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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Well , for whoever had doubts , the proof is becoming more and more obvious as the days pass by and the departure of Malia .. More and more shades of Leora’s true older self appear each and every day the last 4 days .. Anal bating earlier , far away from any prime time timetable , simply because she wanted , anywhere she wanted ( guest room as predicted taking slowly the place of interest like the apartment in Russia ) with whatever pace she wanted .. totally devoted to pleasure first herself ( like she had really missed doing it ) and then this feeling passing to the fans , as she was wild , passionate , dedicated to please everyone , like baiting for the very first time after a long time exactly the way she has missed it and totally into it .. It is funny to compare this with whatever forced things we have been watching for a long period in 2021 … how can this be compared to the passionless , boring , emotionless shows that we were watching only for the sake of views and top cams placement .. easily , without even checking if there’s competition unlike recent past times that constant looks on the phone checking if the right time for a show was available , Leora is slowly back on what she knows to do better than anyone else in this site and she has absolutely no competition ( except one ..🤩 , lovely Ulyana .. ) and she needs to check nothing and no one when she simply wants to entertain … how can this be compared when she had total and full control and what rhythm she wanted to give , when to accelerate and when to go slower for more pleasure , how can honestly put on scales something that comes out passionately genuine ( even if we have seen it for the 3,791 time which is incredible that still remains a top moment for RLC whenever it happens ) with the laying down with cuddles in front of an IPad screen , boring as hell and the common masturbations that people here wanted to first persuade themselves that it was incredibly horny for both of them … Really ?? 😂🤣😂🤣 Come on , just watch this only once performance with 10 simultaneous bates and pleasuring one another the last 3 months and see the more than obvious difference .. There are many thoughts of how things have proceeded the last weeks , thoughts that aren’t for the present moment since that was a true Leora from the past and praise is expressed totally deserved and with very ease and no hesitations … It might be that the back up plan is already making excited the fans , the majority is happy with this enormous come back , even Leora perhaps feeling the freedom and behaving as less caring of what’s happening and more concentrated on herself than distracted thoughts left and right so as to have things balanced .. At the end of the day , Leora seems happy , fans are happy , the give and take relationship with the fan base slowly gets restored and it remains to be seen what’s next … P.S .. As always , the masturbations and especially on this pleasuring personal rate , show simply a lack of active sexual life , it is a pity that a woman of 30 years of age not being able to have a normal and at times for the age that she has explosive sexual life and that the masturbation professional diploma that has been obtained through the thousand of sessions through the years , being the one replacing the lack of a great and exploding as it should be sexual life .. In the past , some they were calling it addiction .. I always thought that when you aren’t pleased with the sex you have ( or you don’t have at all ) , you improve and master the self pleasure so as not to miss one of life’s basic human needs ..
  2. Gina and Bruno as Bogdan and Nelly in B4 for their position , this is when RLC could become great watchable again .. parties , social life in the villa, multi rooms to accommodate the friends that both Bruno and Gina have , the dining room, the jacuzzi… honestly , RLC wouldn’t even need to recruit girls , just imagine Cleopatra there more often , the Spanish friends of circles that everyone of these locals have , this is something that could bring an amazing interest as the possibilities of happenings and events are endless …
  3. Nah … they say that she didn’t have the possibility to find a job in Russia so as to support the life she could possibly have there 😬🤷‍♂️
  4. Yesterday I believe she started while either watching something on her phone or speaking with someone , she stopped and kept smiling and that was it , it was weird but as I didn’t have the sound on and as I am “tired/ bored “ of the villa ( nothing ) happenings , I was surprised that it was almost nothing mentioned or you not even commenting on that 🤨🧐🤔
  5. A very helpful site before making any journey to have some good knowledge of what you will be facing and dealing with more or less 😉 For traveling freaks like me 😂🤣 it has helped for budget preparations 😁😆
  6. As mentioned earlier , it will be RLC’s end of the month when usually “things “ happen .. let’s see if Masha will be the “ talk of the site “ once again 😉😉
  7. UPS 🤷‍♂️ Wrong call for the twins 🤦‍♂️😬😐🤐
  8. Quite some time that N&B finished their shower in the jacuzzi and the twins aren’t back .. I guess Mr.Beardy will be making his presence later again 😉
  9. This is also not theoretical but priced info by numbers .. if you think that Leora and Paul after 6 years with RLC couldn’t support a living under such circumstances , then , I am what you say I am , a superb theoretical mind 😂🤣😂 Cost of Living in Krasnoyarsk. Aug 2021. Prices in Krasnoyarsk WWW.NUMBEO.COM Average prices of more than 40 products and services in Krasnoyarsk, RussiaAug...
