and I prefer to see her having a person by her side , even as Dennis that she won’t speak to him , knowing that at least she can be amongst people but she prefers hiding . For your hundred of sink views that you love , I expect always for the possibility to see her interacting normally and as a person and not like a programmed robot ready to provide for the sexual appetite for the majority here . Each of his own preferences I guess .
  11. I was getting indirect references to my posts here , not by you , when I prefer your way for example and I just gave an answer . In comparison to 30 short posts , I write 15 long ones .. I believe it is more or less the same then plus I can explain detailed what’s in my mind concerning the subject we are commenting , nothing more than this 😇
  12. If she doesn’t contribute with this , there’s nothing else to watch .. except of course when she’s taking a shower , being with spread legs texting or watching TV/ IPAD , which is definitely anyone’s choice and decision of course 😇
  13. Ok .. let’s make this a bit more clear because I don’t like if I am not addressed directly when people here don’t like the way I post or the things I post , as I have said the “ ignore “ button is just a click away . I have all the right to criticize this apartment if according to the membership I pay as an individual isn’t satisfying my standards as it is for everyone who is satisfied to do the same . I don’t understand , should i praise the nothingness that occurs according to my standards or just watch and not criticize ? If it is a movie , a football match , anything , do we criticize for the quality or not ? Do we disturb the actors or the production by expressing our negativity or will they stop making movies or playing football ? But I think , with a fair criticism , it might be that things can get better ( which they don’t as they only get worse here ) .. And to make it even clearer , I pay to see an apartment , a tenant , an individual that whenever is inside , she’s willing to show an insight of her private life . If she can’t , if she’s shy , if she has troubles , if she’s not happy with her on cameras appearance and job , she can easily quit , go out of this prison she has put herself and live happy outside with her friends , her boyfriend , have a normal job , , bills , accounts , etc etc etc like the rest of us . If Leora can’t do all this and she has made this place an uninteresting and a repeated problems procedure , RLC can let her know that this is total disrespectful to the people who pay to watch a “ private life under cameras when she’s inside “ .. but excuse me , what private life we watch ? EXCEPT , if the dream and awaiting for anyone daily here watching is to catch Leora masturbating or her laying down showing her tits her ass and her spread legs .. So , really ? Honestly , what else is Leora offering to RLC except masturbations ? What else that I can’t see and I have to praise like I am instructed to do ? Many opinions and mouths have been shut here , Russian translators that used to help during the early years of Leora aren’t anymore posting in the foreground , I am sorry to say and disappoint , whatever criticism concerns my way of posting and the way I am addressing the whatever ( no ) happenings of this apartment , I have all the right to do . If someone feels offended that I am not praising Leora because she masturbates or because she walks naked in the apartment , sorry , but I am not paying to watch ( only ) that. This woman is paid by me and thousand of others to share her life on cameras BY HER OWN CHOICE and I provide for her life outside of the cameras so she can go to restaurants , journeys , make herself nice at beauty salons , spas , learn the language so she can stay there and dance so as to have a hobby .. all well and respected but .. I am not paying to see her only masturbate , I am paying so as she shares inside the apartment her private life .. and personally for me , she doesn’t .. except if I am missing the plot here of what the majority pays to watch so as to give Leora the daily viewership..
  14. Women .. one day like this , one day like that .. they never know what they want .. vanity ..
  15. Like everyday .. the prison with benefits ..
  16. When you don’t respect life and the surroundings , life doesn’t respect you back in its own way .. therefore , all current actions will return in boomerang as they were for a couple of days and everybody felt sympathy for poor Leora 😂🤣😂🤣 Karma is a bitch …
  17. She has been fooling everyone in Prague about her life since two years and a bit more … she has been fooling people back in Russia of what she wants from her life … she has been fooling the subscribers for a bit less than two years because RLC kept her on this job because it didn’t kick her out like they have done with other tenants . The way I see it , she has little to no interest at all abandoning RLC . At the moment , she has completely no alternative way of living in Prague without spending more than earning apart from continuing this job . People will always want to watch ass , pussy , tits… a careful look at the top thumbnail at the moment of a woman laying down on her bed texting on her mobile shows not only RLC’s problem but also the categories of subscribers who as it seems reward this behavior … BUT .. A careful look in numbers shows an incredible lost in views and most probably to active subscriptions , judging by the posts that have been seen the last 24 hours here .. so , yes, top thumbs but instead of 100 subscribers for example , it is now let’s say 50 .. The more the delay of putting life things in order at the present , the more problems she will face when the years pass by .. there were recently thoughts mentioned of why Leora should abandon when she has all and about being happy or unhappy . The way I see it , the biggest achievement of hers is that she is managing still to live with zero guilt .. to her ex , to her current social circle , to anyone who watches her , to even her employer .. zero regrets . This , few people can achieve , the ones that are emotionless . And this is what I think about her current state .
