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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. The apartment finally has interaction between two people , the guy totally obeys to Elli’s wishes , she in absolute control of everything . There are dozens of speculations that can be made , one is that Elli is testing this guy and how it is being with him and sharing comparing the times with Vencel . His ongoing tests that Elli makes him have , will be his “ ticket “ to either stay and be a normal visitor ( I don’t think we will see his name as a a tenant ) or he will be occasionally passing by and when Elli feels to have someone at home . Another one is that this guy might be on a short visit or holidays , he is young and he looks unemployed or he might be off work time . It can’t be that he financially survives no matter all the benefits that Elli and the apartment can provide . Elli for him is the “ ABSOLUTE TROPHY “ and he is doing a great job to win her and her trust and ultimately the ticket to both her mind and the apartment 😊 .. And one last speculation , it is Elli that tries to figure out how she needs to proceed with her life , does she want to share the apartment and have the earnings divided in two ( I believe both tenants get paid and not per apartment ) or she wants it completely for herself which will result trying to figure out ways to make it viewable enough and at times , often or not , we will be slowly getting introduced to her real life circle off cameras as there won’t be anyone that she would think if she needs to ask to invite people ( her friends or whatever ) in the apartment. Last but not least , I might have overrated Elli and her sexual skills , despite of not being shy and wanting to satisfy her partner(s) - Vencel , Peater , this guy - she proceeds to a certain repertoire that she has formatted and learned in her mind sexually . For example , you will never see having variety when she’s in a certain position , she won’t go from fuck to blowjob , in general , a limited list of sexual things which makes me understand that - despite what i believed for a long time - she didn’t have many guys in her life so far or the people she had , didn’t have also much sexual experience . She also seems traditional and not so much willing to try new things / lead her partner to new sex things . She’s really young and that’s why for me she’s “ The Future “ for RLC .. on the other hand , the rightful comparison to Ulyana ( who was the “ new Leora “ of RLC when she got first introduced and now being “ The Present “ , it is exactly as Elli is now with her cameras introduction the “ new Ulyana “ and “ The Future ) makes her resemble more to Leora who was also not much or at all sexual experienced when she got introduced 10 years ago . Ulyana KNEW SO MUCH for sex , self pleasure , how to please a guy .. It is then Leora ➡️ Ulyana ➡️ Elli but there’s only one “ The General “ that currently defines the site . It is up to Elli to become the new star and build her own legacy , mirroring more ( for our sake ) Ulyana and less ( hopefully ) Leora . Let’s see .
  2. Angie is “ playing “ 2 men in front of cameras … I would call this a “ damn “ talent 😁 . The reason that she’s not hiding and making it obvious to anyone it is to her credit .. which makes me end my thoughts with the following conclusion .. THE RLC of the past had principles and standard rules , the most important was NOTHING TO BE HIDDEN and people behave in front of cameras like the cameras don’t exist . Yes , it is difficult but look at Angie , representing the old golden RLC let’s say , she’s not hiding to reveal talks she makes in English when she could easily go at the balcony and say whatever she wishes to the person at the other side of the line . Similarly , she does the same with this guy , I believe the majority can feel that this is a “ fake story “ and for whatever reasons this happens , it will be revealed either sooner or later . The important is that Angie is presenting REAL LIFE as examples of what’s currently going on to millions of people’ lives daily in the world and we are witnessing one . Big respect to Angie.
