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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. I think then she made a phone call and spoke English and mood seemed to change to happier again … can it be that she was sad after your comment that they are maybe ( planning ) want to move tenants from B4 to B1 ?? πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‡
  2. Very interesting to see how Leora will β€œ deal β€œ with the loneliness in the apartment .. let’s not forget that when she arrived in Prague , she had so much time to discover a whole new world and culture that she might not have felt the need of company and similar things … it is now two years after , and this almost 18 months living with another person and the habits and daily routine of whatever has been happening , will for sure take time to find a rhythm of her own .. still , no matter how many hours reading a book , watching TV or IPAD or perhaps endless hours on the mobile , the need for socializing face to face for all human beings is a natural cause and even if in the mornings she will maybe spending it away from the apartment , it is still many hours that she will be spending alone in the apartment . Let’s see then how it all evolves .
  3. We can always inspire if we want πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜
  4. I am creating a β€œ trend β€œ as it seems πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜πŸ˜œπŸ€ͺ
  5. For someone who hasn’t got a subscription and knows so much details and taking so much time to write such an analysis and review ( not judging what you say is right or wrong in my opinion ) , I am speechless and impressed .. not even an RLC addicted could give all these info … again , I am impressed from someone who totally hates RLC to dedicate so much of personal time to analyze all apartments .. I believe your secret source information is a videocall friend , if you PM all the time so much so you get all info , i would believe that half of your day while awake is spent in correspondence so as to know in full detail who and what does anyone and when in the respective apartments . Well done πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
  6. Long time relationship personal experience πŸ˜‚πŸ€£ of course it isn’t the same for everyone , but I believe the majority is centered around the earlier post πŸ˜‡
  7. ΞŠΟƒΟ‰Ο‚ το κάνΡι ΞΊΞ±ΞΉ ΡπίτηδΡς Ξ½Ξ± μιλάΡι πλέον αγγλικά Ξ³ΞΉΞ± Ξ½Ξ± βλέπουν Ο€Ξ΅ΟΞΉΟƒΟƒΟŒΟ„Ξ΅ΟΞΏΞΉ το διαμέρισμα 😎 ΞΈΞ± δούμΡ
  8. After so many years of relationship , they are doing both really great with their sexual life . We aren’t Martina to know how she likes and loves the pace of her man.. perhaps also Alberto wants more from her and she isn’t willing . In general , unless you are married or have a long time GF , you would for sure know that it is normal after almost 10 years of being with someone , there are so many different things that unite you rather than only good sex, nice food or drinks .. it is the whole experience that you are living and there are other smaller things that are more important than a fast paced Alberto , for example the freedom that they both have to one another to enjoy their hobbies whenever they wish with whoever they wish .
  9. This is usually the routine with first newcomer guests , they are mostly shy on cameras . This is why the constant praise and words of admiration when we see not only nudism but also sex interactions . That’s why the hairdresser in Masha’s was praised , Cleopatra in Gina’s apartment , whoever tries coexist with the cameras and try and behave as not being there , they deserve a good word in my humble opinion. Don’t forget , they aren’t getting paid for it , they are just visiting and it is normal not wanting to be exposed to the thousand of eyes watching πŸ˜‡
  10. I hope that we get soon a β€œ Greek speaking β€œ lover in the apartment , it will be a pleasure to translate nearly all πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£
  11. As a human being , i would wish even to my worst enemy that stays healthy , that’s the most important thing that someone can have .. then , it is the universe , the karma or whatever that takes over and let’s say you get in life mostly what you deserve ..πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‡ We are all humans , let’s put the bad feelings aside , after all , both girls they didn’t kill , steal or made any crime to anyone πŸ˜‚they tried to entertain according to ways that they think they would for people watching .. some agreed with that , some not .. we all have the solution simply to β€œ change channel β€œif we don’t like what we watch or stay tuned and give the top cams 😁
  12. Even by chance , Malia managed to escape ( for the time being ) this demanding ( still was her choice to stay ) camera world , financially she was for sure benefited but going back to a way of life that she used to have , it will most probably take her time to get back to her previous routine . I wouldn’t be surprised ( if she’s still single πŸ˜‰ ) that she joins again around Christmas β€˜22 πŸ˜‡ But let the facts show us what’s gonna be 😎
  13. Right … but the beds had always been filled with tenants .. in 2 weeks time , 3 losses and counting as Noldus informs that in September 2 more losses to come 🧐🀨 Can this mean another β€œ hard reset β€œ for RLC and start seeing locals suddenly ??
