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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Till a year or so , the apartment was fun and nice to watch because you could see things between the two , sharing , smiling , enjoying , lots and lots and lots of sex ( not judging the quality .. ) , we were watching an RLC couple of whatever relationship they had , FWB , fuck buddies ,sex partners , company keepers , whatever .. We ( me so as to be fair ) was/ were reacting negative that Alberto ( despite having lost a HUGE amount of Euros due to a bad investment and needing to repay Martina whenever he could ) didn’t search / look / trying to find a job and DO SOMETHING with his life . He would go at weekends to do his mountain bike , he would daily play his console , he would cook and entertain Blacky . All of a sudden , FINALLY , a year ago or so or maybe less , we got to know that he found the gardener job , EVERYONE I BELIEVE embraced that and congratulated him . Few would think or imagine that this job initiation WAS the gravestone for his relationship with Martina . They are two best friends currently , they have their own lives , the problem of Alberto is that he is a bit “ male Leora “ , that means unsocial , not a fan of going out regularly for a movie , a drink , food , things that are essential escaping daily routines , even the guests in the apartment are hardly ever Alberto’s , 90% or more is Martina’s . I obviously admire this couple , they are for sure a LEGENDARY TRUE LIFE STORY , but , as I have said reportedly the last year or so for other long time tenants ( Linda and Tibor , Leora and Paul , Masha still I haven’t 😂 , Nelly and Bogdan ) , THEY NEED TO KNOW when their time on cameras and this job is up . Martina and Alberto have done , offered , showed ANYTHING they can . They are both struggling to keep the legacy alive while outside , A WHOLE NEW WORLD AND LIFE IS CHALLENGING THEM DAILY - and in my humble opinion - , leaving with the cameras for more than 6 years now , they have lost the contact with the real life , the environment , THE REAL LIFE is there and they simply cant face it . They prefer to be online and get the RLC benefits WHEN - like they both managed- they should simply pack and each one make their own ways in life . Maybe together again sharing an apartment or Alberto by himself ( and perhaps a lover / girlfriend searching ?? ) and Martina by the side of her lover .. THE MORE THEY STAY , the more difficult it becomes .. It is time to move on .. Still always MAXIMUM RESPECT FOR THEM for being genuine , real , A HAPPY AND NICE COUPLE to watch . Martina easily one of the TOP 5 tenants in the history of RLC ( Leora , Masha , Linda can easily be the other 3 and perhaps the recent seen Irma ) . They really had A REAL LIFE ON CAMERAS , MARTINA IS RESPONSIBLE IN ONE OF THE TOP 5 memorable moments in the history of the RLC site during the ABSOLUTELY UNFORGETTABLE AND INSANE PURE LESBIAN SESSIONS with Nelly ……….BUT , the time is up ..
  2. After Monica ( I believe it is more than a year ) the penthouse FINALLY GETS A TENANT that deserves to be a resident in this place .. one of the “ oldest “ on cameras girls , she appeared a young girl and now she’s a WOMAN … she has for sure entered “ being told “ what it is expected that she shows , personally I have Jo doubt she will deliver … The only problem is how the NEW ONES will react to the experience , the knowledge fo the GOLD OLD DAYS OF RLC that Sara has been and the most important , how the relationships will be developed with a girl that CURRENTLY , ALL OF the villas tenants ( apart from Nelly and Bogdan ) she sees as the PROFESSOR vs the PUPILS 😂
  3. I know … there are so many forum members here that they consider ALWAYS and EVERYTHING bad , negative and disappointing … BUT .. they are always here , around and about , claiming that they hate RLC , characterizing the tenants whores , prostitutes , assholes , drug dealers , losers and so on and so on and THEY ARE HERE IN THIS FORUM occasionally ( some even everyday ) posting for things they hate and disguise … GO FIGURE OUT ..
  4. Welcome welcome my Nr.1 fan .. thank you for your kind words
  5. The WHOLE SUMMER , the majority of the tenants have been celebrating their birthday in the villas .. while N&B were away , we saw lots of people visiting B7 , it would make complete sense with the amount of people we saw yesterday in B2 , that this party would be held in B7 ( for example ) and that’s why the mentioning . The bla bla is a way to explain things rather than give short answers and stay the whole afternoon / evening chatting without reaching a common opinion.
