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Everything posted by curious101

  1. I sure hope Mr crooked cock doesn't move in! I think she can do better than that.
  2. Thanks. Was looking for something that would zoom in without getting fuzzy. They probably don't make something like that.
  3. Speaking of Leora, anyone know of a better zoom tool than the Microsoft Magnifier?
  4. I agree. I always felt sorry for her when she lived alone, but I think she enjoys it that way. I love that she has gone back to anal!
  5. She missed a spot shaving right by her butt. I can probably take care of that for her ☺️
  6. I don't realize if I am just an old fool writing on here, or if you actually do read this. But just had to say Leora you're the reason I joined RLC, and the only reason I keep re-subscribing. There have been times I have not been happy with you, but I realize it must be Hell living in a fishbowl and the only privacy you have is when you go to the bathroom. I guess that's why you have to get out of there when you can. Keep up the good smiling and 'bating and I will stay a subscriber.☺️
  7. I was always amazed that every time she sits down she plays with herself. And then I realized that every time she sits down, I do the same 🙂
  8. I hope the girls don't look at this guy and think he's 'average' 😬
  9. Now that Martina is gone, Alberto can play computer games all day and not have to look for a job Wait, he already does that!😄
  10. Hi Marga,

    We used to have some nice chats with Harry, and a few others, some good , some not

    Maybe I will catch you in cc sometine  Just learning how cc works 😐

  11. curious101


    I am new to this site and wondering how do I get to Kitek's latest comments when I log on? I have been doing searches, but don't really get his actual posts. Thanks
  12. Hi, I am new to CC, but been on rlcf for a while. Seems you guys have the same gripes we do. I emailed rlc, but they said there are no plans to change Barca 2 in the future. I guess it is up to us whether we wan't to put up with their lack of concern, or drop out and maybe come back when they start listening.
  13. I agree with you completely. I was a big fan of K and K but lately it is just the K and bf apt. My favorite is Kristy, so I am kind of disappointed right now. I enjoy Kami and bf, but I really miss Kristy. I think these girls, or at least Kristy, are moving on with their lives and have outgrown rlc.
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