I doubt it RLC would have put their names on the rooms. The guy in blue changed in the guest room so he might not be Ivan. Also it would be under the roommates Category.
I really hope they bring these guests back again i'm hoping they will be more open the next time they visit so we might get showers with the lights on and sex.
I think your're right however we need to see what happens the next couple of weeks Samantha finally had her first sex but when will the next one be 1000 years from now. Their is not enough sex at these 2 apartments lately 8 guys showed up last night and we get sex from this apt in a long time. I'm pretty sure if RLC had a male roommate apt we would see the guys bringing girls round for sex more than these 2 apartments have in the years they have been online.
Masha, Sasha and Dasha if you read this please can you get your guests to shower with the lights on please or do something so they can't turn the lights off. All 3 guests today has showered in darkness and they all just took another round in the dark again. I don't get it it really annoying the nightvision doesn't work on these cams.
I don't know either i was just expressing my opinion at what i think might be happening. That doesn't mean i'm right but yet straight away you jump on the bandwagon and say i'm wrong yet you could be wrong also.