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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. The faster he sees the “ EXIT , the better for this child .. as a guest he will be fine perhaps , but as a tenant , pff , by far the worst of them all.
  2. I really don’t know what more is left for Shantal after tonight .. there was a “ general “ feeling that they are / were lovers before entering , I would be very surprised if they are both seen together with hugs and kisses .. As was very rightfully said , let’s hope that he is never going to be seen next to Shantal and her “ monastery “ games .. Except if Shantal is more , meaning open relationships or sex buddies .. W-O-W if that had any sign of truth .. Shantal is ruining opportunities and horny Sara enjoys .. totally fine for my book .. let’s see also how Rachel will be reacting and yes , how - after he now passed successfully - he will be towards the rest of the girls .. I had the same opinion about Ashley before everything wa ruined to my surprise , I hope Sara remains an adult and not become a child of her sex guy simply has fun , the way she also had recently with the red dress lady .
  3. It’s not working and i think they both realized .. they need a good rest and sleep and in the morning , totally recovered and fully horny emotions and feelings due to “ unfinished “ business can be resumed with explosive results ..for now , they should just stop ..
  4. Sara is happy … Finally .. as this woman deserves … and the mister , indeed very very very promising .. Ulyana should be preparing 😆😆😎😎
  5. I really can’t remember Angie with anal action , this is really stunning what’s happening tonight …
  6. Angie literally and practically SAYS to her guy “ DO WHATEVER YOU WANT TO ME “ and he can’t provide as she wishes .. Still , we need to be fair , good opinion about too much sex from a guy seeing that he also likes to rest a lot .. It’s just a great teasing having a woman who has no sex boundaries , a man needs to be always alerted to provide .. he tries though , so , let’s give his some props 😇
  7. Ahh .. Well .. it is the night of surprises and hot action simultaneously .. As carol rewards her guy with one of her rare “ mouth cums “ , still not obvious if she swallowed ( I think very highly so ) or she spitted later going to the bathroom .. let the surprises occur as officially autumn has arrived ( 21st September ) ..
  8. WOW WOW WOW , Angie getting some anal action from an ( unfortunately ) “ can’t get it hard “ guy after some preparation with a toy .. Pity as she wants so much and the guy can’t provide .. but it can always get better , not everyone can be easy on cameras , let’s not forget that we are talking about a guest here for whatever reasons this counts..
  9. A very good first score for Wolf , it opens a lot of options of what we are going to see … can’t wait to see how shantal will be from now on , she was “ accusing “ Dylan for the same things and maybe that’s why she didn’t do anything .. at least some drama is coming then 😊
  10. Wolf makes his Fuck Debut , well done and very promising ..
  11. There are NO POSTERS here apart pulo and the French guys , that , to their respect i have for them , say their opinion and as you maybe observe, they are counter argued with emojis as only few will say something . All the people who play it Leora whatever guys , simply emojis and gifs regarding BS .. maybe you aren’t paying attention here but this is exactly how this topic works , especially since the beginning of this year and when Paul has started becoming even worse ( sexually and emotionally ) that what he used to be in Russia .. that’s all . As for the rest that I sound looks broke’ record , sorry to disappoint you , but again , that’s not me .. obviously you don’t read what I am posting ( totally fine as i tend to write a lot as you know ) but the least I am , it is a broken record .. I try to be fair , when I have an opinion , I clearly say it without fear .
  12. Women , go figure .. nothing more to add 👏👏👏
  13. Angie at her best day in and day out , she simply enjoys her stay , wish it was a better guy ( in terms of pleasure ) for her , but let’s not be unfair , as long as she gets a bit of what she wishes , it is ok .. Again and not stop saying this , the best is yet to come from this amazing woman .
  14. Poor Sara .. the “ hardest “ worker from them all currently in Barcelona .. she now has to carry two “ dead views “ villas , B4 and B7 .. she masturbates being full horny while appearing for a great night and some nice lesbian things at Harley and Fiora’s , she now pops up in B7 to put off some of her horny feelings being in treatment of Wolf .. I don’t know what more she can provide , from my side , big kudos and respect to Sara being the Absolute Current Top Tenant in the villas , carrying out the flagships of this site ..
  15. ABSOLUTELY READY to start reading the HATING POSTS for Wolf 😂🤣 .. that he “ should be ashamed when he is around Shantal “ , that he is “ another hunter ready to take the opportunity “ and I don’t know how many other dozens of BS that they are going to be posted here 😂🤣😂🤣 WHEN …Nobody else should be blamed but Shantal being / behaving / acting like a nun to a guy that has shown interest , but , EVEN MORE , Shantal and Wolf have absolutely zero relationship of any sorts , i just hope then that he proves a goood successor to one of the best male tenants we ever saw participating at RLC , the one and only “ The Master “ … Once again , ready for all of the jealous and full of men hated feelings watching a guy who was too close to fuck Shantal and he is now tasting ( and most probably he will go all the way because she’s not a nunny or a child ) the wonderful Sara … Let’s see , good luck to the guy 😎
  16. Hogwash , sorry , this i don’t know what you mean . now , what do I know about what specifically ? Because - honestly - I am trying to understand which part of the post you say “ how the hell you know of that “ just before saying about the “ people that control this “ .. what is it that you don’t understand ? How can I make more obvious when again and again and again , forum members speak out loud their thoughts and the “ known unknown “ 😂🤣😂🤣 have got ZERO ( totally 0 and more 0 and even more 0 ) arguments to counter argue the thoughts of certain members when their only reactions are “ ironical “ or “ laughable “ emojis .. or am I wrong with that ? And me walking away , is this a kind of joke or what ? Me walking away or are you addressing a “ clone ddhm “ version ? Get real and concentrate on the apartment that gives you excitement and it is situated just some kilometers away of the one you decided to post an opinion today ( actually you didn’t post an apartment opinion , you post an opinions toward the opinion of another member WHO SPEAKS his brain concerning L&P ) .
