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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. I will only say ( assuming Montenegro becomes the new “ Russia “ RLC base ) that it is just one more person I would like to see occupying an apartment .. This would be Chloe ( alone - more preferably - or with Tyler ) and of course Jane and Dick . Then it is all some really good revivals and of course a nice transition to the future of this site . Bringing back these people , I think they could also assign them with tasks like trying to recruit people in Montenegro and with the proper bonus of course .. let’s see.
  2. Very possible they do this .. La Mercè 2023 | Barcelona City Council WWW.BARCELONA.CAT Barcelona is celebrating its La Mercè Festival from 22 to 25 September. A celebration which will see the city...
  3. The return of the tourist finally happened and Sara looks completely wasted , getting ready to fall asleep being hugged by this guy who looks like Paul Bettany 🤔
  4. They call Bogdan’s and Nelly’s “ handling things in the villas “ a success . EVERYONE wants to go and “ work “ under their lead …
  5. Her only guilt should be Nelly . The rest , nothing that isn’t happening , break ups occur , just be sincere and let the other know . The feelings and emotions ARE FOR SURE there , there will always be .
  6. This is another EPIC failure of RLC having this guy , I strongly believe that he is also not “ liked “ even amongst the rest of the Barcelona tenants .
  7. My only concern is how Shantal will behave with Wolf .. the rest , just trying to figure out what’s going on with Sambuka and this guy , never seen Sambuka holding back for such a long time when next to her is a guy that she wants ( or wants her ) .
  8. Remember how Angie was her first week , sleeping and 3-4 times missing for short holidays or so .. everyone needs adjustment and adaptation to the new routine , environment and of course - the most important - new country and new people . Samantha can explode as easy as Angie and be even more wild . If she remains quiet , we need to wait and check , will be a surprise . We don’t know the personal life of Samantha and what has happened in her off cameras life all those years and this will define her on cameras presence i believe .
  9. As long as she’s listed “ single “ , for me , nothing to worry . The fun times will come , except if she has got too serious .. but from her presence so far on cameras ( the woman does it all without barriers ) , I think she remains wild and wants to enjoy her life . The first money on her account might define how far more she’s willing to go . I have no worries of how she will be , even with this guy , when he isn’t there , if she wants to have fun , she will do .
  10. The BIG DIFFERENCE is that Ulyana HAS ALSO A LIFE when Leora has nothing except the cameras and the dog and a weird guy . Ulyana can be amongst people , she can travel , she goes out clubbing , partying , socializing , she does it also inside the apartment . She had a normal boyfriend for many years ( Marat ) , she - like the majority of people - broke up and tried different characters , other type of men , foreigners , locals .. she tried REAL lesbian and not stupid massage games . In my humble opinion , Ulyana WILL ALWAYS be in my eyes the little girl that gradually , slowly , patiently grew up , got older , more beautiful , more mature through out monitors and in front of our eyes . We are cotravelers of her unique journey , she has allowed us access . Ulyana has been growing like we do with the years passing by . Leora has ONLY and JUST evolved how to be presented on cameras , how to pose , how to open her pussy , how to show her nice ass . All the rest , as a daily life next door person , she has failed enormously , terribly and in a huge disappointing way . They both love the cameras but the one ( Leora ) is an ADDICT , the other one she does lots for the money OF COURSE but - in my humble opinion again - she has been seen much more than Leora ENJOYING AND LOVING PERSONAL MOMENTS just for herself .
  11. I think that the MAIN problem of their relationship was that they are two different kind of people . Alberto likes the peace and quiet of the apartment , his 1-2 hobbies ( cycling and playing games ) while Martina has always been the girl needing to go out , dance , have fun , smoke , flirt , BE CRAZY let’s say ( in a very nice way 😇) . I don’t think sex was a real problem for them , I mean , after so many years and till before they discussed that they break up , they would fuck really great . Like we were seeing them sometimes going at it , always had a way to please one another because they both know what their partner wants . In the end , I think both will be benefits by this decision , the most important? They will always be and stay friends , this is the biggest achievement of their relationship .
  12. Its like a hot young girl married to an 80 year old billionaire. Exactly this , for me it is just a mutual agreement from her side that he stays there , I just think he provides in other ways , generous 😏😏 . Angie will seek new adventures either sooner or later 😇 The boyfriend she has , it is for me one more “ cover “ like the guy she seems sharing life now .
  13. I never - personally - criticized Alberto as a two minute man .. I think the problem has always been that he wasn’t showing affection when the sex between the two ( M&A ) was finishing .. he wouldn’t stay with her to make her cum or foreplay to lead her in orgasms , such details .
