Hey something happened to Julia she was passed out on the floor in the guest room. Eric picked her up and went for help. Does anybody know what's going on!!
No nothing happened in the tub, he went to bed with Masha. Check this out S & D was hot & heavy in the BR then M came back home Awwwww!! This member sent me a pm he want my RLC password are you kidding me?
I'm fuming about this a um right in the middle of a 3some !!! Well I do have a free month since my credit card company reimbursed me. After this I will cancel.
So true Masha if listening give Dasha a nite and you take the couch. Stop being a pig!! You have to give a little. Dasha stop being a slave find a real man not a abusive Demid and I'm sure RLC will hook you up with a nice apt. You was in there system before Masha came along you want to be free!! You're a smart attractive girl find a real man and get out. You don't want to live like this the rest of your life!!
Oh yeah her butt was bright red when he finished then had sex. I had premium account so I saw it all he tore her butt up!! I'm sorry though I don't know how to copy but that was a classic. Maybe another member may have it I saw it from the bathroom to the BM.