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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. How do you know is shit if you aren’t watching ? Do you have any idea of what is it that you are wishing to watch and have you made your thoughts known or your only posting and comments is to criticize members who have an opinion of what they watch and tenants that - as I said - you don’t even know what you want to watch from them ?
  2. If he was a “ Brad Pitt “ looking , no one would make any comments concerning this guy .. the fact that his outside appearance isn’t Masha’s standards through the years , creates the questions .. totally cool guy as you say that she feels nice next to him with the things she gives her .. Pleasure $ Co . 😂🤣 Her second huge orgasm gives the answers of feelings next to this guy 😎
  3. She’s addicted .. and also , what’s left for her to offer with her RLC presence except that ? The biggest problem is that even the hardcore fans are caring and praising only for this as there’s nothing else that this woman offers in front of cameras . Old Leora had a “ normal “ life with her boyfriend , there was variety , even with an easy and simple life , their daily routine and habits in addition to her solo way of living was indeed a nice RLC participation which elevated her popularity through the years .. The day now consists of social media , phonecalls , bubble baths, masturbations .. I will be told to “ change “ the channel and that nobody forces me to watch and I always say that I am also a Leora fan when she is a human being and not an on / off robot behaving person .
  4. A great all afternoon - evening for Fiora and boyfriend , teasing , foreplay , pussy eating , blowjobs , sex games .. couch ending totally horny .. well done again for nice couple atmosphere and showing on cameras ☺️😇
  5. How do you know ? Is your source telling you ? Do you see her ?
  6. Leora is RLC’s biggest protégée .. she is untouchable .. in my opinion , the way that she handles her stay is a major factor for RLC’s views number degrading ( obviously I can’t prove anything ) , the simple question and wondering is the following , what should be the reason for someone to subscribe concerning this apartment ? Watching a woman that her standard routine is to sleep early morning hours , wake up , make 6-7 phonecalls on public cameras and 4-5 private ones hiding , leave the apartment for a significant amount of time ( which is absolutely great and I approve and like it of course since the woman has her happiness outside ) , only to come back and depending on her mood to masturbate or not ? Yes , the all time Leora eternal fans will be there to support till the end , fantastic and totally understandable and their devotion is beyond words . But as i said , is RLC as a business trying to keep happy the eternal Leora’s fans by allowing this participation from her or is willing to bring and subscribe new clients by making her more active in her apartment ? As I also said , what if all the rest of the apartments copy / paste Leora’s way of participating at RLC ? How much time would RLC have till it completely collapses ?? Leora is responsible for the incredible success of RLC and its popularity and most probably the survival of it when “ the purge “ occurred by making quick reflexes and offering Leora a deal that obviously she couldn’t resist .. but in my humble opinion Leora is also responsible for the big drop of numbers .. it can’t be only one direction ..
  7. As good friend moos said once , these girls know how to bring and make money .. Fiora once again occupying the cameras , well done 😇👏
  8. Well , since I feel like an “ invisible Genie “ is granting my wishes the last week ( Ulyana is back , finally Nelly and Bogdan are out - sorry from all N&B fans , but it was too much and there wasn’t anything more to give ) , I will try the last and final 😁😆 … divided in 3 .. a ) bring back Elian and Tesla so the villa gets the atmosphere that deserves , b ) Angie , Emily , Samantha , all or any of them , c ) Jane and Dick for a guarantee unpredictable stay … 😬 bonus request , finally show the B2 girls the exodus ( can’t understand their contribution ) … Even if Genie decides to stay in his magic lamp , I can say that after almost 400 days and the stay in the villa , a new refreshing RLC air is upon us .. B1 is showing daily the way , time for the villa to shine once again 😇
  9. One more incredibly interesting day of Leora’s life inside the apartment 😇 Fantastic 👏👏
  10. He is also a forum member and he hasn’t got any different privileges than the rest of us .. we can always report a post of him if we don’t like it , he is under the same rules like anyone .. Harley again knows everything as you have noticed , he even promises it .. STILL.. he doesn’t pay for it , do you wonder or can you explain the passion of someone knowing ( better saying , wanting to know all when he hates it ? ) details that people who have deeper knowledge for a variety of reason repeatedly tell him that it isn’t so ? We all know what moos said for the period that N&B were off camera after their return in Barcelona and their exit of B5 .. Ah , wait , Harley and his source have the social media accounts of both N&B’ new apartment and he is SURE ( he even promises you ) that it will be an online apartment …As Harley writes .. LMAO 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 and again LMAO 😂🤣😂🤣
  11. Nana and friend ready for the night out again , perhaps some flirting after the Saturday night exploration or simply a nice out again in nice Barcelona ..