  6. You have no idea in life i guess if these places are considered brothels …. Except if you are going very often on such places and this is the image you have and you characterize these places as so … Again , you are making a comment and a post , somehow , someway not approving of what you are watching .. I wonder why .. What terms and rules are contracted between RLC and a tenant , I think NOT EVEN A PERSON HERE THAT EVEN SPEAKS WITH RLC MANAGEMENT KNOWS .
  7. Everyone will be at a certain point in life , thanks for the compliment believing that i when achieved that quite early
  8. I wish - ready for the attack 😂 - we could have as a guest Bruno like in the past and form a great friendship with Dylan .. That would be DEADLY for the girls 😉 .. By the way , Dylan has overcome Bruno in terms of girls scoring … But , Dylan has been ALWAYS a permanent tenant , while Bruno was a guest 80% of the time , I think Bruno’s achievements look more fascinating .. But Dylan has also made the threesomes … Maybe Dylan then the absolute top male tenant in history 😊
  9. One last chance by RLC to “ spice up “ a DEAD SLEEPING villa before entering the autumn / winter with the return of a girl that opens lots and lots of possibilities .. Welcome back Ms.Sara 😉
  10. Zelinski is actually in Athens by the time of this post …
  11. As soon as your “ so called “ porn actors left , RLC is a disaster … Ari , Gloria , Aziza , Azura , even Anthony .. look what we have now , the things you wish .. masturbation shows and nuns praying everyday to get their salary .. Ahh yes , we also have some tourists that they are provided with a room like Tani , Rachel , and Lialia .. it is exactly what you like to watch .
  12. I dot say that Martina is the bad girl .. But WTF Alberto ? The woman didn’t hesitate to bring her lover and FUCK HER on the bed he is sleeping with whatever relationship he had / has / will Jane with this girl while he had the door shut and playing PS5 . Now , “ his girl “ has officially ( for what’s presented ) a girlfriend and he is still there like nothing is wrong . I mean , we should all know when to pack the things and go .. what more proof we need that “ thank you for the times but let’s move on .. “ .. Venera / Lion .. for the money , yes , but look their relationship .. Relationships can be whatever but honor and pride is a self thing ..
  13. Dylan is in an “ extreme mood “ to fuck .. Apart from Harley , the rest aren’t on this level tonight .
  14. Of course , the most impressive thing has been that they didn’t go up on the roof and spend time there apart from the current time that maybe they have so as to pee as the toilets aren’t available 😂( except privileged Fiora ) … It seems like an agreement made already not to go on the roof for the time they will be visiting B2 .
  15. They are “ unbelievable “ the hosts of B2 … They offered to host a party and they don’t have toilets for their guests available .. the one is exclusively taking a shower and the other ( of course her room with her own private bathroom ) is sleeping and nobody can go inside there .. Epic failure after epic failure of what really goes on . The only positive thing was FINALLY to see Harley away of her “ prison “ apartment and FINALLY interact with people she works for the same company .
  16. Sooner or later , I don’t know how much it will take , Dylan will dick Harley … Will try and save this post 😏
  17. Where is Nelly and Bogdan tonight ? In B7 … Speculation 1 ; they were invited but they declined . Speculation 2 ; they weren’t invited ( unknown reasons ) Fact ; Apart from Megan , EVERYONE else is in B2 ( Karol / Kos / Martina / Alberto don’t count ) The rest of your thoughts I disagree as I see things differently , fair enough 😊
  18. Lubna … The star of the night … Harley the most surprising appearance , her very FIRST EVER coexistence with the rest of Barcelona tenants .. Haven’t checked/read with Nadia and why she’s asleep .. also strange that Megan isn’t there .. A pity that it all benefits Mama Milena ( surprisingly though she just went topless “ pretending “ she does something ) … With the “ live show experts “ Lubna , Gabrielle and Louis , it is going to be fun of who will be “ joining “ in some shows during the night.. Funny note , around 80% of the now people who have remained , they have done it ALL on cameras but they are now shy (?? ) in front of the rest 😆 … let’s see , kudos to Lubna on making this fun adult evening .
  19. One more proof of how many people can be around and about and having parties at the villas and NO PEOPLE VISIT .. where is Nelly and Bogdan tonight ? Ahh yes , they are fucking currently in their “ HOUSE “ 😂🤣 . One of the biggest events we have seen the last years and it takes place in B2 while it should be simply happening in one or both villas .. no further comments .