  3. The confidence and aura of Zabava is at another level . The way she moves , her absolute comfort with the cameras , she feels happy and proud of what she has achieved , it comes so naturally watching her . It is one of their occasions of how much a person has changed since we first saw her . The little shy , often sad and clueless girl ( of course we all know that her family was much affected by the war and obviously still is .. ) is no more . This is now another Zabava that she has strong beliefs in herself , it all looks great for her . She had difficult times reaching this point but she has always been a wonderful person and the universe has given her back . Well done Zabava and let’s hope that if she feels she wants to be back on cameras , that this happens very soon . We will be all benefited once again .😋😋
  4. Elli will silent the ( bad ) criticism during the day most probably …People believing that she wasn’t fucked ( yes , undercover for her own reasons like it is COMPLETELY HER OWN REASONS the recent behavior and invitation of this guy the last days and the absence of - STILL IN THE PROJECT - Vencel ) it is beyond me . Elli had completed more than a year on cameras , she changed apartment when many believed her RLC days were done . She has ALWAYS been the one knowing what the people of this site want to watch in terms of adult entertainment and WE ALL KNOW that it was because of her that the apartment was one of the most viewable because of her nudity posing while sleeping , her sex preparations , the camera angles especially at the previous place and current Scarlett and Casper one . I just think we shouldn’t underestimate her , it is time to get to know another version of her , not the Elli - Vencel one . I think this girl is in search of herself first , she knows that people like her and I think she tries to make things her own way , not making this guy feel bad by pushing away but also not showing him or explaining him what she really wants from him apart from currently wanting a person next to her and this guy provides as he totally respects her wishes and needs and he isn’t there to FUCK and sleep and so on . I am GLAD I was obviously wrong that they haven’t done things outside , I still believe they have recently met and started whatever , Elli is BY FAR hesitant and she OVERTHINKS currently , either is Vencel or RLC or the cameras or her ( what I am gonna do with my life ) or all the previous together , it remains to be seen . This is - personally - a real life period we see for her in this apartment , whoever can’t see the confusion this girl is and has , it is all then about wanting her to fuck and masturbate and nothing else and they can find all that easily and for free everywhere at the internet . This apartment and the way we have seen it with friends , young people and how currently the generation faces things , it is a major example . This guy looks also young , i don’t know if it is 19 like the 2004 tattoo he has but these are two really young people and they have all the patience they deserve from my side . The conclusion is that this is a place within endless potential and endless things to happen and appear , tuned in to see the developments .
  5. I have learned the fucked up from the BEST of CC , that is you 😂🤣
  6. And so much different sex than with Vencel .. it was spontaneous and during getting too horny as it can happen SO MANY TIMES , they both felt it and off they did .. I get the feeling we see a MORE VARIETY repertoire from Elli .. The potential of this girl - being really young like tenants we have seen joining around 18-19 years old in the old RLC days - is endless . It is time for her to dominate .. But learn also herself emotionally and not only doing for the cameras .. Vencel is “ gone “ now with the sex on cameras I guess .
  7. FINALLY … it was too much … even in undercover way , Elli is too young not to get pleasure .. It is the beginning , “ The Future “ is introduced ..
  8. The reports are everyday the same because it is a same lifeless apartment , of course we disagree because obviously you ( and thousand others ) see things that me ( and thousand others ) can’t see . Fair enough , we all have eyes in the end and a whatever kind of keyboard to post whatever we think here , no matter being false or right .. But saying that a daily report isn’t a repetition of words when everyday happens the same , well , we consider also the interpretation of on cameras incidents differently .
  9. Let’s say - as was very rightfully said - that at the moment ( and from what we saw during her last weeks of her stay ) a Zabava in front of RLC cameras will attract much more attention than Esmi . Esmi looks very much thoughtful , i would say that she’s trying to escape things that happened to her , RLC return for her looks like she wanted to do something different - of course with money earned in a satisfactory way for her - but she’s not presenting - at the moment - her sexual part that we got to admire her when she was on cameras the last time . She might not showing much but she wanted to show the sexy side of her , she would much teasing , this stay so far she’s very conservative and deep in thoughts. Her isolation many times with the headset says it all , like she wants to be with herself , her music / podcasts … I have never doubted Esmi and will always be a TOP fan but at the moment , with Barcelona apartments ( better say the flagships , the villas ) SUFFERING epically from content ( poor Sara trying to work for everyone and Rachel when she is in the mood .. ) , the least that we need to see is a conservative approach .. At least Nadia when she decides , she can top the cameras easily , Esmi needs to “ dedicate “ herself more in the RLC opportunity , both lives of these two sisters was managed to remain in good terms because of the chance that RLC gave them , I think they ( she , Esmi ) should be grateful how much their life has been stabilized in Barcelona and RLC has helped them both REALLY REALLY much . Zabava’s return with the “ lift off “ sexuality and total cameras freedom we saw during the last part of her stay with the guy that she introduced on cameras ( COME ON , she did an anal session easily without hesitation , actually satisfying his sexual needs .. ) it is a guarantee for really great viewership . Let’s see .
