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Everything posted by cyberleader

  1. its like you said amy,the picture keeps breaking up.buffering every few seconds,all the apartments in VV seem to be like that.and its been going on now far too long
  2. greg n inna had some sex.was hoping for some group sex,but some sex is better than no sex.got the start and the end,due to buffering the middle was missing,but inna got sticky
  3. seems to be some burgular game they playing,just hope they stay safe
  4. cyberleader


    excellent shots russ
  5. you did not fail at all,the only thing that failed is the quality of the cameras.
  6. purple alert purple alert,if you want a red alert that does mean changing the bulb.. alex is bashing the archbishop again,a well qualified bishop basher
  7. kidney problems are not good,first everything has a horible taste,like metal.plus headaches and feeling drowsy. hope she get well quickly
  8. i would be happy with fish n chips if she bought em like that
  9. the last three were a bit slow to get going but they did put on a show,when they got going
  10. cyberleader


    ok then stretch him on a rack,whilst hanging weights of his nutts
  11. cyberleader


    knowing him he would more than likely derive some pleasure from it.especially the strap on and spatchula
  12. cyberleader


    kojack would be scared stiff of her,marna would more than likely hog tie him put apple in his mouth and finish him with a big strap on no grease either and at the same time whap his butt cheeks with a spatchula
  13. of course the casahot girls rule.each bring some spice to their shows as well as individual flair.each week you get something fresh. when the other appartments are like ghost towns with only tumble weeds passing through.they are nice to sit and watch,some like some dont. it maybe a camshow but what about some others who are on a voyeur site but do camshows whats the difference.long may the casahot girls continue..
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