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Everything posted by woodyj627

  1. I totally agree screen these people just don't pickup anything! I like those girls Vanessa and Marketa they have a nice chemistry together. Those clowns have no respect for women they run through the house like wild horses. I'm gonna contact RLC and ask if they could bring those girls back we want them!!! I was hoping they would keep the apt open it was a nice spot too.
  2. I feel like another member that it should be Vanessa and Marketa then kick these immature thugs to the curb where they belong. I was watching a session yesterday and it was looking like rape she was screaming and kicking! This was a recipe for disaster.
  3. I'm surprised about Vanessa in her other apt the quests was out of control, Tommy was drunk and she kicked everybody out! She isn't the same Vanessa.
  4. What is going on in this apt? The male guest was in their bed sleep, then Efim comes to bed, Anabel gets in the middle and then both guys leave. This couple is strange.
  5. Well Harley I had my show earlier with M & S. They were arguing in the bath tub and it was heated. After bath S goes to the bedroom and it was on! He was determined to give her a orgasm. S came with the handcuffs, whips, gadget to stimulate, etc. Paul should do that do something to stimulate your lady. When he finished she was saying Ooooo da da! B1 and B2 is just a scripted thing.
  6. I checked it out and this doctor said after breast augmentation wait about 2 week for sex. He said the woman should be on top to avoid trauma.
  7. True Des I looked at her in bed and her chest never looked that big. She is a gorgeous girl but I think a little enhancement would help.
  8. That was planned the cam went out as soon as they got into the sex. Now I see why the girls hate Nicole that piece of crap!! She is hot but her attitude sucks!!
  9. Unbelievable!! I contacted RLC about this what are we paying them for!! I can hear but no picture unreal.
  10. Well I saw it a few hours ago Tommy was on his hands and knees paper was all over the floor!! So I said to myself what is happening to Tommy? When I went to the LR Tommy was gone and I never saw him again. There is trouble in Paradise and these 2 are having some issues!
  11. You are right about that I reopened my account with that session!! I was harder than granite! I've always loved Irma and hate to see her get mistreated. Look out twins Irma's in the house!!
  12. When have M @ S ever went on vacation? Never! This is a audition and this couple is hot!! I finally saw them in action sign them up. I was recruited by M & S they always put out for RLC. Blondie would bathe in the dark sleep in pj's now she's a porn star. She even sleeps like Masha in the fetal position. I was harder then Chinese math watching blondie & bf!!
  13. I missed the show I saw them in the BR and I figured if these 2 do anything it will be under the covers so I left. If anybody recorded could you pm me?
  14. So true I notice in 4some #1 Masha just leaped on TK she wanted him so bad. Its dangerous because she's totally into this guy! He manhandles her, Sasha is more passionate and laid back
  15. You're right chip there had to be a lot of traffic for the 4some. The cams in the BR was great but the lights was out. I have no idea how to record on RLC
  16. I think the foursome is going down Masha went to the br to speak with Sasha about some arrangement. I have access but don't know how to record if it goes down will someone record with sound? The other 4some was the hottest no sound tape that I've ever seen!!
  17. Does anyone know what's happening at N & K's. Yesterday I saw the guest looking like she was in a fight. I did see a heavy man walking through the apt.
  18. Well hater that's our Goddess Leora and she puts out like no one else on RLC. I notice most women on RLC have talent artists, musicians, dancers, etc. I wish you CC members a prosperous New Year and to our Sexy Goddess Leora!!
  19. Hey is anybody recording A & D its on and popping over there now! My account isn't open right now but I could listen from the hallway cam.
  20. If they bring them back I'll reopen my subscription. Lola had that house jumping with that magic water. Stella had action in B2 and B1 that was worth the price that month! I'm laying low now.
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