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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Thank you for the information , I wasn’t aware of this and i read it only today 😇 More and more things of course are being explained with information like the one you mention 😇
  2. Why the confused emoji if I am allowed to ask Sir Scutus ? Wasn’t that Malia had a boyfriend in Prague and they recently broke up ? If you know more than what has been written here the last 9-10 months or so and Malia having a boyfriend and now you give me the confused emoji without any explanation , then , what can I say ? The whole forum has been fooled and you and some others you are the clever here and therefore 👏👏
  3. What about the boyfriend she had in the Czech Republic ? Is this the same guy ? Was she having then a parallel affair ?
  4. How can I get something if I don’t have the knowledge and the proof ? If you do all this time and you know so much more , perhaps you could share more things as you started lately doing with your long posts and inside RLC knowledge 😎
  5. Let’s hope …and some Greek visiting 😎😏
  6. Leora is Leora , a master and knows what needs to be done just by moving her smallest finger , she has total control on how to create viewership ( legs open and naked all the time , lights on so camera sensors are triggered with the slightest of anything moving ) ..Leora is Leora 😂 I can’t explain the differences we have approaching this subject from a different point of view , it might be the difference of cultural philosophy we have and me being a European and you an American , when in Europe due to the influence of long time traditions and history , many things are still valued according to past customs and way of living . Of course we speak about 4 modern individuals , but here we have also a collision of two completely different philosophies , the western kind of living and doing things that Martina and Alberto represents and the more conservative that many criticize back in their homeland and this is why lots of them are escaping abroad that Nelly and Bogdan represent .. I don’t mean that this is shown on cameras as , especially Nelly and Martina , have no issues to declare the sexual lust..but , in Russia , homosexuality is punished by law and isn’t allowed and this could never be possible there , at least in open public.. Now , there’s a reason that Nelly has gathered all this heat , the reason of her doing whatever she wants whenever she wants with Martina , while her husband isn’t allowed by her not even to cuddle in a more than friendly way any other tenant as she gets angry / jealous and frustrated to Bogdan and also the rest of the girls being able to feel and understand Nelly’s jealousy ,this is why also for me , we hardly ever see interactions between Nelly and the rest of the cast ..anyway , back on topic , I don’t accept the term “ besties “ as besties for me are two girls who share talks about subjects that have to do with their husbands / boyfriends , common interests like watching movies , going to the cinema , see one another 3-4 times per week to share a coffee or tea with both their men sometimes per month and not hiding talks behind their back or simply try to act secretly with whatever they do as we have been watching the recent period .. there’s a post referring to a party that Martina is willing to skip , where’s the friendship and bestie feeling to share it with your friend and have a common experience ? I simply can’t accept the fact that Nelly is a married woman and she plays it double , if she wants exclusivity with Martina and if she loves her , ask for a divorce from Bogdan and go and live with her happily ever after and don’t mess with everyone’s lives ( she simply can’t have both , period and I am sorry I am so direct with that ) creating more and more chaos each and every day and hurting her public image by being ridiculed any time she drinks and acting like an 18 years old child and not a 30 years old married woman . I can talk for ages about this subject , but unluckily and conservatively for me , I am way too moralist when I see a person messing the life of other individuals that at least one ( Bogdan ) doesn’t approve what’s happening ..Of course both ,Martina and Alberto, have their part of responsibility but at least they have nothing official and they are just BF/GF ..we are speaking now about a couple ( N&B ) that have apartments in Russia , common financial accounts and generally they share officially much more than a lifestyle in front of cameras that brings them income … if you want my extreme opinion , let them both declare they love , go and rent an apartment in Barcelona and live together away from the public RLC eyes ( but at the same time without the financial benefits ) and if both in maximum 18 months won’t be pleading to have Alberto and Bogdan accept them in their lives , I can pay you a trip to Greece all inclusive 😂😇😈
  7. If they want to enjoy the luxury you mention , they need to keep the business running ..otherwise , it simply can’t be as money doesn’t last forever ..except of course they have something else that brings them profit and RLC is just a hobby for them that they have abandoned …
  8. If Gina and friends visit and overnight , it’s a step forwards 😇
  9. 😂🤣👏👏 She can compete with the cleaning lady as potential tenants I guess 🤡😆
  10. Maybe due to the fact that she leaves in September and all of her interest is to have all things sorted out by that time and outside of the apartment ? On a side note , I saw a rather than impressive / fantastic photo / video shooting of Stella , while Gina was checking yesterday her tablet laying on her bed . For whoever says that Gina is this and Gina is that , she has clearly talents in many fields and isn’t a coincidence that also Masha trusted her for such projects . I agree that after Tesla and Pam , Stella was the one that seemed to take over for some interest in the GOV project but soon as it seems , hopes have been dropped 😔