  14. Dream on πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£ .. only a miracle .. ( or viewership decrease , even though Leora has the back up plan already in motion in case Malia would eventually leave RLC for whatever reasons ..) could make this apartment get a β€œ real life β€œ characterization .. till then , it all concentrates if and when we see the β€œ flashing tits β€œ guy .. Dennis .. or when we get to see Paul revisiting , with or without Eva .. till that time , enjoy Leora ( and her toys πŸ™‚πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‰) for the 3,783 time 😁 ( which will make hundreds of members pleased and happy and that’s what matters in the end 😏πŸ₯³ )
  15. You and moos on fire today with great posts , interesting ideas , theories and opinions πŸ˜‡ well done both of you guys πŸ˜‡
  16. Very nice post ☺️As also a European , the points for Covid and the rules that will be slowly implemented by September in most of the European countries , tell a big story of what’s going on and the ongoing difficulties perhaps for RLC to fill the beds . Well said again πŸ˜‡
  17. You also have sources πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜œπŸ€ͺπŸ˜›πŸ˜
  18. Big subject , maybe one day we can bring to another section of the forum and share our opinions ☺️ What matters the most for me , it will always be that a country treats and behaves to all if its citizens the same way ( at least in a big percentage as there will always be β€œ mistakes β€œ and stupid exceptions by foolish people ) .. in most parts of the western world , this is happening .. I can’t say that ( especially the recent years ) we see this from the land of opportunities and the demonstrations and so on . Anyway , I am going to put a full stop here as it is completely off topic and it is not important our thoughts for the rest of the posters or readers in this thread β˜ΊοΈπŸ˜‡
  19. I agree in many things with you at times but read something that I tell you with all of my good heart and will . If Leora is living in this bubble as we both agree , rest assure that USA is for the majority of the thinking world , the biggest bubble of them all . If USA is the land of opportunities ,well , this might have been 60-70 years ago , statistics and recent way of living says the opposite nowadays . Since I am a bit off topic here , I will say that for many Americans , it is really so much better that you have no idea what the rest of the world believes for this country ( not the people ☺️ ) .. Never forget also that USA had the last major β€œ civil war β€œ problem back in 1860 or so while Europe had to suffer 2 world wars , millions of dead people , massive destruction bombing capitals and cities , what I mean is that when Europe has β€œ civil wars β€œβ€˜, USA was prospering and we reached the point we have today . Anyway , nothing personal with that but never forget also , the land of opportunities as you say , came when all people from Europe crossed the Atlantic and started making the communities there . Big talk and sorry for the off topic , nothing personal and just an opinion that believe me , represents perhaps the majority at the other side of the Atlantic πŸ˜‡
  20. Moscow and Saint Petersburg are two mega cities that you can achieve a lot if you have faith in yourself , confidence and the biggest of the wills to succeed . For me , this camera life has always been the easy solution after a certain point , much money and a great lifestyle by just selling a β€œ daily life girl β€œ image with lots of sexual activities , either by herself or with her partner . Taking such a small amount of time to take such a crucial life decision , that is to abandon a secure life in her country , a partner and a dog that she loved so much just to accept to keep on living in an apartment full of cameras at another city ( and obviously permanently and not just let’s say for a year or so ) , I believe at the end , that the opportunities were easily presented to Leora and she could have done way much more but she chose the cameras way . As always in life , we get second chances , the second chance was when she got the choice to keep on in Russia with the money she had made or continue even more by moving to another city and keep on … what neither her nor any of us should forget is that we aren’t always young and the more we grow up , there are less chances to choose things in life .. For the way I am observing the apartment and the things happening inside , I honestly don’t know what thoughts Leora has for the next day .. comparing her long RLC presence to other long time permanent tenants like Masha , Kitty , Martina and Linda for example , they all seem to have back up plans and even presenting them at times on camera .. if you are seeing this from Leora , then it is fine by me , I just see nothing except a same appetite of cameras exposure , comments praising of the beauty and the actions of pleasure that she still provides to the subscribers and that’s it . People can win nearly every battle in life if circumstances help and allow but no one has ever won one thing .. TIME.
  21. As was posted some months ago , between serious and fun talk that Leora had with one of her female friends , she wanted to send Malia away .. mission accomplished with pure cold Siberian mood πŸ˜‚πŸ€£ Next mission , according to the call of that day , will be to bring Paul in Prague . We will see .
  22. It depends on Leora how the apartment chats will be .. if she continues by herself the life she has with Malia , it will be indeed much quieter .. if she behaves like the first months that she was in Prague, it will most probably be busy here . I think she has the back up plan , in case she was alone again , already set in motion πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‡
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