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Everything posted by curious101

  1. I noticed the eye thing too. Weird! And how do all these guys keep showing up? Is her door not locked? If so that's a bad practice. One day the booze or the drugs will cause someone to go too far, and RLC will have to step in, if they can get there in time😦
  2. I believe language arts is still taught in prison
  3. I think even the new technology will not help her 😧
  4. Went to visit Masha's room and it hurt my ears! No talent there, sorry😟
  5. Slicing tomatoes. Do we have another Radi?😃
  6. I wish I were as adept as these girls are on the phone. I have trouble just typing with the small keyboard and my fat fingers.🤥
  7. I can't believe these girls are too lazy to clean their own apartments. But I guess we have spoiled them so bad that they don't need to. Except for Leora!
  8. I never see Leora shave the kitty. Does she have it waxed?
  9. Now he is nude and she has covered the screen
  10. he does look like he has lost his belly and buffed up a bit
  11. Until I see him pick his nose, I'm not positive it's Paul 👃😄
  12. Either these don't work for me or RLC is deleting them as soon as you post
  13. Anna, but it was only for a few seconds, so I was too quick to judge🙁
  14. Hello everyone. I am 80 years old and so many of these songs are familiar to me. Also I just joined a Seekers FaceBook page which is very good. I will try to contribute more if I can break away from the Leora and Martina apartments😉
  15. When the top cams are Masha and the twins who are sleeping, it is a sad day for RLC ☹️
  16. Denis seems like a nice enough guy, I just wonder why he can't spring for a pizza or Chinese once in a while. It seems he just uses her apartment for the bed to sleep in and to eat her food. Of course I don't know, there could be money he gives her that we don't see, or she may visit him and do the same thing.
  17. Just wondering why she would get dressed and put on makeup to clean house, but you guys know her better than I do, obviously
  18. If Leora is leaving this late, I assume it will be all night. She could have at least slipped in a bate for us since we have seen nothing for a few days.
  19. One good thing about Denis visit. I didn't have to hear that God awful music! Of course I could mute it, just like to complain ☺️
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