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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. RLC is destroying Ulyana’s Saturday night show , only nice to be seen from the side cameras … Still , all toys exposed and Ulyana , growing up , everyday more sexy than ever , by far RLC’s most gorgeous woman currently.
  2. As you remember , when I referred to that night because I WAS LUCKY CAPTURING it live , nobody was believing the obvious , that was hilarious . For me , life is simple . As soon as any such behavior is established , the person you share life with , you have lost him / her . We saw it with Martina ( hook up with Nelly , ending on finishing with Alberto ) , we see it with Leora and Paul that they are together and everybody laughs ( both had others for a certain period ) , Nelly and Bogdan ( Nogdan trying to hook up with Aziza ) , Masha being alone , Ulyana , Rachel is next , we saw it with Aziza , pfff , I can go on and on and on. OF COURSE , in every rule there’s an exception. Where is the exception ? In Dasha and Sasha’s place where these two really are a WONDERFUL COUPLE even having done so very very very much . Life is simple , you always get what you give . Invisible rule but so true rule . It might happen next week but it might happen 10 or 20 years after , inevitably .
  3. You said the magic two letters .. IF … personal experience and opinion , if you want to discover all those religions , ways of life , cultures , call it as you want , YOU NEED TO VISIT THE PLACE . If you want to experience what Yoga really is , you need to spend a month in India next to experts . Hinduism , the same .. Buddhism , the same . That’s what I believe and that’s what life has learned me . All the rest , I embrace for the trials but they are far from reality .. simply because aren’t studied in the place of origin .
  4. Most probably a guy that doesn’t accept the cameras .. So far , her success was around 90% , only one guy I think she had to have inside the LR private bathroom( and I think we saw him recently again )
  5. Sambuka remains RLC’s TOP Barcelona tenant ( regarding the B apartments and not Harley / Fiora and Karol / Los or Martina / Alberto ) . Even not being there 7 days a week , she’s ALWAYS the one that you don’t know what comes next . Now we get a new guy who she’s around him and most probably , him , due to the cameras , isn’t willing to provide when he has this incredible woman next to him . Kudos for his patience and staying strong , question arises as where the bold guy went and if Sambuka showed him the red card due to some heavy arguments always , exactly as she did with the guy who everybody suspected they were doing things under substances consumption ( thin guy who fucked her while on full period 😂) . Sambuka has ENDLESS sexual needs as we know , if the guy doesn’t provide , another red card is being prepared . Except if there has been much much much fun the two days she was away with him .. let’s see . Still and always , Sambuka remains Nr.1 , respecting and rewarding the subscribers.
  6. If Martina adapts “ mumbo jumbo “ rituals , it isn’t a good situation ..
  7. We can discuss ALL about Prague if we ever meet in person 😇 .The possibilities that this incredible city offers are endless . Don’t tell me that Leora and Paul can’t make a nice Saturday out ( ONE , JUST ONE in 1,5 years ) but in the contrary , as good friend Stone Cold says , SAME SHIT DIFFERENT DAY .. Paul on the chair he likes more than his girlfriend and Leora exposing herself on the camera that she likes more than her boyfriend . Just as simple as that.
  8. I know this .. it is one more Saturday evening of the TOTAL ZERO in beautiful Prague , with the same program of high prime time in Europe because this is what apartment offers for the rest of things .. special dedicated once again Of course antisocial people don’t care on that , top cameras achieved then and vanity satisfaction 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
  9. I will take into account what you say as I don’t remember this time that Vencel was as you say. But I know that - for example - their sex like was an appointment fixed , Elli preparing herself and that’s it , continue gaming . Now , it is more than obvious that this guy wasn’t met recently , Elli CLEARLY then was seeing someone ( I guess this guy ) while sharing life with Vencel . And it isn’t for sure a fresh hook up as their seem to have made such evenings again , it isn’t a premiere . Which inevitably makes my conclusion that Elli was having an affair and if Vencel didn’t know , she’s the one to be blamed heavily ( because she never told him , if he knew , then we go to the conclusion rhat it was one more FW(financial )B relationship , plus Elli was doing whatever with Peater ) , he will always be blamed as a guy because he has this tornado /missile type of woman next to him and he didn’t know what to do to keep her next to him ( or maybe he believed that he had all under control but as we know , the game was lost already with Elli doing whatever with Peater - who , how ironic - seems to be his friend , imagine what a friend he has , seducing his girlfriend ) . As I see it , lots and lots and lots of drama , exactly as it’s happening in real life in millions of couples everyday 😁
  10. I don’t know how and what this guy will be and IF Elli is testing him to comments received from people ( women , expect all from them ) but it is more than obvious that in nearly 24 hours Elli has been hugged , kissed , cuddled , seeing being taken care of , WE SEE A GUY WHO REALLY RESPECTS AND ADMIRES than what we saw Vencel doing for all the time he was by her side . Finally we see a normal behavior between two people , Elli is normally more on thoughts and doubts , i consider it a big change for her having to proceed on join this project with someone in a really young age and now heading either ( most probably ) as single or with this guy and testing the relationship For whatever matters , I prefer that FINALLY we see someone taking care this incredible young girl than having a say that first was his games and then the sex appointments with Elli to have sex with her . Elli deserves really a lot and I believe this change in her life will be beneficial . As mentioned yesterday , I hope we see more and more and more events like what we saw , it was really nice..