  20. All I can say is the following .. I don’t think any man who has a “ decent pride “ would accept what his partner is doing ( except if it is considered an open relationship but how can it be like this when we see no “ whoever others “ in the apartment ) . Now , it is more than clear that both use RLC for the financial benefits that they get , otherwise , both of them are clearly ready for the next chapter in their lives , that is the life off cameras . This isn’t anymore the couple that we used to admire , it is two people who just live together so as not to spend money outside , not good for the viewers .
  21. Thanks for the info , I remember seeing the guys in B7 asking Dylan “ see you on Friday “ , I believed that something was arranged for that day and since nothing happened , i thought seeing today the event , it was about the Friday’s event that was referred to .
  22. Louis celebrates his birthday in B2 … I guess neither of the villas was available to make it there 😂🤣😂😏
  23. I think this was a party that was scheduled for Friday but it happens just today … somehow , they don’t make it in one of the villas 😂 ..
  24. Finally .. the much anticipated video of the night between Dylan and Ulyana can be found online .. FOR ANY NON BELIEVERS ( who as it is confirmed never really saw what happened ) , all the details and indents can be seen … THERE’S NO DOUBT THAT ULYANA wanted to enjoy Dylan’s company and she actually felt great , the guy - in my opinion - had accepted that nothing more was going to happen til Ulyana appearing and the rest is history . Now , all the “ crocodile “ tears of Ulyana the following days and the decision of her leaving RLC ( in what the majority assumes that has to do with her “ boyfriend “ ) , sorry , I am not buying this at all . There are deeper reasons that led her to the departure , this is the obvious but Ulyana is way too clever to abandon all that , the endless fans she knows she has but the most important , the money she was making being on cameras . I will always have Ulyana as one of my top 3 tenants /girls ever with RLC but I am also a fan of Dylan and I will always need to think that trying to seduce Ulyana , it was the reason that caused her departure ( still not his mistake and with deeper reasons for it … ) Ulyana is missed terribly , seeing also the current cast in Barcelona .. it is what it is though .
  25. As always , great to have the back and forth and counter arguments . So , just bring yourself staying in a villa sharing place and YOU KNOWING that there’s a couple that it is more than the same tenants level like you , YOU KNOWING that they have been with the company you are working with for nearly 8 years , they have other roles there apart from being tenants . How would you feel and react ? Wouldn’t you be hesitant on doing more crazy things and whatever incidents , inviting people for endless marathon afternoon , evening , late night and morning booze , music and whatever sex might occur ( not important but quite possible when a party happens ) when YOU KNOW that there’s “ control “ over your actions ? As a tenant , you see people come and go but you see N&B occupying the best room , they can have friends ( no current tenants ) - Alexandra & Lucian - getting the couch in the LR easily while ( and sorry for saying this ) I would expect from N&B to respect that the villa ISN’T THEIR OWN PLACE and they need to SHARE the other common areas , the LR for example . So , do you honestly believe that N&B go to Lacrim , Dylan and Ashley and tell them “ guys , just to let you know , we are going to have guests sleeping in the LR , is it ok for you ? “ … Yes , Shantal and Megan have slept over but hey , they are current tenants at another apartment , they easily share the LR because they will get the same favor back when people go in B1 . TELL ME PLEASE , EVERYONE is hanging around occasionally at the other apartments , do you EVER see ( especially Nelly ) N&B being invited elsewhere ? B1 , B2 , Harley and Fiora’s .. some occasional visits to fellow Russians Karol and Kos ( very very rare ) and I don’t remember their last visit at their buddies T&T in B5 … Should I continue with more facts ?? Sometimes it isn’t the visual proof of what we see but the “ FEELING “ , the “ AURA “ , the “ ATMOSPHERE “ that we ( me ) get watching the B7 villa while N&B are around . Nelly gets saved and monitored / watched all the time by Bogdan so as not to go 😵‍💫😵‍💫 while she drinks , we saw 3 major events while they weren’t there and upon their return , the people living in B7 are hardly ever there .. This is what I have observed and my opinion of their presence . You have another one , i totally respect and accept . But , I honestly believe that N&B presence is KEEPING BOTH VILLAS away from any fun and craziness to simply exist without limits ..RLC can always monitor from distance if they see any stupidities .. having the “ police “ patrolling for any MADNESS , well , you can see the majority of negative posts from the majority of forum members who posts in the villas.
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