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Everything posted by Sergio

  1. Actually, Malia looks at the camera, as if to ask, is it okay what I do?
  2. Last night, they just smoked pot, Masha, can not understand why she does not want to fuck, she says jokingly, that maybe she became a lesbian, but will give the guy another chance
  3. as I was saying a while ago, it is happening, maybe, to ask who participates in the forum, how the discussion should be structured, instead of deciding from above
  4. Too bad, you can not do inferences, because I would be very curious to know what you think about Malia's behavior, she goes out, comes out, comes in, dinner, it's really very strange
  5. I see now the pictures of last night, the boys, it wasn't the gay ones, that Masha was saying, because yesterday she said that she still has to call them, with little sentences a couple of days ago, Taylor had hinted that he would like to do something with Masha and Piper, so it's not said that something happens, as for drugs, I don't know if you remember what was happening at Masha's house, so, it's not strange that they also use them in Barcelona, then seeing what happens around 3 o'clock. 55 in the lobby, I really don't think you can call these guys gay
  6. is the same preparation as two days ago, so I think it does the same thing, good night Malia
  7. I saw, the masturbation of Malia, in the bathtub, reminds me of the now disappeared Fiora, like her, is very dramatic
  8. poor Irma, must be really short of money, last night at 20 masturbation, at 23 masturbation, considering that she also has the cycle, really stoic
  9. For now the room is occupied by Masha, RLC, has managed to occupy rooms and apartments without spending money, they are really good, I don't think Babi, gets paid
  10. I can say with all sincerity that I am pleasantly surprised by Fiora's departure, I saw that she left with her grandfather, I wish him well and not to be seen on RLC again.
  11. She went for an excursion with some friends, so she told her boyfriend, but I don't know if I can give this information, because this is about what she does outside the apartment and this is absolutely forbidden from this forum.
  12. She went for a hike, don't worry, she's back tonight.
  13. in all this, the only thing I don't understand, why give a girl a date, after midnight, I, I'd buy him dinner and spend the evening together, maybe the Russians, are different, maybe...
  14. I, I do not know Russian, but I can assure you, from the signs of the body, that Malia, had a good night with a new guy, she is very nervous and excited.
  15. Apparently a cat, broke a nail and they've requested Malia's emergency surgery at the veterinary clinic.
  16. News from the house: Milena tried to talk to Irma to find out what's going on, but she told him she wants to be alone and doesn't want to deal with her, Milena said that with the other girls she talks to them, so she doesn't understand, the mystery thickens.
  17. Masha, is really very nice and funny, she is seeing a guy, who she had met in italy, homosexual, her dream is to have sex with two homosexuals, then she said that this guy is really homosexual, no like the girls of barcelona apartments
  18. in Italy, those returning from Spain and some other countries, must be swabbed for covid compulsorily
  19. Come on RLC, keep it up, you'll have millions of new subscribers, people are always happy to pay for empty or missing apartments
  20. I do not know why, but on VHTV, almost daily apartments are closed and others are opened, often with the same tenants and other times with new participants, explain me what is the problem for RLC has passed more than a year and VHTV continues to transmit from Russia without problems
  21. So everything as expected, Milena in B1 and B4 disappeared, Milena hasn't emptied her suitcases yet, because she's waiting for the cleaning lady, who should arrive today, so don't worry she'll stay in this apartment, the strange thing is Ginger since her name disappeared, suddenly, the desire to masturbate has disappeared too, really weird
  22. I know you'll get angry, but, you ask for respect for women and then you stand in front of the computer watching naked young girls masturbate, I, respect for women I mean other, it's not a problem what you say, but what you do, if you really had respect for women, on the computer you'd watch a movie and no, girls, who I think could be your daughters, making fake porn shows.
  23. No, no, it's definitely not because there's one less apartment, what's going on tonight, we can't think badly, RLC, he'd never do this. 😂 😂 🤣
  24. Well, tomorrow when I return, I'll see the changes, apart from Babi replacing Masha, we'll see, what a surprise RLC has in store for us.
  25. From what they said yesterday Milena and her boyfriend despite speaking as secret agents, Milena still did not know when she had to leave the apartment, I still believe that at least she is reassigned to some other apartment, otherwise she could leave with her boyfriend.
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