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Everything posted by woodyj627

  1. I think the foursome is going down Masha went to the br to speak with Sasha about some arrangement. I have access but don't know how to record if it goes down will someone record with sound? The other 4some was the hottest no sound tape that I've ever seen!!
  2. Does anyone know what's happening at N & K's. Yesterday I saw the guest looking like she was in a fight. I did see a heavy man walking through the apt.
  3. Steve you are so right RLC got it wrong. At Nelly's place they were like rabbits in LR, BR all over the place. They give him a fabulous apt and he's acting like a lunatic!! You don't get something for nothing you have to put out.
  4. Well hater that's our Goddess Leora and she puts out like no one else on RLC. I notice most women on RLC have talent artists, musicians, dancers, etc. I wish you CC members a prosperous New Year and to our Sexy Goddess Leora!!
  5. That was so hilarious!! He was making sounds like he was sore or something so A got off did oral and he bust out laughing. I was laughing right him it was the funniest thing I ever saw! Anabel was terrified she didn't know what to do. I couldn't contain myself with those two.
  6. Hey is anybody recording A & D its on and popping over there now! My account isn't open right now but I could listen from the hallway cam.
  7. If they bring them back I'll reopen my subscription. Lola had that house jumping with that magic water. Stella had action in B2 and B1 that was worth the price that month! I'm laying low now.
  8. I totally agree seeing these girls sitting on the couch like throw pillows its disgusting I shut down my account. They are thieves to accept money and do nothing for it! Belle does do a nice sexy dance though she does some entertainment. RLC gets paid through subscribers so you have to give them something its business.
  9. So true Lola had her issues of being so bossy but she threw some lively parties! Its like a cemetery over there now the girls are sitting around like throw pillows. I'm shutting down for now.
  10. Wow RLC got it right!! I think Elisa will do well with her own apt. I'm tired of paying money to see people wrapped up like a burrito! Way to go Elisa!
  11. I second that emotion when I first saw Stella I reopened my account immediately! She's a bronze beauty for sure I hope she comes back.
  12. Yes I would agree Milena won big from the bedroom to the bathroom. I reopened my account at the right time! Stella got a nice one too when he threw the covers off and started pounding. Stella likes this guy invite him again!! Kristy got a serious pounding and she loved it!! She's rolling around in bed now thinking about it.
  13. When I checked out Lola's apt. the camera was terrible! So I contacted RLC and told them about the problem they fixed it. We have the right to complain for a service that we're paying for.
  14. I hope the hairy monster is gone for good!! Anna was making out with Belle and here comes this idiot tickling her feet! I'm ready to close my account.
  15. I agree I love Leora she has artistic skills as well she's all that and more. I do admit her bating is so intense I've bated with her!
  16. I saw the session but I was feeling concern for Kami there when he started to get rough! I will contact RLC if these girls are in danger.
  17. I like the spirit of the girls here they seem to get along really well having fun!
  18. I've seen Adriana and Daniel having sex, he has slapped her during sex which is a custom in some countries. I've never seen him do it other than having sex.
  19. Desiree is amazing the way she works her toys she don't need Raul! She got rid of the covers and it was on, I was never much for solo but it was a turn on how she works her toys
  20. I have to agree this apartment isn't worth a premium price it's a joke. RLC made a bad decision with this one
  21. Oh my God!! I'm ready to open up my account again. Stella is Amazing!!!
  22. Wow!! Mom and Dad could teach V and T a things or 2. They just got busy uncovered completely naked a what a show! The down side is no sound in the guest room. Give the apt to Mom and Dad they have some moves. Mom was working that Big Booty! Way to go!
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