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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Fiora and Ulyana around , I will be shocked seeing N&B next to these girls .. that’s why it was a surprise that they went so late in B7 , most probably they got confirmation that N&B are spending the weekend elsewhere ( possible at Alexandra and Lucian’s )
  2. That was one of those times .. Esmi in all of her ( insane beauty ) glory .. it was get first so open nudism session since her return .. I want to believe even more is coming ..
  3. I was saying what about Martina and Alberto’s bedroom ?? 😂🤣😂🤣😂 Glad whenever I AM PROVED WRONG from the tenant themselves .. Alberto moves on away from Martina emotionally witn very fast pace as soon as he found this girl .. It took him months as it seems to manage and realize the break up ( also Martina’s fault I belief since at times they were having sex , on the other hand , living in a cameras house it would have been naive not doing ANYTHING for so many months ) but when personal issues for both of them ( apartments arrangements ) were established as secure , Alberto has transformed and looks ready for his next step in life , the girl will clearly help and support him ? Can we say the same for Martina ??
  4. He will be back as always .. it wasn’t the fore time they were seen arguing in tension .. Sambuka can have always whoever she wants , this is let’s say the more official lover .. don’t be surprised if she brings someone else either today or in the next 1-2 days just to release her anger before seeing him paying a visit ( bold guy ) once again .
  5. Harley has been fucking “ The Child “ when he was just a simple guest in the “ retired “ ( ? ) B6 apartment and when Harley was sleeping with a mouse moving around her sleeping couch. Ulyana as has been seen and her are very close and obviously she knows Harley and “ The Child’s “ adventures . Even last night , when he saw that Harley was getting really drunk , he was giving her tease kisses just because he believed he might get some when the night is over .. What happened ? He made a move to her friend even when this “ Child “ has no behavior on how to be next to women , he thinks he can fuck them all and THE TRUTH is that NOONE is giving anything to him , Ashley , Sara ( she allowed him to lick her and since then not even sitting next to him ) , this “ Child “ - LET’S REPEAT - is by far the worst ever male tenant appearing … As was said , it will come the time that Dylan will be brought up in talks … Dylan would have someone sleeping next to him now ,l don’t know if he would be fucking her but he would have a girl next to him and not when sweet little Ulyana searched shelter in his room ( due to being related to Harley I guess ) and the “ Child “ made the stupid move ..
  6. Dylan managed to penetrate her but not for much time , she wanted more oral ..Ulyana’s mind was “ divided “ let’s say back then , her woman needs were “ calling “ for sex and a part of her mind was thinking the guy she ultimately abandoned initially RLC before her recent return .
  7. Allowing Dylan ??? WAKE UP , SHE WENT TO HIM when he had CLEARLY decided that Ulyana didn’t want more .. when he believed that he should just chill on the couch and when he started checking his mobile , Ulyana appear and started blowjobbing him . Not only you format ideas here but you also spread lies secure that guy was a SEX MACHINE fucking one gorgeous woman after the other in just 5 months .. there is jealousy in the world but yours has gone in another level .
  8. Your mind is in total mess , you have no idea what people watch , what they want to watch and even more , the quality of what they want to watch … You are dangerous ..
  9. He hurt her ? Really ?? 😂🤣😂😂 What in the world are you watching and you define opinions with your nonsense ? What and how did he hurt her ? Today she was going away from the bed to leave “ The Child “ because she simply didn’t want anything and when she fucked Dylan , she stood up from her bed , she went to the LR and she initiated EVERYTHING .. Pff , you are the biggest man hater in this forum ..
  10. Possible .. but only if he is indeed the “ Back -up plan “ if you understand what I mean 😉.. I think there are more people outside for the tenants that they know , but of course , the most possible scenario is the one you describe.
  11. No need to worry about Ulyana and “ The Child “ , with Harley being like a bestie for Ulyana , she knows this guy and more than what we think I guess . The real issue was the “ approach “ to Esmi .. I mean , COME ON 😂🤣😂🤣
  12. I am trying to figure out HOW Ulyana , Nadia , Esmi and Fiora were convinced to go to the villa and from whom ? So weird .. Ulyana bored as hell very fast , Esmi wondering around clueless , Fiora is social and she can be with the girls , no problem and Nadia also can find her way .. Still , a strange choice and the person who made them take the decision must have really great negotiating skills 😄
  13. With Sara there , ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN .. Fiora and Sara for example , even Ulyana .. plus the presence of Wolf can end in some crazy times later .. let’s see , 1st of October begins with plenty of scenarios , still , THE PRESENCE of “ THE CHILD “ is a major factor not to watch certain moments ..