  10. I don’t think - if Vencel departs RLC - that this guy becomes a permanent RLC resident and we will be seeing his name on the list .. I think Elli will be “ single “ and learning life .. that’s my estimation .
  11. Gyana .. another example how a “ healthy “ and wonderful relationship can benefit a person .. remember how she was when she was first on cameras and look at her now . Confident , determined , many times showing a great and “ hidden “ lust and incredible sexy side of hers , it took quite some time to accept even herself and her body ( this is a personal estimation ) , that why the many times the NV moments but more and more and more no issues at all parading her wonderful and super sexy body , with the amazing boobs and forces at the total right places .. This is another nice example of a couple that has evolved so much , I dare to say that Gyana didn’t have much sexual experience and she had not much trust and confidence on herself but she has now understood her value and her boyfriend ( that SHE LOVES SO INCREDIBLY much ) has been her rightful tutor in all this journey . Well done to this couple , Gyana and Dantez , a bigger even exclusive applause to Gyana seeing the evolution of this beautiful girl 😊😊👏👏👏
  12. Whoever wants to watch an insane “ performance “ of a woman towards a man , this place offers it freely 😆 … Whoever needs to see HOW women can play men and HOW men get seduced from the ass , tits and pussy , this is the place to watch. Taking into account that Angie is “ engaged “ ( REALLY NOW ??? 🤔🤔 ) , I am still trying to think what this man in the apartment does , not his current place living , easily moving between the two Montenegro apartments and many times promoting with pride ( WELL DONE to him and much respect ) his origins , his country , Russia . Angie on a roll of benefiting the fastest possible with her return on cameras , the woman is on fire providing and showing a side of her that we haven’t seen in such exclusivity . Hungry for sex ( however totally dissatisfied with this guy ) , will and relaxation to show her sexy side many times ( today’s outfit is an example , the high heels last time and sexy dress during the weekend ) , in complete control of this guy and how she does things “ PLAYING “ a game - PERSONALLY AGAIN I LOVE HAVING HER BACK ON CAMERAS - and it is a matter of men to understand certain things .. It looks more and more to me like an agreement of sorts but for as long as there’s this daily presence from her , completely satisfied tuning in this apartment and watching the development .. And waiting for Samantha’s role in all this quite soon …
  13. Zabava has become super sexy ( she was always but we need to say that it was her sister who was attracting the attention , this “ new “ Zabava with the dance skills and lessons , another proof that when life around a person is nice , a person blossoms so much more and this is now with Zabava . ) Personal speculation , I think we are getting closer to have AGAIN the two sisters on cameras , it only needs an apartment , I believe the place where currently Harley and Fiora are , RLC might be looking for an apartment there , if they haven’t found one … OR ( the OBVIOUS OF COURSE ) with the rumored departure of Martina and Alberto , the apartment will be given to either her or even - yes I believe so - Cecilia , even both 😎😎… let’s hope , Zabava at the moment is money for RLC .. again , one more proof how much more beautiful women become when they “ grow up “ both in age and mind .. And Zabava is far from the “ little shy “ and often “ wondering “ girl we met when she was first introduced to us on cameras … AND . For sure the German guy has played a role for thus tranformation . Zabava now more European that Eastern European ( always of course a Ukrainian deep in her heart but clearly adapting Western European mentality ) .
