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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Being a man , it is really disappointing watching a guy NOT knowing ways to satisfy sexually a woman , especially a woman that he shares life with for more than a decade . And if you are a woman , I wonder how it is trying to move your body , use fingers , your hands , parts of your body but ( strangely ) not to create pleasure to the guy you are sharing life with for more than 10 years but to satisfy yourself because the “ LOVE OF YOUR LIFE “ can’t give you what you want sexually … UPS , I forgot , LEORA has exactly WHAT SHE WANTS , clearly even nice sex 😂🤣😂🤣🤣🤪🤪🤪
  2. Exactly … this woman is unbelievable , end of story .
  3. It is a wish of the majority , “ A CHILD “ totally clueless as what needs to be being on cameras .
  4. We have a B2 vs B5 battle tonight then on the last day of September
  5. We have a B5 vs B2 battle tonight then on the last day of September
  6. There’s a woman that she’s incredible , can’t remember seeing such a beautiful guest , pff , gorgeous ..
  7. And it is funny how people judge and criticize both Vencel and Elli , the tears and the break up , like it is something that IT DOESN’T happen everyday for millions of people … AND .. N-O-B-O-D-Y really knows the reasons that Vencel left RLC , why Elli remained and not Vencel for example . Nobody can tell what really happened between the two and it is more than ironical to blame people when you don’t know the real facts .. but this , LATELY . It is a forum characteristic and NEARLY all tenants are suffering criticism ( bad , sad and negative ) because EVERYONE HERE knows what really happens in the lives of these two when they are off cameras .. How hypocritical ..
  8. She offered some new positions and it was also A LONG session .
  9. In the more than 1 year Vencel’s participation , he never ever had sex with Elli in this duration , already Elli’s new guy delivered a good time performance , but still both have not any special sex chemistry and i repeat again , both are quite “ immature “ with sex .. but practice makes wonders and if you like the other , it can lead you to try things never done before . Let’s see Elli then ( she doesn’t let herself have sperm in mouth , hardly ever during sex she will alternate between oral and normal , Elli has also still a lot to learn .. ) And since it is very early , it is appropriate to make the prediction , so when the time comes , it proves right or wrong . I believe then that this guy is for Elli ONE MORE guy and nothing serious or important , I try to figure Elli for more than a year but the young of her age , her ambitions and the “ stuck “ life with Lazy Vencel hasn’t allowed to see “ through “ her better . Now , another experience , she will give us the chance to understand her better as we have already an example due her times with Vencel . Still , it is a fresh thing and I don’t see any really deep and crazy emotions but I see a girl ( Elli ) really enjoying the company of this guy and the guy totally into Elli , he feels for sure more . I don’t think it will anything serious in the long run, let’s watch Elli’s ( The Future ) adventures .
  10. The more you grow up ( both body and mind ) the less you look for surprises .. Alberto isn’t different from the majority of the world then I guess while Martina wants the different as much as possible . But , she’s still young and amazing beautiful and when her real job begins and being absorbed deep into the daily society system , do you really think she will be having the energy and time to support this way of life we saw her having ( well , we didn’t see off cameras but the talks exchanging when they weee talking and describing the moments ) .
  11. Don’t forget .. the same comments “ Angie disappoints with this stay so far “ was also heard the first 2-2,5 weeks 😉 before the explosion😎 let’s see how she responds .
  12. I should make a club of people supporting my theory that these two HAVE ZERO FRIENDS 😁 . But they will come the people who say that they are just ANTISOCIAL and that I am talking BULLSHIT 😂🤣 they just have really lots of friends outside but it is THEIR CHOICE not to be on cameras 😂🤣 .. They are for sure two people to study , two isolated individuals that WHEN THEY MAKE IT AWAY OFF THE CAMERAS , I wonder how they will manage to keep on the same rhythm of life ( especially the woman known as Leora ) and that all the VIRTUAL friends will be gone , with who they will talk , invite in their off cameras apartment , how they will be making it possible to spend nights and evenings at other places or have guests over when THEY HAVE NEVER done it nearly in their middle thirties .. oh well , they have SO MUCH to share as do together that their time won’t be even so much to think such “ simple and easy “ human behaviors and actions 😂🤣
  13. As long as she’s discussed and people have an opinion about her , it means that she’s ALWAYS a big asset for RLC and people WANT to watch her life .
