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Everything posted by cyberleader

  1. why is it some man have to behave like 1st class savage,that aint no way to treat a woman.
  2. great shots amy you captured the moment very well.
  3. i see lara and ivy are moving .are leaving the project or relocating to a new place???
  4. How many times must i say it,do not shoot the thermo nuclear weapons..

  5. indeed that would be most excellent,
  6. it will help bring the ratings up to a new level i believe
  7. of course it is still very posible to have have sex right upto 38 weeks of pregnancy,just choose different positions,the default position is out.
  8. patty as a underwatercover agent?. errrr no that is something patty never did.from all the photos i took before the last shutdown hiding was something she never did.
  9. only time will tell anything can play out
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