  10. Money already made after 6 years with RLC enough to invest in the shelter that she currently support .. yes or no ? Possible income then ?? Yes or no ? Everyone says that Leora is a clever and multitalented individual , don’t you think that she could easily have hundreds of opportunities to have a normal and out of this demanding camera world work ? Is Russia a forbidden country for clever and educated people not to have money and starve ? Do you see this country of the 180 million people collapsing or is it considered alongside the USA and China the biggest powers in the world ? Are you doubting then that Leora wouldn’t be secure with a normal job there ?? Yes or no ? Family , friends , native language , way of life that she knows and culture / civilization that she grew up , isn’t this a secure life to continue ? Yes or no ? Are you telling me that spreading your legs being 30 years old, put dildos in your ass and pussy , masturbating your best friend for the sake of €/$ / rubles is much more secure for a long term future in 10 years from now than already having stayed there and being a “ normal citizen “ like each and every one of us … I guess you aren’t reading the rest of the forum and the mostly successful stories of other tenants that were in Russia and they used the RLC platform for a fair amount of time to make money and now they are with normal jobs and families .. I guess they should have also moved in Western Europe to secure an insecure life they had in “ Russia is dictatorship and bad atmosphere “ for its residents … Last but not least , according to you , if Paul is feeling this insecure in life , why did he stay behind when it is all so negative there ?
  11. That will be fun , hope we get to see Babi and Tanya as well 😉😇
  12. Gina and Stella trying to keep a decent RLC level of at least something happening within RLC’s project plans in Barcelona..
  13. I don’t think we know where she went …
  14. The way Leora has been doing things concerning the privacy of this apartment , it has already mentioned multiple times here that in similar behaviors in the past from other tenants , RLC wasn’t hesitating to stop the collaboration with their employees … Judging though by the contribution of Leora to the site’s fame , the money that she brought to the business , I think that she has a very special treatment from RLC management ( well deserved I admit , I can’t think of anyone else abandoning a secure life and moving to another country when the employee asked this from her 😇 / except if she asked to continue in another country .. 🤨 )
  15. Leora can be very persuasive when the $$$€€€€ is running 😄😂🤣
  16. The only sure thing is that both girls are camera obsessed 🤩🤩🥳🥸😎😃
  17. It is becoming more and more obvious that Leora is getting more and more into Radislava’s head , so many similar things that Radislava is copying / pasting from the apartment there .. it would have been great seeing these two girls interact .. perhaps RLC could make a ticket for Radislava in Prague or for Leora in Barcelona ( as it has been the wish of so many people through the years 😉 )
  18. I could honestly say that this GIF girl looks like Cleopatra 😇
  19. This isn’t a new life , it is a simple copy / paste of a life she used to have back in Russia with the difference now being that she’s completely alone when in Russia she had her dog and BF .
  20. This is usually to avoid any exposure at loading stations either being airports / ports / bus stations from weather conditions , in preference raining . I am working in the airport here and this is the answer I have got many times from travellers , this is a habit that occurs mostly to people coming from east Europe and ex USSR nations , Poland and Czech Republic also have this habit .
  21. Then it is my mistake as I have forgotten this incident , thanks for updated information 😇
  22. You know that I am one that have gathered tons of heat by saying again and again of what I would like to see in this apartment , the obvious of course as for many “ normal thinking “ people ( when there have been posts here that only a minority and not actually true fans want that ) , that is , guests , social life , interaction … nobody spoke about sex , nobody said about anything erotical interacting .. just some of the real life friends while in Prague , with an evening in the balcony with a cup of tea or coffee , smiles , introducing new faces like it happens EVERYWHERE in all of the rest of all RLC apartments . Apparently , this is like hoping for the corona virus problem stop tomorrow 😂🤣😂🤣 so , nothing expected but I am always positive and the hope dies penultimate 😂🤣 As I said some days ago , the hardcore fans who live and die for the masturbations ( for the 3,789 time and counting ) must be feeling being in paradise and it will last for them till Leora quits and they will also quit RLC .. but for the rest of subscribers , this apartment will be less and less watchable in my humble opinion , there have been comments and posts already when we were getting the daily robotized and clickbait shows ( copy / paste Barcelona style that were invented there ) that it was already boring , I don’t see how it won’t be the same feelings for the rest non hardcore fans .. I am looking forward for the next visit of the guy that goes by the name of Dennis , who will actually mark ( if I am not terribly mistaken ) the first time that will be visiting Leora and Malia isn’t there , thinking the incident that Leora was showing her tits to him and also in my opinion , she seemed like his company / frienship was essential for her .. of course , people here said that it was all already orchestrated that day , so , for whatever worths my desire of what wanting to watch , this is the only realistic scenario that I am looking forward to watch whenever Leora decides ( since we aren’t going to get any visitors in this apartment except from big love Paul / that I highly doubt 😂🤣 as well )
  23. It is more than clear that since Malia’s departure , Leora tries / wants to replicate at a very high level the way she had her life in Russia .. we see so many similarities , the way she moves and acts inside the apartment , the teasing at the couch like in Russia , the TV being on , it is all there when the things missing are the dog and Paul .. we see a significant less time spending in her room , I would think that she just needs to go more often at the now guest room and perform her solos there ( like when in Russia and usually with the door closed so for the dog to stay out ) when not in the LR , it isn’t a coincidence that she didn’t do anything in her room so far , at least the way i realize her current feelings of being alone .. let’s see how it all proceeds .
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