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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. PersonalIy, knowing how rlc is now, it's not surprising that they continue bringing back others like Amira and Megan who although are somewhat attractive women, were never really observed doing much of anything of more significant interest, then just being at an apartment half the time and talking with the other participants there or each other. It's a revolving door of mostly the same people. It's likely why they have lost alot of longtime subscribers because of such routines. At least Holly has not seemed to be afraid of how she may feel about certain things or how she may look to others. But then again, being another attractive woman, she really shouldn't be.
  2. I had mentioned that perhaps anything else pertaining to such a subject matter should be discussed in a different thread listing other than one listed as one created for (positive or complimentary comments) as was this thread. But apparently there may have been some misunderstanding regarding some of my earlier comments regarding the matter. One being that if anyone ends up being tested for the illness and ends up with any confirmed positive test results, but that individual has had mild or even little to no symptoms, and are permitted to self quarentine or isolate at home, there are other individuals who as part of their jobs are to try to make sure that the infected individual is isolated enough at home and remains so until any negative test results are achieved. They have been doing this in many countries including some European countries as well. It's why I stated that someone else gets involved whenever anyone tests positive for the illness. So if either of L&M had, it's very likely that whomever it may have been, would have already been quarentined and would have had someone checking on whomever may have been, and would not have been continuing to leave the apartment. Whenever anyone recieves any positive test results for the illness, local officials, authorities, and medical professionals have been quite strict in their isolation protocols. As I alluded to in the earlier comments regarding the matter, none of this has been noticed or observed to have occurred at that apartment so the likelyhood of what had been mentioned is nothing more than uncorroborated and unsubstantiated conjecture, and unproven speculation or innuendo. Hopefully this clarifys what was meant in my previous comments regarding the matter. Besides the translation barrier, perhaps some folks may read things so quick that they don't get the entire meaning of someone else comments. I try to make sure I understand someone elses comments or statements before I respond to them although every now and then, I sometimes may not as well.
  3. I don't believe the other girl that is at Masha's apartment now with Masha is Babi. I believe Babi left either shortly before or after Masha returned there.
  4. Seemed somewhat strange that Malia returned earlier after being away for two days, but ended up leaving again after only several hours and while it was a little after the middle of the night there. I hope everything is alright for her.
  5. It's good to notice you've returned to the apartment safely Leora. Hope you are continuing to recover and getting back closer to being completely well once again.
  6. Welcome back Malia. Good to know you returned to the apartment safe and seem to be well. Hope you continue being safe and staying well.
  7. Well, after a two day hiatus from the residence, it was good to notice that Malia returned to the apartment safely and seemingly feeling fairly well. Hopefully her friend and roommate Leora will as well when she returns.
  8. From what I have noticed concerning the illness, is that it's pretty much a universal precautionary measure and step to isolate anyone as soon as there are any confirmed positive test results on them. I haven't heard of any cases where anyone who has had confirmed positive test results, were permitted to just roam about freely. Even ones who have have had confirmed positive test results who were permitted to return home if not having any symptoms bad enough to be hospitalized, were only permitted to do so if agreeing to strict personal isolation protocols. If either of L&M had any confirmed positive test results, it certainly seems someone else would have already gotten involved to make certain that some strict isolation protocols were being implemented and followed if staying at home. Now, perhaps any further discussion of this matter should be done in a differently titled topic thread listing.
  9. I don't believe the reference was made in reference to her, but rather to her friend and roommate instead.
  10. Now you know it's not nice to spread rumors that unless accompanied by corroborated and substantiated proof are no more than conjecture or speculation and innuendo braul my friend. Besides that, I do believe the titie of this topic listing includes (positive or complimentary comments) and not other specified by topic title listing or general information as in a general chat topic. Although the last of your comments regarding such a matter certainly would, and should be considered that of a positive nature.
  11. I don't believe most visit a fan page topic listing for anyone expecting to end up seeing criticisms of someone else. Most visit fan page topics created for someone in particular that they are fans of, expecting to see other positive reflected views from others comments who are fans of whomever the topic listing was created for. Those type of criticisms which are without a doubt disgusting, could have just as easy been mentioned in another thread that would have likely been considered a more appropriate thread in this section of the forum. It gets back to a likely part of the reasons why the general chat threads were once again done away with. That being all the various subject matter that would get mentioned in the general chat threads, and all the differences of views and opinions that at times resulted in disagreements that became more.