  14. Ulyana inspecting the room where the person who last time seduced her HAD TONS OF FUN times 😏😏😏
  15. Obviously , lots of “ limits” are simply seen breaking today ( ONLY BECAUSE THE BOSSES ARE ABSENT OF COURSE 😂🤣😂🤣 ) So , for the FIRST TIME SINCE THE RETURN , we see the unthinkable . Fiora and Ulyana ( can’t see Harley ) in the place i INSISTED they will never go again , the villa(s) . It is also Nadia’s 2nd time I think going back . Of course , the reason that N&B would NEVER EVER appear in B2 would be that this is Ulyana’s residence let’s say as ( needs to be confirmed ) it is back in a bad place for them ONLY because N&B aren’t there . All those theories will TOTALLY collapse in case N&B appear , then I would really need to think the famous WTF …
  16. She will be fine , she was gone also for many hours the first days .. for sure she has some other friends already in Montenegro 😉 ( I believe they are in Podgorica by the way 😉 )
  17. That’s what I meant .. Alberto respects the place that he and his ex have been always “ theirs “ let’s say in comparison to what his ex did with her female sex partner once ..
  18. Well .. That was A PERFECT SCRIPT AND THEY SHOULD GO FOR OSCAR ( since so many believe / know that EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENS in the Barcelona apartments is a well made script ) 🤣🤣😂🤣😂 .. Really ? What was the purpose that all these people then organized to abandon B2 as what gives them the most money is when they are on cameras ?? Cheers to the SCRIPT BELIEVERS of the Barcelona apartments , they for sure KNOW that it is all written as a soap opera BUT NEVER EEEEEEEEEEVVVVER anyone said / informed here like “ in the next hours / days , this and that and the other will happen “ .. it is really amazing that they know THE SCRIPT but they never post “ coming soon “ scenes 😂🤣😂
  19. Within one week and so much things learned for both of them while having sex .. last week Juliet was totally passive , this week she will play with Alberto’s cock , she will masturbate her clit , she will generally also be active when last week it was ALL only Alberto trying .. On a different way of thinking , it might be that Alberto taking time to finish and lasting so much , it might be because Juliet isn’t attracting him ( better say not giving him STILL the horny feelings ) that Martina knew how to do or what he likes .. ( it might be a wrong thought and I do hope it is but this stamina of Alberto - yes acting clever by taking breaks during the session - is for sure an amazing new thing seeing by him )
  20. One of the RAREST times seeing Harley don’t what she just did … And it shows how close she’s with “ The Mistress “ . The X-Factor has given so many great moments and has contributed so very much but she also gave RLC another undisputed gift , that is the recruitment of “ The Mistress “ …
  21. For whoever has noticed ( the obvious I believe ) , Alberto seems to respect the room that he spent unlimited time with his current ex … He HAS NOT FUCKED Juliet in the bedroom , in my eyes , kind of this room still having some of the best memories and moments that Alberto and Martina had , ther own private place and I belief he wants to keep this respect . I might be proved wrong but that’s what I have noticed during all the visited times of Juliet in the apartment .
  22. Welcome to possible Elli’s roommate or holidays for a place that is FOR SURE going to become much much more interesting day by day , week by week and month by month as the to discover the life of amazing Elli has arrived , away from the guy that she wasn’t improving ( still he was / is a good guy ) .
  23. Question again ( after a nice let’s say FIRST EVER BARCELONA gathering since an incredible big amount of time not seeing / Megan being the only one not joining plus Martina and Alberto ) …. ARE THE BOSSES PRESENT ? Nelly and Bogdan ???? And it is also a pity that with the separation of B5 belonging to the Russian speaking tenants , these people there will not be seen so often meeting their Russian speaking colleagues … So , Nelly and Bogdan , where are you ? 😂🤣😂🤣
  24. Hey @masterchef56 where you have been hiding old pal ? Happy to watch your Queen ? Did you masturbate or not ? Just innocent questions to an endless rivalry person here , seeing all like the best things that this site offers . Good night and stay tuned . Leora will masturbate later , she didn’t even enjoy what she was doing but how can you recognize this when your “ job “ while watching is different 😄😄
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