  11. Can it be that the “ brothers “ will rule RLC project in Spain in the future ? Can it be that Brutus and Bruno will be the ones carrying the project for as long as the current circumstances prevent from the RLC HQ to bring easily girls from Eastern Europe ? As we saw , the circle of friends that both guys have and the easy and comfort they have to appear on cameras , why isn’t RLC taking the revolutionary decision and put at least one couple in B5 ? Imagine , parties , people gathering , just a simple move with such a low risk and high chances of succeeding .. Last year RLC hit jackpot with the simple move to insert Martina in the Russian apartments and it was the biggest success that could even imagine since , till now , it is the most discussed cross over talking thread .. imagine Brutus and cleopatra and with the past that also Brutus has with some girls 😉😉
  12. I will agree with you on this one , this is at the moment the worst RLC period , like there’s no direction and the project has been abandoned , it only runs due to active subscriptions and it’s like needing a person’s hand to unplug it and go black screen .. I don’t know if all important people that care and run the project are on holidays and will be back in September , but even a recent example when Kitty was on holidays till the 15th august and they updated the information 4 days later and there was no more airplane indicator shows also a lot 😒😔 BUT ….There’s still some hope ( to leave my positive remark and edit to a rather not usual by me negative post ) with Gina and Bruno and their friends and the quick new rising star , Cleopatra ☺️😇😎
  13. I still remember posts mentioning that they communicated with their mobiles when in different rooms or even sometimes when next to the other and they wanted to proceed with a show , they didn’t speak live on cameras but they had this kind of communication 😎
  14. I don’t think they are best friends 😉 , two ex sex lovers I believe is a better characterization . Nelly has made such a long journey with this RLC business , she has abandoned all her life in Russia to let a temporary passion for Martina to ruin all , at least that’s how I see it . I honestly can’t understand what she thinks , will she marry Martina ? Does she think that Martina will be her sexual lesbian partner for the next 10 years without her husband been offended ? Will they all 3-4 ( I don’t even know what she thinks ) live happily ever after under the same roof , with the dogs and the fishes , Alberto will be in his room playing his video games , Bogdan in another making his fitness and Nelly and Martina in another having sex just to calm down their lesbian instincts ? I think Martina and Nelly both look after one another in a way by trying to keep a decent friendship relationship and prove not only to themselves but also to their men who love them truly and also to us , the viewers , that they are really two brain mature women that both of them know what the best thing to do is .Solutions like “ drinking too much to forget “ or “ that’s my way of fighting my erotical disappointment “ , they mostly indicate to me a teenager / girly / childish reaction rather than this of women who the one has learned to live in another country the last years , a definitely difficult task , and the other who has matured to a strong individual woman since her childhood by being next to a guy that has always been there for her . So , ex lovers , current friends but best friends ? I think they need to be able to share all changes and problems with discussion and honest talks and not allowing their sexual hidden lesbian behavior to surface while together☺️😇
  15. Martina isn’t Nelly’s mama to look after her and let her know when she should stop or continue with things that obviously she’s weak , like alcohol for example . I find it completely immature and for sure a really big problem for both Nelly and Bogdan , that when Nelly drinks and creates problems most of the times , it seems that neither her nor Bogdan as her husband can find ways to control this “ personal demon “ that she seems to have . It is this simple , when you know that you can’t stand the alcohol , you just have a couple of drinks and you should know and be wise when to stop . Nelly is hurting so much her image with the occasional “ losing it “ moments due to alcohol that I also say that it is Bogdan’s problem who can’t obviously “ dominate “ his wife on this just by showing his disappointment , sadness or hurt in his feelings . It is clear for Bogdan that Nelly is his biggest weakness , I think his way of protecting her and not trying to hurt her and simply because he loves her the most of everyone , isn’t allowing him to really be tough on her and being able to persuade her , which actually is kind of awkward when he manages to “ run “ a villa with so many different characters and personalities and being able to keep things under control and in a decent level and when it comes to his wife , he isn’t able to control her . Perhaps not having dialogues about it , trying to avoid this subject and hoping that she will understand it by herself , might be making the problem bigger ( as it seems ) than solving it . All in all , I honestly can’t understand what Nelly wants to achieve ( or even Martina ) , both girls obviously try to keep their friendship , if Nelly can’t make it ( i believe - without having any proof - that Martina respects Bogdan and simply tries to keep a pure friendship relationship with her ex lesbian partner ) or she’s jealous of Martina or whatever ,she should simply “ fight “ with her frustration and disappointment that she can’t have more of Martina and devote herself to her husband who clearly adores , loves and worships her because we will see Bogdan really snapping one day , packing his things and do the unthinkable and leave her all by herself in Barcelona , alone and lost in a place without real friends apart from Martina as it seems all this time .