  14. Why a woman that HAS NO PROBLEM ON CAMERAS not willing to do anything with this guy ? Assuming that Vencel ( and Peater ) are watching and might be the issue , is it about cheating ? Already the behavior is a cheating one with kisses and so on . Is it respect that “ I won’t do anything sexually till you are not anymore an RLC official tenant” and Elli is into this direction ? I truly don’t believe that Elli and this guy have done more off cameras than what we are watching here . It is the same for me of what happens outside . Further more , I think they have met recently ( a month or so ) and my speculation is that Elli has explained to him EVERYTHING concerning participation on a cameras site with a guy that she announces as her “ boyfriend “ and now - after much much bla bla - Elli decided to allow him to experience the cameras and show him the place she lives so as he has an overall idea of what Elli does and who she really is with the cameras exposure . Let’s wait and see when Vencel reappears because in order seeing him being official removed , something must happen (UM or a hug or taking some personal belongings in the drawers .. )
  15. First , nobody is in Elli’s mind so as to try and figure a reason of why she’s not proceeding more with the guy . Second , THE LEAST that Elli is , it is being shy on cameras . So , with the guy having also not shown any indications that he minds the cameras , the obvious conclusion coming in mind is that she DOESN’T still feel ready to have sex with the guy , but again , only she knows . For me , it is an amazing real life reaction from Elli and I am glad we see this side of her character , actually I wish we could have more similar behaviors and reactions from other tenants as well . But most of them , they manage to “ hide “ behind fake talks and not real smiles . There are even others that they go outside of cameras exposure so as nobody knows what’s going on 😏 Elli is a great person and wonderful tenant so far , I have no doubts that she will do ABSOLUTELY all when she feels and mostly when she “ knows “ and wants .
  16. Very good post , many truths behind most of the sentences , educated people will understand a lot easier , even more , people living in Europe we have an even bigger knowledge of the majority of the things you mention . Congratulations on taking / dedicating time to develop your thoughts and post them in an adults forum .
  17. 😂🤣😂🤣😂😂👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
  18. Great morning / waking up treatment from “ The Mistress “ 😉
  19. Zabava nowadays would make such an INCREDIBLE tenant rather than what we have with Lialia and Shantal and Bogdan and Nelly .. RLC needs to wake up and ha e the ones making a difference and a statement and not the ones that MAKING THE PERFECT LIFE when they have an employer pays them to be on holidays .. Hello Lialia , do you listen ?
  20. Slowly .. Gradually .. people , normal people , they get tired .. ENOUGH WITH THE SAME , time to move on , even the replays slowly show the reality .. which is
  21. Zabava is back … AND .. she looks amazing , a NEW GIRL , Spain and Barcelona has changed her to the better … Very very nice , and many may well done to the younger sister that for sure is the “ more devilish “ of the two .. How ideal .. Esmi , Zabava , Nadia and above all , “ The General “ …. B2 can have a magical winter if the girls work out what needs to be done .
  22. More surprises continue .. And things we never saw 6,5 years started happening .. very good 😎A visitor on a Monday for Alberto , this must be a premiere 🤓
  23. It really looked that she liked that guy and she wanted things from him .. She hugged him , kissed him , touched his hands .. BUT .. she was always with her clothes , once coming naked after showering , she had no issues being naked but she was also covered with a towel .. A very strange situation , the guy also seemed to like her but it was like they wouldn’t do more ( maybe the cameras ? ) … In any case , Sambuka is special , you never know what can be , who appears and what’s gonna happen , maybe they have sex and they fall asleep 🤩.. The fact that she does all without boundaries is also one more ➕.. It is a pity that she suffers this small room ( while though has good angles for her sessions but if there’s any tenant who has carried RLC when it looked dead at times , it is this woman ) . AND .. I simply LOVE that she doesn’t give a RAT’S SHIT for anything . Her life , her pleasure , her fun and excitement ..This is the life , we live once , we need to enjoy the maximum .. and she does .
  24. I ADORE Sambuka 😎😎 End .. One of a kind … She plays everyone with her own style , under her own rhythm .. Bow down to the “ Mistress Sambuka “ 😎
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