  14. Alberto and guest girl on an amazing sex marathon , fantastic .
  15. Always nice to have your posts here , I think the majority enjoys and you are always a great contributor 😊 … I will always comment like a “ bombardier “ 😂 if I think that it worths it and mostly when I manage to catch something live , I was lucky as I had plans to go out on Saturday night but the weather change , altered the idea . There’s only one girl that could make me have my youth times load excitements , this is of course the one and only “ The General “ . The rest i simply watch , observe and record facial expressions , reactions , as always , a game of characters and personalities that I LOVE WATCHING the most with RLC , as I mentioned , anyone has his/her own reasons watching . But only the girl that was mentioned can bring me in the exciting to have this self entertainment 😂😂 Hope we read more often from you , a lot miss your approach on such subjects , it is common sense that female brains see this lots different than men in quite a lot of aspects . Enjoy the Sunday Mrs 😇
  16. And you underestimate a lot Alberto in my humble opinion .. The only thing I will always blame him will be that he wasn’t more social and that for a long time he seemed like having abandoned himself ( playing games , it so much satisfying Martina and her needs , not hugs and kisses when she was showing that she wanted ) , THE BIGGEST MISTAKE that instead of bring Martina in her senses that she was fucking a married woman , talk to her and make her see clear , he even allowed his “ whatever FWB or open relationship girlfriend “ to fuck a married woman on his own ( shared ) bed , in his own ( shared ) bedroom , WHEN , he was just next door and playing PlayStation . I believe that the time between Martina and Nelly sealed the termination of any possible romance for Martina and Alberto’s relationship and ultimately was the cause that it ended .
  17. The way I have seen engaging with talks , chemistry , laughs , vibes , smiles , I see that Alberto and guest girl will continue for sure at least meeting one another . It was warm after finishing with kisses and hugs and goofy behaviors and reactions , in my book , these two are great with one another ,no guilts , feeling bad or wondering .
  18. When you know you can have it all the time , it triggers other senses in your mind .. Only Dasha and Sasha of the ones we currently have in the roster are DEFINITELY AND FOR SURE a category of their own , THE SEX THESE TWO HAVE after so many years together , it is a matter of study in how they can be so passionate like it is their first time .
  19. This I HAVE NEVER HEARD , for sure I didn’t subscribe back then ..
  20. I think everyone forgets and CAN NOT come in the situation of this girl - DESPITE NOT SHOWING TO HER CREDIT when so many camera angles record her facial expressions and even more her comments - KNOWING that she was being fucked for nearly 2 hours in the LR of a place with cameras and I believe even more importantly , just next hall room , the EX GIRLFRIEND of the guy who was making sex to her , A GIRL HE SHARED LIFE AND MOMENTS for perhaps a decade in total and nearly 7 years on cameras and in this very apartment , in this very room , ultimately when the guy who was having sex with her just nearly 24 hours earlier was fucking this specific and special , most important woman he has met in his life , when she was just sleeping and resting . This girl has MY TOTAL RESPECT because she didn’t back off , she was offered pleasure and this tells me JUST ONE MAJOR THING ( amongst others ) , that she REAAAAAAAAALY likes Alberto . And cameras or not in few days or weeks , this girl will be a GREAT friend in all terms for Alberto and she will play a major fact in his transition to the new life . Seeing this girl I will say “ WHAT AN EXCELLENT CHOICE “ or simply , life gave back to Alberto on being such a great person towards the wild and unpredictable Martina over the years . Fans of this apartment and its tenants should feel happy for him .
  21. Both women were great back then , Bonnie , what a woman also and open also to all sex activities . This could have always been the best cosharing of couples but .. It turned to a nightmare when they stop even saying good morning to each other all couple members .. But that few times between Bonnie and Alexandra .. so special 😊 It is just that Alexandra didn’t care to share her guy ( I still believe that if she wants a guy outside she can have and “ escape “ the eyes of Lucian but they both clearly love each other , Lucian more , maybe because she nakes him all wishes true ) while Lucian WOULD NEVER like to see Alexandra with a guy , a girl she should be someone like Kim ..
  22. The only thing that RLc needs to do is to keep her for infinite time since she’s a local and just give her a BIG ROOM to reward her , a double bed , facilities , something to show the appreciation of her contribution . This is what she deserves and - even if Shantal is a different girl than others - not having girls like Lialia , Shantal and whoever we have seen occupying the big bedrooms when Sambuka TOTALLY SHOULD have that kind of rooms .. But what do me and SO MANY OTHERS know when we think such things and the site itself DON’T give a shit …
  23. As you know , there are quite some people here that observe each talk , each detail so as to be “ fully covered “ of knowledge . There are also others - the majority I believe - that they care only for pussy , ass and tits but it doesn’t mean that they are wrong wanting only that or also others who want to watch and learn things are wrong as well . Everyone watches for his / her own reasons.
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