  11. I disagree totally on this with you , having seen Alberto accepting all and not having a kind of pride to oppose Martina as being his girlfriend for so many years and not showing his dislike or disagreement in certain actions from her ( no matter if they had agreed on an open relationship , I still don’t think that allowing her to have sex with Nelly on their bed for example was nice .. ) , well , it doesn’t mean that this girl is of the same character . Of course , we don’t know if Martina has discussed with the the things she has discussed with Alberto , BUT .. if the relationship is considered “ ended “ since February ( if i remember correctly as good friend emnv informed us ) and she still has sex with him and she doesn’t know or she doesn’t tell her , it is already another expiring date relationship for lovely and gorgeous Martina . We also don’t know if they also share other women sexually or even more , if Martina has explained her that she’s bisexual . So many questions that of course people might know but who really knows what Martina has shared to her girl of what Alberto is / has been in her life ? Maybe she hasn’t even declared her bisexuality to her ( very very very highly doubting on that ) . Still , if it isn’t an open relationship with this girl , seeing Martina having sex with her ex , well , this is already VERY VERY VERY BAD . But maybe this is how Nelly trained her 😂, cheating on people sharing life …😏
  12. a_casual Posted 9 hours ago Did Elli and Pudge finally break up? They had a discussion 2-3 weeks ago where he told her that it's not ok for her to be talking to other guys. She said something like "You said yourself that you don't want to get married", to which he replied: "That doesn't make it ok for you to talk to other guys, because we're in a long-term relationship." She suddenly got this scared/shocked look on her face, and tried to rationalize it a few times, and then stopped talking after realizing that there's no way to justify her actions. I always found it strange that the guy spent all that time wearing a posture belt for his back, when the problem is with his belly. Now he substitutes it by laying on his back in a chair while playing video games all day. Who wants to date a couch potato like that? I doubt many women would want a guy like him, especially in this day and age.
  13. Come on , why apologizing 😊😊 ? Come on , it was just thoughts , I had this belief , you were also rightfully believing differently , that’s nice I guess 😇 . What doesn’t make sense is the discussion that has been revealed between Elli and Vencel , if Vencel really believes these things that’s being said he said to Elli , he hasn’t shown it being such a guy , it is difficult for me to believe , but I need for the time being to believe this translation but that’s not a reason of what Elli has been seen and her attitude / behavior in the apartment . I just think that Elli and Vencel made an agreement to participate in RLC , being two people knowing one another since young times perhaps from school , I can’t explain what was their on going agreement living in the apartment but for sure , Elli wanted/wants more things overall in her life while Vencel is just a child who has the few things that can make a guy of his age happy . His games , an apartment to live without expenses and a woman to fuck - especially being hot , amazingly beautiful for his standards and horny and actually inviting him for sex - 😂 , dream life . And dream lives don’t last long or many times are a surface thing . It will be interesting how this apartment evolves , it is for sure Back In Viewership so as to watch what happens .
  14. Cheating has always been a bad thing when it happens 😬.. It will always be a question if Martina’s female friend has been aware that during all this time there have been some occasional ( like now ) sex escapes with the guy she shares the current apartment 😉.. Of course , it was nice to see them being sexually close again as a viewer , I wonder if it was nice what they did for the whatever current relationship they have ( when mostly now the one sleeps in the LR and the other in the bedroom - and yes they still sleep together but not as many times as it used to be ) . Still , real life it is , for whoever speaks about clickbaits and such things , I believe that they know that they will be joking , you don’t do clickbaits having sex in difficult camera angles and at nearly 10:00 am European time 😁
  15. Still .. I CAN’T think / it doesn’t look to me that this guy is the “ flowers guy “ 🤔🤔
  16. The guy seems - to his credit - respecting Elli’s wishes and going also slow , no rush or fast moves , Elli like indicating to him what she likes and when and he listens , without pushing .. well done to him on respecting her , when next to him he has one of the biggest temptations , a half naked Elli .
  17. Rare incident for Sambuka , a new sex partner seems to appear but he seems rejecting her , despite trying to hug HIM and hold HIS hand .. Still and always , current RLC’s top tenant in Barcelona , providing any type of content , even not spending all of the days in B1 ..
  18. And … At least , it will FINALLY be a spontaneous sexual act and not like a sex date like it has always been , with Elli preparing so as to have sex with Vencel , only that most of the times he finishes and then she would finish herself with a toy .. let’s hope that sex will occur out of nowhere , then we can also see a bit more slowly ans gradually from this amazing girl .
  19. Slow steps from Elli , not feeling ready perhaps .. the guy doesn’t seem to have any issues ..
  20. Pff … the guy having all glory of Elli’s ass in his mercy 😆
  21. The guy not shy , took his shower , Elli only with her pants and t-shirt , I think it will happen anything only if she wishes .. it might be still that the official title Elli & Vencel holds her back .. let’s see .
  22. THE NEW ERA FOR ELLI is about to begin .. Hopefully she spends some time single to expand her experiences for things and people 😏
  23. We should not forget that this is a 1st time guest / visitor so the cameras should be an issue .. BUT .. the bed is all Elli’s now so , it’s been a while she didn’t have sex , so who knows if they go all the way .. after all , the alcohol has worked really well tonight for Elli 😏
  24. A “ shy “ Dina together with Masha in the bathtubw in bikinis.. strange after her full exposure in Barcelona while on holidays .. oh well , Masha complies with the wishes of her best friend , all fine .
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