sid has no choice share em or lose every thing especially em ,i think someone advised him , he already had lost her ,and adviced em that bob is more suitable for her
sid will survive if vhtv still need him no other reason may be he will replace em by sia (bob will fuck her too )
em has been stolen from sid but he did not make the right moves to keep or restore her
i bet 1 week sid will be out without em after building more Strong relation with bob and more problems with sid by any reason but bob
The negative behavior from sid Aborted plan he was supposed to act like a rock with Neuschá to make vhtv kick him in a twinkling
Nothing will happen quickly after the problem after the last night ,they will kick sid from their way first
bob have instructions to attract em to him without meaning sex
first of all he share s with her what he doing on his laptop and mobile ,sid did not .!
with bob still there will make it happen again just give them more time , i think there is a plan to kick sid out slowly by replacing him by bob as em‘s boyfriend but without any charges on em or vhtv in the picture now em appears attracted to bob more sid
the both have problems may be the most clear they are Suffering confusion about what they want and what have to do ,they have choices but can‘t make straight move to one of them
they want to stay at the project but can‘t Comply with the terms that may means gradual separation