  12. Here we go once again. What does any of those negative criticisms of Malia have to do with the 'Fan Page Leora' topic ? Nobody visits a fan topic listing of anyone expecting to see and read negative criticisms of someone else. Obviously such circumstances as you have constantly been going on about for a week or more in various topic listings not created for such, is certainly nothing to be considered to be much of any kind of positive behavior, and fan page topics are obviously created for others positive views or opinions related to whomever the fan page topics are created for. There is already a topic listing created as 'Leora & Malia topic (not for fans of residents or house style) that would have been more appropriate for such types of criticisms, or to have simply created another topic listing more related to such criticisms. It's only common sense that any 'Fan Page Topic' is created and meant for positive comments of views and opinions related to whomever such a topic listing is created for. This is a 'Fan Page Leora' topic listing, and is not an appropriate thread for criticisms of anyone, including her, or her friend and roommate Malia, or anyone else, no matter how anyone else may feel about someone such a topic is created for, or anyone related to them. I believe it's been made evident that you don't care for her, but if you want to continue complaining about such matters, or any other negative criticisms you may have of her, it would not be any bad idea to be more considerate about where particular subject matter gets posted and mentioned in the L&M thread listings section of the forum. I don't believe there are very many who cares to visit this 'Fan Page Leora' thread expecting to read positively reflected views and opinions related to her, but then end up reading some mess such as that.
  13. True. She's always seemed to be an avid lover of animals. One of the things I've always admired about her being one myself.
  14. That's good for her. It will help her to try to stay fit and in shape, but most importantly, healthy.
  15. True, and as I as mentioned in a post comment several posts ago, that cam views do not always portray accuracy in details of observations. I've never agreed with, or cared for anyone trying to make claims that she was too big or especially fat in any way because such claims imo, are far from actual reality. But I have mentioned on a few occasions that over the last six to twelve to eighteen months that it seemed like there was a noticable difference of her seeming to pack it on more quicker than ever before, and that perhaps if enough care or concern was not given to such a matter more than any noticed exercising of once every week or two, that such a matter could get to some point past where desired by the individual themself. I, unlike a few others, have never tried to claim or insinuate anything about her being too big or overly fat in any ways because imo, she's not. My comments were meant in hopes that perhaps such a matter had been being realized by the one it would matter to the most, which I'm certain it does, because there has been a noticable effort put into trying to exercise more often.
  16. Is that right...I would have never thought that. I would have thought her to be somewhat taller because imo, she has appeared as being somewhat taller from cam views. Interesting to know. No wonder you pinned the nickname 'Little One' on her. 😸
  17. Yes, she was quite slim. I remember you referring to her often by that nickname you gave her. I've often wondered about how tall she actually may be since observing anything through a cam does not give close enough to accurate delails of observations.
  18. During her first two to three years with the project, Leora was a quite slim young woman. Although she has always been a pretty and an attractive woman, she became even more attractive as time passed and there became more of her compared to once being so slim, as she blossomed into an attractive full figured woman.
  19. Leora had her hair blonde for awhile once upon a time when in the first apartment after becoming a partcipant of the project. Although some who were involved with the project at the time may know this, there are some who were not and have since become involved that may not know this.
  20. Couldn't any of them, including her, read anything that gets posted concerning any of them in seperate topics created for specific items of subject matter ? I believe so, and certainly if those of us who visit and create specific topics of subject matter, and post comments in this forum overall can do it, certainly they can do it as well. After all, that is the purpose of creating various topic listings of specific subject matters. A likely part of the reasons why the gen. chat threads were done away with again is likely because of having such a mixxed variety of subject matter combined with so many differences of opinions that some resulted in quite a few disagreements and some in turn resulted in quite a bit of mudslinging occurring at times in the gen. chat threads rather than in the rants and flame wars thread. But of course it's up to everyone's own discretions about what they post and where.
  21. That probably would not last because this topic listing was created as 'Fan Page Malia'. Just as on the first day of the no gen. chat thread any longer on 9/1, there were two Leora & Malia Fan topics created. One was created as 'Fan Page Leora, Malia (1)', and the other as 'Leora and Malia Fans (Positive or Complimentary Comments)'. The 'Fan Page Leora, Malia (1)' topic was combined into the other topic in less than a week by the mods.
  22. Never claimed that either. Would you like me to create some topics made specifically for critisizing her and her roommate ? Because it certainly wouldn't take much effort to do so. All of about no more than a minute or two I'm certain. Or would you rather just post unrelated comments in threads not created for such subject matter ?
  23. No matter how you want to spin it, a fan page topic is not an appropriate place for criticisms no matter who it is for because it's listing states fans not critics. It doesn't take much effort to create a topic.
  24. Never claimed anyone did. Just mentioned it may not be any bad idea to keep in mind what gets posted where. This is a fan page for Malia topic yet just about all that has gotten posted concerning her today was criticisms about her blowing her nose in a sink. That could have just as easy been done in a topic that was not created for and listed as a fan page for Malia. It doesn't take much effort to check to see if another more appropriate topic for the criticisms was already created or if not, to create one.
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