  18. I find it rather impressive that so many people suggest and share their opinions with the majority of them being obviously one better than the other and of course entirely at the right direction . But here , you / we are all trying to “ bring Leora’s mind back on the ground “ when she - decided to escape Russia and her whatever routine life in Krasnoyarsk for an unknown destination - decided to keep the apartment a “ forbidden “ territory for any of the people she has met in Prague , resulting in her self isolation and ultimately her loneliness - decided to start a new relationship for whatever reason ( sex , male company , chilling with whatever talks ) and she’s the one responsible of still maintaining it , if we say that this guy isn’t a good one ( which I totally disagree , imagine if you have been in the position of this guy , you would have caused a hell of a trouble to Leora’s life if she was treating you like a piece of shit when repeatedly you have shown that you are interested in her ) - decided to create this two way life without thinking that ultimately the conflicts would be appearing and the one way of living would affect the other . I personally - and deep , sincere apologies to the hardcore fans - feel no sympathy or i am sad watching the “ fall of an icon “ , Leora is just one more click on my screen as she has always been to relax me , entertain me , make me comment here with guys that could be indeed in real life meet and have a beer and chat till the morning hours. I have no sympathy of her sadness as I have created nothing of it , on the contrary , I think that with my contribution I have helped her for a better future , I have helped her for her growth ( if she was investing in a mature way ) in Prague , I have helped her remain still as a participant in the project by renewing my subscription and allowing RLC to believe that it is happening because of her . At the end of the day , a woman who behaves in a total inhuman way ( which normal human being would not take the first plane back home , fuck the money and this fake life just to be with a sick father , by his side and taking care of him - but no , job contracts and subscribers compensations come first .. ) , doesn’t deserve by myself to engage with her emotions when she knows exactly what to do and she’s only “ charmed “ by the smell and color of money .. It’s pity when someone that is characterized as “ clever “ doing each and every day more and more things that make her come out as a “ dumb “ . It’s extreme noticeable to add as a last comment that the so called hardcore fans during this difficult emotional rollercoaster of hers have been disappeared with their comments when they obviously know all about her and they have even abandon her protection .. that’s perhaps the most amazing thing that has occurred here ..
  19. So .. still Leora won’t decide to take a break and make the both ways trip to Russia and sort some of things out ( father , Paul , the dog , anything that might requires her attention so she can calm down a bit ) .. ok .
  20. B1 trying desperately to save the decrease of ratings of RLC by having / offering everyday something to watch , post , comment .. a show , a real life thing , boyfriends , vibrators , dildos .. it has it all with 4 girls who aren’t hiding , they try to do their best , they respect the money they earn and they are by far the best tenants with total aware of respect to us .. well done again Fiora , Harley , Olivia and the New General Ulyana 👏👏
  21. Bruno made a name and elevated the Barcelona apartments by being “ the guy” appearing , making the ratings and the bonuses for the girls … BUT .. he wasn’t getting any money for his services .. His dedication and validity was rewarded by making him a regular .. but Bruno likes women , what can we do ? He isn’t in the monogamous mood ( yet ) … just let him be who we have learned him to be .. and nobody was complaining , on the contrary , all the girls ( being permanent visitors ) enjoyed the maximum all interactions ( and the money made ) …
  22. The master manipulator and the ultimate opportunist captivated the attention in such a way that even people here felt guilty of the way they have been posting against her 😂🤣😂 that yesterday we have the sympathy needed … and then , Lazarus … come forth .. please ..
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