  12. There’s always the sauna at Gina’s 😉 Already wondering if she will go for one more “seduction “ try to have a threesome with Gina and Bruno 😉 ( highly doubtful ) .. last time Gina denied in a polite way , with the recent tense between Gina and Bruno , let’s see .. in any case , I think another much expected visit in Barcelona for Masha .
  13. I am not a BDSM fan , but will watch it at times if it isn’t -especially- hardcore .. that was normal .. the whole meaning for me is for people to try and test / experiment their boundaries , she’s clearly doing so and as I have said , she could hide it all by going to special clubs and so on .. I simply love and respect that she shares all on cameras , no hesitations and she is totally indifferent for whatever criticism she might get .. There are other tenants that want to protect their social image and profile on cameras and in my humble opinion , the way their are doing things are much more worse for the characterizations they can get .. let’s not talk about names and who I mean 😂🤣
  14. I think some nice sessions at the pool in B4 so as the red ass spanks go away 😂🤣
  15. Another way of pleasure that has many fans.. nobody or Nike forces to watch it ☺️😇
  16. Αυτό κάνουμε και εμείς οι άντρες .. ή μάλλον θέλουμε .. Μόλις φύγει η μία να έρθει η άλλη 😎🤓😜
  17. I think it is the full package for her , he can satisfy her in many ways .. he was just impatient today and instead of making her finish first , he didn’t manage to hold his cumming ..still , a good session
  18. Πολύ καλός , ξέρει τι κάνει .. 😉 Απλά βιάστηκε λίγο και δεν περίμενε 😁 Της άρεσε πάντως 😎
  19. Happy and smiley Masha , excellent … hope the ongoing “ sexual pleasures “ are treated with respect here 😉😉😇🤩🥳
  20. Another “ Only At Masha’s “ evening , an excellent fetish “ bondage “ session , great progression from the guy and satisfying Masha’s fantasies
  21. Nice statistics and questions .. it won’t be difficult to find people for the apartment , I am wondering if Masha in Barcelona will now be using B4 or she will stay in Gina’s .. Let’s see the mood of the 3rd visit in 14 months for Masha ..
  22. Welcome back to “ the sex tools man “ 😉😋
  23. She lost it .. imagine if her husband had abandoned her at all of her difficult periods . I hope she realizes in the future that she was a step away to lose so much , if not all ..
  24. Bogdan has been a devoted and fantastic husband / partner and friend for his wife .. she almost ruined all , the biggest for me has been the really great reputation they had as a couple and the popularity they enjoyed as a couple back in Russia and yes , why not , also when they rejoined Barcelona . I think Nelly grabbed Bogdan to a sinking path , she is for me a woman without any motivation , we see her having no friends ( apart from Martina ) , no job , no hobbies . Bogdan has a cause , most probably he will continue his RLC duties . RLC didn’t protect them from negative and bad exposure , even some of their fans if you have noticed aren’t posting anymore in favor of them . It is time for a reset for the villa , i do very much want to believe that RLC has been terrified with the latest viewership results and they will try to bring the site at a good level again . The start seems to work with B1 , i think the next move should be a more active B2 ( we saw that Barcelona people want to gather and party everywhere but the villa , insane , the place for parties just a forbidden and unwilling to visit territory ) .. B&N’s departure is the right move in my humble opinion , let’s hope to either new tenants in the villa or repeaters that stand amongst the most popular and could elevate fun , action , LIFE .. let’s see 😇
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