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Everything posted by Daleys

  1. I know there's no getting through to people.
  2. I have asked them but as we all know RLC they never respond. Well the members here who want to get rid of Condoms should also contact RLC.
  3. This is all nonsense i don't see what's the big deal if Tenants on RLC wants to use condoms so what it's there choice. What needs to change on RLC is having gay and male apartments. ASAP
  4. Well something clearly was going on during that maintenance Cam 4 was covered up to 16:30 there is 2 mins missing on all cams and then whatever was covering Cam 4 is removed. So it looks like a sex party or something goes on during these maintenances as why would the cam be covered.
  5. Are you for real RLC doesn't select couples and apartments by them using condoms or not it's much safer to use a condom than having them all getting pregnant.
  6. You should run it past the forum software support forum for a quick fix they should know what's the problem. Normally making changes in the forum and installing and uninstalling different mods and so on can cause problems and they should help you sort it.
  7. Thanks for the info i was getting worried as i missed them posting. Let's hope they sort out the issue with the comments.
  8. I know because i have footage of them looking for their papers they were not their because of the rape as no girl was raped.
  9. Some of the guys were in the country illegally and the police were called to them with the landlord of the apartment.
  10. Well if he explains himself and promises never ever ever to cover any cams no matter what again then i will forgive him and at this moment i will move on but if it happens again then i will report the incident and show no mercy.
  11. Personally i think this incident should be reported to VHTV,
  12. You guys seem to want the cams covered this won't be the end of it trust me rules are rules no matter.
  13. No cams should have been covered tonight and if he does this once it will always happen. No i would have prefered for no sex than to see cams covered. I'm sorry but i'm a viewer than does not want to see cams covered.
  14. Alright i will put to a one off and hope it's doesn't happen again but let's hope it's just a once off.
  15. Might have been only one cam but one cam is enough we pay to see the 3 cams and if the guest didn't want to be on Cam then it's quite simple leave this covering and moving of cam is a real issue and if one cam was covered what will it be next 2 then 3 i'm sorry but no cams should have been covered one or not.
  16. Freddy covering the cam this is not right can expect this from guests but for Freddy to do it. Very disappointed.
  17. I would recommend you use a internet security programme especially if you do online shopping. You might not have had any problems with other sites and so on but the programmes are there for a reason it is better to be safe than sorry as they are fake links and sites out there that might look the same and legit but are not.
  18. That's a shame who stole the number was it someone from Verotel. Also do you have a good internet security installed on your pc. There are different types of antivirus out there. For example internet security programmes are meant to protect you when you make purchases online and protect your password and so on. For example here there are 2 options one basic called antivirus and the other internet security. Always make sure you have internet security installed. I would go for Norton or Mcafee as i found them the best i'm currently using Norton and also run a full system scan regularly. https://www.avg.com/en-ww/free-antivirus-download
  19. Yes you need to be careful out there and when you have guests over please try and get them to not touch the cams. I know you might tell them and they decide to do it anyway but keep an eye on the cams and make sure they are in the proper positions.
  20. It doesn't seem as if that rule is being followed it has been broken tonight.
  21. Can you stop guests from interfering with the cams when they visit. 2 guests have moved the cams in Freddy apt tonight. This need to stop once and for all . A strict rule needs to be put into place as you are always telling us to contact support the same as you must tell guests not to tamper with the cams under no circumstances it's gone beyond a joke now and needs to stop ASAP.
  22. This moving of the cams needs to stop the cams RLC uses is ideal as they can't be moved this is the one thing i hate about all the cams VHTV uses that they can be moved at the touch of a finger.
  23. What happened why is this topic suddenly come to a stop i hope everything is ok it would be a shame to lose this couple.
  24. Not sure i thought there was already a topic for that.
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