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Everything posted by bean1111

  1. I really don't care if you believe me or don't.
  2. For your information I am not a liberal. I have voted for more republicans than Democrats'. I don't have a bias one way or the other. I have always voted for who I feel is the best candidate. I will express my opinion when I disagree with a person in office's actions.
  3. I really don't understand your postings. I never mention impeachment, so why the attack. That's right the Trump way is to name call and attack anyone who disagrees. How are just "we" raking in the bucks? What proves your point?
  4. to quote myself (lol) "When you start name calling you are showing your lack of understand what you are debating" Come on Ridgerunner I expect better than this from you. From what I read of his post I haven't seen any of the traits you say ipiratemedia has.
  5. President Trump accused climate change scientists of having a "political agenda", telling Fox News he was unconvinced that humans were responsible for the earth's rising temperatures
  6. The fact that you said fact makes your whole argument false. I can say the same thing about the Conservatives except I wouldn't call them a fact. When you start name calling you are showing your lack of understand what you are debating. (maybe you should stop posting) You must never have ever taken a debate class. Your five "facts" as you call them are traits of Trumps speeches.
  7. Today is not a good day for you to say this. All 53 republicans vote together today. Republicans might will the battle but are going to lose the war. Make my words. KARMA is a bitch and its coming for all the scared republicans, November could be a very cold day for them.
  8. Kira is so beautiful.
  9. It was Barr not the Mueller report who said no collusion: As the report takes pains to point out, “collusion” has no legal definition and is not a federal crime. So while the report did not establish conspiracy or coordination, it does not make a determination on “collusion” — and in fact, it strongly suggests that there was at least an attempt to collude by Trump’s campaign and agents of the Russian government. The fact that it did not rise to the level of criminal activity does not mean it was not a serious breach of trust and a damning indictment of the president’s commitment to the health of the American legal and political system. The section of the report focusing on Russian interference in the election is not an exoneration of Trump’s innocence. It’s a devastating portrayal of his approach to politics.
  10. Viktor Shokin had much bigger issues than the corruption case against Mykola Zlochevsky. Almost immediately after he was appointed, he started to cause almost irreparable harm to Ukraine’s legal system. For starters, he failed to prosecute any prominent members of the Yanukovych regime or anybody in the current government. He constantly blocked reform to Ukraine’s broken legal system. He was in charge of implementing the 2014 law on prosecution which the European Union had asked Ukraine to do for years. The law aimed to reduce to role of prosecutors who “were absurdly superior to judges in the Soviet legal system that persisted in post-Soviet Ukraine” according to Atlantic Council. It also called for a reevaluation of all prosecutors in order to weed out the more corrupt and incompetent ones. Shokin manipulated the process so that the old system mostly remained the same and minimal, ineffective changes were implemented. He was the largest obstacle to judicial reform in Ukraine. It wasn’t just Joe Biden calling for his ouster, it was the United States government and the European Union. Steven Pifer, a career foreign service officer who was ambassador to Ukraine under President Bill Clinton, told Politifact that “”virtually everyone” he knew in the U.S. government and virtually all non-governmental experts on Ukraine “felt that Shokin was not doing his job and should be fired. As far as I can recall, they all concurred with the vice president telling Poroshenko that the U.S. government would not extend the $1 billion loan guarantee to Ukraine until Shokin was removed from office.”” The European Union also called for him to be fired and celebrated his removal. “This decision creates an opportunity to make a fresh start in the prosecutor general’s office. I hope that the new prosecutor general will ensure that [his] office . . . becomes independent from political influence and pressure and enjoys public trust,” said Jan Tombinski, the EU’s envoy to Ukraine, in a statement at the time.
