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Everything posted by Sergio

  1. from what I've read, it seems to me that RLC is in total confusion, all this movement of people from one apartment to another, to have a result equal to zero, but the comments are funny
  2. someone should explain to these girls that the ones they are using are rubber cocks, they can even spend ten hours doing blowjobs, nothing happens
  3. maybe many of you have forgotten when two clients came to this apartment in one of Sofie's past stays and she had sex and a blowjob with one of them, I repeat the customers and not the friends, so maybe, some fucking saw it
  4. Damn, this time RLC was lightning, there's already the name of the new girl with the cleaning lady still present, who knows if the new girl will really be a Diva, in Italian she means superstar
  5. hello Daniela, I wish you to earn a lot of money, remember that youth and beauty at some point end, so beat the iron while it's hot
  6. the years pass, but Sofie is always the queen of fiction
  7. I believe that Daniela earns a lot, but much more outside the apartment, maybe she used this month to get some publicity, as I said her destiny is already written
  8. on Ariela's facebook page, the next dates of his tour are written, today it will be from 8.00 pm to 10.00 pm in B4, then it will go from 10.30 pm to 11.30 pm in B3 and finally from 11.40 pm to 1.30 am will visit in B2, tomorrow's dates will be published next week
  9. please don't make these comments anymore, I'm still crying, I feel all this sweetness
  10. this time surely RLC has hit the mark, there has never been an apartment for couples so followed
  11. perhaps, it seems to me that she is more attentive to being a model and an actress, but she certainly does not refuse a good salary
  12. I didn't see your comment, not wanting to, I said almost the same thing
  13. I always thought that Serafima had replaced Nora, in the management of the Barcelona girls, perhaps the return of Karina and Amira would confirm this
  14. well, now we can all breathe a big sigh of relief together
  15. Sofie, it seems to me that it is the third time that she returns and the second time she is more open, I think it is the girl who does the most false things on RLC, the other two, if they come back, maybe they were better educated on what to do
  16. so my tenth sense was right, here are some old glories, the only certainty we have that surely know what they have to do to earn their salary
  17. guys, don't worry, these girls are not fools, maybe one day you will admit that they do a strange job, but very profitable
  18. Well, last night, everything went as planned, I hope the people who are out with Pam and Daniela have a nice full wallet, I think these girls, who are not cheap
  19. if Chris sends me the address, I send him some knitwear and pants, since he arrived with the same clothes, his girlfriend with all the money earned from the bonuses, could buy him something
  20. the question comes spontaneously to everyone, Chris dick soft will succeed in having sex with some girl
  21. so, even tonight, we can expect drunk girls, threesome or four sex and Chris with a soft cock
  22. my tenth sense tells me that maybe we will see old glories in this apartment, even this time RLC amazes me, I wonder what he said to these girls when he made the contract to make them work here
  23. it is true that a person should not be judged by his external appearance, but Daniela could do it only this, in her life, is written in her DNA
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