  17. Need to see ( as i always expect ) what’s Peater’s presence in all this . I always believed that Elli and Vencel was just for the cameras and for the money , I think the facts of the last weeks prove so . We will see how it goes . Always faith for the future , that is Elli .
  18. I have experience speaking like this as I had a Montenegro girlfriend somewhere back in 2016 or 17 😁 .. Just a month or so , enough to learn some things about the place . A close friend of mine visited the place also ( I didn’t so ) and he only told me really good words . It is a fresh country , people want to feel proud because they believe they are a proud nation . I think that we can only much much development there regarding the Russian community and Poland for sure the Ukrainian community .
  19. The people who “ control “ the opinions that want to be expressed in this topic , have achieved their goal . They keep all negative comments aside so as “ The Queen “ isn’t hurt , disappointed and sad . Few can only see the big picture which actually says that these two people will struggle so much when they are “ free “ in the real world , with no friends , being antisocial and COMPLETE LACK of socializing skills . But saying the obvious here , THIS THAT REASONABLE and educated people can see , it is presented like we are enemies of these two people when it is simply an honest opinion expressed . But it is faced with negativity and laughable reactions from people who can’t even spell “ M-A-M-A “ 😂🤣😂🤣
  20. It is even wilder as people have other mentality , Barcelona is “ controllable “ let’s say , Montenegro can be more spontaneous , virgin as a place .. and with some women that will blow your mind if seen .Montenegro has been / is a “ check mate “ move from RLC and in my estimation , they secure the future . A simple example , paying 2,000€ a tenant in Montenegro per month and the cost of living in this country , it is like paying more than 4,000€ for a tenant in Barcelona . The best is yet to come in this place .
  21. Elli trying to catch up for the lost time outside the apartment ..
  22. Such a wasted time for RLC , managing to have back Sara who has no PROBLEMS at all to be on cameras and enjoy her life the way she wishes and unfortunately both villas are at their worst period ever .. empty , wrong tenants , disaster .. Wish there was a way that she’s moved anywhere but there and enjoy the company of the girls living downtown .. let’s see .
  23. So .. this LIFELESS apartment is what people like to watch .. i am trying to figure out when there’s no passion , no smiles , no happy environment , no relaxation and enjoyment of two people LOVING be there , what actually makes people tune in and watch .. Ahh , wait , it is the ass , tits and pussy of Leora .. 10 years after and this apartment is being watched just for that and nothing else .. Or if it is anything else , WHAT IT IS and people avoid / don’t know / escape / ignoring talking about ? Oh well , we are watching a couple TOTALLY IN LOVE . They are so much into one another that half of the days of the week they sleep separately , half of the days of the week they will have some sexual activities , NONE OF THE DAYS of the week they will be next to the other hugging , kissing , showing emotions .. BUT NO , for many people , this is AN EXCITING apartment to watch . I will figure it out also one day I guess 😇
  24. Listen what happened … When Gloria and Ashley joined back in April , people called them “ wannabe porn stars “ because they were living a normal life like all women of their age 😆 .. but these people , driven out of jealousy because they will never be able to touch even one piece of their hair , they got mad because they were having wild sex with the guys who were inhabiting the villas back then .. When both girls slowed down and they acted very “ quiet “ than what we got to know them , they got recognition and all started hating the men because they were fucking a lot , especially the Napolitano guy .. The same goes with Aziza and Azura , the one Aziza was blamed that she takes drugs , the other one many times that she’s a freeloader because she wasn’t masturbating much till she started fucking Dylan and people got mad on her .. These are all incidents and they HAPPENED . but people chose to complain because NOBODY - out of jealousy - CAN ACCEPT THAT PEOPLE CAN HAVE SUCH A LIFE AND ENJOY THEMSELVES . These are the same people that nowadays complain of empty beds and lack of content when they will FOR SURE COMPLAIN again if the villas see girls like Marlene , Lavika , Karina and Zavala who will be having sex lovers and boyfriends visiting them . For some people , they want RLC to be a monastery site where they can just enjoy nice women parading with lingerie , trying out clothes and shoes , sleep and read books and taking showers so as to see a bit of ass , tits and pussy . ALL THE REST THAT THEY CAN’T have will always hate because this WILL NEVER EVER BE ABLE to swallow understanding that this way of life EXISTS nowadays in the real ( and on cameras ) world .
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