  11. Amy I don't even know where to start. To start with I am not a registered Democratic or Republican. I also vote based on the candidate. Probably vote for more republicans than democrats. "The Democrats don't give a shit about anything but power" Trump is the most power hungry President ever. He has said on numerous times I am the President I will do what I want. "the core of left is the idea that the government knows best and if only they could control more the better they can make things be" This is a generalization, (except for Bernie} Trump hasn't decrease government spending in this three years in office. The national debt is at one of its highest points ever. The economy is doing well because of spending remember this from your economy classes. It like have an unlimited credit card, you feel rich, however it has to be paid back. The US is headed for a major depression like we never seen before. I admit I am not a fan of socialism, however I do believe in helping those that really need help. "I think the government should not be involved in marriage at all." I agree however why is the republican party opposed to Same sex marriages? I think this election and impeachment is a lot bigger than Republican vs Democrat. Trump has taken the Presidency and the US to all time lows as far as morals and ethics. The constitution doesn't mater to the senators who only vote along party lines. Karma is going to bite the republican's in the ass when the tables are turned. Just remember decorates aren't all stupid. They will figure out how to use the electoral college in 2020 and still win the popular vote. The US is divided and I am not sure we will ever recover. I have a hard time believing that you are anything more than a republican who only votes along party lines, like many of the others one this site. This is what really bothers me in reading posting on this site. Every attack on Trump gets a response trying to blame the democrats, Trump is the president and should be held to a higher standard.
  12. I hope Malia stays a long time she is very pretty. We need yo be positive with her to encourage her to stay. I remember when Leora was new and shy.
  13. @Amy3 Amy, of anyone I would have thought you would be a Trump hater. His views of LGBT alone should make you hate him? https://projects.propublica.org/graphics/lgbtq-rights-rollback
  14. So the Popular vote: Trump 62,984,828 Clinton 65,853,514 shows that the majority of Americans did not elect Trump.
  15. I think you have a typo it's RNC not DNC. It's Trump who says fake news.
  16. You trust Alan Dershowitz a man who played a key role in the securing of the sweetheart deal with Epstein that many of us have criticized for years as a flagrant injustice. there is allegations that he was one of the men who had relations with underaged girls during trips with Jeffrey Epstein. He dare the girls to file suit against him, when they did he is trying to get them dismissed before discovery. This is a man I would not put any trust in. As for Johnathan Turley he has flip more times than a coin. Jonathan Turley argued in 1998 column titled "Why The President Must Be Impeached" that "impeachment serves a purpose beyond removal ... the House does not convict but merely accuses. Thus, the House plays an important role in deterring presidential misconduct." "If you decide that certain acts do not rise to impeachable offenses, you will expand the space for executive conduct." in 2014 he said "While there's a high bar for what constitutes grounds for impeachment, an offense does not have to be indictable. Serious misconduct or a violation of public trust is enough." also adding "The only thing you can't grant in a Madisonian democracy is an exception...it's not a pretty process, but it survives." He claims not be a republican but he was fast to impeach Clinton for far less crime than Trump who he is supporting . You pick two real good people to put your trust in. One who is a supporter of a underage sex pedophile and is now involved in law suites claiming he is also a pedophile. The other one is so bias that he can't or wont remember what he said an wrote just a few years ago.
  17. If you don't agree than it's fake news right out of the Trump handbook.
  18. You were the one who brought up the 63 million people who voted for Trump not me. Is this one of those times where the facts don't matter!
  19. You trust the wisdom of the founding fathers more than I trust your wisdom. than it's a no brainer he should be removed from office. The founding fathers made it quite clear they di not want other countries medaling in our elections. Thanks for helping my argument. That's right Trump only applies rules to other people.
  20. You really are a Trump supporter, when you have nothing else to say you start attacking the person like a Bully! are you in the third grade. The only reason I argue with you is, I thought you had some intelligence. I guess I was wrong.
  21. There are Russians who voted republican.
  22. I did close to 500 tax returns last year. More than half I did for free to people who couldn't afford to pay for some one to do them. I have a very good range of clients from millionaires to people on welfare, I also do corporation and small business. What I saw was the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer. He is doing nothing but dividing the nation. Compare your small increase if you got one to what Trump got and you will understand he only does what benefits himself.
  23. What about the 65.9 million who voted for Clinton? He only won because of an outdated electoral college. Popular vote: Trump 62,984,828 Clinton 65,853,514 That is almost 3 million votes that didn't count. To quote Sargant Joe Friday " Facts ma'am nothing but the facts"
  24. Tell me how he has improved working class America live. If that was true than the unions would be supporting him which they are not. The only reason the economy is where it is because he gave tax breaks to the big corporation and the rich. How is he paying for this with National debt. If you are a true republican you should be really upset with him this. It's like going on a spending spree using your credit cards. They and the national debt have to be paid back or we are going to go into a depression like we have never seen before. Wake up before it's to late!
  25. It's people like you that believe all the lies that Trump tells people. He can't even keep his lies strait. He did commit crimes against the constitution. Everybody know this including you. You just don't want to admit it.
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