  14. ahh come on , he is THE LOVE OF HER LIFE so she’s happy and fine WITH ANYTHING that goes on , SHE ENJOYS ALL that she shares with this guy , it is SO OBVIOUS …
  15. Money rules the world .. I read that Martina wants more privacy with her life but if money can’t be guaranteed for this new beginning as it is hinted , I won’t be surprised if at any time we see Martina returning TRIUMPHANT ( for people like watching her ) in an RLC apartment ( my personal verdict will be that she failed to make it on her own- I DO BELIEVE SHE WILL SUCCEED THOUGH - and RLC , like so many other tenants , will be always the SHELTER ) either by herself or roommate or whatever . My point of my post is that ( of course might be family issues and in respect that and that’s why for a long time I didn’t post here but now things look differently ) Martina looks not happy when it is just some weeks ago that it was all fine between them and look how it is . Alberto has gone to the next level , he is ready to move with his life , can you say this for Martina ? You know how difficult is to GO TO THE REAL WORLD when these two have got used for nearly 7 years having no standard monthly obligations except their one expenses ? Luckily I have some VERY GOOD FRIENDS here and I have shared ( MANY YEARS BACK , before even Covid ) what I believe for this couple in private messages . And , ddhm is most of the times right 😄😁😆 . I have said , BACK THEN , that despite how this couple looks , when they eventually break up ( I never believed that they will go for more , it was so obvious ) , strangely , Martina will be THE ONE having the problem to move on with her life . Alberto , yes , he will struggle but he will find his way , another girl , a job , generally he will make it because Martina ISN’T FOR him all . Martina appears as the cool one and with the friends and all but her ACTUAL real trust and person that she can put her life on him , is Alberto. Alberto will manage to move on because Martina isn’t all for him , Martina - it doesn’t look like - has made this life around him , trusting him and talking to him , having freedom to do whatever she wants under the right circumstances . But now , with Alberto ( of cross they will remain two best friends till they day and their relationship will never be questioned by anyone ) going his way and her choosing her own , there won’t be this “ security “ of “ hey i can do all and let me be “ , Martina will struggle to find this person that she CAN TRUST ALL like she had Alberto . Look how Alberto is transitioning to the new chapter in his life , a girl already that instantly embraced his way of living and showing him that she likes his company and the choices he has made so far . Can you say the same for Martina and the transition to the new chapter in her life ? Isn’t she looking scared and wondering or is it my idea ? And .. DON’T tell me it isn’t so , don’t you believe that she feels jealous watching her so many years ex moving on and someone supporting him on cameras while her moving on looks happening by herself ? Conclusion , Alberto ( yes he will also take time ) will struggle for the new life but he will make it eventually with light turbulences . Martina , oh well , this will be very very very difficult for her ( that’s my opinion and I hope I prove wrong for one of the girls that will easily make it in the TOP 5 even RLC tenants in the history of this site , she will be a Legend , the one and only Martina . )
  16. That was another OUT OF NOWHERE incident in B4 , AS ALWAYS , Sara is ready anytime , anyplace to do all , the coincidence of Wolf and Margo making their way to B7 , ending in a teasing sex game for Wolf and Sara in her room and bathroom , with Rachel - I will dare to say shocked as she didn’t know how to behave - wanting to participate ( with Sara at least , it didn’t look that she cared for seeing them being fucked next to her , she didn’t grab her pussy trying to masturbate for example ) and ready whenever Sara was kissing her but Sara was too “ high horny “- let’s say it politely - that she wanted to have in the end the fun witn Wolf and she left Rachel in the bathroom ( kind of clueless as she didn’t know if she should go and join or remain cool inside the bathtub that she finally did ) waiting for them to finish their horny session in the bedroom . To his credit , Wolf proves that he can provide anytime , he had no issues giving - considering the circumstances - a good pounding to suoer horny Sara before ending in the bedroom with her . What remains is Rachel’s reaction , she clearly wants to have a female experience , can’t say yet if she had any lesbian action in the past but she wants it , Rachel remains a nice mystery in the villa and for sure worth seeing and following instead of Lialia that it is difficult to connect with her . Overall , a super after midnight RLC action day , the end of the month made everyone go for all in 😏😏😏 Let’s see how things will be going from now on as Margo also looks promising ..
  17. If Nadia decides to start showing extend adult content , she will make B2 go back to “ days “ that haven’t been seen for an indefinite time .. the things this woman knows to do is beyond limits .. of course revealing so slow it is a wonderful thing as she makes any time special . Maybe Nadia’s time has come 😋😋😋😎😎
  18. Nadia offers herself again and again only to see him rejecting her because thats what she wants from him .. have never seen somwthig similar ..
  19. I can’t believe how this guy manages to control himself .. amazing
  20. That was too much of a funny / goofy game and Nadia wasn’t “ into “ it , I think she was just doing it for Milena ..maybe I am wrong but that’s how it looked to me ..
  21. He managed to “ TASTE “ even for seconds .
  22. I think big time for Nadia with double pussy penetration , the pride of her ex together with the dildo , another unique incident very rarely seen .. well done 😇
  23. Personally , waiting to see the best deepthroat that currently RLC can have with this woman on cameras .. patience of course 😂
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