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Everything posted by havingablast

  1. Not going to bed here, it is 9:40 am Sunday here and I will just observe because Nora might even want to get playful and that is worth watching. ;)
  2. Yes, I saw it clearly and the part that surprised me was how Kristy jumped, she wasn't expecting it at all. ;D
  3. ha ha ha, you or her loving round 2? She definitely looks happy. ;D
  4. Round 2 in the bedroom ----- this girl is a real champ.
  5. She is going again in the bedroom. She must have been eating a lot of watermelon while she was away.
  6. They are at it again, he is obsessed with getting into her areshole, her, not so much I think.
  7. It wasn't needed Foamy, it was very visible on a desktop monitor that it was a program like excel with a spreadsheet. Somebody else posted earlier the same observation. It looked as though she was simply compiling a list of figures from the notepad to the computer.
  8. Mike you are absolutely right, Kristy couldn't keep her hands off Kamila, constantly trying to get into her panties ---
  9. Oh oh, now Kamila is eating an ice cream. I reckon it has been spiked with ice. ;D
  10. There seems to be a hell of a lot of stuff being put into boxes in Maya and Stepan's appt right now ----
  11. I haven't got any images but it was fun watching Kristy rub one out under the covers.
  12. Mario is simply a useless sack of shit. I don't know whether they are Italian or Spanish but he seems to be a typical male from either of those countries. He is a control freak, has extremely high views of himself, is as lazy as a 20 year old dog and doesn't know how to satisfy a woman. All in all, he simply wants to eat, sleep and fuck when it suits him with no regard for her feelings. He is an oxygen thief. Get rid of him, let Carla have some fun.
  13. It was lovely to watch Kamila doing a bit of playful water splashing on Kirsty. Trust me, I was mentally willing them as hard as I could to start soaping each other up but alas it seems we will have to wait a while for that to happen. I firmly believe that it is only a matter of when, not if, it will happen.
  14. Kamila sure has changed, I don't know what happened to Noras friend but she didn't come home with the other 3. Nora went to wash her feet in the bathroom and Kristy grabbed something to eat in the kitchen. In the meantime Kamila stripped off and danced around in the hallway waiting for Nora to finish in the bathroom so that she and Kristy could have a shower. It was a pleasure to watch her cavorting naked in the hallway with the other girls coming and going for about 5 minutes. :P
  15. Survey monkey is a good free survey / poll builder. https://www.surveymonkey.com
  16. Kamila is having a shower right now, I hope you caught it. :)
  17. Wow!!! The apartment has suddenly come to life again. It looks like she has a new cat. ;D
  18. Spoon, sorry mate but you are wrong, Kamila and Kristy went to their own beds and Nora came home with another girl who slept in her bed. Sometime during the night Kristy went from her room to the couch in the lounge room. I wasn't around to see who woke up where before the apartment went to maintenance but there were 4 girls under the roof in the early hours of the morning.
  19. Kirsty, the latest flesh feast now residing with Nora and Kamila.
  20. She obviously likes a laugh, now she is wearing mickey mouse ears and the wine is flowing downstairs. This apartment just became very interesting again.
  21. She walked into the bathroom while Nora was in there naked and came out smiling and laughing, it all looks very promising.
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