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Everything posted by Daleys

  1. Then what do you suggest Freddy do without covering the cams.
  2. Yes this should make it difficult to hide the cam.
  3. Do you not remember this was done before when he hid one bedroom cam and told the guest the other 2 were off.
  4. I don't want you to go but any naked showers that seem to be happening are coming from the guests and they are covering the cams so we get to see nothing. And so we get upset because that all that we would have gotten but it was taken from us because they covered the cams. Perhaps if no lights are on the cams you could tell them the cams aren't working or you could try swapping some cams to make it look like if some cams have no lights that they are turned off and you could tell them that you turned them off when in fact you didn't. This is one idea for the bathroom cam.
  5. Perhaps instead of getting rid of Condoms we should be focusing on getting rid of this undercovers sex on RLC especially for tenants. For example Glasha tonight had undercover sex this is also a big turnoff.
  6. Now you finally see it. It's about time.
  7. So would you be happy to pay full subscription for a month just to see a blocked cam for a month i don't think so. Most of the time guests showers so you might have let's say 10 to 20 guests arriving and going and in that time most of them guests will cover the cams what would you do then i certainly won't pay for a month to see the cam covered for most of that month. Freddy has to abide by set rules by VHTV and guests covering the cams means the rules are being broken. There has to be consequences for every action. Numerous people has said that if a cam was covered the manger and the tenant must pay or be warned even if guests covers the cams. We are not allowed to post videos here of VHTV so if i decided to post one or two here and there do you think that would be ok no it won't as that's the rules that has been set by VHTV and the admin.
  8. This is getting to be an absolute disgrace. Something must be done about this once and for all.
  9. Yes i did i saw that was not covered it doesn't explain why Cam 4 was covered.
  10. That is your opinion but i don't want to see Women only men ONLY.
  11. I know there's no getting through to people.
  12. I have asked them but as we all know RLC they never respond. Well the members here who want to get rid of Condoms should also contact RLC.
  13. This is all nonsense i don't see what's the big deal if Tenants on RLC wants to use condoms so what it's there choice. What needs to change on RLC is having gay and male apartments. ASAP
  14. Well something clearly was going on during that maintenance Cam 4 was covered up to 16:30 there is 2 mins missing on all cams and then whatever was covering Cam 4 is removed. So it looks like a sex party or something goes on during these maintenances as why would the cam be covered.
  15. Are you for real RLC doesn't select couples and apartments by them using condoms or not it's much safer to use a condom than having them all getting pregnant.
  16. You should run it past the forum software support forum for a quick fix they should know what's the problem. Normally making changes in the forum and installing and uninstalling different mods and so on can cause problems and they should help you sort it.
  17. Thanks for the info i was getting worried as i missed them posting. Let's hope they sort out the issue with the comments.
  18. I know because i have footage of them looking for their papers they were not their because of the rape as no girl was raped.
  19. Some of the guys were in the country illegally and the police were called to them with the landlord of the apartment.
  20. Well if he explains himself and promises never ever ever to cover any cams no matter what again then i will forgive him and at this moment i will move on but if it happens again then i will report the incident and show no mercy.
  21. Personally i think this incident should be reported to VHTV,
  22. You guys seem to want the cams covered this won't be the end of it trust me rules are rules no matter.
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