  16. She already started yesterday with one of her solos on the couch , it was some long time she didn’t do and most probably , she will keep on more or less in a way like before Malia joining her . But in my humble opinion , apart from the really devoted and hardcore fans ( who are indeed many ), I just think ( without having any actual proof of course ) that the majority of the subscribers aren’t going to be as interested as in the past watching something that has been seen thousand of times . I will watch for sure sometimes ( especially if she decides to ride one of her toys like she did in the past or whatever anal options or maybe a new double penetration showing - yes , if she’s not bored , she has plenty to show - ) but I will personally skip sessions that don’t look different of what I have watched so many repeated times over the years . RLC site at the moment is really lacking content so whatever she does will easily earn her the viewership popularity ( I definitely give her credit that even after so many years she tries to please the fans and viewers with so many things also happening in her personal life , but she’s a true professional and cameras world veteran - which she loves - that apart from us - I am one of the first for example 😂🤣 - bitching here of what we ( don’t ) see or the wrong direction shows with Malia ( again of course a personal opinion ) , but in the long run , in order to keep on the audience’s interest , attract new viewers , earn the attention of others that “ lost “ interest while she was with Malia , I think she needs to also evolve and adjust to RLC 8 years later and present new things . I do hope I prove wrong - as I said I believe that she already has her back up plan running when Malia would be once away - but I don’t think we will be seeing anything different from what we have been watching for years . People will love it and will always praise it but there are many others also that will skip sessions and simple will wait for the next thing to be presented , if this ever happens . Let’s see , after all it was the “ eternal hope “ that gave many times the top cams position of seeing anything sexual - from a kiss to a finger penetration or generally anything suggesting to softcore lesbian - between her and Malia .
  17. Well , RLC is currently “sleeping “with its content , what more appropriate than giving top cams credit to a person that sleeps 😂🤣😛😛🥳🤩
  18. I watched the replay of Martina and Bogdan’s conversation by the pool , the sound was always on . Towards the end , Martina went to the toilet , Bogdan brought her a glass of water and after drinking a bit she left B4 .
  19. That’s the problem 😂 nothing happened or is happening.. I can say that the most intriguing thing the whole day must have been the talk of Martina and Bogdan by the pool in B4 😁😆 And also seeing nice Cleopatra in Gina’s place … It happens absolutely nothing anywhere , luckily we get to see guests at Gina’s that changes a bit the daily routine .. a very bad period for RLC judging of anything that could be seen in the past , from drama to sex , arguments , shouting .. pff .. anyway , maybe it has been a rough summer here and this quiet in whole RLC doesn’t meet my personal standards 🤨🤷‍♂️
  20. Really really bad direction for this apartment , it adds to the rather worst period in RLC history 😔
  21. Extreme evolution for Mirukawa since she joined RLC … from two lovely normal tits , to a great tits job , a really expensive one judging by the implants and also the “ allowing bouncing “ let’s say when in other occasions this doesn’t happen .. then piercing job on nipples ( which i personally love and have a small fetish with that 😆 ) to the last change of a rather not so nice ( for my taste of course and opinion ) tattoo which for its size , it must be an expensive one .. So many changes in almost 7 months , let’s see what’s more to come .
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