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Everything posted by cyberleader

  1. so because they are cam girls.everything they do is fake?? and you know this for real.do you know them personally to make such a statement
  2. well the fact that we are still talking about it hours after the show,the girls are doing something,and that something is ok with me.as stated i dont mind camshows
  3. clearly nack this is not for you,so why bother with commenting,we get it you dont like camgirls,there is plenty other stuff out there you can watch,
  4. i like the fact that they follow us here and why not,fun for them fun for us.
  5. well i for one do not mind the camshow,especially as i aint forking out readies for tips,ya get to see more here than through any webcam.if it is how they earn a few quid then good on them,if they worked on a construction site for 8 hours there would be complaints about i am paying money and all i see is empty apartments..it seem like they cannot win with some people.its not everyones cup of rosie i accept that.but still ya get to see some girlie stuff,and girls know how to mix it up.one man and a girl even in different positions places still the same thing.so i say let them do their thing and enjoy it,compared to the crusty haggises on RLC that do nothing but sit around looking at phones most of the day and a few minutes teasing,here ya getting naked females on display.so me i am gonna keep watching .
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